370 resultados para Aço AISI 316L
Laser shock processing (LSP) is increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials mechanical properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses fields into metallic components allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view) are presented in this paper. Concretely, experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated mechanical properties modification successfully reached in typical materials under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented. In this case, the specific behavior of a widely used material in high reliability components (especially in nuclear and biomedical applications) as AISI 316L is analyzed, the effect of possible “in-service” thermal conditions on the relaxation of the LSP effects being specifically characterized. I.
Este trabajo tiene como objeto caracterizar las capas de óxido formadas en el acero AISI 316L en función de la deformación del material y de su contenido en Cr a distintas temperaturas. Este acero se utiliza en los internos de las vasijas de los reactores nucleares de agua ligera, y un mejor conocimiento de su proceso de oxidación puede suponer un avance en el desarrollo de los reactores de cuarta generación. Para ello se realizaron ensayos termogravimétricos y se analizaron los resultados con técnicas de microscopía óptica y electrónica, espectrometría y difracción de rayos X. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la similitud en morfología y composición elemental de los óxidos formados en muestras de este acero con distintos grados de deformación y contenido en Cr y las diferencias resultantes en cuanto a la ganancia de masa. Abstract The object of this work is to characterize the oxide layers formed in AISI 316L steel based on the material deformation and its Cr content at various temperatures. This kind of steel is used in the inside elements of the light water nuclear reactor vessels and further knowledge in the oxidation process could mean a greater development in fourth generation reactors. Thermogravimetric tests were undertaken for this purpose, leading to the results analysis with the use of optical and electronic microscopic techniques as well as spectrometry and X–ray diffraction. The obtained results show the resemblance in the morphology and elemental composition of the oxides formed in samples of this steel with different deformation and Cr content degrees. The results also showed differences in the mass gain.
Laser shock processing (LSP) is increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials mechanical properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses fields into metallic components allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view)are presented in this paper. Concretely, experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated mechanical properties modification successfully reached in typical materials under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented. In this case, the specific behavior of a widely used material in high reliability components (especially in nuclear and biomedical applications) as AISI 316L is analyzed, the effect of possible “in-service” thermal conditions on the relaxation of the LSP effects being specifically characterized.
El tratamiento superficial por ondas de choque generadas por láser, LSP, es una técnica cuyo principal objetivo es el de la modificación del estado tensional de las primeras micras en profundidad de materiales metálicos. En sus comienzos está técnica fue empleada para inducir tensiones residuales de compresión en superficie, pero mientras se avanzaba en su desarrollo se empezaron a observar otros efectos. Profundizando en ellos se llega a la conclusión de que existe una fuerte relación entre todos, pero dependiendo de la aplicación a la que se vea sometido un componente tratado con LSP será necesario una serie de características que bien pueden ser ajustadas “a priori”. Para ello se ha de tener una buena caracterización del proceso láser y de las modificaciones que produce en las propiedades de un material determinado. Y es en este punto donde surge el problema: las modificaciones introducidas por el tratamiento láser son dependientes de la interacción de la energía del pulso láser con el material, es decir, para cada material es necesaria una caracterización previa de cómo sus propiedades son modificadas con las diferentes configuraciones del tratamiento LSP, encontrando para cada material un óptimo en los parámetros láser. En esta Tesis se pretende desarrollar una metodología para evaluar las modificaciones en las propiedades mecánicas y superficiales inducidas en materiales metálicos debido al tratamiento superficial por ondas de choque. De esta manera y avanzando de una manera lógica con la línea de investigación del grupo, se ha querido aplicar todo el conocimiento adquirido de la técnica para desarrollar esa metodología sobre un caso práctico: el empleo de dos configuraciones de tratamiento LSP sobre el acero inoxidable AISI 316L. Estas dos configuraciones elegidas se hacen en base a estudios previos, por parte del grupo de investigación, donde se han optimizados los parámetros para obtener el óptimo en lo que a perfil de tensiones residuales en profundidad se refiere. El material elegido como caso característico para llevar acabo la evaluación integrada del tratamiento LSP, de acuerdo con el propósito de esta Tesis, ha sido el acero inoxidable AISI 316L, debido a que este tipo de acero tiene una excelente resistencia a la corrosión en un amplio rango de atmosferas corrosivas, y es conocido como el grado