945 resultados para AIR-WATER-INTERFACE


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DNA–didodecyldimethylammonium (DNA–DDDA) electrostatic complex was prepared and characterized through Fourier transformation infrared (FT-IR), 1H NMR and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. When the dye molecule aqueous solutions were used as the subphase, the interaction between three dye molecules, acridine orange (AO), ethidium bromide (EB) and 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphine tetra(p-toluenesulfonate) (TMPyP) and the complex at air/solution interface were investigated through the surface pressure–area (π–A) isotherms, Brewster angle microscopy and UV-Vis spectroscopy, respectively. Our investigation indicates that the interaction capabilities of the three dyes to DNA–DDDA complex are different and present an order of TMPyP>AO>EB. For the interaction forms, we believe that TMPyP intercalates into the double helix of DNA, and AO adsorbs onto the surface of the DNA. As for EB, the measured signal is too weak to give a definite interaction form in the present experiment.


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The adsorption of DNA on the Langmuir film of a cationic surfactant, dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODA·Br), and the change of the aggregation morphology of the composite monolayer with respect to surface pressure have been investigated by Brewster angle microscopy (BAM). In contrast with the case of DODA·Br on pure water subphase, when DNA was dispersed into subphase, its adsorption to the interface monolayer through electrostatic interaction decreases the charge density and therefore promotes the formation of domain at low surface pressure. In addition, the electrostatic interaction changed the phase morphology of DODA·Br Langmuir monolayer under different surface pressure, that is, from flower-shaped crystalline domain on the pure water subphase to circular domain on the subphase dispersed with DNA. The result also shows that the monolayer of the composite at air/water interface under the high pressure is not homogeneous, but consists of incompletely fused domains. For the Langmuir film of the surfactant with shorter alkyl-chains, similar morphology can be observed both under the high and low surface pressure. But the tight-stacked circular domain is no longer observed.


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The miscibility of poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) with three amphiphilic molecules and the interaction of the PLG/surfactant mixtures with DNA at air/water interface are investigated by π-A isotherms, Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. The π-A isotherms of the PLG mixtures with cationic C12AzoC6PyBr, and C12AzoC6N(CH3)3Br, are quite different from the π-A isotherm of pure PLG on water subphase. In contrast to the case, the π-A isotherm of PLG mixed with nonionic C12AzoC6OPy is almost identical to the pure PLG except some increasing of molecular area. Similar phenomena are observed on DNA subphase. The in situ BAM and ex situ AFM observations demonstrate that the dispersion of PLG at air/water interface becomes good when it mixes with the two cationic surfactants, whereas quite poor due to the phase separation when it mixes with the nonionic amphiphilic molecule. Based on these results we conclude that the cationic surfactants can affect the conformation change of PLG at air/water interface and figure a well miscibility with polymer whereas the nonionic amphiphilic molecule presents poor miscibility. In addition, the even mixing of the PLG and the cationic surfactants is favorable for the adsorption to DNA more effectively.


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Class I fungal hydrophobins form amphipathic monolayers composed of amyloid rodlets. This is a remarkable case of functional amyloid formation in that a hydrophobic:hydrophilic interface is required to trigger the self-assembly of the proteins. The mechanism of rodlet formation and the role of the interface in this process have not been well understood. Here, we have studied the effect of a range of additives, including ionic liquids, alcohols, and detergents, on rodlet formation by two class I hydrophobins, EAS and DewA. Although the conformation of the hydrophobins in these different solutions is not altered, we observe that the rate of rodlet formation is slowed as the surface tension of the solution is decreased, regardless of the nature of the additive. These results suggest that interface properties are of critical importance for the recruitment, alignment, and structural rearrangement of the amphipathic hydrophobin monomers. This work gives insight into the forces that drive macromolecular assembly of this unique family of proteins and allows us to propose a three-stage model for the interface-driven formation of rodlets.


