966 resultados para AQUEOUS NABR SOLUTIONS


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the ocular surface toxicity of two nitric oxide donors in ex vivo and in vivo animal models: S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (SNAC) in a hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) matrix at final concentrations 1.0 and 10.0 mM. METHODS: Ex vivo GSNO and SNAC toxicities were clinically and histologically analyzed using freshly excised pig eyeballs. In vivo experiments were performed with 20 albino rabbits which were randomized into 4 groups (5 animals each): Groups 1 and 2 received instillations of 150 µL of aqueous HPMC solution containing GSNO 1.0 and 10.0 mM, respectively, in one of the eyes; Groups 3 and 4 received instillations of 150 µL of aqueous HPMC solution-containing SNAC 1.0 and 10.0 mM, respectively, in one of the eyes. The contralateral eyes in each group received aqueous HPMC as a control. All animals underwent clinical evaluation on a slit lamp and the eyes were scored according to a modified Draize eye test and were histologically analyzed. RESULTS: Pig eyeballs showed no signs of perforation, erosion, corneal opacity or other gross damage. These findings were confirmed by histological analysis. There was no difference between control and treated rabbit eyes according to the Draize eye test score in all groups (p>0.05). All formulations showed a mean score under 1 and were classified as non-irritating. There was no evidence of tissue toxicity in the histological analysis in all animals. CONCLUSION: Aqueous HPMC solutions containing GSNO and SNAC at concentrations up to 10.0 mM do not induce ocular irritation.


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The feasibility of detecting instability in wet spouted beds via pressure fluctuation (PF) time-series analyses was investigated. Experiments were carried out in a cylindrical Plexiglas column of diameter 150 mm with a conical base of internal angle 60 degrees, an inlet orifice diameter of 25 mm and glass beads of diameter 2.4 mm. Transducers at several axial positions measured PF time series with incremental addition of aqueous sucrose solutions of different concentrations. Liquid addition affected the spouted bed dynamics, causing irregular spouting, increased voidage in the annulus, increased fountain height, irregular annulus height, channelling, agglomeration, and adhesion of particles to the column walls. Autocorrelations indicated the appearance of periodicities in the PF signals with increasing sucrose addition. Dominant peaks in power-spectral density developed at low frequencies with changing system dynamics. The results indicate that PF signals furnish relevant information on system dynamics, useful for monitoring and control of spouted bed operations such as particle coating and drying of paste-like materials.


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The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin-spin relaxation time (T-2) is related to the radiation-dependent concentration of polymer formed in polymer gel dosimeters manufactured from monomers in an aqueous gelatin matrix. Changes in T-2 with time post-irradiation have been reported in the literature but their nature is not fully understood. We investigated those changes with time after irradiation using FT-Raman spectroscopy and the precise determination of T-2 at high magnetic field in a polymer gel dosimeter, A model of fast exchange of magnetization taking into account ongoing gelation and strengthening of the gelatin matrix as well as the polymerization of the monomers with time is presented. Published data on the changes of T-2 in gelatin gels as a function of post-manufacture time are used and fitted closely by the model presented. The same set of parameters characterizing the variations of T-2 in gelatin gels and the increasing concentration of polymer determined from Fr-Raman spectroscopy are used successfully in the modelling of irradiated polymer gel dosimeters. Minimal variations in T-2 in an irradiated PAG dosimeter are observed after 13 h.


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The assessment of surface water nanofiltration (NF) for the removal of endocrine disruptors (EDs) Nonylphenol Ethoxylate (IGEPAL), 4-Nonylphenol (NP) and 4-Octylphenol (OP) was carried out with three commercial NF membranes - NF90, NF200, NF270. The permeation experiments were conducted in laboratory flat-cell units of 13.2 x 10(-4) m(2) of surface area and in a DSS Lab-unit M20 with a membrane surface area of 0.036 m2. The membranes hydraulic permeabilities ranged from 3.7 to 15.6 kg/h/m(2)/bar and the rejection coefficients to NaCl, Na2SO4 and Glucose are for NF90: 97%, 99% and 97%, respectively; for NF200: 66%, 98% and 90%, respectively and for NF270: 48%, 94% and 84%, respectively. Three sets of nanofiltration experiments were carried out: i) NF of aqueous model solutions of NP, IGEPAL and OP running in total recirculation mode; ii) NF of surface water from Rio Sado (Settibal, Portugal) running in concentration mode; iii) NF of surface water from Rio Sado inoculated with NP, IGEPAL and OP running in concentration mode. The results of model solutions experiments showed that the EDs rejection coefficients are approximately 100% for all the membranes. The results obtained for the surface water showed that the rejection coefficients to natural organic Matter (NOM) are 94%, 82% and 78% for NF90, NF200 and NF 270 membranes respectively, with and without inoculation of EDs. The rejection coefficients to EDs in surface water with and without inoculation of EDs are 100%, showing that there is a fraction of NOM of high molecular weight that retains the EDs in the concentrate and that there is a fraction of NOM of low molecular weight that permeates through the NF membranes free of EDs.


