68 resultados para ALUMINOSILICATES


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57Fe Mössbauer spectra for 26 sediment and 6 carbonate concretion samples from Sites 798 and 799 were recorded at 293 K. Most spectra were deconvolved to two quadrupole doublets without magnetic hyperfine structure. Typical Mössbauer parameters were: isomer shift (I.S.) = 0.34 mm/s and quadrupole splitting (Q.S.) = 0.64 mm/s for the paramagnetic Fe3+ component (partly, pyrite); I.S. = 1.13 mm/s and Q.S. = 2.64 mm/s for the high-spin Fe2+ component derived from iron-bearing aluminosilicates. A few spectra included other high-spin Fe2+ components ascribed to iron-bearing carbonate minerals (e.g., ferroan magnesite), according to the Mössbauer parameters for Fe2+ in the carbonate concretions. We present the distribution of iron among different chemical forms as a function of depth. These data might indicate changes of depositional and diagenetic conditions.


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Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles in sediment at Site 1063 are characterized by distinct fluctuations in physical properties. Stadials are marked by low bulk density and interstadials by high bulk density. Compressional (P-)wave velocity is in phase with bulk density over some but not all depth intervals. Four of the D-O cycles straddling the oxygen isotope Stage 4/5 boundary have been studied in detail to understand the origin of the physical properties changes. Sediment on the Bermuda Rise is comprised of three main components: calcite, aluminosilicate minerals, and biogenic silica. Calcite concentrations vary from 1% to 43% of bulk sediment and are highest during interstadials. Aluminosilicate concentrations vary from 52% to 92% of bulk sediment and are highest during stadials. The major element ratios Al2O3/TiO2 and K2O/Al2O3 show increases across bulk density cycles, suggesting a change in the composition of aluminosilicates. This interpretation is supported by mineralogical analyses, which show a subtle change in clay composition. Biogenic silica concentrations vary from 0% to 23% of bulk sediment and are also highest during stadials. However, the abundance of silica varies significantly from one D-O cycle to another. Silt and fine sand abundance also increase during the first of the four stadials. This coarsening of sediment coincides with the increase in biogenic silica. The low grain density and high porosity associated with biogenic silica result in intervals of low bulk-sediment density. The abundance of biogenic silica closely matches P-wave velocity, suggesting that silica imparts a greater rigidity to the sediment.


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The solution rate of biogenic opal in near-surface sediments in the Central Equatorial Pacific is three to eight orders of magnitude lower than similar acid-cleaned samples. Iron, magnesium and calcium aluminosilicates may be the minerals which are forming on the surface of the opal and reducing its solution rate. The scale height of the system studied suggests that diffusive and not advective processes are primarily responsible for the removal of dissolved silica in sediments. Solution budget calculations for this area suggest that 90-99 per cent of the biogenic opal produced in surface waters dissolves before reaching the sediment-water interface; an additional amount dissolves within the sediment and diffuses into bottom waters leaving 0.05-0.15 per cent of the original amount of opal produced by organisms in the sedimentary record. The relative solution potential of the upper 1000 m of the water column varies by more than an order of magnitude from the Antarctic to Equator and may have a pronounced effect on the accumulation rate of biogenic opal in underlying sediments.


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Acid-sulfate alteration of basalt by SO2-bearing volcanic vapors has been proposed as one possible origin for sulfate-rich deposits on Mars. To better define mineralogical signatures of acid-sulfate alteration, laboratory experiments were performed to investigate alteration pathways and geochemical processes during reaction of basalt with sulfuric acid. Pyroclastic cinders composed of phenocrysts including plagioclase, olivine, and augite embedded in glass were reacted with sulfuric acid at 145 °C for up to 137 days at a range of fluid : rock ratios. During the experiments, the phenocrysts reacted rapidly to form secondary products, while the glass was unreactive. Major products included amorphous silica, anhydrite, and Fe-rich natroalunite, along with minor iron oxides/oxyhydroxides (probably hematite) and trace levels of other sulfates. At the lowest fluid : rock ratio, hexahydrite and an unidentified Fe-silicate phase also occurred as major products. Reaction-path models indicated that formation of the products required both slow dissolution of glass and kinetic inhibitions to precipitation of a number of minerals including phyllosilicates and other aluminosilicates as well as Al- and Fe-oxides/oxyhydroxides. Similar models performed for Martian basalt compositions predict that the initial stages of acid-sulfate alteration of pyroclastic deposits on Mars should result in formation of amorphous silica, anhydrite, Fe-bearing natroalunite, and kieserite, along with relict basaltic glass. In addition, analysis of the experimental products indicates that Fe-bearing natroalunite produces a Mössbauer spectrum closely resembling that of jarosite, suggesting that it should be considered an alternative to the component in sulfate-rich bedrocks at Meridiani Planum that has previously been identified as jarosite.


