924 resultados para ALUMINUM COCATALYST
A highly Al-resistant dissimilatory sulphatereducing bacteria community was isolated from sludge of the wetland of Urgeiriça mine (community W). This community showed excellent sulphate removal at the presence of Al3+. After 27 days of incubation, 73,86 and 81% of sulphate was removed in the presence of 0.48, 0.90 and 1.30 mM of Al3+, respectively. Moreover,Al3+ was simultaneously removed: 55,85 and 78% of metal was removed in the presence of 0.48, 0.90 and 1.30 mM of Al3+, respectively. The dissociation of aluminiumlactate soluble complexes due to lactate consumption by dissimilatory sulphate-reducing bacteria can be responsible for aluminum removal, which probably precipitates as insoluble aluminium hydroxide. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene showed that this community was mainly composed by bacteria closely related to Desulfovibrio desulfuricans. However, bacteria affiliated to Proteus and Ralstonia were also present in the community.
This paper reports on an innovative approach to measuring intraluminal pressure in the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract, especially monitoring GI motility and peristaltic movements. The proposed approach relies on thin-film aluminum strain gauges deposited on top of a Kapton membrane, which in turn lies on top of an SU-8 diaphragm-like structure. This structure enables the Kapton membrane to bend when pressure is applied, thereby affecting the strain gauges and effectively changing their electrical resistance. The sensor, with an area of 3.4 mm2, is fabricated using photolithography and standard microfabrication techniques (wet etching). It features a linear response (R2 = 0.9987) and an overall sensitivity of 2.6 mV mmHg−1. Additionally, its topology allows a high integration capability. The strain gauges’ responses to pressure were studied and the fabrication process optimized to achieve high sensitivity, linearity, and reproducibility. The sequential acquisition of the different signals is carried out by a microcontroller, with a 10-bit ADC and a sample rate of 250 Hz. The pressure signals are then presented in a user-friendly interface, developed using the Integrated Development Environment software, QtCreator IDE, for better visualization by physicians.
Seven cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L. were grown in nutrient solution in the presence and absence of aluminum. Da ta obtained herewith allowed for the following conclusions to be drawn: (1) plant height, root lenght and total dry weight decreased with increase of aluminum levels in the nutrient solution; (2) aluminum concentration in plant tissue increased with higher levels of aluminum in the substrate; decreases pf calcium and magnesium concentration in the dry matter in the presence of higher aluminum concentration in the nutrient solution were observed.
Linear relationships were found between the dose of A1(OH)3 adjuvant and the titer of anti-OVA antibodies formed by BDF1 mice. Mice immunized with OVA, DNP-KLH and then boosted with DNP-OVA formed anti-DNP antibodies only when A1(OH)3 was added to the injection of DNP-KLH; addition of A1(OH)3 to the priming injection of OVA decreased, rather than increased antibody formation.
The need to develop a vaccine against schistosomiasis led several researches and our group to investigate proteins from Schistosoma mansoni as vaccine candidates. Sm22.6 is a protein from S. mansoni that shows high identity with Sj22.6 and Sh22.6 (79 and 91%, respectively). These proteins are associated with high levels of IgE and protection to reinfection. Previously, we have shown that Sm22.6 induced a partial protection of 34.5% when used together with Freund's adjuvant and produced a Th0 type of immune response with interferon-g and interleukin-4. In this work, mice were immunized with Sm22.6 alone or with aluminum hydroxide adjuvant and high levels of IgG, IgG1, and IgG2a were measured. Unfortunately, no protection was detected. Since IL-10 is a modulating cytokine in schistosomiasis, we also observed a high level of this molecule in splenocytes of vaccinated mice. In conclusion, we did not observe the adjuvant effect of aluminum hydroxide associated with rSm22.6 in protective immunity.
