994 resultados para 71-513
Introduction Malnutrition is common among hospitalised patients, with poor follow-up of nutrition support post-discharge. Published studies on the efficacy of ambulatory nutrition support (ANS) for malnourished patients post-discharge are scarce. The aims of this study were to evaluate the rate of dietetics follow-up of malnourished patients post-discharge, before (2008) and after (2010) implementation of a new ANS service, and to evaluate nutritional outcomes post-implementation. Materials and Methods Consecutive samples of 261 (2008) and 163 (2010) adult inpatients referred to dietetics and assessed as malnourished using Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) were enrolled. All subjects received inpatient nutrition intervention and dietetic outpatient clinic follow-up appointments. For the 2010 cohort, ANS was initiated to provide telephone follow-up and home visits for patients who failed to attend the outpatient clinic. Subjective Global Assessment, body weight, quality of life (EQ-5D VAS) and handgrip strength were measured at baseline and five months post-discharge. Paired t-test was used to compare pre- and post-intervention results. Results In 2008, only 15% of patients returned for follow-up with a dietitian within four months post-discharge. After implementation of ANS in 2010, the follow-up rate was 100%. Mean weight improved from 44.0 ± 8.5kg to 46.3 ± 9.6kg, EQ-5D VAS from 61.2 ± 19.8 to 71.6 ± 17.4 and handgrip strength from 15.1 ± 7.1 kg force to 17.5 ± 8.5 kg force; p<0.001 for all. Seventy-four percent of patients improved in SGA score. Conclusion Ambulatory nutrition support resulted in significant improvements in follow-up rate, nutritional status and quality of life of malnourished patients post-discharge.
Enterovirus 71 (EV71) is one of the main etiological agents for Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) and has been shown to be associated with severe clinical manifestation. Currently, there is no antiviral therapeutic for the treatment of HFMD patients owing to a lack of understanding of EV71 pathogenesis. This study seeks to elucidate the transcriptomic changes that result from EV71 infection. Human whole genome microarray was employed to monitor changes in genomic profiles between infected and uninfected cells. The results reveal altered expression of human genes involved in critical pathways including the immune response and the stress response. Together, data from this study provide valuable insights into the host–pathogen interaction between human colorectal cells and EV71.
This study has provided further understanding of the pathogenesis of EV71, one of the major etiological agents associated with significant mortality in Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Elucidating the host-pathogen interaction and the mechanism that the virus uses to bypass host defence systems to establish infection will aid in the development of potential antiviral therapeutics against EV71.
Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a contagious viral disease that frequently affects infants and children and present with blisters and flu-like symptoms. This disease is caused by a group of enteroviruses such as enterovirus 71 (EV71) and coxsackievirus A16 (CA16). However, unlike other HFMD causing enteroviruses, EV71 have also been shown to be associated with more severe clinical manifestation such as aseptic meningitis, brainstem and cerebellar encephalitis which may lead to cardiopulmonary failure and death. Clinically, HFMD caused by EV71 is indistinguishable from other HFMD causing enteroviruses such as CA16. Molecular diagnosis methods such as the use of real-time PCR has been used commonly for the identification of EV71. In this study, two platforms namely the real-time PCR and the droplet digital PCR were compared for the detection quantitation of known EV71 viral copy number. The results reveal accurate and consistent results between the two platforms. In summary, the droplet digital PCR was demonstrated to be a promising technology for the identification and quantitation of EV71 viral copy number.
Contenido: El azaroso viaje de la hispanidad en nuestra Argentina de hoy / Javier Roberto González -- Viajes en palabras : entre historias de vidas y de culturas / Sofía Carrizo Rueda -- "Fuesse paral Papa et contól la sua fazienda" : la escritura ejemplar del viaje en el Conde Lucanor / Juan Paredes -- La poética del libro de viaje entre la Edad Media y el siglo XXI / Julio Peñate Rivero -- Relatos de viaje y paradigmas culturales / Luis Alburquerque García -- Espacio y desplazamiento en el viaje de Santa Oria / Javier Roberto González -- El inédito Ms. BNM 17.806 y los itinerarios de la Sagrada Escritura : edición y estudio de un texto ignorado / María Mercedes Rodríguez Temperley -- Dilemas del paraíso : viaje, utopía y mundanidad en la literatura árabe / Daniel Del Percio -- El viaje dantesco y su funcionalidad metapoética en El sueño y el Infierno de los enamorados del Marqués de Santillana / Cinthia Hamlin -- La aventura no cumplida : el camino del caballero andante hacia el ocaso / Mónica Nasif -- Benjamín de Tudela y los motivos del viaje : la educación del judío y el encuentro con la propia identidad a través del otro / María Gabriela Pauer -- El motivo del viaje en la literatura de sentencias / Alicia Esther Ramadori -- La travesía del caballero andante : mapas e itinerarios en el Amadis de Gaula / María del Rosario Valenzuela Munguía -- El viaje del héroe en el Libro del caballero Zifar, el caso de Zifar y Roboán / Simón Andrés Villegas -- La dinámica del viaje en el contexto del Ms. Esc. K-III-4 : Libro de Apolonio, Vida de Santa María Egipciaca, Libro de los tres reyes de Oriente -- Reseñas
Contenido: Concepto y ser / Octavio N. Derisi – La memoria metafísica según el libro X de las “Confesiones” / Mariano N. Castex – Las cosas bellas / Omar Argerami – El fundamento divino de la esencia y existencia del hombre / Octavio N. Derisi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía
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A Constituinte começa a discutir a Reforma Tributária. Lideranças preparam a regulamentação das eleições municipais. A aprovação desse projeto afasta a prorrogação dos mandatos de prefeitos e vereadores. Com votações rápidas o Plenário decide a defesa do Estado. Numa primeira etapa, foram criados o Estado de Sítio e o Estado de Defesa, figura que substitui o Estado de Emergência. Depois, foi a vez do papel das Forças Armadas, que continuam com a mesma função de defesa do território e da ordem constitucional. O Plenário derrubou uma emenda que tornava o serviço militar facultativo. O serviço militar continua obrigatório, ressalvados os casos imperativos de consciência, como por exemplo, motivos religiosos. No capítulo da segurança pública, foram criadas as guardas municipais e as patrulhas rodoviárias federais foram vinculadas à Polícia Federal.