996 resultados para 658.53


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The work by Koglin et al. (Koglin, N., Kostopoulos, D., Reichmann, T., 2009. Geochemistry, petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Samothraki mafic Suite, NE Greece: Trace-element, isotopic and zircon age constraints. Tectonophysics 473, 53-68. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2008.10.028), where the authors have proposed to nullify the scenario presented by Bonev and Stampfli (Bonev, N., Stampfli, G., 2008. Petrology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of Jurassic island arc magmatism as revealed by mafic volcanic rocks in the Mesozoic low-grade sequence, eastern Rhodope, Bulgaria. Lithos 100, 210-233) is here Put under discussion. The arguments for this proposal are reviewed in the light of available stratigraphic and radiometric age constraints, geochemical signature and tectonics of highly relevant Jurassic ophiolitic suites occurring immediately north of the Samothraki mafic suite. Our conclusion is that the weak arguments and the lack of knowledge on the relevant constraints from the regional geologic information make inconsistent the Proposal and the model of these authors. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Weekly report of the Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network produced by the Iowa Department of Public Health.


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Purpose: Fluoroscopy-guided sacroiliac joint (SIJ) injections are technically difficult to perform because of the complex anatomy with helicoidal conformation of the joint. Our study describes the procedure of CT-guided SIJ injection, its feasibility and its rate of success. Methods and materials: Retrospective study included 46 consecutive patients. The procedure was performed by 3 MSK radiologists and consisted in a puncture with a posterior approach in the inferior articular part of SIJ, then in an injection of iodinated contrast agent (1ml) with CT control of SIJ space opacification and finally in an injection of slowacting corticosteroid. The SIJ approach was noticed as correct if there was an inferior articular puncture and if the needle was in the articular space, and as impossible if there was ankylosis or osteophytosis. The study was divided in two successive periods: period 1 (4 first months) and period 2 (12 last months). Results: SIJ opacification was successful in 57% (26/46). We observed a learning curve: opacification was succeeded in 66% (23/35) and there was incorrect approach in 9% (3/35) during period 2 versus respectively 27% (3/11) and 45% (5/11) during period 1. Causes of failure were incorrect approach in 40% (6/20 too low, 2/20 too high), impossible approach in 30% (6/20) and unexplained in 30% (6/20). Mean duration of procedure was about 28 minutes. No complication occurred. Conclusion: CT guided SIJ injection is safe and successful in 66% after a training period. The success depends on SIJ correct approach and also on anatomical lesions.


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Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.


