927 resultados para AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections


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Background: Sporotrichosis is a granulomatous fungal infection caused by Sporothrix schenckii, which frequently causes cutaneous or lymphocutaneous lesions and rarely has oral manifestations. Case: A 38-year-old, white, HIV-positive man complained of a 5.0-cm, symptomatic, ulcerated lesion with thin, superficial granulation in the soft palate extending to the uvula. Exfoliative cytology of this oral lesion showed chronic granulomatous inflammatory alterations and extracellular fungal structures consisting of periodic acid-Schiff-positive budding cells and spherical or elongated (cigar bodies) free spore forms. Conclusion: The clinical and cytologic findings allowed the diagnosis of sporotrichosis, demonstrating the importance of cytodiagnosis in fungal diseases. © The International Academy of Cytology.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Immunodeficiency and AIDS-related pulmonary infections have been suggested as independent causes of lung cancer among HIV-infected persons, in addition to smoking.


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDs) reduces immune function, resulting in opportunistic infections and later death. Use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) increases chances of survival, however, with some concerns regarding fat re-distribution (lipodystrophy) which may encompass subcutaneous fat loss (lipoatrophy) and/or fat accumulation (lipohypertrophy), in the same individual. This problem has been linked to Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), majorly, in the class of protease inhibitors (PIs), in addition to older age and being female. An additional concern is that the problem exists together with the metabolic syndrome, even when nutritional status/ body composition, and lipodystrophy/metabolic syndrome are unclear in Uganda where the use of ARVs is on the increase. In line with the literature, the overall aim of the study was to assess physical characteristics of HIV-infected patients using a comprehensive anthropometric protocol and to predict body composition based on these measurements and other standardised techniques. The other aim was to establish the existence of lipodystrophy, the metabolic syndrome, andassociated risk factors. Thus, three studies were conducted on 211 (88 ART-naïve) HIV-infected, 15-49 year-old women, using a cross-sectional approach, together with a qualitative study of secondary information on patient HIV and medication status. In addition, face-to-face interviews were used to extract information concerning morphological experiences and life style. The study revealed that participants were on average 34.1±7.65 years old, had lived 4.63±4.78 years with HIV infection and had spent 2.8±1.9 years receiving ARVs. Only 8.1% of participants were receiving PIs and 26% of those receiving ART had ever changed drug regimen, 15.5% of whom changed drugs due to lipodystrophy. Study 1 hypothesised that the mean nutritional status and predicted percent body fat values of study participants was within acceptable ranges; different for participants receiving ARVs and the HIV-infected ART-naïve participants and that percent body fat estimated by anthropometric measures (BMI and skinfold thickness) and the BIA technique was not different from that predicted by the deuterium oxide dilution technique. Using the Body Mass Index (BMI), 7.1% of patients were underweight (<18.5 kg/m2) and 46.4% were overweight/obese (≥25.0 kg/m2). Based on waist circumference (WC), approximately 40% of the cohort was characterized as centrally obese. Moreover, the deuterium dilution technique showed that there was no between-group difference in the total body water (TBW), fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM). However, the technique was the only approach to predict a between-group difference in percent body fat (p = .045), but, with a very small effect (0.021). Older age (β = 0.430, se = 0.089, p = .000), time spent receiving ARVs (β = 0.972, se = 0.089, p = .006), time with the infection (β = 0.551, se = 0.089, p = .000) and receiving ARVs (β = 2.940, se = 1.441, p = .043) were independently associated with percent body fat. Older age was the greatest single predictor of body fat. Furthermore, BMI gave better information than weight alone could; in that, mean percentage body fat per unit BMI (N = 192) was significantly higher in patients receiving treatment (1.11±0.31) vs. the exposed group (0.99±0.38, p = .025). For the assessment of obesity, percent fat measures did not greatly alter the accuracy of BMI as a measure for classifying individuals into the broad categories of underweight, normal and overweight. Briefly, Study 1 revealed that there were more overweight/obese participants than in the general Ugandan population, the problem was associated with ART status and that BMI broader classification categories were maintained when compared with the gold standard technique. Study 2 hypothesized that the presence of lipodystrophy in participants receiving ARVs was not different from that of HIV-infected ART-naïve participants. Results showed that 112 (53.1%) patients had experienced at least one morphological alteration including lipohypertrophy (7.6%), lipoatrophy (10.9%), and mixed alterations (34.6%). The majority of these subjects (90%) were receiving ARVs; in fact, all patients receiving PIs reported lipodystrophy. Period spent receiving ARVs (t209 = 6.739, p = .000), being on ART (χ2 = 94.482, p = .000), receiving PIs (Fisher’s exact χ2 = 113.591, p = .000), recent T4 count (CD4 counts) (t207 = 3.694, p = .000), time with HIV (t125 = 1.915, p = .045), as well as older age (t209 = 2.013, p = .045) were independently associated with lipodystrophy. Receiving ARVs was the greatest predictor of lipodystrophy (p = .000). In other analysis, aside from skinfolds at the subscapular (p = .004), there were no differences with the rest of the skinfold sites and the circumferences between participants with lipodystrophy and those without the problem. Similarly, there was no difference in Waist: Hip ratio (WHR) (p = .186) and Waist: Height ratio (WHtR) (p = .257) among participants with lipodystrophy and those without the problem. Further examination showed that none of the 4.1% patients receiving stavudine (d4T) did experience lipoatrophy. However, 17.9% of patients receiving EFV, a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) had lipoatrophy. Study 2 findings showed that presence of lipodystrophy in participants receiving ARVs was in fact far higher than that of HIV-infected ART-naïve participants. A final hypothesis was that the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in participants receiving ARVs was not different from that of HIV-infected ART-naïve participants. Moreover, data showed that many patients (69.2%) lived with at least one feature of the metabolic syndrome based on International Diabetic Federation (IDF, 2006) definition. However, there was no single anthropometric predictor of components of the syndrome, thus, the best anthropometric predictor varied as the component varied. The metabolic syndrome was diagnosed in 15.2% of the subjects, lower than commonly reported in this population, and was similar between the medicated and the exposed groups (χ 21 = 0.018, p = .893). Moreover, the syndrome was associated with older age (p = .031) and percent body fat (p = .012). In addition, participants with the syndrome were heavier according to BMI (p = .000), larger at the waist (p = .000) and abdomen (p = .000), and were at central obesity risk even when hip circumference (p = .000) and height (p = .000) were accounted for. In spite of those associations, results showed that the period with disease (p = .13), CD4 counts (p = .836), receiving ART (p = .442) or PIs (p = .678) were not associated with the metabolic syndrome. While the prevalence of the syndrome was highest amongst the older, larger and fatter participants, WC was the best predictor of the metabolic syndrome (p = .001). Another novel finding was that participants with the metabolic syndrome had greater arm muscle circumference (AMC) (p = .000) and arm muscle area (AMA) (p = .000), but the former was most influential. Accordingly, the easiest and cheapest indicator to assess risk in this study sample was WC should routine laboratory services not be feasible. In addition, the final study illustrated that the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in participants receiving ARVs was not different from that of HIV-infected ART-naïve participants.


