381 resultados para ADIS


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Applying ice or other forms of topical cooling is a popular method of treating sports injuries. It is commonplace for athletes to return to competitive activity, shortly or immediately after the application of a cold treatment. In this article, we examine the effect of local tissue cooling on outcomes relating to functional performance and to discuss their relevance to the sporting environment. A computerized literature search, citation tracking and hand search was performed up to April, 2011. Eligible studies were trials involving healthy human participants, describing the effects of cooling on outcomes relating to functional performance. Two reviewers independently assessed the validity of included trials and calculated effect sizes. Thirty five trials met the inclusion criteria; all had a high risk of bias. The mean sample size was 19. Meta-analyses were not undertaken due to clinical heterogeneity. The majority of studies used cooling durations >20 minutes. Strength (peak torque/force) was reported by 25 studies with approximately 75% recording a decrease in strength immediately following cooling. There was evidence from six studies that cooling adversely affected speed, power and agility-based running tasks; two studies found this was negated with a short rewarming period. There was conflicting evidence on the effect of cooling on isolated muscular endurance. A small number of studies found that cooling decreased upper limb dexterity and accuracy. The current evidence base suggests that athletes will probably be at a performance disadvantage if they return to activity immediately after cooling. This is based on cooling for longer than 20 minutes, which may exceed the durations employed in some sporting environments. In addition, some of the reported changes were clinically small and may only be relevant in elite sport. Until better evidence is available, practitioners should use short cooling applications and/or undertake a progressive warm up prior to returning to play.


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Skin cancer is one of the most commonly occurring cancer types, with substantial social, physical, and financial burdens on both individuals and societies. Although the role of UV light in initiating skin cancer development has been well characterized, genetic studies continue to show that predisposing factors can influence an individual's susceptibility to skin cancer and response to treatment. In the future, it is hoped that genetic profiles, comprising a number of genetic markers collectively involved in skin cancer susceptibility and response to treatment or prognosis, will aid in more accurately informing practitioners' choices of treatment. Individualized treatment based on these profiles has the potential to increase the efficacy of treatments, saving both time and money for the patient by avoiding the need for extensive or repeated treatment. Increased treatment responses may in turn prevent recurrence of skin cancers, reducing the burden of this disease on society. Currently existing pharmacogenomic tests, such as those that assess variation in the metabolism of the anticancer drug fluorouracil, have the potential to reduce the toxic effects of anti-tumor drugs used in the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) by determining individualized appropriate dosage. If the savings generated by reducing adverse events negate the costs of developing these tests, pharmacogenomic testing may increasingly inform personalized NMSC treatment.


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Results of 3 tests, intravenous edrophonium chloride, EMG, and acetylcholine receptor antibody testing, were compared in patients with generalised and ocular myasthenia gravis. None of the 3 tests was positive in any patient with a diagnosis other than myasthenia. However, equivocal results were obtained with edrophonium and EMG testing in some patients with myasthenia gravis and in patients with other diseases. It is concluded from this survey that antibody and edrophonium testing were equally efficient in detecting generalised myasthenia gravis. Edrophonium testing was superior in ocular myasthenia gravis. Although the yields from each test varied, all 3 tests were needed for the evaluation of some myasthenia gravis patients as each test may provide additional information.


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The relationship of acetylcholine receptor (AchR) antibodies to disease activity in myasthenia gravis (MG) is controversial. Some authors claim a direct correlation with disease activity and treatment, in particular plasmapheresis therapy, whereas others have commented on the poor overall correlation of antibody levels with clinical state. Antibody levels were examined in a population of MG patients and correlated with disease activity and response to treatment. Antibodies to skeletal muscle AchR were found in most patients with generalised MG (24/25) and in about half of the patients with purely ocular MG (6/10) and in neither of 2 patients with congenital MG. There was scant correlation with disease activity or response to treatment. It is concluded that the assay is more useful for diagnosis than for management of MG.


