1000 resultados para Absorção óptica
Influência das espécies ativas na absorção de intersticiais durante a carbonitretação a plasma do TI
Physical-chemical properties of Ti are sensible to the presence of interstitial elements. In the case of thermochemical treatments plasma assisted, the influence of different active species is not still understood. In order to contribute for such knowledge, this work purposes a study of the role played by the active species atmosphere into the Ar N2 CH4 carbonitriding plasma. It was carried out a plasma diagnostic by OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) in the z Ar y N2 x CH4 plasma mixture, in which z, y and x indexes represent gas flow variable from 0 to 4 sccm (cm3/min). The diagnostic presents abrupt variations of emission intensities associated to the species in determined conditions. Therefore, they were selected in order to carry out the chemical treatment and then to investigate their influences. Commercial pure Ti disks were submitted to plasma carbonitriding process using pre-established conditions from the OES measurements while some parameters such as pressure and temperature were maintained constant. The concentration profiles of interstitial elements (C and N atoms) were determined by Resonant Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) resulting in a depth profile plots. The reactions used were 15N(ρ,αγ)12C and 12C(α,α)12C. GIXRD (Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction) analysis was used in order to identify the presence of phases on the surface. Micro-Raman spectroscopy was used in order to qualitatively study the carbon into the TiCxN1 structure. It has been verified which the density species effectively influences more the diffusion of particles into the Ti lattice and characteristics of the layer formed than the gas concentration. High intensity of N2 + (391,4 nm) and CH (387,1 nm) species promotes more diffusion of C and N. It was observed that Hα (656,3 nm) species acts like a catalyzer allowing a deeper diffusion of nitrogen and carbon into the titanium lattice.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS
The Sol-gel process has facilitated the processing of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials with several scientific applications and technologies. The hybrid combine the advantages of the Sol-gel process with specific characteristics of organic polymers, allowing processing of thin films without fractures or fissures. The incorporation of azo dyes in polymer matrices has been widely used in the investigation of optical properties. The azo dye Disperse Red (DR1) presents optical alterations when exposed to visible or ultraviolet light. The alterations occur due to transitions of their isomers, trans and cis, caused by photoisomerization, due to electronic transitions of azo group (-N=N-), presenting photochromic and/or photorefractive effects. The hybrid system used in this work is the precursor 3- Glycidoxypropyl-Trimethoxi-silane (GPTS), the Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and DR1 as a dopant. The characterizations were performed using absorption spectroscopy UV-Vis which allowed the identification of the absorption bands and its variations when the samples were treated thermally and/or illuminated by ultraviolet light
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Instrumentation is a tool of fundamental importance for research in several areas of human knowledge. Research projects are often unfeasible when data cannot be obtained due to lack of instruments, especially due to impor ting difficulties and the high costs there associated. Thus, in order to collaborate with the enhancement of a national technology, a multiband hand - held sun p hotometer (FSM - 4) was developed to operate in the 500 nm, 670 nm, 870 nm and 940 nm bands. In the 500 nm, 670 nm and 870 nm bands aerosols are monitored for evaluation of the AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth), and the PWC (Precipitable Water Column) is evaluated in the 940 nm band. For the development of the mech anical and electronic parts for the FSM - 4, th e materials and componen ts should combine low cost and quality of the data collected. The calibration process utilized the Langley method (ML) and Modified Langley Method (MLM). These methods are usually applied at high altitudes in order to provide atmosp heric optical stability. This condition however can be found in low height sites as shown in the research by Liu et al. (2010). Thus, for calibration of the FSM - 4, we investigated the atmospher ic optical stability utilizing the ML and MLM at a site in the cit y of Caicó / RN, located in the s emiarid region in northeastern Brazil. This site lies in a region far aw ay from large urban centers and activities generating anthropogenic atmospheric pollution. Data for calibration of the prototype were collected usin g the FSM - 4 in two separate operations during the dry season, one in December 2012 and another in September 2013. The methodologies showed optical atmospheric instability in the studied region through the dispersion of the values obtained for the calibrati on constant. This dispersion is affected by the variability of AOD and PWC during the appl ication of the above mentioned methods . As an alternative to the descr ibed sun photometer calibration , a short study was performed using the sun photometer worldwide network AERONET/NASA (AERsol RObotic NETwork – US Space Agency), installed in Petrolina / PE in Brazil. Data were collected for three days utilizing the AERONET instruments and the FSM - 4, operating simultaneously on the same site. By way of the ML and MLM techniques, convergent test values were obtained for the calibration constants, despite the low amount of data collected. This calibration transfer methodology proved to be a viable alternative to the FSM - 4 calibration .