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An investigation is made of the influence from small amounts of the protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the lateral organization of low molecular weight surfactant sodium bis-2-ethylhexyl sulfosuccinate (AOT) at the air-water interface. Surface pressure (pi - A), surface potential (DeltaV - A) and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) experiments were carried out, with particular emphasis on the monolayer stability under successive compression-expansion cycles. AOT monolayer is not stable at the air-water interface, which means that the majority of AOT molecules go into the aqueous subphase as monomers and/or normal micelles. When a waiting time elapses between spreading and compression, the surfactant monolayer tends to reorganize partially at the air-water interface, with a monolayer expansion being observed for waiting times as large as 12 h. The incorporation of very small amount of BSA (10(-9) M) at the interface, also inferred from BAM, increases the monolayer stability as revealed by pi - A and DeltaV - A results. For a waiting time of circa 3 h, the mixed monolayer reaches its maximum stability. This must be related to protein (and/or protein-surfactant complexes) adsorbed onto the AOT monolayer, thus altering the BSA conformation to accommodate its hydrophobic/hydrophilic residues. Furthermore, the effects from such small amounts of BSA in the monolayer formation and stabilization mean that the AOT monolayer responds cooperatively to BSA. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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One of the basic concepts of molecular self-assembly is that the morphology of the aggregate is directly related to the structure and interaction of the aggregating molecules. This is not only true for the aggregation in bulk solution, but also for the formation of Langmuir films at the air/water interface. Thus, molecules at the interface do not necessarily form flat monomolecular films but can also aggregate into multilayers or surface micelles. In this context, various novel synthetic molecules were investigated in terms of their morphology at the air/water interface and in transferred films. rnFirst, the self-assembly of semifluorinated alkanes and their molecular orientation at the air/water interface and in transferred films was studied employing scanning force microscopy (SFM) and Kelvin potential force microscopy. Here it was found, that the investigated semifluorinated alkanes aggregate to form circular surface micelles with a diameter of 30 nm, which are constituted of smaller muffin-shaped subunits with a diameter of 10 nm. A further result is that the introduction of an aromatic core into the molecular structure leads to the formation of elongated surface micelles and thus implements a directionality to the self-assembly. rnSecond, the self-assembly of two different amphiphilic hybrid materials containing a short single stranded desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence was investigated at the air/water interface. The first molecule was a single stranded DNA (11mer) molecule with two hydrophobically modified 5-(dodec-1-ynyl)uracil nucleobases at the terminal 5'-end of the oligonucleotide sequence. Isotherm measurements revealed the formation of semi-stable films at the air/water interface. SFM imaging of films transferred via Langmuir-Blodgett technique supported this finding and indicated mono-, bi- and multilayer formation, according to the surface pressure applied upon transfer. Within these films, the hydrophilic DNA sequence was oriented towards air covering 95% of the substrate.rnSimilar results were obtained with a second type of amphiphile, a DNA block copolymer. Furthermore, the potential to perform molecular recognition experiments at the air/water interface with these DNA hybrid materials was evaluated.rnThird, polyglycerol ester molecules (PGE), which are known to form very stable foams, were studies. Aim was to elucidate the molecular structure of PGE molecules at the air/water interface in order to comprehend the foam stabilization mechanism. Several model systems mimicking the air/water interface of a PGE foam and methods for a noninvasive transfer were tested and characterized by SFM. It could be shown, that PGE stabilizes the air/water interface of a foam bubble by formation of multiple surfactant layers. Additionally, a new transfer technique, the bubble film transfer was established and characterized by high speed camera imaging.The results demonstrate the diversity of structures, which can be formed by amphiphilic molecules at the air/water interface and after film transfer, as well as the impact of the chemical structure on the aggregate morphology.


