993 resultados para 5-HT1A


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We have described that Galanin N-terminal fragment (1-15) [GAL(1-15)] is associated with depressive effects and also modulates the antidepressant effects induced by the 5-HT1A receptor (5-HT1AR) agonist 8-OH-DPAT. The aim of this study is to analyze the ability of GAL(1-15) to modulate 5-HT1AR at the autoreceptor and postsynaptic receptor level in rats by using quantitative autoradiography. We analyzed the effect of intracerebroventricular GAL(1-15)-3nmol (n=6) or aCSF (n=6), 10 minutes, 2 and 5 hours after the injection, on the binding characteristics of the 5-HT1AR agonist [H3]-8-OH-DPAT in sections of the Dorsal Raphe (DR) and Dorsal Hippocampus, specifically CA1 and Dentate Gyrus (DG). Student’s t-test was used to compare the experimental groups. GAL(1-15) produced a time-dependent effect on the binding of [H3]-8-OH-DPAT. In CA1 and DG, a significant increase in the KD and Bmax was observed, by 90%(p<0.05), at 10 minutes and 2 hours after injection. However, 5 hours after GAL(1-15) the only significant change remaining was the increase in Bmax at the DG. The coinjection of the GALR2 antagonist M871 blocked significantly the effects induced by GAL(1-15) in both areas. In DR, 2 hours after injection GAL(1-15) only produced a decrease in the Bmax by 20%(p<0.05). These results indicate that GAL(1-15) interacts with 5-HT1AR at the receptor level in DR and Dorsal Hippocampus. Therapeutic strategies based on these results could be developed for the treatment of depression disorders. This work has been supported by Junta de Andalucia CVI646 and Spanish Ministry of Economy PSI2013-44901-P.


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Drugs that alter brain serotonin (5-HT) function can modulate the behavioral effects of cocaine, but the underlying receptor mechanisms are poorly understood. The present study examined the effects of the selective 5-HT1A receptor agonist (+/-)-8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT, 0.01-0.1 mg/kg, i.v.) on cocaine self-administration in the context of a choice procedure. Five adult male cynomolgus monkeys self-administered cocaine (saline, 0.003-0.03 mg/kg per injection) under a concurrent fixed-ratio 50 schedule of food (1-g banana-flavored pellets) and cocaine presentation. Allocation of responses to the cocaine-associated lever (cocaine choice) increased in a dose-related manner from < or =20% of total responses when saline or 0.003 mg/kg per injection cocaine was the alternative to food to > or =75% when 0.03 mg/kg per injection cocaine was available. In four of five monkeys, when choice was between a low cocaine dose and food, 0.01 mg/kg 8-OH-DPAT increased injection-lever responding. At cocaine doses which occasioned > or =75% cocaine choice, 8-OH-DPAT did not alter response allocation. In the fifth monkey, 8-OH-DPAT only decreased injection-lever responding. When choice was between saline and food, 8-OH-DPAT did not reliably shift responding to the injection lever, except at doses that disrupted operant performance. These results suggest that a 5-HT1A receptor agonist can increase the reinforcing strength of a low cocaine dose relative to a concurrently available non-drug reinforcer.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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It is widely acknowledged that the indoleamine neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) plays a dual role in the regulation of anxiety, a role that in part depends upon neuroanatomical locus of action. Thus, whereas stimulation of 5-HT1A or 5-HT2 receptors in the limbic forebrain (amygdala, hippocampus) enhances anxiety-like responding in rodents, activation of corresponding receptor populations in the midbrain periaqueductal grey (PAG) more often than not reduce anxiety-like behaviour. The present study specifically concerns the anxiety-modulating influence of 5-HT2 receptors within the mouse PAG. Experiment 1 assessed the effects of intra-PAG infusions of the 5-HT2B/2C receptor agonist mCPP (0, 0.03, 0.1 or 0.3 nmol/0.1 mu l) on the behaviour of mice exposed to the elevated plus-maze. As mCPP acts preferentially at 5-HT2B and 5-HT2C receptors, Experiment 2 investigated its effects in animals pretreated with ketanserin, a preferential 5-HT2A/2C receptor antagonist. In both cases, test sessions were videotaped and