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F. 1-52v. Recueil de textes de piété, en italien sauf le premier. « Confiteor Deo omnipotenti Patri et Filio et Spiritui sancto (...) martiribus tuis Grisanto et Darie, confessoribus tuis Prospero et Venerio atque beato Francisco... - ... eternam amen » (1). — [Rubrique :] « Quisti son li X comandam. de la leze ». « Primo non adorare altro che uno solo dio et per questo commandamento se veta le idole... - ... non e » (1v-3v). — [Rubrique :] « Quisti son li XII articoli de la fede ». « Credo in Dio padre omnipotente creatore del celo et de la terra. 1. S. Petro. Et in Yesu... - ... alli boni. 11. S. Thadeo. 12. S. Mathia » (3v). — [Rubrique :] « Quisti son li septe peccati mortali. Lo primo Elatio ». « Superbia cio e reputare de havere bene per propria virtu et non da Dio... - ... tante fiade pecca mortalmente » (3v-10). — [Rubriques :] « Quisti son li dexe comandamenti soto brevita » (...) « Quisti sono li septe sacramenti » (...) « Que son le VII opere de la misericordia temporale » (...) « Queste son le spirituale » (...) « Questi son li setti peccati mortali » (...) « Circha de sopra in li dexe comandamenti. Quista sun li V sentimenti de lo corpo » (...) « Quisti sono li septi doni del Spirito sancto che sono contra li VII peccati mortali » (...) « Queste sono le III virtu theologie » (...) « Quatuor sono le cardinale » (...) « Queste son le conditione de la confessione » (...) « Quisti son li casi de la papa sive papali » (...) « Casus exclusi » (...) « Quisti sun li cassi de lo episcopo sive episcopali » (...) (10-12). — [NICOLAUS DE AUXIMO, O. F. M. (Nicolò da Osimo), Compendio de salute], cf. Umberto Picciafuoco, Fr. Nicolò da Osimo: vita, opera, spiritualità, 1980 ; « Per dare breve introductione delle cose necessarie ad la salute ad ciaschuno simplice lo quale desidera de salvarse, me sono studiato de redirre le dicte cose sotto breve compendio, retracto de uno libro dicto Quadriga spirituale... - ... molto cose secondo li doctori » (12-52v).F. 53-139v. Actes pontificaux et varia. EUGENIUS IV papa, Bulla [ad Jacobum de Primadiciis de Bononia, O. F. M. (Giacomo Primadizzi) ?], de communione pascali, [07/07/1446], cf. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 21, 1928, p. 270 n. 1, 282-283 « Eugenius papa IIIIus. Dilecte fili salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Fidedigna relatione percepimus in civitate Licii non parvam... - ... VIII kal. julii 1446, po. no. anno XVI° » (éd. ibid., p. 282-283, avec une date corrigée) (53-54). — [PAULUS II papa], Bulla, 14/04/1469 « I ». [Rubrique :] « Bulla que quotannis in cena Domini publicari per summum pontificem consuevit ». « Dilecti filii salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Consueverunt predecessores nostri romani pontifices annis singulis in die cene Domini sedentes...-... die XIIII° aprilis 1469 p. n. anno quinto. L. Dathus » (55-56). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 30/03/1469 « 2. Bulla. Paulus (...). Consueverunt sancte memorie romani pontifices predecessoris [sic] nostri ad retinendam puritatem... - ... tertio kal. aprilis, p. n. anno quinto. De curia. Signata A. Ingherannus, L. Dathus » (56v-64). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 06/06/1469 « 3. Paulus (...). Decet romanum pontificem sic in suis fore gratiis liberalem quod in ecclesiarum... - ... octavo id. junii, p. n. anno quinto. De curia, B. Lunensis » (64v-67). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 02/07/1469 « Paulus papa II. 4. [Rubrique :] Presidenti monasteriorum Sancte Justine de Padua ». « Dilecte fili salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Bullam presentibus alligatam constitutionis et decreti nostri circa annexa et juncta beneficia... - ... die IIa julii M° CCCC LXVIIII p. n. anno quinto. L. Dathus » (67v-68). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, de casibus reservatis, [03/03/1470] cf. Cesare Censi, Manoscritti francescani della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, 2 vol., 1971 (Spicilegium bonaventurianum, VII-VIII), t. I, p. 222, qui renvoie au ms. Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale, V H 33 (n° 125 a de la liste de Cenci) ; incomplet de la fin « 5. [Rubrique :] Bulla pro casibus reservatis ». « Paulus (...). Etsi dominici gregis saluti semper intenti singulis cum humilitate poscentibus ea benigne... - ... omnipotentis Dei et beatorum » [Petri et Pauli...] (68v-70). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 23/11/1464 « 6. [Rubrique :] Contra symoniacos ». « Paulus (...). Cum detestabile scelus simoniace pravitates tam divinorum quam sacrorum canonum... - ... nono kal. decembres, p. n. anno primo » (70v-72). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, [01/03/1468], cf. C. Censi, op. cit., ms. Napoli, Bibl. Naz., I H 43 et V H 33 (n° 50 ap et 125 d) « 7. [Rubrique :] Bulla prohibens ne bona ecclesiarum et Dei alienari possint ultra triennium ». « Paulus (...). Ambitiose perversorum cupiditati illorum precipue qui divinis et humanis legibus affectata... - ... M° CCCC LXVII kalendis martii p. n. anno quarto » (72v-74). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 31/01/1468 « 8. [Rubrique :] De celebratione dierum festorum in terris ecclesie ». « Paulus (...). Perniciosa consuetudo aut verius corruptela que in gravem divine majestatis ac sanctorum... - ... M° CCCC LXVII pridie kal. febr. anno p. n. IIII° » (74v-76v). — Exemplum de Raymundo cardinale nepote Honorii pape et beata Maria virgine et Annunciatione ejus. [Rubrique :] « Pro jejunio domine nostre ». « Honorius summus pontifex habuit ex sorore nepotem Raymundum nomine tituli sanctorum Johannis et Pauli cardinalem libidini ita deditum... - ... regna migravit » (77-79). