995 resultados para 369.4, 019.9


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An inducible Image -mandelate-4-hydroxylase has been partially purified from crude extracts of Pseudomonas convexa. This enzyme catalyzed the hydroxylation of Image -mandelic acid to 4-hydroxymandelic acid. It required tetrahydropteridine, NADPH, Fe2+, and O2 for its activity. The approximate molecular weight of the enzyme was assessed as 91,000 by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150. The enzyme was optimally active at pH 5.4 and 38 °C. A classical Michaelis-Menten kinetic pattern was observed with Image -mandelate, NADPH, and ferrous sulfate and Km values for these substrates were found to be 1 × 10−4, 1.9 × 10−4, and 4.7 × 10−5 Image , respectively. The enzyme is very specific for Image -mandelate as substrate. Thiol inhibitors inhibited the enzyme reaction, indicating that the sulfhydryl groups may be essential for the enzyme action. Treatment of the partially purified enzyme with denaturing agents inactivated the enzyme.


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研究了两种新型芴类衍生物9,9-二(2-乙基已基)-2,7-二咔唑-9H-芴(简记为DCZF)和9,9-二(2-乙基已基)-2,7-二(2-(4-甲氧基)苯-2,1-乙烯基)芴(简记为BMOSF)在N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)中的线性吸收和单光子荧光行为,并用脉冲宽度为38ps,重复频率为10Hz的1064 nm Nd:YAG脉冲激光研究了两种化合物的三光子吸收性质.结果表明:两种新材料的最大线性吸收峰分别位于330和380nm,吸收区域覆盖了270-420nm波段.两种化合物的荧光带位于蓝-紫区,中心


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4-Bromo-9,9'-spirobifluorene is facilely synthesized, and from this precursor, two ortho-linked oligo-9,9'-spirobifluorenes, 44BSF and 24TSF, are constructed. Devices with 24TSF as the full-hydrocarbon host material and Ir(ppy)(3) or (ppq)(2)Ir(acac) as the triplet emitter show maximum external quantum efficiencies of 12.6 and 10.5% for green and red electrophosphorescence, respectively.


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BACKGROUND: Curcumin is a natural product that is often explored by patients with cancer. Weight loss due to fat and muscle depletion is a hallmark of pancreatic cancer and is associated with worse outcomes. Studies of curcumin's effects on muscularity show conflicting results in animal models. METHODS AND RESULTS: Retrospective matched 1:2 case-control study to evaluate the effects of curcumin on body composition (determined by computerized tomography) of 66 patients with advanced pancreatic cancer (22 treated,44 controls). Average age (SEM) was 63(1.8) years, 30/66(45%) women, median number of prior therapies was 2, median (IQR) time from advanced pancreatic cancer diagnosis to baseline image was 7(2-13.5) months (p>0.2, all variables). All patients lost weight (3.3% and 1.3%, treated vs. control, p=0.13). Treated patients lost more muscle (median [IQR] percent change -4.8[-9.1,-0.1] vs. -0.05%[-4.2, 2.6] in controls,p<0.001) and fat (median [IQR] percent change -6.8%[-15,-0.6] vs. -4.0%[-7.6, 1.3] in controls,p=0.04). Subcutaneous fat was more affected in the treated patients. Sarcopenic patients treated with curcumin(n=15) had survival of 169(115-223) days vs. 299(229-369) sarcopenic controls(p=0.024). No survival difference was found amongst non-sarcopenic patients. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with curcumin showed significantly greater loss of subcutaneous fat and muscle than matched untreated controls.