subsequently, scored for anxiety-like behaviour (e.g., percentage of open arm entries and percentage of open arm time) as well as general locomotor activity (closed arm entries). The results of Experiment I showed that mCPP microinfusions (0.03 and 0.1 nmol) into the PAG of mice decreased behavioural indices of anxiety without significantly altering general activity measures. In Experiment 2, the anxiolytic-like profile of intra-PAG mCPP (0.03 nmol) was substantially attenuated by intra-PAG pretreatment with an intrinsically inactive dose of the preferential 5-HT2A/2C receptor antagonist, ketanserin (10 nmol/0.1 mu l). Together, these data suggest that 5HT(2C) receptor populations within the midbrain PAG play an inhibitory role in plus-maze anxiety in mice. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There are conflicting results on the function of 5-HT in anxiety and depression. To reconcile this evidence, Deakin and Graeff have suggested that the ascending 5-HT pathway that originates in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) and innervates the amygdala and frontal cortex facilitates conditioned fear, while the DRN-periventricular pathway innervating the periventricular and periaqueductal gray matter inhibits inborn fight/flight reactions to impending danger, pain, or asphyxia. To study the role of the DRN 5-HT system in anxiety, we microinjected 8-OH-DPAT into the DRN to inhibit 5 HT release. This treatment impaired inhibitory avoidance (conditioned fear) without affecting one-way escape (unconditioned fear) in the elevated T-maze, a new animal model of anxiety. We also applied three drug treatments that increase 5-HT release from DRN terminals: 1) intra-DRN microinjection of the benzodiazepine inverse agonist FG 4172, 2) intra-DRN microinjection of the excitatory amino acid kainic acid, and 3) intraperitoneal injection of the 5-HT releaser and uptake blocker D-fenfluramine. All treatments enhanced inhibitory avoidance in the T-maze. D-Fenfluramine and intra-DRN kainate also decreased one-way escape. In healthy volunteers, D-fenfluramine and the 5-HT agonist mCPP (mainly 5-HT2C) increased, while the antagonists ritanserin (5-HT2A/(2C)) and SR 46349B (5-HT2A) decreased skin conductance responses to an aversively conditioned stimulus (tone). In addition, D-fenfluramine decreased, whereas ritanserin increased subjective anxiety induced by simulated public speaking, thought to represent unconditioned anxiety. Overall, these results are compatible with the above hypothesis. Deakin and Graeff have suggested that the pathway connecting the median raphe nucleus (MRN) to the dorsal hippocampus promotes resistance to chronic, unavoidable stress. In the present study, we found that 24 h after electrolytic lesion of the rat MRN glandular gastric ulcers occurred, and the immune response to the mitogen concanavalin A was depressed. Seven days after the same lesion, the ulcerogenic effect of restraint was enhanced. Microinjection of 8-OH-DPAT, the nonselective agonist 5-MeO-DMT, or the 5-HT uptake inhibitor zimelidine into the dorsal hippocampus immediately after 2 h of restraint reversed the deficits of open arm exploration in the elevated plus-maze, measured 24 h after restraint. The effect of the two last drugs was antagonized by WAY-100135, a selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that the MRN-dorsal hippocampus 5-HT system attenuates stress by facilitation of hippocampal 5-HT1A-mediated neurotransmission. Clinical implications of these results are discussed, especially with regard to panic disorder and depression.


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This study was aimed at testing the hypothesis that serotoninergic receptors in the locus coeruleus (LC) play a role in bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced fever. To this end, 5-HT1A (WAY-100635; 3 mu g/100 nL) and 5-HT2A (ketanserin; 2 mu g/100 nL) antagonists were microinjected into the LC and body temperature was monitored by biotelemetry. Intra-LC microinjections of ketanserin or WAY-100635 caused no change in body temperature of euthermic animals. 5-HT2A antagonism abolished the first phase of the lipopolysaccharide-induced fever. Taken together, these results indicate that serotonin acting on 5-HT2A receptors in the LC mediates the first phase of the febrile response, whereas 5-HT1A receptors are not involved in the lipopolysaccharide-induced fever.


