970 resultados para 53-418A


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Chemical and isotopic (Nd and Sr) compositions have been determined for 12 Cretaceous basaltic samples (108 Ma old) from Holes 417D and 418A of Legs 51,52 and 53. We have found that: (1) The chemical compositions are typical of MORB. They do not vary systematically with the stratigraphic positions of the analyzed samples; thus, the chemical evolution is independent of the eruption sequence that occurred at this Cretaceous ridge. (2) REE patterns for all rocks are characterized by a strong LREE depletion with (La/Sm)N = 0.38-0.50; no significant Eu anomalies are found; HREE are nearly flat or slightly depleted towards Yb-Lu and have 12-18 * chondritic abundances. Combining the results of previous studies, it suggests that no significant temporal and spatial variation in magma chemistry (especially for LIL elements) has occurred in the 'normal' ridge segments over the last 150 Ma. (3) lsotopically, 143Nd/144Nd ratios vary from 0.513026 to 0.513154, corresponding to epsilon-Nd(0) = +7.5 to +10, and they fall in the typical range of MORB. However, these rocks have unexpectedly high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70355-0.70470) which are attributed to the result of seawater-rock interaction. (4) The Nd model ages (Tin), ranging from 1.53 to 2.47 (average 2.06) AE, suggest that the upper mantle source(s) underwent a large scale chemical differentiation leading to LREE and other LIL element depletion about 2 AE ago, assuming a simple two-stage model. More realistically, the variation in Tm(Nd) or epsilon-Nd could be derived from mixing of heterogeneous mantle sources that were a consequence of continuous mantle differentiation and continental formation. (5) Because of the low mg values (0.52-0.63), the analyzed basaltic rocks do not represent primary liquids of mantle melting. The variation in La/Sm ratios and TiO2 are not compatible with a model in which all rocks are genetically related by a simple fractional crystallization. Rather, it is proposed that the basaltic rocks might have been derived from some heterogeneous upper mantle source with or without later magmatic mixing, and followed by some shallow-level fraetionations.


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Delta180 and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic data from smectites, calcites, and whole rocks, together with published isotopic age determinations, alkali element concentration data and petrographic observations suggest a sequential model of ocean floor alteration. The early stage lasts about 3 m.y. and is characterized by palagonite and smectite formation, and solutions with a large basaltic component, increasing with temperature which varies from 15° to 80° C at DSDP site 418A. Most carbonates are deposited after this stage from solutions with a negligible basaltic Sr component and temperatures of 15° to 40° C. Water of seawater Sr and O isotopic composition is shown to percolate to at least 500 m into the basaltic basement. No evidence was found for continuing exchange of strontium or oxygen after 3 m.y.


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Major element composition ranges of closely associated basalt glass-whole rock pairs from individual small cooling units approach the total known range of basalt glass and whole rock compositions at IPOD sites 417 and 418. The whole rock samples fall into two groups: one is depleted in MgO and distinctly enriched in plagioclase but has lost some olivine and/or pyroxene relative to its corresponding glass; and the other is enriched in MgO and in phenocrysts of olivine and pyroxene as well as plagioclase compared to its corresponding glass. By analogy with observed phenocryst distributions in lava pillows, tubes, and dikes, and with some theoretical studies, we infer that bulk rock compositions are strongly affected by phenocryst redistribution due to gravity settling, flotation, and dynamic sorting after eruption, although specific models are not well constrained by the one-dimensional geometry of drill core. Compositional trends or groupings in whole rock data resulting from such late-stage processes should not be confused with more fundamental compositional effects produced in deep chambers or during partial melting.


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Bulk chlorine concentrations and chlorine stable isotope compositions were determined for hydrothermally altered basalt (extrusive lavas and sheeted dikes) and gabbro samples (n = 50) from seven DSDP/ODP/IODP drill sites. These altered oceanic crust (AOC) samples span a range of crustal ages, tectonic settings, alteration type, and crustal depth. Bulk chlorine concentrations range from < 0.01 wt.% to 0.09 wt.%. In general, higher chlorine concentrations coincide with an increase in temperature of alteration and amphibole content. d37Cl values of whole rock AOC samples range from -1.4 to +1.8 per mil. High d37Cl values (>=~0.5 per mil) are associated with areas of higher amphibole content. This observation is consistent with theoretical calculations that estimate amphibole should be enriched in 37Cl compared to co-existing fluid. Negative to near zero d37Cl values are found in areas dominated by clay minerals. Chlorine geochemistry is a rough indicator of metamorphic grade and mineralogy. AOC is a major Cl host in the subducting oceanic lithospheric slab. Here we show that bulk chlorine concentrations are ~3 times higher than previous estimates resulting in a greater contribution of Cl to the mantle.


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This is the third year that we have summarised annual developments in the law for nonprofit staff, boards and volunteers. We were encouraged by the interest shown in last year’s publication and the use made of the digital copy on our web site, so here is the almanac for the Jan 2010–Dec 2010 period. We are delighted that the Australian Charity Law Association and PilchConnect (Victoria) have again agreed to contribute and promote the publication as well. These two organisations are beginning to fill the void of professional legal development and assistance to small nonprofit organisations that has characterised Australia for too many years. The first conference of the Australian Charity Law Association in Sydney was a significant event and one of the addresses is included in the Almanac. Other materials from the conference can be accessed at the Centre’s website.


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Be/X-ray binary pulsars have wide eccentric orbits and hence the angle of periastron of the orbit is very well defined in these sources. The presence of an X-ray pulsar allows for accurate measurements of orbital elements. A Be star usually is a rapidly rotating star and hence will deviate from spherical geometry. The tidal interaction between the neutron star and the Be star will add to the distortion of the Be star and alter its mass distribution. Thus a measurable rate of apsidal motion is expected from these systems. In this paper, we present the first conclusive detection of apsidal motion of the binary 4U 0115+63. We also present new and accurate orbital parameters of the Be/X-ray binaries V0332+53 and 2S 1417-624.


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The first enantiospecific total synthesis of (-)-9-pupukeanone, starting from (R)-carvone employing a combination of Michael-Michael reaction and an intramolecular rhodium carbenoid C H insertion reaction as key steps, is described. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.