962 resultados para AL Guarany 2002


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Se presentan las actas del V Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Investigación en Educación Educativa. Se incluyen las sesiones comunes que consisten en seminarios, presentación de proyectos de investigación, presentación de paneles, y una mesa redonda. En los seminarios se mostraron diferentes perspectivas sobre la enseñanza de las matemáticas en los distintos niveles educativos.


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Segundo premio de la convocatoria de los Premios Nacionales a la Innovación Educativa 2003


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Attanasio et al. (JPE, 2002) have used microeconomic data on households to provide new estimates of the welfare costs of infiation using Bailey's unidimensional welfare measure as a basis for their calculations. Such a measure does not properly take into consideration lhe fact that the majority of households in their sample (58.7 percent) holds not only bank deposits and currency, but also a second type of interest-bearing assct. This work devises alternative formulas which account for the existence of bank deposits and a sccond interest-bearing asset in the economy, as well as for adoption decisions regarding alternative financiai technologies.


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N-Terminally and internally labeled analogues of the hormones angiotensin (AII, DRVYIHPF) and bradykinin (BK, RPPGFSPFR) were synthesized containing the paramagnetic amino acid 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amino-4- carboxylic acid (TOAC). TOAC replaced Asp 1 (TOAC 1-AII) and Val 3 (TOAC 3-AII) in AII and was inserted prior to Arg 1 (TOAC 0-BK) and replacing Pro 3 (TOAC 3-BK) in BK. The peptide conformational properties were examined as a function of trifluoroethanol (TFE) content and pH. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra were sensitive to both variables and showed that internally labeled analogues yielded rotational correlation times (TC) considerably larger than N-terminally labeled ones, evincing the greater freedom of motion of the N-terminus. In TFE, τ C increased due to viscosity effects. Calculation of τ Cpeptide/τ CTOAC ratios indicated that the peptides acquired more folded conformations. Circular dichroism spectra showed that, except for TOAC 1-AII in TFE, the N-terminally labeled analogues displayed a conformational behavior similar to that of the parent peptides. In contrast, under all conditions, the TOAC 3 derivatives acquired more restricted conformations. Fluorescence spectra of All and its derivatives were especially sensitive to the ionization of Tyr 4. Fluorescence quenching by the nitroxide moiety was much more pronounced for TOAC 3-AII The conformational behavior of the TOAC derivatives bears excellent correlation with their biological activity, since, while the N-terminally labeled peptides were partially active, their internally labeled counterparts were inactive [Nakaie, C. R., et al., Peptides 2002, 23, 65-70]. The data demonstrate that insertion of TOAC in the middle of the peptide chain induces conformational restrictions that lead to loss of backbone flexibility, not allowing the peptides to acquire their receptor-bound conformation. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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The stingless bees are an important component of the insect biomass in many tropical areas, due to their collection of nectar and pollen. Trigona spinipes is a widely distributed species in South America, and described as a pollinator of many crops that can be used in a commercial pollinating system. The effects of plant extracts on insects are studied because of the demand for organic food and their selectivity to natural enemies. Plant insecticides are reported as a potential agent for the control of insect pests, however little is known about their impact on beneficial insects. This study investigated the survival of Trigona spinipes (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) Fabricius, after exposure to the leaf extracts of Azadiracha indica (Meliaceae), Lippia sidoides (Verbenaceae), Sapindus saponaria (Sapindaceae), Anonna squamosa (Anonnaceae) Cymbopogon winterianum (Poaceae), Corimbia citriodora (Myrtaceae), Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae) and Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) and of seeds of Azadiracha indica, Ricinus communis Nordestina and AL Guarany varieties and Jatropha curcas. The extracts that had the greatest influence on the survival of the bees were A. indica at 3% and 7% of concentration, A. squamosa at a concentration of 10% with 68.89% survival and green leaf of R. communis at a concentration of 7%. The results show that although the extracts were effective in controlling pests, they may also affect the pollinator Trigona spinipes.