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Several findings have pointed to the role of the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG) serotonin 5-HT1A and 5-HT2(A-C) receptor subtypes in the modulation of defensive behavior in animals exposed to the elevated plus-maze (EPM). Besides displaying anxiety-like behavior, rodents also exhibit antinociception in the EPM. This study investigated the effects of intra-dPAG injections of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2B/2C receptor ligands on EPM-induced antinociception in mice. Male Swiss mice received 0.1 mu l intra-dPAG injections of vehicle, 5.6 and 10 nmol of 8-OHDPAT, a 5-HT1A receptor agonist (Experiment 1), or 0.01, 0.03 and 0.1 nmol of mCPP, a 5-HT2B/2C receptor agonist (Experiment 2). Five minutes later, each mouse received an intraperitoneal injection of 0.6% acetic acid (0.1 ml/10 g body weight; nociceptive stimulus) and was individually confined in the open (OA) or enclosed (EA) arms of the EPM for 5 min, during which the number of abdominal writhes induced by the acetic acid was recorded. While intra-dPAG injection of 8-OHDPAT did not change open-arm antinociception (OAR). mCPP (0.01 nmol) enhanced it. Combined injections of ketanserin (10 nmol/0.1 mu l), a 5-HT2A/2C receptor antagonist, and 0.01 nmol of mCPP (Experiment 3), selectively and completely blocked the OAR enhancement induced by mCPP. Although intra-dPAG injection of mCPP (0.01 nmol) also produced antinociception in EA-confined mice (Experiment 2), this effect was not confirmed in Experiment 3. Moreover, no other compound changed the nociceptive response in EA-confined animals. These results suggest that the 5-HT2C receptors located within the PAG play a role in this type of environmentally induced pain inhibition in mice. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeA) is a sub-region of the amygdaloid complex that has been described as participating in food intake regulation. Serotonin has been known to play an important role in appetite and food intake regulation. Moreover, serotonin 5-HT2C and 5-HT1A receptors appear to be critical in food intake regulation. We investigated the role of the serotoninergic system in the MeA on feeding behavior regulation in rats. The current study examined the effects on feeding behavior regulation of the serotonin reuptake inhibitor, zimelidine, administered directly into the MeA or given systemically, and the serotoninergic receptors mediating its effect. Our results showed that microinjection of zimelidine (0.2, 2 and 20 nmol/100 nL) into the MeA evoked dose dependent hypophagic effects in fasted rats. The selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY-100635 (18.5 nmol/100 nL) or the 5-HT1B receptor antagonist SB-216641 microinjected bilaterally into the MeA did not change the hypophagic effect evoked by local MeA zimelidine treatment. However, microinjection of the selective 5-HT2C receptor antagonist SB-242084 (10 nmol/100 nL) was able to block the hypophagic effect of zimelidine. Moreover, microinjection of the 5-HT2C receptor antagonist SB-242084 into the MeA also blocked the hypophagic effect caused by zimelidine administered systemically. These results suggest that MeA 5-HT2C receptors modulate the hypophagic effect caused by local MeA administration as well as by systemic zimelidine administration. Furthermore, 5-HT2C into the MeA could be a potential target for systemic administration of zimelidine. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the distribution of mRNA coding for 7 subtypes of 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors (5-HTRs) in the intestines of healthy dairy cows and dairy cows with cecal dilatation-dislocation (CDD). SAMPLE POPULATION: Full-thickness intestinal wall biopsy specimens were obtained from the ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon, and external loop of the spiral colon (ELSC) of 15 cows with CDD (group 1) and 15 healthy dairy cows allocated to 2 control groups (specimens collected during routine laparotomy [group 2] or after cows were slaughtered [group 3]). PROCEDURE: Amounts of mRNA coding for 7 subtypes of 5-HTRs (5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT1D, 5-HT1F, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, and 5-HT4) were measured by quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR assay. Results were expressed as the percentage of mRNA expression of a housekeeping gene. RESULTS: Expression of mRNA coding for 5-HTR1B, 5-HTR2B, and 5-HTR4 was significantly lower in cows with CDD than in healthy cows. For 5-HTR2B and 5-HTR4, significant differences between cows with CDD and control cows were most pronounced for the ELSC. Expression of mRNA for 5-HTR1D, 5-HTR1F, and 5-HTR2A was extremely low in all groups, and mRNA for 5-HTR1A was not detected. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Relative concentrations of mRNA coding for 5-HTR1B, 5-HT2B, and 5-HTR4 were significantly lower in the intestines of cows with CDD than in the intestines of healthy dairy cows, especially for 5-HT2B and 5-HTR4 in the ELSC. This supports the hypothesis that serotonergic mechanisms, primarily in the spiral colon, are implicated in the pathogenesis of CDD.