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Background: High risk medications are commonly prescribed to older US patients. Currently, less is known about high risk medication prescribing in other Western Countries, including the UK. We measured trends and correlates of high risk medication prescribing in a subset of the older UK population (community/institutionalized) to inform harm minimization efforts. Methods: Three cross-sectional samples from primary care electronic clinical records (UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink, CPRD) in fiscal years 2003/04, 2007/08 and 2011/12 were taken. This yielded a sample of 13,900 people aged 65 years or over from 504 UK general practices. High risk medications were defined by 2012 Beers Criteria adapted for the UK. Using descriptive statistical methods and regression modelling, prevalence of ‘any’ (drugs prescribed at least once per year) and ‘long-term’ (drugs prescribed all quarters of year) high risk medication prescribing and correlates were determined. Results: While polypharmacy rates have risen sharply, high risk medication prevalence has remained stable across a decade. A third of older (65+) people are exposed to high risk medications, but only half of the total prevalence was long-term (any = 38.4 % [95 % CI: 36.3, 40.5]; long-term = 17.4 % [15.9, 19.9] in 2011/12). Long-term but not any high risk medication exposure was associated with older ages (85 years or over). Women and people with higher polypharmacy burden were at greater risk of exposure; lower socio-economic status was not associated. Ten drugs/drug classes accounted for most of high risk medication prescribing in 2011/12. Conclusions: High risk medication prescribing has not increased over time against a background of increasing polypharmacy in the UK. Half of patients receiving high risk medications do so for less than a year. Reducing or optimising the use of a limited number of drugs could dramatically reduce high risk medications in older people. Further research is needed to investigate why the oldest old and women are at greater risk. Interventions to reduce high risk medications may need to target shorter and long-term use separately.


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Contient : 1 à 8 Huit lettres de P. DE MARCA à M. Le Tellier. Des 4, 12, 17, 19, 28 janvier, 1er février 1650 ; 9 « Relation de ce qui a esté faict en execution du contenu aux instructions de S. M. [LOUIS XIV], du 18 janvier 1650, envoyées au Sr de Marca » ; 10 à 30 Vingt et une lettres de P. DE MARCA ; 10 à 22 à M. Le Tellier. Des 1, 4, 5, 9, 25, 26 février, 2, 6, 9, 15, 23, 30 mars 1650 ; 23 « à Mrde Brienne. Du 2 avril 1650 » ; 24 et 25 à M. Le Tellier. Des 20 et 29 avril 1650 » ; 26 au cardinal Mazarin. Du 29 avril 1650 ; 27 à 30 à M. Le Tellier. Des 3, 4, 18, 25 mai 1650 ; 31 Placet adressé au roi LOUIS XIV par la comtesse DE ÇAVALLA, touchant les droits de cette dame aux revenus de la baronnie de Belpuech ; 32 à 38 Sept lettres de P. DE MARCA ; 32 et 33 à M. Le Tellier. Du 1er juin 1650 ; 34 au « duc de Mercoeur. Le 28 may 1650 » ; 35 à 38 à M. Le Tellier. Des 8 et 12 juin, 6 juillet 1650 ; 39 « Relation de ce qui s'est passé à Barcelone contre les conjurez. Du 12 juillet 1650 » ; 40 et 41 Deux mémoires de P. DE MARCA ; 40 « sur les divisions de Catalogne, et du remede qui s'y peut apporter » ; 41 « touchant les biens confisquez. Du 5 juillet 1650 » ; 42 « Lettre de P. DE MARCA à M. Le Tellier. Du 13 juillet 1650 » ; 43 « Project de la declaration » du roi « LOUIS [XIV], pour la revocation des dons des biens confisquez en Catalogne » ; 44 à 51 Huit lettres de P. DE MARCA ; 44 à 48 à M. Le Tellier. Des 19 et 26 juillet, 2 et 16 août 1650 ; 49 au cardinal Mazarin. Du 16 août 1650 ; 50 et 51 à M. Le Tellier. Des 23 et 30 août 1650 ; 52 « Relation de la prise de Falset. Du 29 aoust 1650 » ; 53 « Memoire du 29 d'aoust 1650 », sur les affaires de Catalogne ; 54 à 59 Six lettres de P. DE MARCA à M. Le Tellier. Des 6, 13, 14 septembre 1650 ; 60 « Estat des affaires de Catalogne. Du 2 octobre 1650 » ; 61 à 74 Quatorze lettres de P. DE MARCA ; 61 et 62 à M. Le Tellier. Des 4 et 11 octobre 1650 ; 63 au cardinal Mazarin. Du 11 octobre 1650 ; 64 à 68 à M. Le Tellier. Des 16 et 18 octobre, 1er, 2 et 8 novembre 1650 ; 69 « à MrOndedei. Du 8 novembre 1650 » ; 70 à 74 à M. Le Tellier. Des 8, 15, 22 novembre 1650 ; 75 « Lettre de Mr DE CANILLAC à Mr de Marca. Du 11 novembre 1650 » ; 76 à 81 Six lettres de P. DE MARCA à M. Le Tellier. Des 24 et 29 novembre, 5, 6, 12, 13 décembre 1650 ; 82 « Memoire de Mr DE MARCA », sur les affaires de Catalogne. Du 17 décembre 1650 ; 83 Lettre de P. DE MARCA à M. Le Tellier. Du 22 décembre 1650 ; 84 « Memoire de Mrs DE ST MEGRIN, DE MARCA, DE MARGARIT et LECLERC, touchant l'estat de la Catalogne. Du 22 decembre 1650 » ; 85 à 97 Treize lettres de P. DE MARCA ; 85 « à MrOndedei. Le 22 decembre 1650 » ; 86 à 97 à M. Le Tellier. Des 26 decembre 1650, 3, 10, 14, 22, 24, 31 janvier, 4, 7 et 14 février 1651 ; 98 « Memoire de [P.] DE MARCA sur la conduitte de Mr l'evesque d'Orange » ; 99 Lettre de P. DE MARCA à M. Le Tellier. Du 21 février 1651 ; 100 « Relation de ce qui s'est passé en l'entreprise que les ennemis ont voulu faire sur Prades en Catalogne » ; 101 à 105 Cinq lettres de P. DE MARCA à M. Le Tellier. Des 28 février, 7, 14 mars 1651 ; 106 « Memoire du 14 mars 1651, sur la conduite de Mrs l'evesque d'Orange, comte d'Ille et regent Fontanella » ; 107 à 134 Vingt-huit lettres de P. DE MARCA à M. Le Tellier. Des 27 mars, 4, 12, 23 avril, 3, 6, 14 à 16, 21, 27, 31 mai, 7, 16 à 18, 21, 30 juin, 1, 10, 24, 30 juillet 1651