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CO2 capture from gaseous effluents is one of the great challenges faced by chemical and environmental engineers, as the increase in CO2 levels in the Earth atmosphere might be responsible for dramatic climate changes. From the existing capture technologies, the only proven and mature technology is chemical absorption using aqueous amine solutions. However, bearing in mind that this process is somewhat expensive, it is important to choose the most efficient and, at the same time, the least expensive solvents. For this purpose, a pilot test facility was assembled and includes an absorption column, as well as a stripping column, a heat exchanger between the two columns, a reboiler for the stripping column, pumping systems, surge tanks and all necessary instrumentation and control systems. Some different aquous amine solutions were tested on this facility and it was found that, from a set of six tested amines, diethanol amine is the one that turned out to be the most economical choice, as it showed a higher CO2 loading capacity (0.982 mol of CO2 per mol of amine) and the lowest price per litre (25.70 ¤/L), even when compared with monoethanolamine, the benchmark solvent, exhibiting a price per litre of 30.50 ¤/L.


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Thesis submitted to Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from Universidade Nova de Lisboa in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the obtention of the degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology


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Water-soluble polymers are characterized as effective flocculating agents due to their molecular features. Their application to soils with horizons with structural problems, e.g, a cohesive character, contributes to improvements in the physical quality and thus to the agricultural suitability of such soils. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the structural quality of soils with cohesive horizons of coastal tablelands in the State of Pernambuco treated with polyacrylamide (PAM) as chemical soil conditioner. To this end, three horizons (one cohesive and two non-cohesive) of a Yellow Argisol (Ultisol) were evaluated and to compare cohesive horizons, the horizon of a Yellow Latosol (Oxisol) was selected. The treatments consisted of aqueous PAM solutions (12.5; 50.0; 100.0 mg kg-1) and distilled water (control). The structural aspects of the horizons were evaluated by the stability (soil mass retained in five diameter classes), aggregate distribution per size class (mean weight diameter- MWD, geometric mean diameter - GMD) and the magnitude of the changes introduced by PAM by measuring the sensitivity index (Si). Aqueous PAM solutions increased aggregate stability in the largest evaluated diameter class of the cohesive and non-cohesive horizons, resulting in higher MWD and GMD, with highest efficiency of the 100 mg kg-1 solution. The cohesive horizon Bt1 in the Ultisol was most sensitive to the action of PAM, where highest Si values were found, but the structural quality of the BA horizon of the Oxisol was better in terms of stability and aggregate size distribution.


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Cyanate ion stability was studied in aqueous/ethanolic solutions, pH = 4.5 (CH3COOH/NaCH3COO), at different temperatures. Following the decay [(OCN)-] versus time, in the presence of excess C2H5OH, the rate constant for this reaction (k1) was calculated as (2.5 ± 0.3) x 10-4 s-1 at 25 ºC, for 0 < [C2H5OH] < 13.7 x 10-1 mol L-1. For [C2H5OH] > 2.0 mol L-1 a decrease in the numerical value of k1 was observed, reaching 5.2 x 10-5 s-1 when [CH3CH2OH] = 13.7 mol L-1. Variations in the kinetic parameter values ΔH1‡, ΔS1‡ and ΔG1‡ for the cyanate ion decay reaction were observed for solutions at different ethanol concentrations.


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Biogas production has considerable development possibilities not only in Finland but all over the world since it is the easiest way of creating value out of various waste fractions and represents an alternative source of renewable energy. Development of efficient biogas upgrading technology has become an important issue since it improves the quality of biogas and for example facilitating its injection into the natural gas pipelines. Moreover, such upgrading contributes to resolving the issue of increasing CO2 emissions and addresses the increasing climate change concerns. Together with traditional CO2 capturing technologies a new class of recently emerged sorbents such as ionic liquids is claimed as promising media for gas separations. In this thesis, an extensive comparison of the performance of different solvents in terms of CO2 capture has been performed. The focus of the present study was on aqueous amine solutions and their mixtures, traditional ionic liquids, ‘switchable’ ionic liquids and poly(ionic liquid)s in order to reveal the best option for biogas upgrading. The CO2 capturing efficiency for the most promising solvents achieved values around 50 - 60 L CO2 / L absorbent. These values are superior to currently widely applied water wash biogas upgrading system. Regeneration of the solvent mixtures appeared to be challenging since the loss of initial efficiency upon CO2 release was in excess of 20 - 40 vol %, especially in the case of aqueous amine solutions. In contrast, some of the ionic liquids displayed reversible behavior. Thus, for selected “switchable” ionic and poly(ionic liquid)s the CO2 absorption/regeneration cycles were performed 3 - 4 times without any notable efficiency decrease. The viscosity issue, typical for ionic liquids upon CO2 saturation, was addressed and the information obtained was evaluated and related to the ionic interactions. The occurrence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) before and after biogas upgrading was studied for biogas produced through anaerobic digestion of waste waters sludge. The ionic liquid [C4mim][OAc] demonstrated its feasibility as a promising scrubbing media and exhibited high efficiency in terms of the removal of VOCs. Upon application of this ionic liquid, the amount of identified VOCs was diminished by around 65 wt %, while the samples treated with the aqueous mixture of 15 wt % N-methyldiethanolamine with addition of 5 wt % piperazine resulted in 32 wt % reduction in the amounts of volatile organic compounds only.