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Skeletal muscle is a malleable tissue capable of altering the type and amount of protein in response to disruptions to cellular homeostasis. The process of exercise-induced adaptation in skeletal muscle involves a multitude of signalling mechanisms initiating replication of specific DNA genetic sequences, enabling subsequent translation of the genetic message and ultimately generating a series of amino acids that form new proteins. The functional consequences of these adaptations are determined by training volume, intensity and frequency, and the half-life of the protein. Moreover, many features of the training adaptation are specific to the type of stimulus, such as the mode of exercise. Prolonged endurance training elicits a variety of metabolic and morphological changes, including mitochondrial biogenesis, fast-to-slow fibre-type transformation and substrate metabolism. In contrast, heavy resistance exercise stimulates synthesis of contractile proteins responsible for muscle hypertrophy and increases in maximal contractile force output. Concomitant with the vastly different functional outcomes induced by these diverse exercise modes, the genetic and molecular mechanisms of adaptation are distinct. With recent advances in technology, it is now possible to study the effects of various training interventions on a variety of signalling proteins and early-response genes in skeletal muscle. Although it cannot presently be claimed that such scientific endeavours have influenced the training practices of elite athletes, these new and exciting technologies have provided insight into how current training techniques result in specific muscular adaptations, and may ultimately provide clues for future and novel training methodologies. Greater knowledge of the mechanisms and interaction of exercise-induced adaptive pathways in skeletal muscle is important for our understanding of the aetiology of disease, maintenance of metabolic and functional capacity with aging, and training for athletic performance. This article highlights the effects of exercise on molecular and genetic mechanisms of training adaptation in skeletal muscle.


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There have been different approaches to studying penalty-kick performance in association football. In this paper, the authors synthesize key findings within an ecological dynamics theoretical framework. According to this theoretical perspective, information is the cornerstone for understanding the dynamics of action regulation in penalty-kick performance. Research suggests that investigators need to identify the information sources that are most relevant to penalty-kick performance. An important task is to understand how constraints can channel (i.e. change, emphasize or mask) information sources used to regulate upcoming actions and how the influence of these constraints is expressed in players' behavioural dynamics. Due to the broad range of constraints influencing penalty-kick performance, it is recommended that future research adopts an interdisciplinary focus on performance assessment to overcome the current lack of representativeness in penalty-kick experimental designs. Such an approach would serve to capture the information-based control of action of both players as components of this dyadic system in competitive sport.


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Em que pese o papel fundamental da tributação no âmbito de um Estado Democrático de Direito (Estado Fiscal), no qual o dever de pagar tributos é considerado um dever fundamental, persistem na doutrina e jurisprudência nacionais posicionamentos que associam aos tributos um caráter odioso. Essa repulsa aos tributos decorre de uma ideologia ultraliberal que não se justifica à luz do sistema de direitos e garantias desenhado em nossa Constituição. Essa disseminada postura ideológica influencia de forma equivocada a interpretação e a aplicação de inúmeros institutos e normas tributárias, como ocorre em relação às sanções administrativas não pecuniárias (restritivas de direitos) utilizadas para punir o inadimplemento de uma obrigação tributária principal, denominadas de sanções políticas, morais ou indiretas. A presente dissertação busca analisar de forma crítica como a doutrina nacional e a jurisprudência histórica e atual dos nossos tribunais superiores vêm se posicionando acerca da constitucionalidade dessas sanções, de modo a apontar a inconsistência teórica do entendimento ainda prevalecente, seja à luz da teoria da sanção, seja à luz do neoconstitucionalismo, demonstrando ser juridicamente injustificável considerar inconstitucional de plano uma sanção tributária pelo só fato de ser não pecuniária, já que esse juízo demanda uma análise específica da proporcionalidade em cada caso, atentando-se para os princípios e circunstâncias envolvidos. Além de importantes julgados sobre o tema e posições de renomados autores, são analisadas separadamente as ADIs n. 5.135 e 5.161, que tratam, respectivamente, das polêmicas questões do protesto das Certidões da Dívida Ativa e da vedação da distribuição de lucros e bonificações em empresas com débito em aberto junto à União Federal.


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Samples of groundwater, river water, river sediment, paddy soil, rice seeds, hen eggs, fish, umbilical cord blood, and newborn meconium were collected from October 2002 to October 2003 near a large site in China used for the disassembly of obsolete transformers and other electronic or electrical waste. Six indicator PCB congeners, three non-ortho dioxin-like PCB congeners, and six organochlorine pesticides were determined in the samples by GC with electron capture detector. The results demonstrated that the local environment and edible foods had been seriously polluted by toxic PCBs and organochlorine pesticides. The actual daily intakes (ADIs) of these pollutants were estimated for local residents living in the area. The intake data showed that the contents of PCBs in these local residents were substantial, as the ADI estimates greatly exceed the reference doses set by the World Health Organization and the United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. The presence of the indicator PCB congeners in the cord blood and the meconium samples, as well as significant correlations (r(2) > 0.80, p < 0.05) between these levels, suggests a potential biotransfer of these indicators from mothers to their newborns. This preliminary study showed that obsolete transformers and other electronic or electrical waste can be an important source for the emission of persistent organic pollutants into the local environment, such as through leakage, evaporation, runoff, and leaching. Contamination from this source appears to have reached the level considered to be a serious threat to environmental and human health around the disassembly site.