943 resultados para 73-523


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We carried out oxygen and carbon isotope studies on monospecific foraminifer samples from DSDP Sites 522, 523, and 524 of Leg 73 in the central South Atlantic Ocean. The oxygen isotope ratios show a warming of 2 to 3 °C in bottom water and 5°C in surface water during the Paleocene and early Eocene. The carbon isotope values indicate strong upwelling during the early Eocene. The 1% increase in the d18O values of benthic and planktonic foraminifers at Site 523 in the later middle Eocene we ascribe to changes in the pattern of the evaporation and precipitation. The changes may be due to the worldwide Lutetian transgression. The oxygen ratios for the benthic and planktonic foraminifers indicate a cooling at the Eocene/Oligocene transition. The maximum temperature drop (5°C for benthic and 3°C for planktonic foraminifers) is recorded slightly beyond the Eocene/Oligocene boundary and took place over an interval of about 100,000 yr. The pattern of currents in the Southern Hemisphere was mainly structured by a precursor of the subtropical convergence during the Paleocene to late Eocene. The cooling at the Eocene/Oligocene transition led to drastic changes in the circulation pattern, and a precursor of the Antarctic convergence evolved.


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Most Cenozoic nannofossil and many foraminiferal zonal boundaries have been accurately determined and magnetostratigraphically calibrated at five Leg 73 boreholes. The numerical ages of the boundaries were computed by assuming a linear seafloor spreading rate and a radiometric age of 66.5 m.y. for the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Alternative magnetostratigraphic ages (given below in parentheses) were obtained by adopting a 63.5 m.y. age for the Cenozoic. Our data confirm previous determinations of the Pleistocene/Pliocene boundary at 1.8 (1.7) m.y. and of the Pliocene/ Miocene boundary at 5.1 (5.0) m.y. The Miocene/Oligocene boundary is placed within Chron C-6C and has a magnetostratigraphic age of 23.8 to 24.0 (22.7 to 22.9) m.y. The Oligocene/Eocene boundary is also very precisely located within Chron C-13-R, with a magnetostratigraphic age of 37.1 to 37.2 (35.5 to 35.6) m.y. The Eocene/Paleocene boundary should be located within an uncored interval of Chron C-24 and have a magnetostratigraphic age of 59.0 (55.4) +/- 0.2 m.y. The general accord of the magnetostratigraphic and radiometric ages supports the hypothesis that the seafloor spreading rate was linear during the Cenozoic. Two possible exceptions are noted: the middle Miocene radiometric ages are a few million years older, and the early Eocene radiometric ages are several million years younger, than the corresponding magnetostratigraphic ages.


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In the South Atlantic, at Sites 519 to 523, the dissolution of calcareous oozes ended in the formation of red clays rich in iron and manganese. The early authigenesis of manganese oxides and clays is described in Miocene marly calcareous oozes. The mineralogical and geochemical influences of basaltic basement weathering are shown by the occurrence of palagonite, authigenic clays, and oxides in the basal sediments. The development of red clay facies can be inhibited by local topographic and paleoceanographic changes, as at Site 520.


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The magnetic stability and mean intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of Leg 73 sediments (Holes 519 to 523) decreases with the age of the sediment. We demonstrate that these variations are linked with physical and chemical changes in the magnetic grains themselves. Alteration of the magnetic component occurs most rapidly shortly after deposition. A significant magnetic alteration over the topmost few meters of the sediments is thought to be the result of oxidation. The modification of the NRM characteristics through the partial dissolution of the carbonate is largely accounted for by the effects of concentraion of the magnetic minerals. We apply the techniques of rock-magnetism and X-ray fluorescence analysis to clarify the physical and chemical mechanisms that affect the magnetic character of the sediment.


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A Cenozoic multi-species record of benthic foraminiferal calcite Sr/Ca has been produced and is corrected for interspecific offsets (typically less than 0.3 mmol/mol) and for the linear relationship between decreasing benthic foraminiferal Sr/Ca and increasing water depth. The water depth correction, determined from Holocene, Late Glacial Maximum and Eocene paleowater-depth transects, is ~0.1 mmol/mol/km. The corrected Cenozoic benthic foraminiferal Sr/Ca record ranges from 1.2 to 2.0 mmol/mol, and has been interpreted in terms of long-term changes in seawater Sr/Ca, enabling issues related to higher-resolution variability in Sr/Ca to be ignored. We estimate that seawater Sr/Ca was ~1.5 times modern values in the late Cretaceous, but declined rapidly into the Paleogene. Following a minimum in the Eocene, seawater Sr/Ca increased gradually through to the present day with a minimum superimposed on this trend centered in the late Miocene. By assuming scenarios for changing seawater calcium concentration, and using published carbonate accumulation rate data combined with suitable values for Sr partition coefficients into carbonates, the seawater Sr/Ca record is used to estimate global average river Sr fluxes. These fluxes are used in conjunction with the seawater strontium isotope curve and estimates of hydrothermal activity/tectonic outgassing to calculate changes in global average river 87Sr/86Sr through the Cenozoic. The absolute magnitude of Sr fluxes and isotopic compositions calculated in this way are subject to relatively large uncertainties. Nevertheless, our results suggest that river Sr flux increased from 35 Ma to the present day (roughly two-fold) accompanied by an overall increase in 87Sr/86Sr (by ~0 to 0.001). Between 75 and 35 Ma, river 87Sr/86Sr also increased (by ~0.001 to 0.002) but was accompanied by a decrease (two- to three-fold) in river Sr flux.


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Los indígenas como sujeto jurídico para el reconocimiento de derechos étnicos han sido definidos desde el paradigma del multiculturalismo liberal, basado en características esencialistas de la identidad, como el vínculo con el territorio ancestral rural, el uso de la lengua nativa, y la organización colectiva y comunitaria. Sin embargo, el conflicto armado colombiano ha generado el desplazamiento forzado de gran parte de esta población i1, en su mayoría hacia áreas urbanas y metropolitanas, donde son inaplicables las características que eran tenidas en cuenta para el reconocimiento y la garantía de sus derechos. La ausencia de un sujeto jurídico étnico que responda a las condiciones de un indígena desterritorializado víctima de desplazamiento forzado a causa del conflicto armado que solicita atención individual, se convierte en un obstáculo para la garantía de sus derechos étnicos en la implementación de la política pública de atención, asistencia y reparación a víctimas del conflicto armado, porque las medidas afirmativas y el enfoque diferencial étnico, obligación del ejecutivo, queda a la discrecionalidad de las decisiones administrativas, poniendo en riesgo la garantía del derecho a la identidad cultural y, por lo tanto, a la diversidad étnica y cultural de la nación.