estándar para un importante número de aplicaciones tecnológicas. La resistencia a la oxidación es buena incluso a altas temperaturas de servicio y la soldabilidad es excelente. Los aceros austeníticos son empleados en aplicaciones que soportan condiciones de alta temperatura y medios altamente corrosivos, como en reactores nucleares. Estos aceros resisten la corrosión en el agua de un reactor y procesos químicos en plantas que operan a temperaturas superiores a los 900 ˚C. En concreto el acero 316L se utiliza en la industria de equipamiento alimentario, en ambientes donde haya presencia de cloruros, en aplicaciones farmacéuticas, en la industria naval, en arquitectura, sector energético, centrales nucleares y en implantes médicos. Es decir, es un material ampliamente implantado en la industria, tanto en industrias tradicionales, como en industrias emergentes como la biomédica. El objetivo marcado para el desarrollo de la presente Tesis es caracterizar de forma precisa cómo el tratamiento superficial por ondas de choque generadas por láser es capaz de mejorar las propiedades de los materiales y cómo de estables son estas con la temperatura. Este punto es importante puesto que a la hora de introducir el proceso LSP en la industria no solo se tiene que tener en cuenta que las propiedades del material sean mejoradas, sino que también es necesario comprobar si esas mejoras se mantienen después de ser sometido el material a un tratamiento térmico ya que las condiciones de servicio de los materiales y componentes empleados no tienen por qué trabajar a temperatura ambiente. Para lograr el objetivo mencionado, el trabajo experimental realizado en la aleación seleccionada bajo todas las condiciones a estudio (material según fue recibido de fábrica, tratado con las dos configuraciones LSP y después de haber sido sometido al tratamiento térmico) ha consistido en lo siguiente: i) Estudios microestructural, morfológico y de composición química. ii) Medida de las tensiones residuales introducidas. iii) Caracterización superficial del material. iv) Estudio de las propiedades mecánicas: ensayos de tracción, ensayos de dureza, cálculo de la densidad de dislocaciones y ensayos de fatiga. v) Caracterización tribológica: ensayos de fricción y cálculo de la tasa de desgaste y volumen eliminado. vi) Caracterización electro-química para el material base y tratado con las dos configuraciones LSP. Se realizan medidas a circuito abierto, curvas de polarización (OCP), ensayos potenciostáticos y espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS). El trabajo se ha llevado a cabo en los laboratorios del Centro Láser de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Las características y capacidades de los aceros inoxidables sinterizados se han investigado en una doble vertiente. Por una parte con vista a sus capacidades de resistencia a la oxidación en caliente y por otra parte se ha investigado su capacidad para retener microorganismos que contribuyan a la descontaminación de un ambiente. Por ello, para cada una de estas funciones se han utilizado los aceros inoxidables sinterizados, que se han considerado más adecuados. Para estudiar sus capacidades de resistencia a la oxidación en caliente se ha utilizado un acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 304L, un acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430L y un acero inoxidable Fe-16Cr-3Al. Para estudiar sus capacidades para retener microorganismos se ha utilizado un acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 316L, un acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430L y un acero inoxidable dúplex 50%/50% de los anteriores. Para esta última finalidad los aceros se han compactado a tres diferentes presiones 300, 500 y 700 MPa, a las que corresponden diferentes porosidades. En relación con el comportamiento frente a la oxidación en caliente, se han cuantificado los incrementos positivos o negativos de volumen, masa y densidad en los diferentes tipos de sinterización y estados de tratamiento de oxidación. Como tónica general de comportamiento, puede decirse que los aceros sinterizados bajo vacío son más resistentes a la oxidación, que los sinterizados en atmósfera de N2-5H2 y que los aceros inoxidables austeníticos son algo más resistentes, que los Cr-Al y estos, a su vez, más que los aceros inoxidables ferríticos. Respecto a la retención de microorganismos, los tres aceros inoxidables sinterizados se han ensayado en diferentes medios de cultivo, utilizando cuatro especies de bacterias. Los mejores resultados se han obtenido con Staphylococcus aureus, muy favorable para su observación y recuento. Se han cuantificado, una vez sinterizados y colonizados por los microorganismos, para cada material y presión de compactación, las áreas de cada uno de los poros y el número de microorganismos situados en los poros y en la superficie sin poros. Se ha establecido en cada caso la densidad de microorganismos en las zonas de poros y en las zonas sin poros. Como tónica general puede decirse, que los aceros inoxidables austeníticos aparecen más favorables para estos estudios, que los aceros dúplex y estos más que los inoxidables ferríticos. Asimismo, se desprende que las áreas de los poros dependen de forma unívoca de la presión de compactación y que para áreas de poros decrecientes las densidades de microorganismos son crecientes. En consecuencia, podría deducirse, que a igualdad de área de poros en una superficie, aquella que tuviera los poros más pequeños, retendría mayor cantidad de bacterias. ABSTRACT The characteristics and capacities of sintered stainless steels have been researched from two