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Background: It is well known, since the pioneristic observation by Jenkins and Dallenbach (Am J Psychol 1924;35:605-12), that a period of sleep provides a specific advantage for the consolidation of newly acquired informations. Recent research about the possible enhancing effect of sleep on memory consolidation has focused on procedural memory (part of non-declarative memory system, according to Squire’s taxonomy), as it appears the memory sub-system for which the available data are more consistent. The acquisition of a procedural skill follows a typical time course, consisting in a substantial practice-dependent learning followed by a slow, off-line improvement. Sleep seems to play a critical role in promoting the process of slow learning, by consolidating memory traces and making them more stable and resistant to interferences. If sleep is critical for the consolidation of a procedural skill, then an alteration of the organization of sleep should result in a less effective consolidation, and therefore in a reduced memory performance. Such alteration can be experimentally induced, as in a deprivation protocol, or it can be naturally observed in some sleep disorders as, for example, in narcolepsy. In this research, a group of narcoleptic patients, and a group of matched healthy controls, were tested in two different procedural abilities, in order to better define the size and time course of sleep contribution to memory consolidation. Experimental Procedure: A Texture Discrimination Task (Karni & Sagi, Nature 1993;365:250-2) and a Finger Tapping Task (Walker et al., Neuron 2002;35:205-11) were administered to two indipendent samples of drug-naive patients with first-diagnosed narcolepsy with cataplexy (International Classification of Sleep Disorder 2nd ed., 2005), and two samples of matched healthy controls. In the Texture Discrimination task, subjects (n=22) had to learn to recognize a complex visual array on the screen of a personal computer, while in the Finger Tapping task (n=14) they had to press a numeric sequence on a standard keyboard, as quickly and accurately as possible. Three subsequent experimental sessions were scheduled for each partecipant, namely a training session, a first retrieval session the next day, and a second retrieval session one week later. To test for possible circadian effects on learning, half of the subjects performed the training session at 11 a.m. and half at 17 p.m. Performance at training session was taken as a measure of the practice-dependent learning, while performance of subsequent sessions were taken as a measure of the consolidation level achieved respectively after one and seven nights of sleep. Between training and first retrieval session, all participants spent a night in a sleep laboratory and underwent a polygraphic recording. Results and Discussion: In both experimental tasks, while healthy controls improved their performance after one night of undisturbed sleep, narcoleptic patients showed a non statistically significant learning. Despite this, at the second retrieval session either healthy controls and narcoleptics improved their skills. Narcoleptics improved relatively more than controls between first and second retrieval session in the texture discrimination ability, while their performance remained largely lower in the motor (FTT) ability. Sleep parameters showed a grater fragmentation in the sleep of the pathological group, and a different distribution of Stage 1 and 2 NREM sleep in the two groups, being thus consistent with the hypothesis of a lower consolidation power of sleep in narcoleptic patients. Moreover, REM density of the first part of the night of healthy subjects showed a significant correlation with the amount of improvement achieved at the first retrieval session in TDT task, supporting the hypothesis that REM sleep plays an important role in the consolidation of visuo-perceptual skills. Taken together, these results speak in favor of a slower, rather than lower consolidation of procedural skills in narcoleptic patients. Finally, an explanation of the results, based on the possible role of sleep in contrasting the interference provided by task repetition is proposed.


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The study assessed the brain electric mechanisms of light and deep hypnotic conditions in the framework of EEG temporal microstates. Multichannel EEG of healthy volunteers during initial resting, light hypnosis, deep hypnosis, and eventual recovery was analyzed into temporal EEG microstates of four classes. Microstates are defined by the spatial configuration of their potential distribution maps ([Symbol: see text]potential landscapes') on the head surface. Because different potential landscapes must have been generated by different active neural assemblies, it is reasonable to assume that they also incorporate different brain functions. The observed four microstate classes were very similar to the four standard microstate classes A, B, C, D [Koenig, T. et al. Neuroimage, 2002;16: 41-8] and were labeled correspondingly. We expected a progression of microstate characteristics from initial resting to light to deep hypnosis. But, all three microstate parameters (duration, occurrence/second and %time coverage) yielded values for initial resting and final recovery that were between those of the two hypnotic conditions of light and deep hypnosis. Microstates of the classes B and D showed decreased duration, occurrence/second and %time coverage in deep hypnosis compared to light hypnosis; this was contrary to microstates of classes A and C which showed increased values of all three parameters. Reviewing the available information about microstates in other conditions, the changes from resting to light hypnosis in certain respects are reminiscent of changes to meditation states, and changes to deep hypnosis of those in schizophrenic states.