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Drugs acting at 5-HT receptors were evaluated on three animal models of anxiety. On the elevated X-maze test the majority of 5-HT1 agonists were found to be anxiogenic. However, ipsapirone was anxiolytic and buspirone and gepirone were inactive. The 5-HT2 agonist DOI and the 5-HT2 antagonist ritanserin were anxiolytic while ICI 169,369, a 5-HT2 antagonist was inactive. All 5-HT3 antagonists tested were inactive in this test, while the indirect serotomimetics zimeldine and fenfluramine were anxiogenic. Neither beta-adrenoceptor agonists nor antagonists had reproducible effects on anxiety in this model. Combined beta-1/beta-2 adrenoceptor antagonists reversed the anxiogenic effects of 8-OH-DPAT while selective beta-1 or beta-2 antagonists did not. On the social interaction model the 5-HT1 agonists 8-OH-DPAT, RU 24969 and 5-MeODMT were anxiogenic and ipsapirone was anxiolytic. The 5-HT2 agonist DOI and the beta-adrenoceptor- and 5-HT- antagonist pindolol were anxiolytic, while the 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 antagonists were inactive. In the marble burying test, the 5-HT upake inhibitors zimeldine, fluvoxamine, indalpine and citalopram, the 5-HT1B/5-HT1C agonists mCPP and TFMPP and the 5-HT2/5-HT1C agonist DOI reduced marble burying without affecting locomotor activity. 5-HT1A agonists and the 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 antagonists were without effect. Lesions of the dorsal raphe nucleus reversed the anxiogenic effects of 8-OH-DPAT in the X-maze model. The implication of these results for the understanding of the pharmacology of 5-HT in anxiety is discussed.


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The results of an investigation into how stressors interact with the action of serotonergic agents in animal models of anxiety are presented. Water deprivation and restraint both increased plasma corticosterone concentrations and elevated 5-HT turnover. In the elevated X-maze, water deprivation had a duration-dependent "anxiolytic" effect. The effect of restraint was dependent on the duration of restraint and was to inhibit maze exploration. Water-deprivation did not influence the action of diazepam or any 5-HT1A ligand in the X-maze. Restraint switched the "anxiogenic" effect of 8-0H-DPAT to either "anxiolytic" or inactive, depending on the time after the restraint when testing was performed. The Vogel conflict test detected an "anxiolytic" "anxiolytic"V"anxiolytic""anxiolytic" effect of buspirone which was additive with "anxiolytic" effects of pindolol and propranolol. Diazepam and fluoxetine were also active, but 8-0H-DPAT, ipsapirone, gepirone and yohimbine were inactive. In the elevated X-maze, "anxiogenic" responses to picrotoxin, flumazenil, RU 24969, CGS 12066B, fluoxetine and 8-0H-DPAT were detected. Other 5-HT1A ligands were inactive. Diazepam and corticosterone had "anxiolytic" effects. Increasing light intensity did not change behaviour on the elevated X-maze, but was able to reverse the effect of 8- OH-DPAT to an "anxiolytic" action. This effect was attributed to a presynaptic mechanism, because it was abolished by pCPA. The occurence of different behaviours in different reglons of the maze was shown to be susceptible to modulation by "anxiolytic" and "anxiogenic" drugs. These results are discussed in the context of there being at least two separate 5-HT mechanisms which are involved in the control of anxiety.