perspectives: firstly, with a view to their resistance to hot oxidation, and secondly their capacity to retain microorganisms able to decontaminate the environment. For both these functions, sintered stainless steels were used, which are considered to be the most fit for purpose. To study their resistance to hot oxidation, we used austenitic stainless steel AISI 304L, ferritic stainless steel AISI 430L and stainless steel Fe-16Cr-3Al. To study their ability to retain microorganisms, we used austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L, ferritic stainless steel AISI 430L, and duplex stainless steel, being a 50/50 blend of the two former ones. For this last purpose, the steels were compacted at three different pressures (300, 500 and 700 MPa) corresponding to different porosities. With regard to the hot oxidation, we quantified the positive or negative increments in volume, mass and density in the different types of sintering and oxidation treatment states. As a general performance trend, we observed that vacuum sintered steels are more resistant to oxidation than those sintered in an atmosphere of N2-5H2, and that austenitic stainless steels are slightly more resistant than the Cr-Al steels which, in turn, are more resistant than the ferritic stainless steels. With regard to the retention of microorganisms, the three sintered stainless steels were tested in different culture media using four types of bacteria. The best results for observation and counting were obtained with Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Once sintered and colonized by microorganisms, for each material and compacting pressure we quantified the areas of the pores and the number of microorganisms situated in the pores and on the pore-free surface. In each case, the density of microorganisms in the pores and in the pore-free areas was established. As a general rule, we can say that the austenitic stainless steels appear to be more favourable for this type of study than the duplex steels which, in turn, are more favourable than the ferritic stainless steels. It also emerged that the areas with the pores depend unequivocally on the compacting pressure, and that the smaller the area of the pore the higher the density of the microorganisms. Consequently, it can be deduced that comparing an equal area of pores on a surface, the one with the smaller pores would retain a larger number of bacteria.
We report a new method for the growth of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) on the 316L alloy of stainless steel (SS) and its relevance for biomedical applications. We demonstrate that electrochemical etching increases the concentration of metallic species on the surface and enables the growth of rGO. This result is supported through a combination of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), density functional theory (DFT) calculations and static water contact angle measurements. Raman spectroscopy identifies the G and D bands for oxidized species of graphene at 1595 cm(-1) and 1350 cm(-1), respectively, and gives an ID/IG ratio of 1.2, indicating a moderate degree of oxidation. XPS shows -OH and -COOH groups in the rGO stoichiometry and static contact angle measurements confirm the wettability of rGO. SEM and AFM measurements were performed on different substrates before and after coronene treatment to confirm rGO growth. Cell viability studies reveal that these rGO coatings do not have toxic effects on mammalian cells, making this material suitable for biomedical and biotechnological applications.
Total strain controlled low cycle fatigue tests on 316L(N) stainless steel have been conducted in air at various strain rates in the temperature range of 773-873 K to identify the operative time-dependent mechanisms and to understand their influence on the cyclic deformation and fracture behaviour of the alloy. The cyclic stress response at all the testing conditions was marked by an initial hardening followed by stress saturation. A negative strain rate stress response is observed under specific testing conditions which is attributed to dynamic strain ageing (DSA). Transmission electron microscopy studies reveal that there is an increase in the dislocation density and enhanced slip planarity in the DSA regime. Fatigue life is found to decrease with a decrease in strain rate. The degradation in fatigue resistance is attributed to the detrimental effects associated with DSA and oxidation. Quantitative measurement of secondary cracks indicate that both transgranular and intergranular cracking are accelerated predominantly under conditions conducive to DSA.
The AISI 4340 steel has been electroslag refined and the improvement in mechanical properties has been assessed. Electroslag refining (ESR) has improved tensile ductility, plane strain fracture toughness, Charpy fracture energy, and has decreased fatigue crack growth rates. The KIC values for the ESR steel are nearly twice those estimated in the unrefined steel and higher than those obtained in the vacuum arc remelted steel. Fatigue crack growth rates in region I and in region III are found to be decreased considerably in the ESR steel, while they are unaffected in region II. Measurements on heat treated samples have shown that the ESR steel has a better response to heat treatment. Both the suggested heat treatments namely austenitizing at 1140–1470 K as well as the conventional heat treatment of austenitizing at 1140 K have been followed. The improvement in the mechanical properties of ESR steel has been explained on the basis of removal of nonmetallic inclusions and reduction in sulfur content in the steel.