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A avaliação do estado nutricional em pacientes com HIV é de grande importância, pois as conseqüências provocadas pelo processo patológico da doença estão associadas com perda de peso corporal, massa magra e desnutrição grave, o que prediz aumento da morbimortalidade. Os valores de linfometria CD4 também têm sido utilizados como preditores a curto e médio prazo para o desenvolvimento de infecções oportunistas, as quais são incomuns em pacientes com CD4 >200 cels/mm3. Partindo deste conhecimento, optou-se por estudar o estado nutricional de homens e mulheres HIV positivos de acordo com a contagem de células CD4. Utilizou-se como parâmetros nutricionais o índice de massa corporal (IMC), a área muscular do braço corrigida (AMBc), albumina sérica e o ângulo de fase (AF). Foram estudados 39 pacientes HIV positivos, acompanhados pelo ambulatório de doenças infectoparasitárias do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE/UERJ). Não foi observada desnutrição na população estudada, quando avaliada pelo IMC e albumina em ambos os sexos, independente do número de células CD4. Entretanto, a AMBc e o AF, tanto nos homens quanto nas mulheres, demonstraram comprometimento nos parâmetros de massa magra. Em relação à associação entre os indicadores nutricionais e o número de células CD4, foi observado correlação significante com a AMBc e a albumina no grupo estudado. A correlação de acordo com o sexo manteve-se significante em ambos os grupos para AMBc e com uma tendência positiva (p=0,06) entre o AF e CD4 no grupo dos homens. Portanto, estes resultados demonstram que para avaliar o estado nutricional, principalmente o compartimento de massa corporal magra de pacientes HIV positivos sob terapia antirretroviral, é preciso utilizar indicadores mais sensíveis, mesmo naqueles pacientes com melhor estado de controle da doença.