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The sandstone petrology of Leg 66 samples provides insights into changes through time in the geology of the source regions along the Guerrero portion of the Middle America continental margin. This in turn constrains possible models of the evolution of the Middle America Trench (e.g., de Czerna, 1971; Malfait and Dinkleman, 1972; Karig, 1974). Primarily medium-grained sands and sandstones, representing the widest variety available of trench/trench slope settings and ages, were analyzed in both light and heavy mineral studies. Standard techniques were used as much as possible in order to compare results from other margins and from ancient rocks.


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A geochemical study of sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 983 was conducted to examine low-frequency variations in carbonate content as expressed by blue-band reflectance (450-500 nm) over the last 1.2 Ma. Sedimentary percent organic carbon, percent carbonate, and excess barium (Ba[ex]) were used as the primary tools to evaluate the factors responsible for these long-term changes. We observe positive correlation between the mass-accumulation rate of various biogenic components and the mass-accumulation rate of Ba(ex), especially in sediments younger than ~600 ka. Deeper in the section (~600-1200 ka), the correlation between Ba(ex) and the other biogenic tracers is weak. The lack of correlation between Ba(ex) and biogenic carbonate likely results either from a higher supply of terrigenous material at that time (which confounds Ba[ex] estimation), or remobilization of Ba resulting from low pore-water sulfate ion concentrations, or both. Nonbiogenic sediments at Site 983, represented by Th, K2O, and the molar Ti/Al ratio, exhibit cyclic variations that represent mixing between continental and oceanic (i.e., basaltic) terrigenous sources. The timing of these cycles matches that of the major glacial-interglacial cycles, which suggests that they result from the supply of continental material as ice-rafted debris during glacial periods and fine-grained basaltic material by bottom currents during interglacial periods. Given these observations, the most likely causes for the low-frequency carbonate variations observed in the Site 983 sediments are shifts in surface productivity and, to a lesser extent, dilution by the input of terrigenous material.


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Sediments recovered from Site 765 can be divided into seven mineral associations, based on differences in clay mineralogy. These clay mineral associations correlate with the lithologic units and reflect the rift-to-drift history of the passive Australian margin. In general, the Lower to mid-Cretaceous sediments represent altered volcanic material and detrital aluminosilicates that were deposited during the early formation of the Argo Basin. The predominant clay mineral is randomly interstratified illite/smectite (I/S) that contains less than 10% illite layers. The transformation of smectite to illite is suggested by an increase in the percentage of illite layers in the basal sediments (from <10% to 40%) that corresponds to the silica transformation of opal-CT to quartz. This mixed-layered illite/smectite has an average composition of (K0.14 Na0.29 C0.07)(Al0.88 Mg0.43 Fe0.61 Ti0.06)(Si3.88 Al0.12)(O)10(OH)2. The highly smectitic composition of the I/S and its association with bentonite layers and zeolite minerals suggest that much of the I/S was derived from the alteration of volcanic material. The condensed middle to Upper Cretaceous sediments consist of palygorskite and detrital I/S that contains 30% to 60% illite layers. The condensed Paleogene sediments contain no palygorskite and are dominated by detrital clay minerals or by highly smectitic I/S associated with bentonite layers and zeolite minerals. The overlying, rapidly deposited Neogene clayey calcareous turbidites consist of three distinct clay mineral associations. Middle Miocene sediments contain palygorskite, kaolinite, and a tentatively identified mixed-layered illite/smectite/chlorite (I/S/C) or saponite. Upper Miocene sediments contain abundant sepiolite and kaolinite and lesser amounts of detrital I/S. Detrital I/S and kaolinite dominate the clay mineralogy of Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments. The fibrous, magnesium-rich clay minerals sepiolite and palygorskite appear to be authigenic and occur intimately associated with authigenic dolomite. The magnesium required to form these Mg-rich minerals was supplied by diffusion from the overlying seawater, and silica was supplied by the dissolution of associated biogenic silica.


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