44 resultados para AGELAIA
In addition to feeding on carrion tissues and fluids, social wasps can also prey on immature and adult carrion flies, thereby reducing their populations and retarding the decomposition process of carcasses. In this study, we report on the occurrence and behavior of social wasps attracted to vertebrate carrion. The collections were made monthly from September 2006 to October 2007 in three environments (rural, urban, and forest) in six municipalities of southeast Brazil, using baited bottle traps. We collected Agelaia pallipes (Olivier, 1791) (n = 143), Agelaia vicina (Saussure, 1854) (n = 106), Agelaia multipicta (Haliday, 1836) (n = 18), and Polybia paulista Ihering, 1896 (n = 3). The wasps were observed feeding directly on the baits and preying on adult insects collected in the traps. Bait and habitat associations, temporal variability of social wasps, and possible forensic implications of their actions are discussed. © 2011 Entomological Society of America.
We surveyed social wasps (Polistinae) present in forest fragments of northwest of So Paulo state with different surroundings composed of a matrix of citrus crops and sugarcane in the expectation that the former matrix would be more diverse than the latter. We collected specimens actively using attractive liquids. We obtained 20 species in Magda, 13 in Bebedouro, 13 in Mato, and 19 in Barretos. The most common genus was Agelaia in all of the areas. The greatest Shannon-Wiener index of diversity was obtained in Magda (H' = 2.12). Species such as Brachygastra moebiana, Metapolybia docilis, Mischocyttarus ignotus, M. paulistanus and M. consimilis had not been recorded on recent surveys in the state. Furthermore M. consimilis is a new record for the state. We concluded that, with our data, a relation between the occurrence of social wasps and the surrounding matrix was not detected. © 2011 Getulio Minoru Tanaka Junior and Fernando Barbosa Noll.
In this study, we describe the cDNA cloning, sequencing, and 3-D structure of the allergen hyaluronidase from Polybia paulista venom (Pp-Hyal). Using a proteomic approach, the native form of Pp-Hyal was purified to homogeneity and used to produce a Pp-specific polyclonal antibody. The results revealed that Pp-Hyal can be classified as a glycosyl hydrolase and that the full-length Pp-Hyal cDNA (1315 bp; GI: 302201582) is similar (80-90%) to hyaluronidase from the venoms of endemic Northern wasp species. The isolated mature protein is comprised of 338 amino acids, with a theoretical pI of 8.77 and a molecular mass of 39,648.8 Da versus a pI of 8.13 and 43,277.0 Da indicated by MS. The Pp-Hyal 3D-structural model revealed a central core (α/β)7 barrel, two sulfide bonds (Cys 19-308 and Cys 185-197), and three putative glycosylation sites (Asn79, Asn187, and Asn325), two of which are also found in the rVes v 2 protein. Based on the model, residues Ser299, Asp107, and Glu109 interact with the substrate and potential epitopes (five conformational and seven linear) located at surface-exposed regions of the structure. Purified native Pp-Hyal showed high similarity (97%) with hyaluronidase from Polistes annularis venom (Q9U6V9). Immunoblotting analysis confirmed the specificity of the Pp-Hyal-specific antibody as it recognized the Pp-Hyal protein in both the purified fraction and P. paulista crude venom. No reaction was observed with the venoms of Apis mellifera, Solenopsis invicta, Agelaia pallipes pallipes, and Polistes lanio lanio, with the exception of immune cross-reactivity with venoms of the genus Polybia (sericea and ignobilis). Our results demonstrate cross-reactivity only between wasp venoms from the genus Polybia. The absence of cross-reactivity between the venoms of wasps and bees observed here is important because it allows identification of the insect responsible for sensitization, or at least of the phylogenetically closest insect, in order to facilitate effective immunotherapy in allergic patients. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Vespas sociais destacam-se pela complexidade da organização social, pela arquitetura dos ninhos e pela importância na cadeia alimentar, como predadores de outros insetos e artrópodes. Os levantamentos faunísticos no Brasil ainda são considerados reduzidos e há carência de padronização entre protocolos de coleta, o que dificulta a comparação dos resultados obtidos. O presente trabalho consiste em estudo da fauna de vespas sociais numa parcela de floresta de terra firme em Caxiuanã, Melgaço, PA, um quadrado de 25 km² previamente demarcado com trilhas de 5000 m entrecruzadas, em formato de grade. A coleta consistiu na busca ativa por indivíduos e colônias de vespas sociais ao longo das trilhas e na instalação de armadilhas de Malaise em alguns cruzamentos de trilhas. Foram percorridas 60 trilhas e instaladas 26 armadilhas, ao longo de 44 dias descontínuos de campo. Foram registradas 65 espécies de vespas sociais pertencentes a 12 gêneros. Polybia e Mischocyttarus destacaram-se como os principais gêneros em número de espécies. Agelaia fulvofasciata e Angiopolybia pallens foram as espécies mais freqüentes. Busca ativa apresentou um melhor desempenho quanto à descoberta de espécies de vespas sociais (63) do que armadilha de Malaise (26). Dois subconjuntos de 25 amostras, cujas respectivas acumulações também resultam em totais de 63 espécies, foram obtidos através do programa DIVA-GIS, demonstrando que o resultado geral do inventário poderia em tese ser alcançado com um esforço consideravelmente menor, distribuído por toda a extensão da grade. O levantamento representou um incremento de 21 espécies à lista obtida anteriormente para Caxiuanã, totalizando 100 espécies para a região, e de dois novos registros para o estado do Pará (Polybia brunnea e Mischocyttarus vaqueroi).
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)