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Background: Many African countries are rapidly expanding HIV/AIDS treatment programs. Empirical information on the cost of delivering antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV/AIDS is needed for program planning and budgeting. Methods: We searched published and gray sources for estimates of the cost of providing ART in service delivery (non-research) settings in sub-Saharan Africa. Estimates were included if they were based on primary local data for input prices. Results: 17 eligible cost estimates were found. Of these, 10 were from South Africa. The cost per patient per year ranged from $396 to $2,761. It averaged approximately $850/patient/year in countries outside South Africa and $1,700/patient/year in South Africa. The most recent estimates for South Africa averaged $1,200/patient/year. Specific cost items included in the average cost per patient per year varied, making comparison across studies problematic. All estimates included the cost of antiretroviral drugs and laboratory tests, but many excluded the cost of inpatient care, treatment of opportunistic infections, and/or clinic infrastructure. Antiretroviral drugs comprised an average of one third of the cost of treatment in South Africa and one half to three quarters of the cost in other countries. Conclusions: There is very little empirical information available about the cost of providing antiretroviral therapy in non-research settings in Africa. Methods for estimating costs are inconsistent, and many estimates combine data drawn from disparate sources. Cost analysis should become a routine part of operational research on the treatment rollout in Africa.


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Hypogammaglobulinemia develops in 3 to 6% of patients with thymoma and this association is commonly referred to as thymoma with immunodeficiency (formerly Good syndrome). Recurrent infections with encapsulated bacteria and opportunistic infections associated with disorders of both humoral and cell mediated immunity frequently occur in this rare primary, adult-onset immunodeficiency. We report a case of thymoma with immunodeficiency complicated by disseminated herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection and review five additional cases of HSV-related infections reported since 1966 in patients presenting with thymoma with immunodeficiency. Patients presented with epiglottitis, keratitis, recurrent genital herpes, ulcerative dermatitis, and acute hepatitis. Four of the six cases had a fatal outcome, two of which were directly attributable to HSV infection. Since the risk of invasive opportunistic infections is high and the presentation atypical, lymphocyte count and total serum immunoglobulin should be measured regularly in all patients presenting with thymoma with immunodeficiency.


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Le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) est à l’origine d’une infection chronique, elle-même responsable du développement du syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise (SIDA), un état de grande vulnérabilité où le corps humain est à la merci d’infections opportunistes pouvant s’avérer fatales. Aujourd’hui, 30 ans après la découverte du virus, même si aucun vaccin n’a réussi à contrôler la pandémie, la situation s’est grandement améliorée. Conséquemment à l’arrivée de traitements antirétroviraux hautement actifs (HAART) à la fin des années 1990, la mortalité associée au VIH/SIDA a diminué et un plus grand nombre de personnes vivent maintenant avec l'infection. La présente thèse avait pour objectif d’aborder trois situations problématiques, en dépit de l’efficacité reconnue des HAART, plus particulièrement la faible charge virale persistante (LLV) et sa relation avec l’échec virologique, ainsi que les effets de certains antirétroviraux (ARV) sur les fonctions rénale et hépatique. Les objectifs précis étaient donc les suivants : 1) étudier le risque d’échec virologique à long terme chez les patients sous HAART dont la charge virale est indétectable comparativement aux patients affichant une LLV persistante; 2) évaluer sur le long terme la perte de fonction rénale associée à la prise de ténofovir (TDF) 3) étudier sur le long terme l'hyperbilirubinémie associée à la prise d’atazanavir (ATV) et ses autres déterminants possibles. Afin d’atteindre les trois objectifs susmentionnés, une cohorte de 2 416 patients atteints du VIH/SIDA, suivis depuis juillet 1977 et résidant à Montréal, a été utilisée. Pour le premier objectif, les résultats obtenus ont montré un risque accru d’échec virologique établi à >1000 copies/ml d’ARN VIH chez tous les patients qui présentaient une LLV persistante de différentes catégories durant aussi peu que 6 mois. En effet, on a observé qu’une LLV de 50-199 copies/ml persistant pendant six mois doublait le risque d’échec virologique (Hazard ratio (HR)=2,22, Intervalle de confiance (CI) 95 %:1,60–3,09). Ces résultats pourraient modifier la façon dont on aborde actuellement la gestion des patients affichant une LLV, et plus particulièrement une LLV de 50-199 copies/ml, pour laquelle aucune recommandation clinique n’a encore été formulée en raison du manque de données. Pour le deuxième objectif, on a observé une augmentation du risque de perte de fonction rénale de l’ordre de 63 % (HR=1,63; 95% CI:1,26–2,10) chez les patients sous TDF comparativement aux patients traités avec d’autres ARV. La perte de fonction rénale directement attribuable à la prise de TDF, indique que cette perte est survenue au cours des premières années de l’exposition du patient au médicament. D’une perspective à long terme, cette perte est considérée comme modérée. Enfin, pour ce qui est du troisième objectif, on a constaté que l’incidence cumulative d’hyperbilirubinémie était très élevée chez les patients sous ATV, mais que cette dernière pouvait régresser lorsque l’on mettait fin au traitement. L’hyperbilirubinémie à long terme observée avec la prise d’ATV n’a été associée à aucun effet néfaste pour la santé. Dans l’ensemble, la présente thèse a permis de mieux comprendre les trois situations problématiques susmentionnées, qui font actuellement l’objet de débats au sein de la communauté scientifique, et d’éclairer sous un jour nouveau la gestion des patients séropositifs sous traitement médicamenteux.


