874 resultados para Abdominal aorta


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Sydämen krooninen vajaatoiminta on merkittävä maailmanlaajuinen ongelma. Se on erilaisten sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien aiheuttama monimuotoinen oireyhtymä. Sydämen vasemman kammion hypertrofia eli sydämen seinämien paksuuntuminen on yksi keskeinen tekijä, joka voi olla sydämen vajaatoiminnan taustalla. Kohonnut verenpaine on yleisin syy, joka johtaa sydänlihaksen paksuuntumiseen. Tämä johtaa sydämen pumppaustoiminnan häiriintymiseen, erilaisten neurohormonaalisten mekanismien aktivaatioon ja edelleen sydämen vajaatoimintaan. Sydämen vajaatoiminnan neurohormonaalisista mekanismeista tärkeimmät ovat reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteroni-järjestelmän ja sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatio, sydämen rakenteiden uudelleenmuovautuminen, sydänlihassolujen apoptoosi ja systeeminen tulehdustila. Sydämen hypertrofiaa ja sen syntymistä pyritään estämään kohonneen verenpaineen lääkehoidolla. Reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteronijärjestelmällä on keskeinen merkitys sydämen vajaatoiminnassa. Sydämen vajaatoiminnan ennusteeseen vaikuttavista lääkeaineista angiotensiinikonvertasin estäjät (ACEestäjät) ovat säilyttäneet johtoasemansa jo vuosikymmenten ajan. Angiotensiinireseptoreiden salpaajien (AT1-salpaajien) odotettiin syrjäyttävän ACE-estäjät sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa, mutta toistaiseksi niitä pidetään vain vaihtoehtoisina lääkkeinä. Sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatiota vähentävät β-salpaajat ovat vakiinnuttaneet asemansa toiseksi tärkeimpänä lääkeryhmänä. Diureetit ovat paljon käytetty lääkeaineryhmä sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa, mutta niistä ainoastaan aldosteroniantagonisteilla on tutkitusti ennustetta parantavaa vaikutusta. Kroonisen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa käytetään edelleen myös digoksiinia. Tulevaisuudessa sydämen vajaatoiminnan ennusteeseen vaikuttavia lääkeaineita voivat olla reniinin estäjät, neutraaliendopeptidaasin estäjät, vasopressiinin antagonistit tai inflammatroisiin sytokiineihin vaikuttavat molekyylit. Erikoistyön kokeellisessa osiossa tarkoituksena oli tutkia sydämen hypertrofian kehittymistä vatsa-aortta kuristetuilla rotilla ja kalsiumherkistäjä levosimendaanin sekä AT1-salpaaja valsartaanin vaikutuksia hypertrofian kehittymiseen. Kokeellisessa osiossa arvioitiin myös sydämen hypertrofian ja vajaatoiminnan jyrsijämallina käytetyn vatsa-aortan kuristuksen (koarktaation) toimivuutta ja vaikutuksia ultraäänen avulla määritettyihin kardiovaskulaarisiin parametreihin. Vatsa-aortta kuristettiin munuaisvaltimoiden yläpuolelta. Kuristus saa aikaan verenpaineen kohoamisen ja sydämen työtaakan lisääntymisen. Pitkittyessään tila johtaa sydänlihaksen hypertrofiaan ja vajaatoimintaan. 64 eläintä jaettiin ryhmiin, siten että jokaiseen ryhmään tuli kahdeksan eläintä. Ryhmistä kolmelle annettiin lääkeaineena levosimendaania kolmella eri päiväannoksella (0,01 mg/kg; 0,10 mg/kg; 1,00 mg/kg) ja kolmelle valsartaania kolmella eri päiväannoksella (0,10 mg/kg; 1,00 mg/kg; 10,00 mg/kg) juomaveden mukana. Lääkitys aloitettiin leikkauksen jälkeen ja jatkettiin kahdeksan viikon ajan. Kardiovaskulaariset parametrit, kuten isovolumetrinen relaksaatioaika (IVRT), vasemman kammion läpimitta systolessa ja diastolessa sekä seinämäpaksuudet, ejektiofraktio (EF), supistuvuusosuus (FS), minuuttitilavuus (CO) ja iskutilavuus (SV) määritettiin kahdeksan viikon kuluttua leikkauksesta ultraäänitutkimuksen avulla. Lisäksi määritettiin eläinten sydämen paino suhteessa ruumiin painoon. Tuloksia verrattiin ilman lääkehoitoa olleeseen koarktaatioryhmään. Eläinmallin toimivuutta arvioitiin vertaamalla koarktaatioryhmän tuloksia sham-operoidun ryhmän tuloksiin. Levosimendaanilla havaittiin työssä sydämen systolista toimintaa parantava vaikutus. Tämä näkyi tendenssinä parantaa ejektiofraktioita ja vasemman kammion supistuvuusosuuksia. Sydämen diastoliseen toimintaan ei kummallakaan lääkeaineella ollut merkittävää vaikutusta. Diastolista toimintaa arvioitiin isovolumetrisen relaksaatioajan muutoksilla. Sydämen hypertrofian kehittymiseen ei kummallakaan lääkeaineella ollut merkittävää vaikutusta. Eläinmallin todettiin mallintavan hyvin sydämen hypetrofiaa ihmisellä, mutta ei niinkään sydämen vajaatoimintaa.


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The aim of this experimental study is to evaluate the feasibility and the outcome of total endovascular stent implantation in the aortic arch. Indications for this operation-technique would be acute or chronic dissection of the aortic arch (non-A-non-B dissection) or type B dissection with retrograde extension. Four pigs were canulated via the distal abdominal aorta and a retrograde placement of a Djumbodis arch stent (4-9 cm) was controlled by using intravascular ultrasound and intracardiac ultrasound by the inferior cava vein and under radioscopic control. Cerebral perfusion, by using a flow meter placed on one prepared carotid artery, were controlled before, immediate post-procedural (<1 min), and in the early follow-up after aortic arch stent implantation. During the implantation process, especially during balloon inflation and deflation, mean carotid perfusion decreases slightly. A reactive increase of carotid perfusion after stent placements indicates transitory cerebral hypo-perfusion. Non-covered aortic arch stent implantation is technically feasible and could be a potential treatment option in otherwise inoperable arch dissections. The time required for balloon inflation and deflation causes an important risk of cerebral ischemia. The latter can be reduced by transaxillary perfusion.


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Les importants progrès dans la qualité et la résolution des images obtenues par «absorptiométrie biphotonique à rayons X» ou DXA ont amélioré certaines modalités existantes et favorisé le développement de nouvelles fonctions permettant d'affiner de manière significative la prise en charge de nos patients dans diverses pathologies. On peut par exemple améliorer la prédiction du risque fracturaire par l'analyse indirecte de la micro et de la macroarchitecture osseuse, rechercher les marqueurs de pathologies associées (recherche de fractures vertébrales ou de fractures fémorales atypiques), ou évaluer le statut métabolique par la mesure de la composition corporelle. Avec les appareils DXA les plus performants, on pourra bientôt déterminer l'âge osseux, estimer le risque cardiovasculaire (par la mesure de la calcification de l'aorte abdominale), ou prédire la progression de l'arthrose articulaire et son évolution après la prise en charge chirurgicale dans la routine clinique. The significant progress on the quality and resolution of the images obtained by "Dual X-ray Absorptiometry" or DXA has permitted on one hand to improve some existing features and on the other to develop new ones, significantly refining the care of our patients in various pathologies. For example, by improving the prediction of fracture risk by indirect analysis of micro- and macro-architecture of the bone, by looking for markers of associated bone diseases (research vertebral fractures or atypical femoral fractures), or by assessing the metabolic status by the measurement of body composition. With the best performing DXA devices we will soon be able, in clinical routine, to determine bone age, to estimate cardiovascular risk (by measuring the calcification of the abdominal aorta) or to predict the progression of joint osteoarthritis and its evolution after surgical management.


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Introducción: La evaluación de injertos vasculares de submucosa de intestino delgado para la regeneración de vasos sanguíneos ha producido una permeabilidad variable (0-100%) que ha sido concurrente con la variabilidad en las técnicas de fabricación. Metodología: Investigamos los efectos de fabricación en permeabilidad y regeneración en un diseño experimental de 22factorial que combino: 1) preservación (P) o remoción (R) de la capa estratum compactum del intestino, y 2) deshidratada (D) o hidratada (H), dentro de cuatro grupos de estudio (PD, RD, PH, RH). Los injertos fueron implantados en las Arterias Carótidas de porcinos (ID 4.5mm, N=4, 7d). Permeabilidad, trombogenicidad, reacción inflamatoria, vascularización, infiltración de fibroblastos, perfil de polarización de macrófagos y fuerza tensil biaxial fueron evaluadas. Resultados: Todos los injertos PD permanecieron permeables (4/4), pero tuvieron escasa vascularización e infiltración de fibroblastos. El grupo RD permaneció permeable (4/4), presentó una extensa vascularización e infiltración de fibroblastos, y el mayor número del fenotipo de macrófagos (M2) asociado a regeneración. El grupo RH presentó menor permeabilidad (3/4), una extensa vascularización e infiltración de fibroblastos, y un perfil dominante de M2. El grupo PH presentó el menor grado de permeabilidad, y a pesar de mayor infiltración celular que PD, exhibió un fenotipo de macrófagos dominante adverso. La elasticidad de los injertos R evolucionó de una manera similar a las Carótidas nativas (particularmente RD, mientras que los injertos P mantuvieron su rigidez inicial. Discusión: Concluimos que los parámetros de fabricación afectan drásticamente los resultados, siendo los injertos RD los que arrojaron mejores resultados.


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Ogihara CA, Schoorlemmer GHM, Levada AC, Pithon-Curi TC, Curi R, Lopes OU, Colombari E, Sato MA. Exercise changes regional vascular control by commissural NTS in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 299: R291-R297, 2010. First published April 21, 2010; doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00055.2009.-Inhibition of the commissural nucleus of the solitary tract (commNTS) induces a fall in sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), which suggests that this subnucleus of the NTS is a source of sympathoexcitation. Exercise training reduces sympathetic activity and arterial pressure. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether the swimming exercise can modify the regional vascular responses evoked by inhibition of the commNTS neurons in SHR and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Exercise consisted of swimming, 1 h/day, 5 days/wk for 6 wks, with a load of 2% of the body weight. The day after the last exercise session, the rats were anesthetized with intravenous alpha-chloralose, tracheostomized, and artificially ventilated. The femoral artery was cannulated for mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate recordings, and Doppler flow probes were placed around the lower abdominal aorta and superior mesenteric artery. Microinjection of 50 mM GABA into the commNTS caused similar reductions in MAP in swimming and sedentary SHR (-25 +/- 6 and -30 +/- 5 mmHg, respectively), but hindlimb vascular conductance increased twofold in exercised vs. sedentary SHR (54 +/- 8 vs. 24 +/- 5%). GABA into the commNTS caused smaller reductions in MAP in swimming and sedentary WKY rats (-20 +/- 4 and -16 +/- 2 mmHg). Hindlimb conductance increased fourfold in exercised vs. sedentary WKY rats (75 +/- 2% vs. 19 +/- 3%). Therefore, our data suggest that the swimming exercise induced changes in commNTS neurons, as shown by a greater enhancement of hindlimb vasodilatation in WKY vs. SHR rats in response to GABAergic inhibition of these neurons.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as alterações microvasculares intraneurais aguda em nervo isquiático de rato submetido a esmagamento por diferentes cargas. Foram utilizados 60 ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, distribuídos em grupos experimentais de acordo com a injeção de vasos e com a carga de esmagamento. Os nervos isquiáticos direitos foram isolados e submetidos ao esmagamento com cargas (0,5 Kg, 1 Kg, 5 Kg, 10 kg e 15 kg) por 10 minutos e os nervos isquiáticos esquerdos foram utilizados como controle. Após esmagamento, os animais foram submetidos à cateterização da aorta abdominal e injeção dos vasos, em seguida 30 nervos direitos e esquerdos foram fixados em formol 10%, desidratados e diafanizados para análise longitudinal dos vasos intraneurais e os restantes retirados em toda a sua extensão, cortados em 3 fragmentos, congelados em isopentano em gelo seco e armazenados em freezer -70°C, seccionados transversalmente para análise e contagem dos vasos intraneurais. As análises macroscópica e microscópica mostraram regiões de hematoma endoneural e epineural nas diferentes cargas de esmagamento. A análise morfométrica sugere que a lesão aos vasos intraneurais foi proporcional à carga de esmagamento, causando hematoma endoneural e epineural, que cria microambiente desfavorável para a regeneração das fibras nervosas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a aterogenicidade do modelo de hipercolesterolemia por suplementação alimentar com gema de ovo em coelhos e seu uso como modelo de aterosclerose experimental de baixo custo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 14 coelhos divididos em dois grupos de sete animais: grupo controle (G1), que recebeu ração comercial ad libitum, e grupo tratado (G2), que foi alimentado com dieta suplementada com gema de ovo. Ambos os grupos foram alimentados por 90 dias. Foram realizadas dosagens do perfil lipídico dos animais nos momentos 0, 30, 60 e 90 dias. Ao término do período experimental, os animais foram submetidos a eutanásia e retirada da aorta e de seus ramos diretos para realização de estudo anatomopatológico. RESULTADOS Apenas no grupo G2 houve aumento significativo nos níveis de colesterol total e frações. Ao exame macroscópico, foram observadas estrias gordurosas no arco aórtico e aorta abdominal e, à microscopia, acúmulos lipídicos discretos na íntima da aorta abdominal, renal, carótida, transição toracoabdominal e femoral. Portanto, a dieta com gema de ovo provocou aterosclerose leve no animal de experimentação e alterações equivalentes àquelas provocadas pelo colesterol purificado comercial quando fornecido em baixa dosagem. Assim sendo, a gema de ovo pode ser utilizada como fonte de colesterol alimentar de baixo custo em modelos de aterosclerose experimental.


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1 Nitric oxide (NO) and alpha(2)-adrenoceptor and imidazoline agonists such as moxonidine may act centrally to inhibit sympathetic activity and decrease arterial pressure.2 In the present study, we investigated the effects of pretreatment with L-NAME ( NO synthesis inhibitor), injected into the 4th ventricle (4th V) or intravenously (i.v.), on the hypotension, bradycardia and vasodilatation induced by moxonidine injected into the 4th V in normotensive rats.3 Male Wistar rats with a stainless steel cannula implanted into the 4th V and anaesthetized with urethane were used. Blood flows were recorded by use of miniature pulsed Doppler flow probes implanted around the renal, superior mesenteric and low abdominal aorta.4 Moxonidine (20 nmol), injected into the 4th V, reduced the mean arterial pressure (-42+/-3 mmHg), heart rate (-22+/-7 bpm) and renal (-62+/-15%), mesenteric (-41+/-8%) and hindquarter (-50+/-8%) vascular resistances.5 Pretreatment with L-NAME (10 nmol into the 4th V) almost abolished central moxonidine-induced hypotension (-10+/-3 mmHg) and renal (-10+/-4%), mesenteric (-11+/-4%) and hindquarter (-13+/-6%) vascular resistance reduction, but did not affect the bradycardia (-18+/-8 bpm).6 the results indicate that central NO mechanisms are involved in the vasodilatation and hypotension, but not in the bradycardia, induced by central moxonidine in normotensive rats. British Journal of Pharmacology (2004).


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Peripheral treatment with the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine induces intense salivation that is inhibited by central injections of the alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline receptor agonist moxonidine. Salivary gland blood flow controlled by sympathetic and parasympathetic systems may affect salivation. We investigated the changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and in the vascular resistance in the submandibular/sublingual gland (SSG) artery, superior mesenteric (SM) artery and low abdominal aorta (hindlimb) in rats treated with intraperitoneal (i.p.) pilocarpine alone or combined with intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) moxonidine. Male Holtzman rats with stainless steel cannula. implanted into lateral ventricle (LV) and anesthetized with urethane were used. Pilocarpine (4 mumol/kg of body weight) i.p. reduced SSG vascular resistance (-50 +/- 13% vs. vehicle: 5 +/- 3%). Pilocarpine i.p. also increased mesenteric vascular resistance (15 +/- 5% vs. vehicle: 2 +/- 3%) and MAP (16 +/- 3 mmHg, vs. vehicle: 2 +/- 3 mmHg). Moxonidine (20 nmol) i.c.v. increased SSG vascular resistance (88 +/- 12% vs. vehicle: 7 +/- 4%). When injected 15 min following i.c.v. moxonidine, pilocarpine i.p. produced no change on SSG vascular resistance. Pilocarpine-induced pressor responses and increase in mesenteric vascular resistance were not modified by i.c.v. moxonidine. The treatments produced no change in heart rate (HR) and hindlimb vascular resistance. The results show that (1) i.p. pilocarpine increases mesenteric vascular resistance and MAP and reduces salivary gland vascular resistance and (2) central moxonidine increases salivary gland vascular resistance and impairs pilocarpine-induced salivary gland vasodilatation. Therefore, the increase in salivary gland vascular resistance may play a role in the anti-salivatory response to central moxonidine. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Structural features of segmental parts of the aorta of the dog were studied by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The variability in the wall architecture composition and vascular thickness of the ascending (T2-3 level), thoracic (T7-8 level) and abdominal (L6-7 infrarenal level) segments of the aorta was analysed. Morphological features such as presence of intimal folds, pattern of the medial myoconnective components with segmental variations in the number of elastic lamellae, whose relative number was higher in the thoracic aorta (ascending and descending parts), compared with the abdominal aorta, and a network of connective (stromal) elements formed by elastic and collagen lamellae and fibres in the adventitia were observed. The results were discussed on a histophysiological basis, because small but significant segmental differences had been characterized in the aortic wall structure of the dog.


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The objective of this study is to describe the cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries in 10 opossuns after Neoprene latex injection. The cranial mesenteric artery arises from the abdominal aorta, caudally to the celiac trunk, originating the caudal duodenal pancreatic artery, middle and right colic, jejunal and ileocecocolic arteries. The caudal mesenteric artery arises from the aorta, cranially to the external iliac arteries, originating the cranial rectal and left colic arteries.