Alleviation of Al rhizotoxicity by Ca and Mg can differ among species and genotypes. Root elongation of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] line N93-S-179 and cvs. Young and Ransom exposed to varying concentrations of Al, Ca and Mg were compared in two experiments using a vertically split root system. Roots extending from a surface compartment with limed soil grew for 12 days into a subsurface compartment with nutrient solution treatments maintained at pH 4.6 with either 0 or 15 µmol L-1 Al. Calcium and Mg concentrations in treatments ranging from 0 to 20 mmol L-1. Although an adequate supply of Mg was provided in the surface soil compartment for soybean top growth, an inclusion of Mg was necessary in the subsurface solutions to promote root elongation in both the presence and absence of Al. In the absence of Al in the subsurface solution, tap root length increased by 74 % and lateral root length tripled when Mg in the solutions was increased from 0 to either 2 or 10 mmol L-1. In the presence of 15 µmol L-1 Al, additions of 2 or 10 mmol L-1 Mg increased tap root length fourfold and lateral root length by a factor of 65. This high efficacy of Mg may have masked differences in Al tolerance between genotypes N93 and Young. Magnesium was more effective than Ca in alleviating Al rhizotoxicity, and its ameliorative properties could not be accounted for by estimated electrostatic changes in root membrane potential and Al3+ activity at the root surface. The physiological mechanisms of Mg alleviation of Al injury in roots, however, are not known.
A large proportion of soybean fields in Brazil are currently cultivated in the Cerrado region, where the area planted with this crop is growing considerably every year. Soybean cultivation in acid soils is also increasing worldwide. Since the levels of toxic aluminum (Al) in these acid soils is usually high it is important to understand how cations can reduce Al rhizotoxicity in soybean. In the present study we evaluated the ameliorative effect of nine divalent cations (Ca, Mg, Mn, Sr, Sn, Cu, Zn, Co and Ba) in solution culture on Al rhizotoxicity in soybean. The growth benefit of Ca and Mg to plants in an acid Inceptisol was also evaluated. In this experiment soil exchangeable Ca:Mg ratios were adjusted to reach 10 and 60 % base saturation, controlled by different amounts of CaCl2 or MgCl2 (at proportions from 100:0 up to 0:100), without altering the soil pH level. The low (10 %) and adequate (60 %) base saturation were used to examine how plant roots respond to Al at distinct (Ca + Mg)/Al ratios, as if they were growing in soils with distinct acidity levels. Negative and positive control treatments consisted of absence (under native soil or undisturbed conditions) or presence of lime (CaCO3) to reach 10 and 60 % base saturation, respectively. It was observed that in the absence of Aluminum, Cu, Zn, Co and Sn were toxic even at a low concentration (25 µmol L-1), while the effect of Mn, Ba, Sr and Mg was positive or absent on soybean root elongation when used in concentrations up to 100 µmol L-1. At a level of 10 µmol L-1 Al, root growth was only reverted to the level of control plants by the Mg treatment. Higher Tin doses led to a small alleviation of Al rhizotoxicity, while the other cations reduced root growth or had no effect. This is an indication that the Mg effect is ion-specific and not associated to an electrostatic protection mechanism only, since all ions were divalent and used at low concentrations. An increased exchangeable Ca:Mg ratio (at constant soil pH) in the acid soil almost doubled the soybean shoot and root dry matter even though treatments did not modify soil pH and exchangeable Al3+. This indicates a more efficient alleviation of Al toxicity by Mg2+ than by Ca2+. The reason for the positive response to Mg2+ was not the supply of a deficient nutrient because CaCO3 increased soybean growth by increasing soil pH without inducing Mg2+ deficiency. Both in hydroponics and acid soil, the reduction in Al toxicity was accompanied by a lower Al accumulation in plant tissue, suggesting a competitive cation absorption and/or exclusion of Al from plant tissue stimulated by an Mg-induced physiological mechanism.