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Mood disorders, including depression and anxiety, are among the most prevalent mental illnesses with high socioeconomic impact. Although the underlying mechanisms have not yet been clearly defined in the last decade the importance of the role of neuropeptides, including Galanin (GAL), and/or their receptors in the treatment of stress-related mood disorders is becoming increasingly apparent. GAL is involved in mood regulation, including depression-related and anxiety-like behaviors. Activation of GALR1 and GALR3 receptors results in a depression like behavior while stimulation of GALR2 receptor leads to anti-depressant-like effects. Moreover, GAL modulates 5-HT1A receptors (5-HT1AR), a key receptor in depression at autoreceptor and postsynaptic level in the brain. This interaction can in part be due to the existence of GALR1-5-HT1AR heteroreceptor complexes in discrete brain regions [1]. Not only GAL but also the N-terminal fragments like GAL(1-15) are active in the Central Nervous System [2, 3]. Recently, we described that GAL(1-15) induces strong depression-related and anxiogenic-like effects in rats, and these effects were significantly stronger than the ones induced by GAL [4]. The GALR1-GALR2 heteroreceptor complexes in the dorsal hippocampus and especially in the dorsal raphe (DR), areas rich in GAL(1-15) binding sites [5] were involved in these effects [4, 6] and demonstrated also in cellular models. In the present study, we have analyzed the ability of GAL(1-15) to modulate 5-HT1AR located at postjunctional sites and at the soma-dendritic level in rats. We have analyzed the effect of GAL(1-15) on the 5-HT1AR-mediated response in a behavioral test of depression and the involvement of the GALR2 in these effects. GAL(1-15) enhanced the antidepressant effects induced by the 5-HT1AR agonist 8-OH-DPAT in the forced swimming test [7]. These effects were stronger than the ones induced by GAL. The mechanism of this action involved interactions at the receptor level in the plasma membrane with changes also at the transcriptional level. Thus, GAL(1-15) affected the binding characteristics as well as the mRNA level of 5-HT1AR in the dorsal hippocampus and DR. GALR2 was involved in these effects, since the specific GALR2 antagonist M871 blocked GAL(1-15) mediated actions at the behavioral and receptor level [7]. Furthermore, the results on the proximity ligation assay (PLA) in this work suggest the existence of GALR1-GALR2-5-HT1AR heteroreceptor complexes since positive PLA were obtained for both GALR1-5-HT1AR and GALR2-5-HT1AR complexes in the DR and hippocampus. Moreover the studies on RN33B cells, where GALR1, GALR2 and 5-HT1AR exist [4], also showed PLA-positive clusters indicating the existence of GALR1-5-HT1AR and GALR2-5-HT1AR complexes in these cells [7]. In conclusion, our results indicate that GAL(1–15) enhances the antidepressant effects induced by the 5-HT1AR agonist 8-OH-DPAT probably acting on GALR1-GALR2-5-HT1AR heteroreceptor located at postjunctional sites and at the soma-dendritic level. The development of new drugs specifically targeting these heteroreceptor complexes may offer a novel strategy for treatment of depression. This work has been supported by Junta de Andalucia CVI646 1. Borroto-Escuela, D.O., et al., Galanin receptor-1 modulates 5-hydroxtryptamine-1A signaling via heterodimerization. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2010. 393(4): p. 767-72. 2. Hedlund, P.B. and K. Fuxe, Galanin and 5-HT1A receptor interactions as an integrative mechanism in 5-HT neurotransmission in the brain. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1996. 780: p. 193-212. 3. Diaz-Cabiale, Z., et al., Neurochemical modulation of central cardiovascular control: the integrative role of galanin. EXS, 2010. 102: p. 113-31. 4. Millon, C., et al., A role for galanin N-terminal fragment (1-15) in anxiety- and depression-related behaviors in rats. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 2015. 18(3). 5. Hedlund, P.B., N. Yanaihara, and K. Fuxe, Evidence for specific N-terminal galanin fragment binding sites in the rat brain. Eur J Pharmacol, 1992. 224(2-3): p. 203-5. 6. Borroto-Escuela, D.O., et al., Preferential activation by galanin 1-15 fragment of the GalR1 protomer of a GalR1-GalR2 heteroreceptor complex. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2014. 452(3): p. 347-53. 7. Millon, C., et al., Galanin (1-15) enhances the antidepressant effects of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT: involvement of the raphe-hippocampal 5-HT neuron system. Brain Struct Funct, 2016.