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Amphiphile Peptide, Pro-Glu-(Phe-Glu)n-Pro, Pro-Asp-(Phe-Asp)n-Pro, und Phe-Glu-(Phe-Glu)n-Phe, können so aus n alternierenden Sequenzen von hydrophoben und hydrophilen Aminosäuren konstruiert werden, dass sie sich in Monolagen an der Luft-Wasser Grenzfläche anordnen. In biologischen Systemen können Strukturen an der organisch-wässrigen Grenzfläche als Matrix für die Kristallisation von Hydroxyapatit dienen, ein Vorgang der für die Behandlung von Osteoporose verwendet werden kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Computersimulationenrneingesetzt, um die Strukturen und die zugrunde liegenden Wechselwirkungen welche die Aggregation der Peptide auf mikroskopischer Ebene steuern, zu untersuchen. Atomistische Molekulardynamik-Simulationen von einzelnen Peptidsträngen zeigen, dass sie sich leicht an der Luft-Wasser Grenzfläche anordnen und die Fähigkeit haben, sich in β-Schleifen zu falten, selbst für relativ kurze Peptidlängen (n = 2). Seltene Ereignisse wie diese (i.e. Konformationsänderungen) erfordern den Einsatz fortgeschrittener Sampling-Techniken. Hier wurde “Replica Exchange” Molekulardynamik verwendet um den Einfluss der Peptidsequenzen zu untersuchen. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigten, dass Peptide mit kürzeren azidischen Seitenketten (Asp vs. Glu) gestrecktere Konformationen aufwiesen als die mit längeren Seitenketten, die in der Lage waren die Prolin-Termini zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus zeigte sich, dass die Prolin-Termini (Pro vs. Phe) notwendig sind, um eine 2D-Ordnung innerhalb derrnAggregate zu erhalten. Das Peptid Pro-Asp-(Phe-Asp)n-Pro, das beide dieser Eigenschaften enthält, zeigt das geordnetste Verhalten, eine geringe Verdrehung der Hauptkette, und ist in der Lage die gebildeten Aggregate durch Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen den sauren Seitenketten zu stabilisieren. Somit ist dieses Peptid am besten zur Aggregation geeignet. Dies wurde auch durch die Beurteilung der Stabilität von experimentnah-aufgesetzten Peptidaggregaten, sowie der Neigung einzelner Peptide zur Selbstorganisation von anfänglich ungeordneten Konfigurationen unterstützt. Da atomistische Simulationen nur auf kleine Systemgrößen und relativ kurze Zeitskalen begrenzt sind, wird ein vergröbertes Modell entwickelt damit die Selbstorganisation auf einem größeren Maßstab studiert werden kann. Da die Selbstorganisation an der Grenzfläche vonrnInteresse ist, wurden existierenden Vergröberungsmethoden erweitert, um nicht-gebundene Potentiale für inhomogene Systeme zu bestimmen. Die entwickelte Methode ist analog zur iterativen Boltzmann Inversion, bildet aber das Update für das Interaktionspotential basierend auf der radialen Verteilungsfunktion in einer Slab-Geometrie und den Breiten des Slabs und der Grenzfläche. Somit kann ein Kompromiss zwischen der lokalen Flüssigketsstruktur und den thermodynamischen Eigenschaften der Grenzfläche erreicht werden. Die neue Methode wurde für einen Wasser- und einen Methanol-Slab im Vakuum demonstriert, sowie für ein einzelnes Benzolmolekül an der Vakuum-Wasser Grenzfläche, eine Anwendung die von besonderer Bedeutung in der Biologie ist, in der oft das thermodynamische/Grenzflächenpolymerisations-Verhalten zusätzlich der strukturellen Eigenschaften des Systems erhalten werden müssen. Daraufrnbasierend wurde ein vergröbertes Modell über einen Fragment-Ansatz parametrisiert und die Affinität des Peptids zur Vakuum-Wasser Grenzfläche getestet. Obwohl die einzelnen Fragmente sowohl die Struktur als auch die Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen an der Grenzfläche reproduzierten, diffundierte das Peptid als Ganzes von der Grenzfläche weg. Jedoch führte eine Reparametrisierung der nicht-gebundenen Wechselwirkungen für eines der Fragmente der Hauptkette in einem Trimer dazu, dass das Peptid an der Grenzfläche blieb. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Kettenkonnektivität eine wichtige Rolle im Verhalten des Petpids an der Grenzfläche spielt.


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We present the first characterization of the mechanical properties of lysozyme films formed by self-assembly at the air-water interface using the Cambridge interfacial tensiometer (CIT), an apparatus capable of subjecting protein films to a much higher level of extensional strain than traditional dilatational techniques. CIT analysis, which is insensitive to surface pressure, provides a direct measure of the extensional stress-strain behavior of an interfacial film without the need to assume a mechanical model (e.g., viscoelastic), and without requiring difficult-to-test assumptions regarding low-strain material linearity. This testing method has revealed that the bulk solution pH from which assembly of an interfacial lysozyme film occurs influences the mechanical properties of the film more significantly than is suggested by the observed differences in elastic moduli or surface pressure. We have also identified a previously undescribed pH dependency in the effect of solution ionic strength on the mechanical strength of the lysozyme films formed at the air-water interface. Increasing solution ionic strength was found to increase lysozyme film strength when assembly occurred at pH 7, but it caused a decrease in film strength at pH 11, close to the pI of lysozyme. This result is discussed in terms of the significant contribution made to protein film strength by both electrostatic interactions and the hydrophobic effect. Washout experiments to remove protein from the bulk phase have shown that a small percentage of the interfacially adsorbed lysozyme molecules are reversibly adsorbed. Finally, the washout tests have probed the role played by additional adsorption to the fresh interface formed by the application of a large strain to the lysozyme film and have suggested the movement of reversibly bound lysozyme molecules from a subinterfacial layer to the interface.