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La incidencia y prevalencia de enfermedad y riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) se incrementan con los años, como consecuencia de la falta de control en los factores de riesgo modificables, por ejemplo el sedentarismo, principalmente observado en trabajadores de oficina. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar los factores asociados con el incremento del RCV en trabajadores de una empresa del estado en Bogotá, Colombia en el año 2013, a través de un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal a partir de una base de datos suministrada por la empresa con información de 272 trabajadores. Se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas, perfil ocupacional, factores de riesgo, historia clínica y medidas metabólicas. Los datos fueron estudiados a través de análisis univariado, bivariado y multivariado de regresión logística binaria. El 100% de los empleados tiene un contrato a término indefinido, siendo el género femenino más predominante. Se identificó que el RCV presente en el 11.8% de la población se asocia principalmente con la presencia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (ORA 9.97; IC95% 2.14-14.96, p=0.019), la alteración en el índice de masa corporal (ORA 5.67; IC95% 4.48-9.19, p=0.026), la hipertensión arterial sistólica (ORA 3.44; IC95% 2.21-4.01, p=0.037. Además hubo una relación inversa respecto al puntaje de la escala Framingham, donde menores puntajes se asociaron a menor RCV (ORA 0.04; IC95% 0.02-0.71, p=0.029), una vez se ajustó el modelo por edad, género y antigüedad en la empresa. No se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre el RCV, el cargo y la antigüedad laboral. Se concluye que en esta población trabajadora, independientemente de la edad, tiempo de antigüedad en la empresa y el género, los factores de riesgo clásicos para RCV están presentes y por lo tanto se deben iniciar medidas de promoción y prevención en aras de disminuir la probabilidad que el RCV encontrado se traduzca en un evento cardiovascular y de ésta manera optimizar la productividad en esta empresa.


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Background: Public health strategies to lower cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk involve reducing dietary saturated fatty acid (SFA) intake to ≤10% of total energy (%TE). However, the optimal type of replacement fat is unclear. Objective: We investigated the substitution of 9.5-9.6%TE dietary SFA with either monounsaturated (MUFA) or n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on vascular function and other CVD risk factors. