930 resultados para ARMS
Woodruff coat of arms (rough sketch - labeled), including a letter to Margaret from “Uncle Tom” regarding the coat of arms. Also included are 4 small cards and one Easter card bearing the coat of arms. [The Woodruff/Woodroffe crest originated in England. Sit Dux Sapientia (Wisdom be our guide). The arm holding a plant is supposed to be a dexter [right] arm, bent, holding a branch of honeysuckle vertically. Some members of the family believe that the plant is actually woodruff], Jan. 18, 1926.
Drawing and explanation of the Cleveland Family coat of arms. Pro Deo et Patria means For God and Country. The name is Saxon in origin and in 1403 the “de” was dropped from the name. The drawing and text are said to be from Cleveland Genealogy by J.B. Cleveland, 1881. It can also be found in An Account of the Lineage of General Moses Cleaveland (founder of the city of Cleveland, Ohio) of Canterbury, compiled by H.G. Cleveland, n.d.
Watercolour painting of the Woodruff coat of arms on paper. This measures 43 cm. x 31 cm., n.d.
Le but de la recherche est d’étudier les tensions éthiques que peuvent vivre les médecins militaires, qui doivent agir à la fois comme soignants, militaires (même s’ils sont non combattants) et parfois comme acteurs humanitaires. Parmi la littérature sur l’éthique de la médecine militaire, les dilemmes la concernant sont souvent présentés comme le fruit de pressions réelles ou perçues provenant de l’institution militaire, des règles, codes, lois ou de politiques, ceci afin de détourner le médecin de son but premier, soit l’intérêt du patient. Pour mieux comprendre les défis éthiques auxquels sont confrontés les médecins militaires canadiens et comment ceux-ci les traitent, la recherche utilise une approche de bioéthique empirique. À partir d’une analyse de la littérature, nous examinons les dilemmes éthiques des médecins militaires, le concept de profession, ainsi que les codes d’éthique (médicaux et militaires) canadiens. L’expérience éthique est ensuite explorée à partir d’entrevues semi-directives effectuées auprès de quatorze médecins militaires ayant participé à des missions opérationnelles, notamment à Kandahar en Afghanistan, entre 2006 et 2010. Les résultats, tant conceptuels qu’empiriques, nous indiquent que plusieurs nuances s’imposent. Tout d’abord, les médecins militaires canadiens ne vivent pas les dilemmes tels qu’ils sont présentés dans la littérature, ni en nombre ni en fréquence. Ils sont conscients qu’ils doivent à la fois tenir compte de l’intérêt du patient et du bien commun, mais n’en ressentent pas pour autant un sentiment de double loyauté professionnelle. De plus, ils ont l’impression de partager l’objectif de la mission qui est de maintenir la force de combat. Des distinctions s’imposent aussi entre les médecins eux-mêmes, dans la conception qu’ils se font de leur profession, ainsi que dans les contextes (opération ou garnison), selon le type de travail qu’ils exercent (généraliste ou spécialiste). Les principaux défis éthiques rapportés portent sur les inégalités de soins entre les soldats de la coalition et les victimes locales (soldats et civils), ainsi que sur le manque de ressources, engendrant des décisions cliniques éprouvantes. Un résultat étonnant des entrevues est la présence de deux groupes distincts au plan de l’identification professionnelle. Huit médecins militaires se considèrent avant tout comme médecin, alors que les six autres ne sont pas arrivés à accorder une priorité à l’une ou l’autre des professions. Ces deux groupes se différencient également sur d’autres plans, comme le nombre et le type de défis éthiques identifiés, ainsi que les mécanismes de résolution des dilemmes utilisés. Malgré les formations éthiques offertes par l’institution, des lacunes subsistent dans la capacité d’identification des expériences éthiques et des valeurs impliquées, de même que des mécanismes de résolution utilisés. Compte tenu du faible échantillonnage, ces résultats sont difficilement généralisables. Néanmoins, ils peuvent nous inspirer au niveau théorique en faisant ressortir le caractère multidimensionnel de la médecine militaire, ainsi qu’au niveau pratique en nous permettant de suggérer des éléments de formation facilitant la réflexion éthique des médecins militaires.
New dioxadiaza- and trioxadiaza-macrocycles containing one rigid dibenzofuran unit (DBF) and N-(2-aminoethyl) pendant arms were synthesized, N,N'-bis(2-aminoethyl)-[17]( DBF) N2O2 (L-1) and N,N'-bis(2-aminoethyl)-[22](DBF)N2O3 (L-2), respectively. The binding properties of both macrocycles to metal ions and structural studies of their metal complexes were carried out. The protonation constants of both compounds and the stability constants of their complexes with Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ were determined at 298.2 K, in aqueous solutions, and at ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KNO3. Mononuclear complexes with both ligands were formed, and dinuclear complexes were only found for L-2. The thermodynamic binding affinities of the metal complexes of L-2 are lower than those of L-1 as expected, but the Pb2+ complexes of both macrocycles exhibit close stability constant values. On the other hand, the binding affinities of Cd2+ and Pb2+ for L-1 are very high, when compared to those of Co2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+. These interesting properties were explained by the presence of the rigid DBF moiety in the backbone of the macrocycle and to the special match between the macrocyclic cavity size and the studied larger metal ions. To elucidate the adopted structures of complexes in solution, the nickel(II) and copper( II) complexes with both ligands were further studied by UV-vis-MR spectroscopy in DMSO-H2O 1 : 1 (v/v) solution. The copper(II) complexes were also studied by EPR spectroscopy in the same mixture of solvents. The crystal structure of the copper complex of L-1 was also determined. The copper(II) displays an octahedral geometry, the four nitrogen atoms forming the equatorial plane and two oxygen atoms, one from the DBF unit and the other one from the ether oxygen, in axial positions. One of the ether oxygens of the macrocycle is out of the coordination sphere. Our results led us to suggest that this geometry is also adopted by the Co2+ to Zn2+ complexes, and only the larger Cd2+ and Pb2+ manage to form complexes with the involvement of all the oxygen atoms of the macrocyclic backbone.