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, de jubilaeo, 19/04/1470 « 10 ( ?). [Rubrique :] De publicatione anni jubilei redacti ad M CCCC LXXV ». « Paulus (...). Ineffabilis providentia summi patris qui pro redemptione humani generis ejusque reconcilianda natura... - ... tertiodecimo kalendas maii p. n. anno sexto » (79-85). — PAULUS II papa, Breve, ad episcopum Cumanensem, 22/04/1471 « Breve pontificis ad episcopum Cumanensem. Paulus II. Venerabilis frater (...). Expositum fuit nobis nonnullos istius civitatis Cumane ejusque diocesis existere qui contra libertatem... - ... XXII aprilis 1471 p. n. anno septimo » (86-86v). — PAULUS II papa, Breve, ad episcopum Cumanensem, 07/06/1471 « Suprascriptum breve non habuit locum sed reformatum fuit in formam infrascriptam : Paulus II. Ven. (...). Expositum nobis fuit pro parte dilecti filii nobilis viri Galeaz Marie ducis Mediolani nonnullos istius civitatis Cumane... - ... 7° junii 1471 p. n. anno 7° » (86v-87v). — PAULUS II papa, Breve, [ad Galeazzum Mariam Sforza ducem Mediolanensem], 31/05/1471 « Dilecte fili (...). Diligenter exposuit nobis dilectus filius Augustinus de Rubeis eques et doctor Parmensis consiliarius et orator ad nos tuus... - ... ultimo maii 1471, p. n. anno septimo » (87v-88v). — NICODEMUS [TRANCHEDINI], Littera ad Galeazzum Mariam Sforza ducem Mediolanensem, 13/05/1471, cf. Paola Sverzelatti, « Per la biografia di Nicodemo Tranchedini [1413-1481] di Pontremoli, ambasciatore sforzesco », Aevum, 1998, LXII, 485-557 [4° Z 4794] « Littere Nicodemi ad illustrissimum d. ducem. El papa me ha dicto questa sera che heri sera deputo et immediate hebbe ad se li inferri... - ... Johachinus et Franciscus de Padua advocati consistoriales ». « Suprascriptis videnda commissa fuit bulla pontificis » (89-89v). — AUGUSTINUS DE RUBEIS (Agostino de’Rossi) et NICODEMUS [TRANCHEDINI], Littera ad Galeazzum Mariam Sforza ducem Mediolanensem, 25/05/1471 « Littere d. Augustini et Nicodemi ad principem. Illustrissimo (...). Questi xi sonno mo stati piu volte insieme et col papa anchora et heri se fece el consistorio... - ... XXV maii 1471. Augustinus et Nicodemus » (89v-91). — Iidem ad eumdem, 27/05/1471 « Eorundem. Illustrissimo (...). Credace la vestra signoria per cosa se havesse ad agitar. qua postquam questo nostro sancto patre fu facto papa... - ... XXVII maii 1471 » (91-94v). — [EUGENIUS IV papa, Gratiae concessae Francisco de Platea de Bononia, O. F. M., 01/1440], cf. Cesare Censi, Manoscritti francescani della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, 2 vol., 1971 (Spicilegium bonaventurianum, VII-VIII), t. II, p. 1060, qui renvoie à deux exemplaires du texte, mss. Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale, cod. VII G 50 et VII G 66 [n° 371 et 383 de la liste de Cenci] « Copia. Ego frater Franciscus de Bononia frater venerabilis viri fratris Jacobi de Primidiciis de Bononia Florentiam accessi... - ... M CCCC XL die III et die decima januarii » (95-98v). — PAULUS II papa, Breve ( ?), ad Julium Cesari de Varano domicellum, incomplet de la fin « Paulus episcopus (...) dilecto filio nobili viro Julio Cesari de Varano domicello civitatis nostre Camerini et pro nobis (...) gubernatori (...). Inter cura multiplices quibus assidue permimur illa precipue sollicitat mentem nostram... - ... merito commendari » (100-106v). — NICOLAUS V papa, Breve ( ?), ad Franciscum Sforza, 24/07/1447 « Nicolaus (...) dilecto filio nobili viro Francisco Sfortie vicecomiti, comiti et marchioni (...). Sedes apostolica pia mater recurrentibus ad eam cum humilitate filiis post excessum libenter... - ... nono kal. augusti, p. n. anno primo. Pe. de Noxeto » (107-111v). — FRANCISCUS PHILELPHUS ( ?), [De Sacerdotio Christi (extractum et translatum e graeco Souda), versio italica], cf. Giovanni Mercati, Ultimi contributi alla storia degli Umanistici, 1939, I, p. 74-76 (4° Z 1722 (90)) « Tractatello traducto per messere Francescho Philelpho singularissimo poetha de greco in latino per luy trovato presso autentici et antiqui autori, reducto in volgare ad contemplatione d’alcuni devoti cortesani del illustrissimo signiore duca di Milano, ad confirmatione de la fede nostra et confusione de Judei. Regnando Justiniano imperatore clementissimo fo uno homo principe de Judei chiamato Theodosio... - ... teneva occulto » (112-118v). — « Electi beneficii et superni doni data ad quella anima che oldira la sancta messa integramente monifestati per li sancti doctori... - ... ligno de la vita » (118v-119). — MARTINUS V papa, Bulla, de excommunicatione hereticorum, [28/03/1426 ?], incomplète de la fin ; cf. C. Censi, op. cit., I, p. 501-502 (n° 304 f) « 1. Excommunicationes plures contente in processu qui fit annuatim in curia in cena Domini. Martinus (...). Excommunicamus et anathematizamus ex parte omnipotentis Dei Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti auctoritate Petri... - ... incursurum. Datum Rome etc » (120-122v). — « Item excommunicamus et anathematizamus omnes illos qui per se vel per alium vel alios directe vel indirecte... - ... cautione prestitis » (122v-123v). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 11/04/1471 « 2. Paulus (...). Consueverunt sancte memorie romani pontifices predecessores nostri ad retinendam puritatem... - ... tertio idus aprilis, p. n. anno VII° » (124-130v). — SIXTUS IV papa, Bulla, de excommunicatione hereticorum, 26/03/1472 « 2. Sixtus (...). Excommunicamus et anathematizamus ex parte omnipotentis Dei Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti auctoritate quoque beatorum... - ... septimo kal. aprilis etc. anno primo » (131-134v). — SIXTUS IV papa, Breve ( ?), ad Ferdinandum I regem Sicilie, 01/03/1472 « 4. Sixtus (...) carissimo in Christo filio Ferdinando regi Sicilie illustri (...). Dum eximie fidelitatis devotionis atque prudentie tue ceterasque tibi a Domino traditas virtutes...-... kalendis martiis [sic] p. n. anno primo. M. Milinus » (135-139v).