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Halsschmerz, Dysphagie und Dyspnoe sind die häufigsten Symptomen, aufgrund derer Patienten einen Arzt aufsuchen. Hierbei handelt es sich um unspezifische Symptome mit vielfältigen Ursachen. Mögliche im Retropharyngealraum lokalisierte Pathologien sind in der überwiegenden Anzahl der Fälle selbst limitierend oder durch medikamentöse Therapien beherrschbar (Bsp.: Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, Seitenstrangangina). Deutlich seltener sind im Spatium retropharyngeum lokalisierte Abszesse, Neoplasien (Bsp.: Lipome, Neurofibrome, Liposarkome) oder Hämatome (Schmäl F et al. HNO 2002; 50: 418 – 423). Letztlich können auch degenerative Veränderungen der Wirbelsäule, eine ektop verlaufende Arteria carotis interna oder seltene Manifestationen von Systemerkrankungen (Bsp.: Sarkoidose) zu einer unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägten Vorwölbung der Pharynxhinterwand und Einengung der Luft- und Speiseröhre führen. Anhand des vorliegenden Falls wird die klinische Präsentation sowie die radiologische Diagnose eines retropharyngealen Hämatoms diskutiert und die anatomische Beziehung der Halskompartimente mit besonderem Fokus auf den Retropharyngealraum dargestellt.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a profundidade do palato e as dimensões da arcada dentária superior de indivíduos com má oclusão e diferentes tipos faciais. A amostra empregada neste estudo foi constituída por telerradiografias em norma lateral e modelos de estudo de 135 pacientes com más oclusões de Classe I (n = 45), Classe II (n = 45) e Classe III (n = 45) de ANGLE6 (1899), sendo 67 do sexo feminino e 68 do sexo masculino, com faixa etária entre 12 e 21 anos de idade, divididos igualmente em três grupos conforme o tipo facial apresentado: Braquifacial, Mesofacial e Dolicofacial. As medidas da distância intercaninos superiores, distância intermolares superiores e comprimento da arcada superior foram obtidas por meio de um paquímetro digital. A medida da profundidade do palato foi efetuada com o auxílio de um aparelho especialmente desenvolvido e adaptado a um paquímetro digital (ARMANDO et al.8, 2002), com a finalidade de obter-se a padronização desta medida. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que, quanto ao tipo facial, houve diferença estatisticamente significante apenas para a medida da profundidade do palato, sendo que, os indivíduos braquifaciais apresentaram palato com menor profundidade (média = 18,18 mm), quando comparados aos indivíduos dolicofaciais (média = 19,52 mm). Quanto ao dimorfismo sexual, pudemos verificar que, os indivíduos do sexo masculino apresentaram médias da distância intermolares superiores (51,36 mm) e da profundidade do palato (19,61 mm) aumentadas, de forma significante, em relação às médias obtidas para o sexo feminino (50,15 mm e 18,37 mm para as medidas da distância intermolares e da profundidade do palato, respectivamente). Avaliando o tipo de má oclusão, pudemos constatar que houve diferença estatisticamente significante apenas para a medida do comprimento da arcada, sendo que, indivíduos com má oclusão de Classe II apresentaram arcadas dentárias superiores com maior comprimento ântero-posterior (média = 31,23 mm) que indivíduos com má oclusão de Classe III (média = 29,64 mm). Entretanto, a média da medida comprimento da arcada encontrada para o grupo Classe I (30,52 mm) não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparada às médias obtidas para os grupos Classe II e Classe III.


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Reviews of the dyslexia literature often seem to suggest that children with dyslexia perform at a lower level on almost any task. Richards et al. (Dyslexia 2002; 8: 1-8) note the importance of being able to demonstrate dissociations between tasks. However, increasingly elegant experiments, in which dissociations are found, almost inevitably find that the performance of children with dyslexia is lower as tasks become more difficult! By looking for deficits in dyslexia, could we be barking up the wrong tree? A methodological approach for circumventing this potential problem is discussed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.