The ligands 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-1,4,8-triacetic-11-methylphosphonic acid (H(5)te3a1p) and 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-1,4,8-triacetic acid (H(3)te3a) were synthesized, the former one for the first time. The syntheses of these ligands were achieved from reactions on 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-1,4,8-tris( carbamoylmethyl) hydroiodide (te3am center dot HI), and compounds (Hte3am)(+), 1, and (H(7)te3a1p)(2+), 4, were characterized by X-ray diffraction. Structures of two other compounds resulting from side-reactions, (H(2)te2lac)(2+), 2, and (H(4)te2a2p(OEt2))(2+), 3, were also determined by X-ray diffraction. Potentiometric titrations of H(5)te3a1p and H(3)te3a were performed at 298.2 K and ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in NMe4NO3 to determine their protonation constants. H-1 and P-31 NMR titrations of H(5)te3a1p were carried out in order to determine the very high first protonation constant of this ligand and to elucidate the sequence of protonation. Potentiometric studies of the two ligands with Ca2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ metal ions performed in the same experimental conditions showed that the complexes of H5te3a1p present very high thermodynamic stability while complexes of H(3)te3a, particularly Co2+ and Zn2+, are even more stable. P-31 NMR spectra of the cadmium(II) complex of H(5)te3a1p showed that the phosphonate moiety was coordinated to the metal ion. The UV-vis-NIR spectroscopic data and magnetic moment values of Co2+ and Ni2+ complexes of H(5)te3a1p and H(3)te3a together with the EPR of the corresponding Cu2+ complexes indicated that all these complexes adopt distorted octahedral coordination geometries in solution. This was confirmed by the single crystal structure of [Cu-2(Hte3a)(H2O)(3)Cl]Cl-0.5(ClO4)(0.5) center dot 2H(2)O that showed two distorted octahedral copper centres bridged by a N-acetate pendant arm with a Cu center dot center dot center dot Cu distance of 4.890(1) angstrom. The first one is encapsulated into the macrocyclic cavity surrounded by four nitrogen and two oxygen donors from the macrocycle, whereas the second one is on the periphery of the macrocycle and is coordinated to two oxygen atoms of one acetate pendant arm in chelating fashion, one chloride and three water molecules.
This month I’m using my column to issue a call to arms. No, it isn’t a call to arms for war, though it is going to be battle. It is a call to professional librarians who are interested in their jobs lasting more than a few more years. That sounds a bit hysterical but I don’t mean for it to. Yet is it hyperbolic? I don’t think so. We need to rethink, recast, redefine, and refresh our professional métier. I think the last twenty-four months make it imperative that we do so now
Peru agricultural exports have increased in recent years due to (i) free trade agreements with many countries (United States, Canada, European Union, China, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Chile, among others), (ii) an increasing international demand for healthy products, (iii) country´s economic development and (iv) more private investments in this sector (Velazco 2012). Also, if we can compare among Peru three main regions (Coast, Andean highlands and the Jungle), It is the Coast (western region) that has a developed agricultural production due to unique weather conditions, private investments, public infrastructure, transport costs and quality of land (Gomez, 2008). This country development is also related to the production of non-traditional products for export like asparagus, artichokes, capsicums, bananas, grapes, among others; produced by agro industrial companies and small farmers and that are mainly labor intensive (Gomez, 2008 and Velazco, 2012). This very successful export diversification and self-discovery process was the result of a combination of strong natural comparative advantages (mainly excellent agro climatic conditions) and a significant innovation effort. It meant the introduction and expansion of new products and markets, the entry of new firms, and experimental research and the adoption of new techniques and process technologies developed abroad (in irrigation, crop management, post-harvesting, sanitary control, storage and packing) to produce high-quality, niche (gourmet) and higher value-added products, in line with consumer trends in sophisticated food markets. In products such as asparagus, mango, organic coffee and capsicums, Peru has become a leading world exporter (OECD). For this reason one of the government main tasks for the next years is to meet urgent agriculture producer’s needs in the areas of technological Innovation and business management (MINAG). In this context, this thesis analyzes the applicability of a new technology – the mechatronic arms – specifically to capsicums production sector in Peru. We chose Capsicums production sector (paprika, chilli pepper) because is mainly labor intensive and is the sector where my family company (DIROSE SAC) operates. This innovation consists in a 40 arms mechatronic combine, and it was first created in order to improve the efficiency on the labor intensive phase of harvest for this kind of agriculture products. It is estimated that a laborer with brief training operating the machine would be equivalent to 40 people that not only would work during daytime, but also on the night shift as well. Also, using this new technology can allow a company to make additional crops that would increase their yields and annual revenues. This thesis was developed as a business plan to make this new product available for other agriculture companies that operates in the capsicums production sector in Peru; however, this new technology has the potential to be modified in order to be available to other kind of agriculture products, in Peru and other countries.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)