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HIV/AIDS related stigma interferes with the provision of appropriate care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS. Currently, programs to address the stigma approach it as if it occurs in isolation, separate from the co-stigmas related to the various modes of disease transmission including injection drug use (IDU) and commercial sex (CS). In order to develop better programs to address HIV/AIDS related stigma, the inter-relationship (or 'layering') between HIV/AIDS stigma and the co-stigmas needs to be better understood. This paper describes an experimental study for disentangling the layering of HIV/AIDS related stigmas.

The study used a factorial survey design. 352 medical students from Guangzhou were presented with four random vignettes each describing a hypothetical male. The vignettes were identical except for the presence of a disease diagnosis (AIDS, leukaemia, or no disease) and a co-characteristic (IDU, CS, commercial blood donation (CBD), blood transfusion or no co-characteristic). After reading each vignette, participants completed a measure of social distance that assessed the level of stigmatising attitudes.

Bivariate and multivariable analyses revealed statistically significant levels of stigma associated with AIDS, IDU, CS and CBD. The layering of stigma was explored using a recently developed technique. Strong interactions between the stigmas of AIDS and the co-characteristics were also found. AIDS was significantly less stigmatising than IDU or CS. Critically, the stigma of AIDS in combination with either the stigmas of IDU or CS was significantly less than the stigma of IDU alone or CS alone.

The findings pose several surprising challenges to conventional beliefs about HIV/AIDS related stigma and stigma interventions that have focused exclusively on the disease stigma. Contrary to the belief that having a co-stigma would add to the intensity of stigma attached to people with HIV/AIDS, the findings indicate the presence of an illness might have a moderating effect on the stigma of certain co-characteristics like IDU. The strong interdependence between the stigmas of HIV/AIDS and the co-stigmas of IDU and CS suggest that reducing the co-stigmas should be an integral part of HIV/AIDS stigma intervention within this context.