The protective effect of cations, especially Ca and Mg, against aluminum (Al) rhizotoxicity has been extensively investigated in the last decades. The mechanisms by which the process occurs are however only beginning to be elucidated. Six experiments were carried out here to characterize the protective effect of Mg application in relation to timing, location and crop specificity: Experiment 1 - Protective effect of Mg compared to Ca; Experiment 2 - Protective effect of Mg on distinct root classes of 15 soybean genotypes; Experiment 3 - Effect of timing of Mg supply on the response of soybean cvs. to Al; Experiment 4 - Investigating whether the Mg protective effect is apoplastic or simplastic using a split-root system; Experiment 5 - Protective effect of Mg supplied in solution or foliar spraying, and Experiment 6 - Protective effect of Mg on Al rhizotoxicity in other crops. It was found that the addition of 50 mmol L-1 Mg to solutions containing toxic Al increased Al tolerance in 15 soybean cultivars. This caused soybean cultivars known as Al-sensitive to behave as if they were tolerant. The protective action of Mg seems to require constant Mg supply in the external medium. Supplying Mg up to 6 h after root exposition to Al was sufficient to maintain normal soybean root growth, but root growth was not recovered by Mg addition 12 h after Al treatments. Mg application to half of the root system not exposed to Al was not sufficient to prevent Al toxicity on the other half exposed to Al without Mg in rooting medium, indicating the existence of an external protection mechanism of Mg. Foliar spraying with Mg also failed to decrease Al toxicity, indicating a possible apoplastic role of Mg. The protective effect of Mg appeared to be soybean-specific since Mg supply did not substantially improve root elongation in sorghum, wheat, corn, cotton, rice, or snap bean when grown in the presence of toxic Al concentrations.
No tillage systems significantly influence the soil system, but knowledge about the effects on the mineralogy of tropical and subtropical soils is limited. This study evaluated the long-term effects (26 years) of no-tillage (NT) on aluminum hydroxy-interlayered minerals of a subtropical Oxisol in Southern Brazil (Guarapuava, PR), compared to the same soil under conventional tillage (CT). The clay fraction (< 2 µm) in soil samples of the surface horizons of a field experiment under both management systems was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) to identify and characterize Al hydroxy-interlayered minerals before and after treatment with sodium citrate to remove intra-layer material. Soil liquid (solution) and solid phases were also characterized. The contents of total organic C, exchangeable cations, P, and the values of extractable acidity and cation exchange capacity as well as electrical conductivity and levels of dissolved organic C, basic cations, aluminum, Si, and sulfur in the soil solution were higher in the NT soil. Under both soil management systems, more than 90 % of the total soluble Al was complexed with organic compounds, with similar Al activity. No significant changes were detected by 2:1 clay mineral XRD analyses in terms of extension or intercalation of Al-hydroxy-polymers in the no-tilled in comparison to the conventionally tilled soil. In both soil management systems, Al and Si activities in the soil solution indicated thermodynamic stability of 2:1 clay minerals with partially occupied by hydroxy-Al, suggesting deceleration in the intercalation process and a tendency of transforming clay minerals from extensive into partial intercalation.
Aluminum (Al) toxicity is one of the most limiting factors for productivity. This research was carried out to assess the influence of Al nutrient solution on plant height, dry weight and morphoanatomical alterations in corn (Zea mays L.) roots and leaves. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with five treatments consisting of Al doses (0, 25, 75, 150, and 300 µmol L-1) and six replications. The solutions were constantly aerated, and the pH was initially adjusted to 4.3. The shoot dry matter, root dry matter and plant height decreased significantly with increasing Al concentrations. Compared to the control plants, it was observed that the root growth of corn plants in Al solutions was inhibited, there were fewer lateral roots and the development of the root system reduced. The leaf anatomy of plants grown in solutions containing 75 and 300 µmol L-1 Al differed in few aspects from the control plants. The leaf sheaths of the plants exposed to Al had a uniseriate epidermis coated with a thin cuticle layer, and the cells of both the epidermis and the cortex were less developed. In the vascular bundle, the metaxylem and protoxylem had no secondary walls, and the diameter of both was much smaller than of the control plants.
