992 resultados para Ac biosusceptometry
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A novel AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) system with thirteen sensors it was implemented and characterized in vitro using magnetic phantoms. The system presenting coils in a coaxial arrangement with one pair of excitation coil outside and thirteen pairs of detection coils inside. A first-order gradiometric configuration was utilized for optimal detection of magnetic signals. Several physical parameters such as baseline, number of turns, excitation field and diameters were studied for improvement of the signal/noise ratio. This system exhibits an enhanced sensitivity and spatial resolution, due to the higher density of sensors/area. In the future those characteristics will turn possible to obtain images of magnetic marker or tracer in the gastrointestinal tract focusing on physiological and pharmaceutical studies. ACB emerged due to its interesting nature, noninvasiveness and low cost to investigate gastrointestinal parameters and this system can contribute for more accurate interpretation of biomedical signals and images
Several hormonal and physiological changes that occur during pregnancy directly affect gastrointestinal motility (GI), however, very little is known about the relationship between the electrical and mechanical activities of the stomach and its implications. The aim of this study was to compare the female sex hormones, with profiles of gastrointestinal motility using AC biosusceptometry (BAC) in pregnant rats. Seven female Wistar rats (weighing 250-350 g) were used and all procedures were approved by the local Ethics Committee of animal. Laparotomy was performed on anesthetized rats and a magnetic marker (3.5 mm in diameter and 3.0 mm height) was implanted in the distal stomach. After 10 days of recuperation, the mice were put to mate until confirmation of pregnancy. Fed animals were anesthetized (mg pentobarbital 30 / kg) and kept supine for recording the signal with a sensor 30 min BAC placed on the abdominal surface on days 0, 7, 14 and 20 of gestation. Statistical analysis was performed by Student's t test statistical Newman-Keuls and a P value of .05 was considered statistically significant. The frequency of contraction of the stomach was 74 mHz ± 3, 67 ± 7 mHz, 59 mHz ± 6 (p <0.05 vs day -1) and 71 ± 5 mHz on days -0, -7, -14, and -20, respectively. The values of 44 ± 15 pg / mL and 31 ± 9 pg / ml 25 ± 6 pg / ml, 22 ± 9 pg / ml on days -0, -7, -14 and -20, respectively, obtained by 17ß- estradiol were not statistically significant. The values of progesterone were 13 ± 6 pg / ml at 54 ± 15 pg / ml, 127 ± 42 pg / ml (p <0.05 vs day-1), 22 ± 13 pg / mL on day -0, - 7, -14 and -20, respectively. A linear correlation (Pearson's test) between the lower frequency gastric and increased levels of progesterone was 80% (p <0.0000001). Until then, the relationship between changes in motility and hormone were not described in detail, but with the work that we were able to demonstrate the high correlation between progesterone concentration ...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The association between anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensor and AC biosusceptometry (ACB) to evaluate gastrointestinal motility is presented. The AMR-ACB system was successfully characterized in a bench-top study, and in vivo results were compared with those obtained by means of simultaneous manometry. Both AMR-ACB and manometry techniques presented high temporal cross correlation between the two periodicals signals (R = 0.9 +/- 0.1; P < 0.05). The contraction frequencies using AMR-ACB were 73.9 +/- 7.6 mHz and using manometry were 73.8 +/- 7.9 mHz during the baseline (r = 98, p < 0.05). The amplitude of contraction using AMR-ACB was 396 +/- 108 mu T.s and using manometry were 540 +/- 198 mmHg.s during the baseline. The amplitudes of signals for AMR-ACB and manometric recordings were similarly increased to 86.4% and 89.3% by neostigmine, and also decreased to 27.2% and 21.4% by hyoscine butylbromide in all animals, respectively. The AMR-ACB array is nonexpensive, portable, and has high-spatiotemporal resolution to provide helpful information about gastrointestinal tract.
AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) was previously employed towards recording gastrointestinal motility. Our data show a reliable and successful evaluation of gastrointestinal transit of liquid and solid meals in rats, considering the methods scarcity and number of experiments needed to endorsement of drugs and medicinal plants. ACB permits real time and simultaneous experiments using the same animal, preserving the physiological conditions employing both meals with simplicity and accuracy.
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR
Ao administrar um fármaco, devem ser considerados fatores como a forma farmacêutica apropriada, a via de administração com maior eficiência e o que será mais bem aceita pelo paciente. Formas farmacêuticas sólidas (FFS), tais como comprimidos, representam a principal escolha, pois são fáceis de preparar, armazenar, transportar e são bem aceitas pelos pacientes. Porém, a absorção dos fármacos administrados em comprimidos depende do processo de desintegração, ou seja, um processo tempo-dependente que ocorre sob a ação de um desintegrante que promove a fragmentação da forma farmacêutica em partículas passíveis de serem dissolvidas e absorvidas. Para uma liberação efetiva do ativo, uns dos critérios relacionados à formulação como a escolha dos excipientes e o tipo de revestimento devem ser considerados. O revestimento com polímeros é utilizado para melhorar a estabilidade do fármaco, mascarar sabor ou para promover a liberação em locais específicos de acordo com a variação do pH. A técnica considerada como “padrão ouro” para monitorar FFS no trato gastrintestinal do homem é a cintilografia, entretanto, métodos alternativos com base na detecção de campo magnético merecem destaque. A técnica de Biosusceptometria de Corrente Alternada (BAC) tem evoluído, apresentando como vantagem ser um método não-invasivo e livre de radiação ionizante. A BAC utiliza bobinas de indução para registrar a variação temporal do fluxo magnético a partir da resposta de um material magnético ingerido, aplicando-se um campo magnético alternado no meio biológico. O objetivo deste estudo é empregar a BAC para avaliar in vitro a influência de três diferentes polímeros de revestimento em diversos parâmetros farmacotécnicos e no processo de desintegração de comprimidos
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The immunogenic properties of cysteine proteases obtained from excretory/secretory products (ES) of Haemonchus contortus were investigated with a fraction purified with a recombinant H. contortus cystatin affinity column. The enrichment of H. contortus ES for cysteine protease was confirmed with substrate SDS-PAGE gels since the cystatin-binding fraction activity was three times higher than total ES, despite representing only 3% of total ES. This activity was inhibited by a specific cysteine protease inhibitor (E64) and by recombinant cystatin. The one-dimensional profile of the cystatin-binding fraction displayed a single band with a molecular mass of 43 kDa. Mass spectrometry showed this to be AC-5, a cathepsin B-like cysteine protease which had not been identified in ES products of H. contortus before. The cystatin binding fraction was tested as an immunogen in lambs which were vaccinated three times (week 0, 2.5 and 5), challenged with 10 000 L3 H. contortus (week 6) before necropsy and compared to unvaccinated challenge controls and another group given total ES (n = 10 per group). The group vaccinated with cystatin-binding proteins showed 36% and 32% mean worm burden and eggs per gram of faeces (EPG) reductions, respectively, compared to the controls but total ES was almost without effect. After challenge the cystatin-binding proteins induced significantly higher local and systemic ES specific IgA and IgG responses.
The analysis of Macdonald for electrolytes is generalized to the case in which two groups of ions are present. We assume that the electrolyte can be considered as a dispersion of ions in a dielectric liquid, and that the ionic recombination can be neglected. We present the differential equations governing the ionic redistribution when the liquid is subjected to an external electric field, describing the simultaneous diffusion of the two groups of ions in the presence of their own space charge fields. We investigate the influence of the ions on the impedance spectroscopy of an electrolytic cell. In the analysis, we assume that each group of ions have equal mobility, the electrodes perfectly block and that the adsorption phenomena can be neglected. In this framework, it is shown that the real part of the electrical impedance of the cell has a frequency dependence presenting two plateaux, related to a type of ambipolar and free diffusion coefficients. The importance of the considered problem on the ionic characterization performed by means of the impedance spectroscopy technique was discussed. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.