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The inclusion of a water-soluble polymer, poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP), into a surface active film composition before application to the water surface leads to the formation of a dynamic duolayer; a novel surface film system. This duolayer shows improved surface viscosity over the monolayer compound alone, while the addition of polymer maintains other film properties such as evaporation control and equilibrium spreading pressure. Brewster Angle Microscopy shows that the duolayer film undergoes a different formation mechanism upon film compression, and the resultant surface pressure/area isotherm is different at lower surface pressures indicating the PVP is present on the water surface at these pressures and squeezed out to the water subphase at higher pressures. The addition of water-soluble polymers to form a dynamic duolayer provides a unique way to produce defect-free and tightly packed films while polymer is associated with the film. This finding provides new knowledge for the design of surface films with improved properties with potential applications in many areas.


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Understanding, and improving, the behavior of thin surface films under exposure to externally applied forces is important for applications such as mimicking biological membranes, water evaporation mitigation, and recovery of oil spills. This paper demonstrates that the incorporation of a water-soluble polymer into the surface film composition, i.e., formation of a three-duolayer system, shows improved performance under an applied dynamic stress, with an evaporation saving of 84% observed after 16 h, compared to 74% for the insoluble three-monolayer alone. Canal viscometry and spreading rate experiments, performed using the same conditions, demonstrated an increased surface viscosity and faster spreading rate for the three-duolayer system, likely contributing to the observed improvement in dynamic performance. Brewster angle microscopy and dye-tagged polymers were used to visualize the system and demonstrated that the duolayer and monolayer system both form a homogeneous film of uniform, single-molecule thickness, with the excess material compacting into small floating reservoirs on the surface. It was also observed that both components have to be applied to the water surface together in order to achieve improved performance under dynamic conditions. These findings have important implications for the use of surface films in various applications where resistance to external disturbance is required.


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The novel duolayer system, comprising a monolayer of ethylene glycol monooctadecyl ether (C18E1) and the water-soluble polymer poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP), has been shown to resist forces such as wind stress to a greater degree than the C18E1 monolayer alone. This paper reports all-atom molecular dynamics simulations comparing the monolayer (C18E1 alone) and duolayer systems under an applied force parallel to the air/water interface. The simulations show that, due to the presence of PVP at the interface, the duolayer film exhibits an increase in chain tilt, ordering, and density, as well as a lower lateral velocity compared to the monolayer. These results provide a molecular rationale for the improved performance of the duolayer system under wind conditions, as well as an atomic-level explanation for the observed efficacy of the duolayer system as an evaporation suppressant, which may serve as a useful guide for future development for thin films where resistance to external perturbation is desirable.


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Ionic interactions to stabilize Langmuir films at the air/water interface have been used to develop improved duolayer films. Two-component mixtures of octadecanoic (stearic) acid and poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (polyDADMAC) with different ratios were prepared and applied to the water surface. Surface pressure isotherm cycles demonstrated a significant improvement in film stability with the inclusion of the polymer. Viscoelastic properties were measured using canal viscometry and oscillating barriers, with both methods showing that the optimum ratio for improved properties was four octadecanoic acid molecules to one DADMAC unit (1:0.25). At this ratio it is expected multiple strong ionic interactions are formed along each polymer chain. Brewster angle microscopy showed decreased domain size with increased ratios of polyDADMAC, indicating that the polymer is interspersed across the surface. This new method to stabilize and increase the viscoelastic properties of charged monolayer films, using a premixed composition, will have application in areas such as water evaporation mitigation, optical devices, and foaming.