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Alcohol dependence is a debilitating disorder with current therapies displaying limited efficacy and/or compliance. Consequently, there is a critical need for improved pharmacotherapeutic strategies to manage alcohol use disorders (AUDs). Previous studies have shown that the development of alcohol dependence involves repeated cycles of binge-like ethanol intake and abstinence. Therefore, we used a model of binge-ethanol consumption (drinking-in-the-dark) in mice to test the effects of compounds known to modify the activity of neurotransmitters implicated in alcohol addiction. From this, we have identified the FDA-approved antihypertensive drug pindolol, as a potential candidate for the management of AUDs. We show that the efficacy of pindolol to reduce ethanol consumption is enhanced following long-term (12-weeks) binge-ethanol intake, compared to short-term (4-weeks) intake. Furthermore, pindolol had no effect on locomotor activity or consumption of the natural reward sucrose. Because pindolol acts as a dual beta-adrenergic antagonist and 5-HT1A/1B partial agonist, we examined its effect on spontaneous synaptic activity in the basolateral amygdala (BLA), a brain region densely innervated by serotonin- and norepinephrine-containing fibres. Pindolol increased spontaneous excitatory post-synaptic current frequency in BLA principal neurons from long-term ethanol consuming mice but not naïve mice. Additionally, this effect was blocked by the 5-HT1A/1B receptor antagonist methiothepin, suggesting that altered serotonergic activity in the BLA may contribute to the efficacy of pindolol to reduce ethanol intake following long-term exposure. Although further mechanistic investigations are required, this study demonstrates the potential of pindolol as a new treatment option for AUDs that can be fast-tracked into human clinical studies.


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Una de las principales características de las vías descendentes provenientes de la RVMMes su capacidad para modular la transmisión nociceptiva en la médula espinal de manerabidireccional, es decir su capacidad tanto de facilitarla como de inhibirla. En este trabajomostramos que la activación de los receptores de la serotonina presentes en neuronas dela médula espinal puede tanto aumentar como disminuir los potenciales evocados porfibras C, o bien no producir cambio alguno en los mismos, dependiendo del subtipo dereceptor que se reclute. Demostramos también que la modulación de la nocicepción pormedio de los subtipos 5-HT1A, -2A, -2B, y -4 se modifica profundamente por efecto dela LNR.Datos previos que documentan mecanismos de interacción entre receptores del glutamatoy de la serotonina en otras regiones del SNC nos han conducido a plantear la hipótesis desu posible existencia en neuronas de las astas posteriores y su función en el dolorpersistente. Hemos hallado que la activación del receptor 5-HT2A induce cambiosplásticos de mGluR1 en las astas posteriores a través de un mecanismo intracelulardependiente de PKC. Esta modulación adquiere un papel clave en los signos desensibilización inducidos por la LNR a partir del quinto día posterior a la lesión. Por suparte, la activación del receptor 5-HT2B induce la fosforilación del receptor NMDA en ladensidad sináptica de las neuronas de las astas posteriores tras la LNR. Este mecanismoes mediado por la translocación de la isoforma ¿ de la PKC al espacio sináptico. El papelde 5-HT2B en la sensibilización central predomina en los primeros 2 días post-ligadura, ypierde relevancia en los días sucesivos.Además, la neurotransmisión serotoninérgica mediada por los receptores 5-HT2A y5-HT2B en animales sometidos a ligadura de L5 tiene un impacto negativo sobre laactividad antinociceptiva de los receptores opioides ¿ y ¿ en la médula espinal. Estosresultados sugieren que la intervención sobre los receptores 2A y 2B podría servir de basepara mejorar la eficacia de la analgesia por opioides en personas con dolor crónico.


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Imbalance between the dopamine and serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmitter systems has been implicated in the comorbidity of Parkinson's disease (PD) and psychiatric disorders. L-DOPA, the leading treatment of PD, facilitates the production and release of dopamine. This study assessed the action of L-DOPA on monoamine synaptic transmission in mouse brain slices. Application of L-DOPA augmented the D2-receptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic current (IPSC) in dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra. This augmentation was largely due to dopamine release from 5-HT terminals. Selective optogenetic stimulation of 5-HT terminals evoked dopamine release, producing D2-receptor-mediated IPSCs following treatment with L-DOPA. In the dorsal raphe, L-DOPA produced a long-lasting depression of the 5-HT1A-receptor-mediated IPSC in 5-HT neurons. When D2 receptors were expressed in the dorsal raphe, application of L-DOPA resulted in a D2-receptor-mediated IPSC. Thus, treatment with L-DOPA caused ectopic dopamine release from 5-HT terminals and a loss of 5-HT-mediated synaptic transmission.