963 resultados para AETL essay
Middle ear cholesteatoma is a relevant and relatively common disease that may have severe consequences. In the present pictorial essay, the authors have selected illustrative examples of multislice computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging depicting the main presentations of cholesteatomas, and describing their characteristics, locations, and major complications.
The present study is aimed at describing scrotal collections observed at ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. The authors describe the main features of hydrocele, hematocele and pyocele, as well as the most common causes, clinical manifestations and associated diseases, with a brief review of the embryology and anatomy of the scrotum. Collections are frequently found in the evaluation of the scrotum, which is often performed on an emergency basis, and in most cases can be differentiated by means of imaging studies. With the consolidation of magnetic resonance imaging as the method of choice complementary with ultrasonography, the authors also describe magnetic resonance imaging findings of scrotal collections as well as the situations where such method is indicated.
Fetal development is studied since the advent of two-dimensional ultrasonography. However, a detailed assessment of structures and surfaces improved with three-dimensional ultrasonography. Currently, it is possible to identify embryonic components and fetal parts with greater detail, at all pregnancy trimesters, using the HD live software, where the images gain realistic features by means of appropriate control of lighting and shadowing effects. In the present study, the authors utilized this resource to follow-up, by means of images, the development of a normal pregnancy along all trimesters.
Generally, toxic-metabolic diseases affecting the central nervous system can hardly be differentiated just on the basis of their clinical presentation. However, some typical neuroradiological features can guide the correct diagnosis. In this context, magnetic resonance imaging is an important tool which, in association with clinical and laboratory data, can establish an early and specific treatment. The present pictorial essay with selected cases from the archives of the authors' institution describes imaging findings which might help in the etiologic diagnosis of toxic-metabolic diseases.
Abstract In most cases of aspiration pneumonia in children, the disease is specific to this age group. Clinical and radiological correlation is essential for the diagnosis. The present pictorial essay is aimed at showing typical images of the most common etiologies.
Abstract Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is a diffuse interstitial and granulomatous lung disease caused by the inhalation of any one of a number of antigens. The objective of this study was to illustrate the spectrum of abnormalities in high-resolution computed tomography and histopathological findings related to hypersensitivity pneumonitis. We retrospectively evaluated patients who had been diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis (on the basis of clinical-radiological or clinical-radiological-pathological correlations) and had undergone lung biopsy. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is clinically divided into acute, subacute, and chronic forms; high-resolution computed tomography findings correlate with the time of exposure; and the two occasionally overlap. In the subacute form, centrilobular micronodules, ground-glass opacities, and air trapping are characteristic high-resolution computed tomography findings, whereas histopathology shows lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrates, bronchiolitis, variable degrees of organizing pneumonia, and giant cells. In the chronic form, high-resolution computed tomography shows traction bronchiectasis, honeycombing, and lung fibrosis, the last also being seen in the biopsy sample. A definitive diagnosis of hypersensitivity pneumonitis can be made only through a multidisciplinary approach, by correlating clinical findings, exposure history, high-resolution computed tomography findings, and lung biopsy findings.
Det förefaller självklart att begrepp som lojalitet, respekt, rättigheter eller altruism beskriver något entydigt gott. Men tänk om det i själva verket är så att de aktualiseras bara där vi avvisat godheten? Tänk om vår moral och hela vårt liv genomsyras av en djup förvirring, av en ovilja att se vad som egentligen pågår mellan oss? I min avhandling ställer jag de här obekväma frågorna. Utgångspunkten är en diskussion om vänskap, som jag beskriver som en förbehållslös, helhjärtad öppenhet mellan människor. Denna öppenhet – som lika väl kan kallas godhet eller kärlek – är det svåraste som finns. Samtidigt finns öppenheten alltid där mellan oss, om så bara som en anad möjlighet som skrämmer oss, som vi sluter oss för och inte vill veta av. Vi lever i en ständig spänning mellan öppenhet och avvisande, och denna spänning yttrar sig i allt vi gör, känner och tänker. Det är vad jag vill visa. Bland de filosofer jag diskuterar kan nämnas Aristoteles, Kant, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche och Emmanuel Levinas.
Contient : « Extrait d'un manuscrit intitulé : Réflexions sur le gouvernement de France. 1741-1744 » ; « Dissertation sur l'ordre dans lequel il paroîtroit convenable de placer les loix dans un corps complet de législation. Livre Ier »
Michael Snow's 'Photo Essay' that adorns a wall in A Block.