946 resultados para Abreu, Caio Fernando, 1948-1996


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The phenomenon of the World Wide Web, the Internet, has revolutionized the way we live in a contemporary relevance. The relationships among people have changed since the media also changed: the cyberspace has been established as an important vehicle of communication in which different languages, cultures and peoples coexist. Within the virtual space there are several fica possibilities for communication, interaction, fun, knowledge etc. Everything happens extremely quickly. An interesting example of that are blogs that, to survive virtuality, require constant updating. It has become interesting to notice the factor of personal expressiveness taking a new shape in the context of network, before being seen in elements such as diaries, poetry, artistic production or debate. The chances and, thus, the need to find people to interact and to share interests has taken a gigantic proportion, and, in this way, sources of audiovisual and reading activities are always in vogue, being shared every second. Blogging can be about different subjects, but what is perceived on all blogs is the strong trace of written text is always presented. Twitter has established itself as a microblogging network for the expression of dynamism, information sharing and interaction. Thus, it was interesting to approach the manner language is expressed in these microblogs thinking about the way that literary discourse is constructed when is seen, on quotations, in the context of this social network: Twitter. Being able to attest the great increase on the occurrences of quotes from different literary genres, it was useful to pay attention to this fact. In Brazil, Twitter has thousands of users, fans and readers, that rewrite and quote authors. The number of quotations is so abundant that it has popularized several Brazilian writers, such as: Clarice Lispector and Caio Fernando Abreu; authors that are frequetenly quoted. So, we made usage of semiotic studies of the French line. In...


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Due to widespread government intervention and import-substitution industrialization, there has been a general presumption that Latin America has been much less productive than the leading economies in the last decades. In this paper, however, we show that until the late seventies Latin America had high total factor productivity (TFP) levels relative to the US and other regions. It is only after the late seventies that we observe a fast decrease of relative TFP in Latin America. Results are robust to the use of diferent methodologies and data sources.


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O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a evolução da produtividade total dos fatores (PTF) para a economia brasileira de 1950 a 2000. Os resultados indicam que a economia brasileira encontrava-se aproximadamente em uma trajetória de crescimento balanceado entre 1950 e 1966, com pequena elevação da produtividade total dos fatores relativa à fronteira tecnológica e estabilidade da relação capital-produto. Entre 1967 e 1976 houve aumento expressivo da PTF em relação à fronteira e pequena elevação da relação capital-produto. Entre 1977 e 1991 houve queda significativa da PTF em relação à fronteira e forte aprofundamento de capital. Para o período de 1992 a 2000 há evidência de trajetória de crescimento balanceado, com crescimento da PTF à taxa determinada pela fronteira e estabilidade da relação capitalproduto. Em comparação com outros países, a evidência mostra que o crescimento da PTF em excesso à evolução da fronteira tecnológica observado no Brasil entre 1967 e 1976 não se verificou em outros países. Embora a queda da PTF (descontada da evolução da fronteira tecnológica) entre 1977 e 1991 tenha se verificado também em outros países, a intensidade e duração da queda só encontram paralelo em países da América Latina.


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Due to several policy distortions, including import-substitution industrialization, widespread government intervention and both domestic and international competitive barriers, there has been a general presumption that Latin America has been much less productive than the leading economies in the last decades. In this paper we show, however, that until the late seventies Latin American countries had high productivity levels relative to the United States. It is only after the late seventies that we observe a fast decrease of relative TFP in Latin America. We also show that the inclusion of human capital in the production function makes a crucial diference in the TFP calculations for Latin America.


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Esta pesquisa (i) caracteriza o processo de transformação estrutural, (ii) quantifica o seu impacto sobre o crescimento da produtividade agregada do trabalho e (iii) investiga os determinantes do crescimento da produtividade induzido pela transformação estrutural através de um extensivo estudo econométrico. Encontrou-se que, em média, a transformação estrutural desempenhou um papel importante para o crescimento da produtividade agregada em países em desenvolvimento. Em particular, a realocação de trabalhadores entre setores foi capaz de explicar, em média, cerca de 50% do crescimento da produtividade agregada em países da América Latina até a década de oitenta. Dessa década em diante, a tranformação estrutural deixou de contribuir para o crescimento da produtividade nessa região. Esse retrocesso estaria relacionado com a retração de atividades de produtividade relativamente alta, como a indústria de transformação, e com o inchaço do setor de serviços. Em oposição à Mcmillan & Rodrik (2011), os resultados encontrados apontaram para uma relação nula ou muito fraca e, certamente, pouco robusta entre a taxa real de câmbio e o componente estrutural de crescimento da produtividade.


