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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cardiac findings in 31 Noonan syndrome patients. METHODS: Thirty-one (18 males and 13 females)patients from 26 families affected with Noonan's syndrome were evaluated from the cardiac point of view with electrocardiography and echodopplercardiography. RESULTS: Twenty patients had some type of cardiac abnormality. The most frequent was pulmonary valve stenosis followed by hypertrophic myocardiopathy, commonly associated with valve defects. Upper deviation of the QRS axis was observed in 80% of these patients. CONCLUSION: In view of the high frequency and diversity of cardiac abnormalities present in Noonan syndrome, cardiac evaluation with electrocardiography and echocardiography should be performed in all patients diagnostically suspected of having this disease.
Zielstellung dieser Arbeit war, eine wirtschaftliche Bewertung der vorhandenen Wärmeerzeugungsanlage des Referenzobjektes Hardenbergstraße 31 gegenüber modernen und energieeffizienten Anlagen vorzunehmen. Des Weiteren wurden die Abrechnungsvarianten der anfallenden Verbräuche wie Gas, Strom und Wasser untersucht. Bei der Wärmeversorgung wurde verglichen, ob der Einsatz eines Blockheizkraftwerkes, einer Gas-Brennwert-Anlage, einer Wärmepumpe oder Umrüstung auf die Fernwärmeversorgung wirtschaftlicher zu beurteilen ist. Hinsichtlich der Abrechnungsvarianten wurden einelne Methoden soweit untersucht und bewertet, dass sich hieraus entsprechende Zimmerpreise ermitteln lassen.
Pour composer la fin des Actes (28,16-31), Luc s'est inspiré d'un procédé littéraire que l'on retrouve à la fois dans l'oeuvre d'Homère, dans la poétique gréco-romaine et dans l'historiographie grecque (Hérodote): la suspension narrative. Il s'agit d'une rhétorique du silence, qui conduit le lecteur à porter lui-même le récit à son achèvement. Le souvenir de la mort de Paul est réinterprété par l'inversion du schéma du procès (Ac 27,28); dans le sommaire conclusif (28,30-31) se déploie le portrait du pasteur exemplaire, anticipation du programme missionnaire des Actes.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) In the first volume of this long-anticipated collection by Moessner and Tiede, seventeen leading scholars of antiquity present an amazing "sea change" of opinion that Luke is indeed the interpreter of Israel. The book represents an unprecedented international consensus that the Hellenistic author Luke composed a carefully crafted narrative in two parts to claim Jesus of Nazareth as Israel's true heritage and enduring legacy to the world. Part One explores the nature of Luke's prologues and his intention to write a narrative of "events brought to fruition," using the narrative conventions and audience expectations of the Greco-Roman milieu. Part Two illuminates the relation of Luke's second "volume" to the first by inquiring about the consistency and coherence of his narrative-thematic strategies in retelling the story of Israel's legacy of "the Christ." Whether Luke completed Acts, the larger role of Paul and, most significantly, the meaning of Israel by the end of Acts are approached from new perspectives and charged with provocative insights. In addition to the volume editors, the contributors include L. Alexander, D. Schmidt, V. Robbins, C. Thornton, R. Pervo, W. Kurz, C. Holladay, G. Sterling, D. Balch, E. Plmacher, Charles H. Talbert, J.H. Hayes, D. Marguerat, M. Wolter, R. Tannehill, and I. H. Marshall.
Direct absolute dating of the Penninic Frontal Thrust tectonic motion is achieved using the Ar-40/Ar-39 technique in the Pelvoux Crystalline Massif (Western Alps). The dated phengites were formed syn-kinematically in shear zones. They underline the brittle-ductile stretching lineation, pressure-shadow fibres and slickensides consistent with underthrusting of the European continental slab below the propagating Penninic Thrust. Chlorite-phengite thermobarometry yields 10-15 km and T similar to 280 degrees C, while Ar-40/Ar-39 phengite ages mainly range between 34 and 30 Ma, with one younger age at 27 Ma. This Early Oligocene age range matches a major tectonic rearrangement of the Alpine chain. Preservation of prograde Ar-40/Ar-39 ages is ascribed to passive exhumation of the Pelvoux shear zone network, sandwiched between more external thrusts and the Penninic Front reactivated as an E-dipping detachment fault. Partial resetting in the Low Temperature part of argon spectra below 24 Ma is ascribed to brittle deformation and alteration of phengites.
Monitors information on persons fitted and assessed during the quarter, complaints received, cost of aids issued, and completed and incomplete waits for hearing aid assessments and re-assessments.
Volume 1: Programme of Care