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This thesis explored gay male carers’ experience of caring for their partner, brother or friend who had HIV/AIDS. Through using phenomenological methodology (van Manen, 1990), the day-to-day caring experiences were uncovered. The data gathered were then analysed through a nursing ‘lens’, with the concept of stigma as an anchoring point. The dual stigmas of homophobia and AIDS phobia impacted on the daily lives of these men as they cared for their loved one. The research identified six themes. These were: 1) the relationship; 2) coping with HIV and AIDS; 3) the corporal impact of HIV/AIDS; 4) experiences of carers including the absence of others; 5) living daily with the virus: Demands of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA); and 6) saying goodbye, but wanting to keep the memory alive. The caring these men undertook, for which they were frequently unprepared, was intensive and complex, but because of their commitment and love they battled on. Because of a sense of shame associated with AIDS phobia on the part of the PLWHA, the carer often had to undertake this care in isolation, without support from family, friends or home health care agencies. The carers struggled with not only the demands of day-to-day care, but also with non-acceptance from family, both of the nature of the relationship with their partner and of their homosexuality. Family members were forced, often with great difficulty, to acknowledge the close commitment the men had to each other. Recognition that one had a terminal disease, HIV/AIDS was also required. The fear of potential transmission was high among carers, friends and family members. Notably, there was an absence of blame on the part of the carer towards his partner for contracting HIV/AIDS. The physical decline and marking of the body further stigmatised the PLWHA, which added to carers’ burdens. They endeavoured to minimise the physical decline in their partner, so he could continue to pass as healthy, and attempted to make the day-to-day living as normal as possible. The methods of combating weight loss and opportunistic infections meant frequent medical appointments, complex intensive medical procedures and help with personal care, which was undertaken at home largely without support from health care staff. Carers frequently struggled also with their partner’s denial of being ill. One strategy all carers used was to escape with their partners from their everyday life in Melbourne and attempt metaphorically to leave the HIV/AIDS behind; this was a time when they could rekindle their life together as it was before HIV/AIDS came into their lives. Some carers chose to holiday without their partner, to give themselves a break from the day-to-day caring, while others planned and took holidays with their partner. The decline of the health in the PLWHA meant that family members had to recognise and accept both the nature of the relationship and the presence of the disease. This recognition and acceptance often came only when the partner was very ill, even at the point of dying. Carers and their partners discussed the potential use of euthanasia, as a means of ending the final phase of life with some dignity. One carer and his partner used euthanasia, despite its illegal status. The main concern for all carers was providing comfort and a reduction in the pain associated with HIV/AIDS for the partner. The widespread grief associated with HIV/AIDS was evident amongst these carers. All had known other gay men who had died, some carers own partner had died, or was about to die. There was an overwhelming sense of grief, which at times was repressed as a means of coping day-to-day. All carers felt it was important and necessary to remember those lost to HIV/AIDS through the various public memorials, as they did not want their partner to be just another faceless person lost to this disease. This phenomenological study of carers’ experience highlights the need for health care workers to be aware of the differing strategies that gay men use to cope with HIV/AIDS. While it may seem that the carers are coping with care of their partner, the outer façade is not always an accurate portrayal of the true situation. Health care workers should enquire as to the assistance these carers need from health care services in order to continue to care for their loved one. Such assistance can be the simple recognition of the partner and acceptance of them as part of the PLWHA’s network; this inclusion and acceptance is half the battle.


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This Prevention Center Paper (No. 22) describes the HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitudes and practices of a random sample of 1240 Nebraska adolescents in grades 9-12. The data were gathered in 1989. Data were gathered by staff of Health Education, Inc., a Nebraska-based nonprofit research and development corporation, as part of a contract with the Nebraska Department of Education. The Nebraska Department of Education has a major HIV /AIDS cooperative agreement with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia. Schools were selected at random from each of the six classifications of Nebraska schools established by the Nebraska Department of Education. Two to three classrooms for each grade 9-12 were then randomly selected within each sampled school. All students in the classes on the day of the survey voluntarily completed CDC's HIV / AIDS adolescent survey. All responses were anonymous. Classroom teachers and school administrators 'were not involved in the data collection in any way. A data collection protocol was followed to ensure validity in this self-report survey. This report is divided into four parts: Part 1 deals with students' acceptance of HIV/AIDS instruction and of people with HIV / AIDS. Part 2 describes students' access to HIV / AIDS information: Part 3 is about students ' knowledge of HIV / AIDS, and Part 4 discusses Nebraska adolescents' practices that increase the risk of HIV/AIDS.


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OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the accuracy of HIV-related oral lesions to predict immune and virologic failure on HIV-infected children in use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). STUDY DESIGN: Data for this cross-sectional analysis come from a longitudinal study being conducted through the HIV-AIDS Outpatient Unit, ENT Division, Hospital das Clinicas, Sao Paulo University Medical School. The study began in January 1990 and is still ongoing. The cut-off point for analyses purposes was December 2004. Subjects were 471 HIV-infected consecutive children attending the outpatient unit during this period, who enrolled regardless of medical or immunological status. The children have undertaken oral cavity examination, serum CD4(+) T-lymphocyte count, and, 271 of them, viral load measurement. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and relative risk were calculated. RESULTS: Oral lesions had moderate sensitivity, high specificity and positive predictive value to predict immune failure. It had low sensitivity and positive predictive value, and high specificity to predict virologic failure. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Oral manifestations of HIV can be important markers for immune suppression and for virologic failure, in Brazilian children undergoing HAART.