Influência das espécies ativas na absorção de intersticiais durante a carbonitretação a plasma do TI
Physical-chemical properties of Ti are sensible to the presence of interstitial elements. In the case of thermochemical treatments plasma assisted, the influence of different active species is not still understood. In order to contribute for such knowledge, this work purposes a study of the role played by the active species atmosphere into the Ar N2 CH4 carbonitriding plasma. It was carried out a plasma diagnostic by OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) in the z Ar y N2 x CH4 plasma mixture, in which z, y and x indexes represent gas flow variable from 0 to 4 sccm (cm3/min). The diagnostic presents abrupt variations of emission intensities associated to the species in determined conditions. Therefore, they were selected in order to carry out the chemical treatment and then to investigate their influences. Commercial pure Ti disks were submitted to plasma carbonitriding process using pre-established conditions from the OES measurements while some parameters such as pressure and temperature were maintained constant. The concentration profiles of interstitial elements (C and N atoms) were determined by Resonant Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) resulting in a depth profile plots. The reactions used were 15N(ρ,αγ)12C and 12C(α,α)12C. GIXRD (Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction) analysis was used in order to identify the presence of phases on the surface. Micro-Raman spectroscopy was used in order to qualitatively study the carbon into the TiCxN1 structure. It has been verified which the density species effectively influences more the diffusion of particles into the Ti lattice and characteristics of the layer formed than the gas concentration. High intensity of N2 + (391,4 nm) and CH (387,1 nm) species promotes more diffusion of C and N. It was observed that Hα (656,3 nm) species acts like a catalyzer allowing a deeper diffusion of nitrogen and carbon into the titanium lattice.
Rare earth ion doped solid state materials are the most important active media of near-infrared and visible lasers and other photonic devices. In these ions, the occurrence of Excited State Absorptions (ESA), from long lived electronic levels, is commonplace. Since ESA can deeply affect the efficiencies of the rare earth emissions, evaluation of these transitions cross sections is of greatest importance in predicting the potential applications of a given material. In this paper a detailed description of the pump-probe technique for ESA measurements is presented, with a review of several examples of applications in Nd3+, Tm3+ and Er3+ doped materials.
Apesar das dificuldades em abordar a natureza da ciência em sala de aula, há um entendimento geral da necessidade de incorporar nos currículos noções sobre como ocorre a construção do conhecimento científico. Conhecer a história do desenvolvimento e do processo de aceitação de teorias científicas pode ajudar os professores a incluir discussões sobre a natureza da ciência no ensino de ciências. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise da aceitação e propagação das teorias sobre luz e cores de Newton ao longo do século XVIII. Apontaremos para alguns aspectos da natureza da ciência que podem ser evidenciados pelo estudo desse episódio histórico.
This article describes a projection spectrograph for use in optical spectroscopy classrooms demonstrations. The apparatus is based on an overhead projector and permits the visualization of several phenomena such as, light dispersion by diffraction gratings, diffraction order, optical fluorescence, continuous and discrete optical emission spectra, and light absorption by liquids and solids. A historical survey about the optical spectroscopy development is also presented.
Em 1848 Pasteur conjeturou que a rotação do plano de polarização da luz em um meio diluído é gerada pelas propriedades de simetria das moléculas do meio no qual a luz se propaga. O objetivo do nosso artigo é de mostrar que Pasteur estava correto usando conhecimentos de eletromagnetismo e mecânica quântica de um curso de graduação em física. Faremos um breve retrospecto das ideias básicas da teoria eletromagnética necessárias para o estudo da atividade óptica. A seguir, usando a teoria de perturbações em mecânica quântica e levando em conta as simetrias das moléculas calcularemos a atividade óptica do meio. Mostraremos que as previsões teóricas, que estão plenamente de acordo com os resultados experimentais, comprovam a hipótese de Pasteur.
Several sample preparation strategies were employed for determination and fractionation of barium in Brazil nuts using measurements by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry with axial view (ICP OES). This food is widely consumed because of its nutritional value and good taste. The chemical analysis of Brazil nuts is not trivial due to their complex matrix. The fractionation of barium in Brazil nuts was studied owing to the toxicity of this element and the strong correlation between chemical form and absorption. Total concentrations of barium varied from 860 to 2084 mg kg-1. Sequential extractions were performed based on solubility in different media and also according to lipids, proteins and low molecular weight fractions (LMW). The greatest contents of barium were determined in the LMW and in the water insoluble fractions with concentrations in the range 778 to 1606 and 551 to 1520 mg kg-1, respectively. Based on these results it can be inferred that Ba is not absorbed when Brazil nuts are ingested. Considering both the contents of barium and sulfur in different fractions and stoichiometric calculations it was also possible to assume that barium occurs mainly in the BaSO4 form. The presence of this chemical form was also confirmed by thermogravimetric measurements.
This work describes methods for the simultaneous determination of Cd and Pb by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and As by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry in Brazilian nuts. The samples (~ 0.300 g) were digested to clear solutions in a closed vessel microwave oven. The pyrolysis and atomization temperatures for simultaneous determinations of Cd and Pb were 1100 and 2100 °C, respectively, using 0.5% (w v-1) NH4H2PO4 + 0.03% (w v-1) Mg(NO3)2 as chemical modifier. The limits of detection (3Δ) were 3.8 μg kg-1 for As, 0.86 μg kg-1 for Cd and 13 μg kg-1 for Pb. The reliability of the entire procedures was confirmed by peach leaves (No. 1547 - NIST) certified reference material analysis and addition and recovery tests. The found concentrations presented no statistical differences at the 95% confidence level.