Electroslag refining is a useful remelting process by which clean steels can be produced for sophisticated applications. In this investigation, AISI 4340 steel has been electroslag refined and the improvement in its hot ductility has been assessed using hot torsion tests; electroslag refining has improved the hot ductility considerably. The temperature at which peak ductility is obtained has also increased — from 1473 K in the unrefined steel to 1573 K in ESR steel. Results indicate that it should be possible to subject the ESR ingot to much higher strains per unit operation during industrial hot working processes such as forging, which would result in a considerable saving of power. The improvement in hot ductility in ESR steel has been attributed primarily to the removal of non-metallic inclusions and the reduction in sulphur content. From the apparent activation energy estimated from the hot torsion data, the dynamic recrystallization process is identified as the mechanism controlling the rate of hot deformation.
Tribological properties of γ-Y2Si2O7 ceramic against AISI 52100 steel and Si3N4 ceramic counterparts
Reciprocating ball-on-flat dry sliding friction and wear experiments have been conducted on singlephase γ-Y2Si2O7 ceramic flats in contact with AISI 52100 bearing steel and Si3N4 ceramic balls at 5-15N normal loads in an ambient environment. The kinetic friction coefficients of γ-Y2Si2O7 varied in the range over 0.53-0.63 against AISI 52100 steel and between 0.51-0.56 against Si3N4 ceramic. We found thatwear occurred predominantly during the running-in period and it almost ceased at the steady friction stage. The wear rates of γ-Y2Si2O7 were in the order of 10-4mm3/(N m). Besides, wear debris strongly influenced the friction and wear processes. The strong chemical affinity between γ-Y2Si2O7 and AISI 52100 balls led to a thick transfer layer formed on both contact surfaces of the flat and counterpart ball, which changed the direct sliding between the ball and the flat into a shearing within the transfer layer. For the γ-Y2Si2O7/Si3N4 pair, a thin silica hydrate lubricant tribofilm presented above the compressed debris entrapped in the worn track and contact ball surface. This transfer layer and the tribofilm separated the sliding couple from direct contact and contributed to the low friction coefficient and wear rate.
The deformation characteristics of 304L stainless steel in compression in the temperature range 20–700°C and strain rate range 0·001–100 s−1 have been studied with the aim of characterising the .flow instabilities occurring in the microstructure. At higher temperatures and strain rates the stainless steel exhibits flow localisation, whereas at temperatures below 500°C and strain rates lower than 0·1 s−1 the flow instabilities are due to dynamic strain aging. Strain induced martensite formation is responsible for the flow instabilities at room temperature and low strain rates (0·01 s−1). In view of the occurrence of these instabilities, cold working is preferable to warm working to achieve dimensional tolerance and reproducible properties in the product. Among the different criteria tested to explain the occurrence of instabilities, the continuum criterion, developed on the basis of the principles of maximum rate of entropy production and separability of the dissipation function, predicts accurately all the above instability features.
Processing maps for hot working of as-cast and wrought stainless steels of type AISI 304 have been developed in the temperature range 600 to 1250°C and strain rate range 0.001 to 100 s−1. The domain of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in as-cast material occurs at higher temperatures (1250°C) and lower strain rates (0.001 s−1) than in the wrought steel (1100°C and 0.01 s−1). The effect is explained in terms of enhanced nucleation rate of DRX due to the carbide, ferrite particles, stable oxides/nitrides and second-phase intermetallics in the as-cast microstructure. The DRX domain is wider in the wrought material although the peak efficiency is less (32%) than in the as-cast case (40%). The flow instability regime is not significantly affected by the initial microstructure
Processing maps for hot working of stainless steel of type AISI 304L have been developed on the basis of the flow stress data generated by compression and torsion in the temperature range 600–1200 °C and strain rate range 0.1–100 s−1. The efficiency of power dissipation given by 2m/(m+1) where m is the strain rate sensitivity is plotted as a function of temperature and strain rate to obtain a processing map, which is interpreted on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model. The maps obtained by compression as well as torsion exhibited a domain of dynamic recrystallization with its peak efficiency occurring at 1200 °C and 0.1 s−1. These are the optimum hot-working parameters which may be obtained by either of the test techniques. The peak efficiency for the dynamic recrystallization is apparently higher (64%) than that obtained in constant-true-strain-rate compression (41%) and the difference in explained on the basis of strain rate variations occurring across the section of solid torsion bar. A region of flow instability has occurred at lower temperatures (below 1000 °C) and higher strain rates (above 1 s−1) and is wider in torsion than in compression. To achieve complete microstructure control in a component, the state of stress will have to be considered.