Background: Inflammasome activation with the production of IL-1 beta received substantial attention recently in inflammatory diseases. However, the role of inflammasome in the pathogenesis of asthma is not clear. Using an adjuvant-free model of allergic lung inflammation induced by ovalbumin (OVA), we investigated the role of NLRP3 inflammasome and related it to IL-1R1 signaling pathway.Methods: Allergic lung inflammation induced by OVA was evaluated in vivo in mice deficient in NLRP3 inflammasome, IL-1R1, IL-1 beta or IL-1 alpha. Eosinophil recruitment, Th2 cytokine, and chemokine levels were determined in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, lung homogenates, and mediastinal lymph node cells ex vivo.Results: Allergic airway inflammation depends on NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Dendritic cell recruitment into lymph nodes, Th2 lymphocyte activation in the lung and secretion of Th2 cytokines and chemokines are reduced in the absence of NLRP3. Absence of NLRP3 and IL-1 beta is associated with reduced expression of other proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-5, IL-13, IL-33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin. Furthermore, the critical role of IL-1R1 signaling in allergic inflammation is confirmed in IL-1R1-, IL-1 beta-, and IL-1 alpha-deficient mice.Conclusion: NLRP3 inflammasome activation leading to IL-1 production is critical for the induction of a Th2 inflammatory allergic response.
Interaction models of atomic Al with Si4H9, Si4H7, and Si6H9 clusters have been studied to simulate Al chemisorption on the Si(111) surface in the atop, fourfold atop, and open sites. Calculations were carried out using nonempirical pseudopotentials in the framework of the ab initio Hartree-Fock procedure. Equilibrium bond distances, binding energies for adsorption, and vibrational frequencies of the adatoms are calculated. Several basis sets were used in order to show the importance of polarization effects, especially in the binding energies. Final results show the importance of considering adatom-induced relaxation effects to specify the order of energy stabilities for the three different sites, the fourfold atop site being the preferred one, in agreement with experimental findings.
Seed from the sensitive wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) cultivar Anahuac was treated to gamma-ray irradiation and eleven Al3+ tolerant mutants selected. The objective was to compare these mutants to the original Anahuac and to the tolerant wheat cultivars IAC-24 and IAC-60 from 1994 to 1996 in acid (Capão Bonito) and limed (Monte Alegre do Sul) soil field trials, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Grain yield and agronomic characteristics were analyzed. All the mutant lines yielded higher than the sensitive Anahuac cultivar in the acid soils of Capão Bonito. Under limed soil conditions, 10 mutants had a similar yield to the original sensitive cultivar and one a lower yield. The majority of the mutants were similar in yield to the tolerant cultivars IAC-24 and IAC-60 under both conditions. Some of the mutants showed altered agronomic characteristics, but these alterations did not generally influence the grain yield. The results indicated that tolerant lines with good characteristics may be obtained from a susceptible cultivar by mutation induction, thus allowing cropping under conditions where Al3 + is a limiting factor.
Aluminum (Al) toxicity is a major factor limiting barley growth in acid soils, and genotypes with adequate level of tolerance are needed for improving barley adaptation in Brazil. To study the inheritance of Al tolerance in Brazilian barleys, cultivars Antarctica 1, BR 1 and FM 404 were crossed to sensitive Kearney and PFC 8026, and intercrossed. Parental, F1, F2 and F6 generations were grown in nutrient solution containing 0.03, 0.05 and 0.07 mM of Al and classified for tolerance by the root tip hematoxylin staining assay. Tolerant by sensitive F2 progenies segregated three tolerant to one sensitive, fitting the 3:1 ratio expected for a single gene. The F6 populations segregated one tolerant to one sensitive also fitting a monogenic ratio. The F2 seedlings from crosses among tolerant genotypes scored the same as the parents. Since the population size used would allow detection of recombination as low as 7%, the complete absence of Al sensitive recombinants suggests that tolerance in these cultivars is most probably, controlled by the same gene. Thus, the potential for improving Al tolerance through recombination of these genotypes is very low and different gene sources should be evaluated.
This report addresses the field testing and analysis of those results to establish the behavior of the original Clive Road Bridge that carried highway traffic over Interstate 80 (I-80) in the northwest region of Des Moines, Iowa. The bridge was load tested in 1959, shortly after its construction and in 1993, just prior to its demolition. This report presents some of the results from both field tests, finite element predictions of the behavior of aluminum bridge girders, and load distribution studies.