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Résumé : Le cancer, qui est responsable d'un quart des décès en Suisse, exhibe un état cellulaire désordonné, qui lui-même, est la conséquence d'un dérèglement des gènes. Le gène le plus fréquemment altéré, dans les cas de cancers humains, est p53. Ce gène encode un facteur de transcription, impliqué dans la régulation de nombreux gènes impliqués dans le cycle cellulaire, l'apoptose ou la différenciation. Notre laboratoire a récemment identifié seize nouveaux gènes, dont l'expression est régulée par p53, parmi lesquels sept4, su jet de cette thèse. La protéine 5EPT4 appartient à la famille des septines, qui est impliquée dans la cytokinèse. Dans ce travail, nous avons confirmé la régulation de l'expression de sept4 par p53 dans des tissus de souris, et étonnamment, seul un des deux promoteurs du gène sept4 est contrôlé par p53. En outre, l'approche immunohistologique nous a permis de supposer une implication de la protéine SEPT4 dans le mécanisme de l'exocytose. Cette hypothèse a été confirmée par l'interaction de SEPT4 avec la protéine syntaxine 1A, et par son activité inhibitrice sur la sécrétion stimulée. En élargissant l'étude de la protéine SEPT4, nous avons découvert que celle-ci avait comme partenaire fonctionnel, la protéine Pinl, une enzyme qui catalyse l'isomérisation cis-trans du lien peptidique précédant une proline. bans ce contexte, nous avons démontré que l'interaction entre ces deux protéines reposait sur le domaine WW de Pinl, un type de domaine reconnaissant les motifs phosphoséryl-prolyl et phosphothréonyl-prolyl. Ce dernier résultat nous a conduit à examiner la phosphorylation de 5EPT4. Nous avons démontré que la partie N-terminale de SEPT4 était phosphorylée par la kinase Cdk5. La co¬expression de Cdk5 et de SEPT4 stimule la dégradation de SEPT4, indépendamment de la voie du protéasome. Ainsi, l'ensemble de nos observations fournissent l'évidence de l'engagement de la protéine SEPT4 dans la régulation de l'exocytose, et soutiennent le rôle de p53 dans le contrôle de l'exocytose, via SEPT4, ce qui constituerait un nouveau rôle fonctionnel pour ce gardien du génome. Summary: Cancer, which is responsible for a quarter of the deaths in Switzerland, exhibits a disordered cellular state, which itself, is the consequence of an altered state of genes. The most frequently altered gene in human cancer is p53. This gene encodes a transcription factor, implicated in the regulation of numerous genes involved in cell cycle, apoptosis or differentiation. Our laboratory has recently identified sixteen new genes whose expression is regulated by p53, amongst them septin 4, which is the subject of this thesis. The SEPT4 protein belongs to the septin family which is implicated in cytokinesis. In the present work, we have confirmed the regulation of sept4 expression by p53 in mouse tissues, and surprisingly, only one of the two sept4 promoters is regulated by p53. In addition, the immunohistologic approach enabled us to suppose a role of SEPT4 in exocytosis. This assumption was confirmed by the interaction of SEPT4 with syntaxin 1A, and by its inhibiting activity on stimulated secretion. By widening the analysis of SEPT4, we identified Pin1 as an interacting protein. Pin1 is an enzyme which catalyzes the cis-trans isomerization of the peptide bond preceding a proline residue. In this context, we showed that the interaction between these two proteins depends on the WW domain of Pin 1. This domain has been shown to function as a phosphoserine- or phosphothreonine¬binding module. This last result prompted us to examine phosphorylation of SEPT4. We demonstrated that the N-terminal portion of SEPT4 was phosphorylated by the Cdk5 kinase. The co-expression of Cdk5 with 5EPT4 stimulates SEPT4 degradation, independently of the proteasome pathway. Thus, these observations provide evidence for the engagement of SEPT4 in the regulation of exocytosis, and supports the role of p53 in the control of exocytosis, via SEPT4, which constitutes a new functional role for this guardian of the genome.