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Haihdutuskiteytyksessä haihdutusolosuhteilla on suuri vaikutus kiteiden muodostumiseen, joten toivottujen kidemuotojen saamiseksi prosessia on hallittava tarkasti. Kandidaatintyön tavoitteena oli tutkia puhtaiden liuottimien ja karbamatsepiiniliuosten haihtumisvuota eri olosuhteissa. Lisäksi tutkittiin kiteytysolosuhteiden vaikutusta karbamatsepiinikiteiden muodostumiseen ja rakenteeseen. Puhtaille liuottimille kokeet suoritettiin ilman virtausnopeudella 0,2 m/s lämpötiloissa 30 ºC, 40 ºC, 50 ºC ja 60 ºC, sekä ilman virtausnopeudella 0,3 m/s lämpötiloissa 40 ºC ja 50 ºC. Karbamatsepiiniliuoksille kokeet suoritettiin ilman virtausnopeudella 0,2 m/s lämpötiloissa 30 ºC ja 60 ºC sekä ilman virtausnopeudella 0,3 m/s lämpötiloissa 40 ºC ja 50 ºC. Haihdutuskiteytys suoritettiin suorakulmaisessa haihdutuskammiossa, jonka toisessa päässä oli tuulettimet virtausnopeuden säätämiseksi. Koehuoneessa vallitsi normaali ilmanpaine, ilman suhteellinen kosteus vaihteli välillä 50–65 % ja huoneen lämpötila välillä 21,2–24,1 ºC. Kuivatut kiteet analysoitiin optisella mikroskoopilla. Kaikista karbamatsepiinin vesiliuoksista kiteytyi dihydraatti-muotoa. Muutokset haihdutusolosuhteissa vaikuttivat selvästi haihtumis-voihin ja muodostuvien kiteiden rakenteeseen.


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The kinetics of reactive uptake of gaseous N2O5 on sub-micron aerosol particles composed of aqueous ammonium sulfate, ammonium hydrogensulfate and sodium nitrate has been investigated. Uptake was measured in a laminar flow reactor, coupled with a differential mobility analyser (DMA) to obtain the aerosol size distribution, with N2O5 detection using NO chemiluminescence. FTIR spectroscopy was used to obtain information about the composition and water content of the aerosol particles under the conditions used in the kinetic measurements. The aerosols were generated by the nebulisation of aqueous salt solutions. The uptake coefficient on the sulfate salts was in the range [gamma]=0.0015 to 0.033 depending on temperature, humidity and phase of the aerosol. On sodium nitrate aerosols the values were much lower, [gamma]<0.001, confirming the inhibition of N2O5 hydrolysis by nitrate ions. At high humidity (>50% r.h.) the uptake coefficient on liquid sulfate aerosols is independent of water content, but at lower humidity, especially below the efflorescence point, the reactivity of the aerosol declines, correlating with the lower water content. The lower uptake rate on solid aerosols may be due to limitations imposed by the liquid volume in the particles. Uptake on sulfate aerosols showed a negative temperature dependence at T>290 K but no significant temperature dependence at lower temperatures. The results are generally consistent with previous models of N2O5 hydrolysis where the reactive intermediate is NO2+ produced by autoionisation of nitrogen pentoxide in the condensed phase.