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Este artigo investiga a evolução do capital humano para o Brasil e os Estados Unidos no período de 1992 a 2007, utilizando uma medida de capital humano baseada em dados microeconômicos. Uma das principais contribuições deste artigo é a construção de uma medida específica de capital humano que permite mensurar tanto a evolução da participação dos diversos níveis de escolaridade e experiência do trabalhador no total de horas trabalhadas como a variação em sua produtividade ao longo do tempo. Os resultados mostram que o capital humano da economia americana encontra-se estacionário, enquanto que o estoque de capital humano da economia brasileira teve um crescimento de apenas 13% no período. Isso ocorreu devido à elevação da participação na mão-de-obra de trabalhadores mais qualificados, que foi em parte compensada pela redução da produtividade. Por último, mostra-se que a dinâmica da remuneração do capital humano na economia brasileira dependeu basicamente da oferta, enquanto que na economia americana ela foi afetada tanto pela oferta quanto pela demanda por capital humano.


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Due to several policy distortions, including import-substitution industrialization, widespread government intervention and both domestic and international competitive barriers, there has been a general presumption that Latin America has been much less productive than the leading economies in the last decades. In this paper we show, however, that until the late seventies Latin American countries had high productivity levels relative to the United States. It is only after the late seventies that we observe a fast decrease of relative TFP in Latin America. We also show that the inclusion of human capital in the production function makes a crucial difference in the TFP calculations for Latin America.


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We study the impact of distortions in the investment goods sector on aggregate total factor productivity (TFP). We develop a two-sector neo-classical growth model in which TFP in the capital goods sector relative to TFP in the consumption sector is inversely related to the price of investment relative to consumption, so that we use relative prices to measure TFP in the investment goods sector. The model is calibrated to Brazil and we nd that distortions in the investment goods sector may explain most of the decline in Brazilian TFP relative to the United States since the mid-1970s.


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The objective of this study aimed at the verification of the allelopatic action of extracts of "pata-de-vaca" (Bauhinia forficata Link) and "'barbatimao" (Stryhnodendron adsiringens (Mart.) Coville) on seeds of tomato (Lyeopersicum esculentum Mill). Tomato seeds placed in translucent "gerbox" were treated with aqueous extracts prepared with fresh and dry leaves of the tested species at the following concentrations: 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, and 0% (control). The experimental design was completely randomized with five treatments and five replications of 25 seeds per plot per species. The data were submitted to the analysis of variance and the means compared by Tukey test at 5% of probability. Germination percentage, mean time and germination rates (MGT and MGR), and mean of the primary root length were evaluated. No difference was found for germination percentage of tomato seeds for the different extracts. For MGR, all treatments with fresh leaf extract differed from the check. MGT and MGR showed differences among the following dry leaf extracts concentrations: 25%, 75% and 100%. All treatments presented inhibitory effect on the length of the primary root.


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The importance of thrombosis and anticoagulation in clinical practice is rooted firmly in several fundamental constructs that can be applied both broadly and globally. Awareness and the appropriate use of anticoagulant therapy remain the keys to prevention and treatment. However, to assure maximal efficacy and safety, the clinician must, according to the available evidence, choose the right drug, at the right dose, for the right patient, under the right indication, and for the right duration of time. The first International Symposium of Thrombosis and Anticoagulation in Internal Medicine was a scientific program developed by clinicians for clinicians. The primary objective of the meeting was to educate, motivate and inspire internists, cardiologists and hematologists by convening national and international visionaries, thought-leaders and dedicated clinician-scientists in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This article is a focused summary of the symposium proceedings. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Talisin is a seed-storage protein from Talisia esculenta that presents lectin-like activities, as well as proteinase-inhibitor properties. The present study aims to provide new in vitro and in silico biochemical information about this protein, shedding some light on its mechanistic inhibitory strategies. A theoretical three-dimensional structure of Talisin bound to trypsin was constructed in order to determine the relative interaction mode. Since the structure of non-competitive inhibition has not been elucidated, Talisin-trypsin docking was carried out using Hex v5.1, since the structure of non-competitive inhibition has not been elucidated. The predicted non-coincidence of the trypsin binding site is completely different from that previously proposed for Kunitz-type inhibitors, which demonstrate a substitution of an Arg(64) for the Glu(64) residue. Data, therefore, provide more information regarding the mechanisms of non-competitive plant proteinase inhibitors. Bioassays with Talisin also presented a strong insecticide effect on the larval development of Diatraea saccharalis, demonstrating LD50 and ED50 of ca. 2.0% and 1.5%, respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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One of contemporary environmental issues refers to progressive and diverse generation of solid waste in urban areas or specific, and requires solutions because the traditional methods of treatment and disposal are becoming unviable over the years and, consequently, a significant contingent of these wastes presents final destination inappropriate. The diversity of solid waste generated as a result of human activities must have the appropriate allocation to specific legislation in force, such as landfill, incineration, among other procedures established by the competent bodies. Thus, also the waste generated in port activities or proceeding vessels require classification and segregation for proper disposal later. This article aims at presenting a methodology for the collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of solid waste port and also application of automation technology that makes possible the implementation of the same.