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Por ser la cuarta vidual, como corroboran las Nov. 53, 6; 74, 5 y 117, 5, una figura vinculada tanto al Derecho de familia, en concreto, a la denominada, en doctrina, cuarta marital o uxoria en su acepción penal, pues en ésta encuentra una parte importante de sus raíces, como al Derecho sucesorio; su historia y fines se entenderán mejor si se integra en la evolución de ambos sistemas. Lo dicho justifica, a mi juicio, el interés de un estudio que, como éste, se centre, por una parte, en la institución que fue el precedente histórico inmediato de la cuarta vidual y, por otra, en el análisis de la Novela que, por primera vez, reguló el derecho a la cuarta en favor del cónyuge viudo, esto es, la 53, 6.


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To conserve natural resources and energy, the amount of recycled asphalt pavement has been steadily increasing in the construction of asphalt pavements. The objective of this study is to develop quality standards for inclusion of high RAP content. To determine if the higher percentage of RAP materials can be used on Iowa’s state highways, three test sections with target amounts of RAP materials of 30%, 35% and 40% by weight were constructed on Highway 6 in Iowa City. To meet Superpave mix design requirements for mixtures with high RAP contents, it was necessary to fractionate the RAP materials. Three test sections with actual RAP materials of 30.0%, 35.5% and 39.2% by weight were constructed and the average field densities from the cores were measured as 95.3%, 94.0%, and 94.3%, respectively. Field mixtures were compacted in the laboratory to evaluate moisture sensitivity using a Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device. After 20,000 passes, rut depths were less than 3mm for mixtures obtained from three test sections. The binder was extracted from the field mixtures from each test section and tested to identify the effects of RAP materials on the performance grade of the virgin binder. Based on Dynamic Shear Rheometer and Bending Beam Rheometer tests, the virgin binders (PG 64-28) from test sections with 30.0%, 35.5% and 39.2% RAP materials were stiffened to PG 76-22, PG 76-16, and PG 82-16, respectively. The Semi-Circular Bending (SCB) test was performed on laboratory compacted field mixtures with RAP amounts of 30.0%, 35.5% and 39.2% at two different temperatures of -18 and -30 °C. As the test temperature decreased, the fracture energy decreased and the stiffness increased. As the RAP amount increased, the stiffness increased and the fracture energy decreased. Finally, a condition survey of the test sections was conducted to evaluate their short-term pavement performance and the reflective transverse cracking did not increase as RAP amount was increased from 30.0% to 39.2%.


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A snapshot of water resource trends prepared by the Iowa DNR in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the U.S. Geological Survey, and The Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department.


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Background We previously reported the results of a phase II study for patients with newly diagnosed primary central nervous system lymphoma treated with autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation (aPBSCT) and response-adapted whole-brain radiotherapy (WBRT). Now, we update the initial results. Patients and methods From 1999 to 2004, 23 patients received high-dose methotrexate. In case of at least partial remission, high-dose busulfan/thiotepa (HD-BuTT) followed by aPBSCT was carried out. Patients refractory to induction or without complete remission after HD-BuTT received WBRT. Eight patients still alive in 2011 were contacted and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality-of-life questionnaire (QLQ)-C30 were carried out. Results Of eight patients still alive, median follow-up is 116.9 months. Only one of nine irradiated patients is still alive with a severe neurologic deficit. In seven of eight patients treated with HD-BuTT, health condition and quality of life are excellent. MMSE and QLQ-C30 showed remarkably good results in patients who did not receive WBRT. All of them have a Karnofsky score of 90%-100%. Conclusions Follow-up shows an overall survival of 35%. In six of seven patients where WBRT could be avoided, no long-term neurotoxicity has been observed and all patients have an excellent quality of life.