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The catalytic hydrodechlorination (HDC) reaction, which is an attractive abatement process for chlorinated organic wastes, was studied over a magnetically recoverable supported Pd(0) catalyst. We investigated the most favorable reaction conditions under which to obtain the highest substrate conversion rates while preserving the catalyst properties and morphology. Sodium hydroxide, triethylamine and buffered solutions were used as proton scavengers in the HDC of chlorobenzene under mild conditions. It was observed that sodium hydroxide caused corrosion of the silica support, triethylamine in 2-propanol preserved the morphology of the catalyst which could be recycled for up to five successive H DC reactions, and aqueous buffer solutions preserved the catalyst morphology and the catalytic activity for up to four successive HDC reactions. The use of buffer solutions to neutralize the HCl formed during the HDC reaction is an interesting, less aggressive, alternative approach to HDC reactions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Here we present the catalytic hydrogenation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to less toxic mixtures of saturated and partial unsaturated polycyclic hydrocarbons under mild reaction conditions using a magnetically recoverable rhodium catalyst and molecular hydrogen as the exclusive H source. The catalyst is easily recovered after each reaction by placing a permanent magnet on the reactor wall and it can be reused in successive runs without any significant loss of catalytic activity. As an example, anthracene was totally converted into the saturated polycyclic hydrocarbon form (ca. 60%) and the partially hydrogenated form, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydroanthracene (ca. 40%). The catalyst operates in a broad range of temperature and H(2) pressure in both organic and aqueous/organic solutions of anthracene and it also exhibits significant activity at low substrate concentrations (20 ppm). This can be an efficient recycling process for hydrogenation of PAHs present in contaminated fluid waste streams. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A fast and reliable method for the direct determination of iron in sand by solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry was developed. A Zeeman-effect 3-field background corrector was used to decrease the sensitivity of spectrometer measurements. This strategy allowed working with up to 200 mu g of samples, thus improving the representativity. Using samples with small particle sizes (1-50 mu m) and adding 5 mu g Pd as chemical modifier, it was possible to obtain suitable calibration curves with aqueous reference solutions. The pyrolysis and atomization temperatures for the optimized heating program were 1400 and 2500 degrees C, respectively. The characteristic mass, based on integrated absorbance, was 56 pg, and the detection limits, calculated considering the variability of 20 consecutive measurements of platform inserted without sample was 32 pg. The accuracy of the procedure was checked with the analysis of two reference materials (IPT 62 and 63). The determined concentrations were in agreement with the recommended values (95% confidence level). Five sand samples were analyzed, and a good agreement (95% confidence level) was observed using the proposed method and conventional flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The relative standard deviations were lower than 25% (n = 5). The tube and boat platform lifetimes were around 1000 and 250 heating cycles, respectively.


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As técnicas de fluorimetria, condutometria, viscosimetria, turbidimetria, espalhamento de luz e espalhamento de raios-X a baixo ângulo (SAXS) foram empregadas no estudo da agregação de diferentes surfactantes aniônicos em presença de soluções aquosas diluídas de (hidroxipropil)celulose (HPC) 0,25% m/m, (hidroxipropilmetil)celulose (HPMC) 0,20% m/m e HPMC 0,10% m/m / NaCl 0,10 mol L-1. Também foram investigadas através de SAXS soluções concentradas de HPC (30, 40 e 50% m/m). Admitindo-se uma faixa geral de concentração, entre 10-4 e 10-1 mol L-1, foram utilizados neste estudo os surfactantes colato de sódio (CS), deoxicolato de sódio (DC), derivados dos sais biliares, e o alquilsintético dodecilsulafato de sódio (SDS). Observou-se que os polímeros contribuem diferentemente no processo de agregação de cada surfactante, evidenciado pela mudança dos valores da concentração de agregação crítica (CAC) em relação à concentração micelar crítica (CMC). Os resultados condutométricos confirmaram a interação éteres de celulose/sais biliares, embora a mesma tenha se mostrado mais fraca em relação a éteres de celulose/SDS. Os dados termodinâmicos demonstraram que a formação de agregados polímero/surfactante apresenta maior estabilidade do que as próprias micelas livres. Os resultados de viscosimetria e turbidimetria evidenciaram as diferenças estruturais entre HPC e HPMC, assim como entre os surfactantes. Através do espalhamento de luz dinâmico, verificou-se a existência de dois modos de correlação, rápido e lento. O primeiro é atribuído à cadeia polimérica isolada, agregados polímero/surfactante intramoleculares ou mesmo a micelas livres. Por sua vez, o modo lento relaciona-se a clusters poliméricos ou agregados polímero/surfactante intermoleculares. Adicionalmente, as curvas de distribuição dos tempos de relaxação demonstraram a influência de cada surfactante sobre a dinâmica dos polímeros. Tal influência é percebida antes mesmo da CAC, contrariando o modelo da interação polímero/surfactante proposto por Cabane. Os resultados de SAXS acusaram a formação de domínios líquido-cristalinos em xx soluções concentradas de HPC, assim como confirmaram a presença de micelas livres a altas concentrações de surfactantes nos sistemas diluídos. Em linhas gerais, os resultados indicaram a interação dos polímeros com SDS mais efetiva do que os mesmos polímeros e os sais biliares. No que tange à natureza do polímero, a HPC mostrou uma maior estabilidade na sua interação com os surfactantes do que a HPMC.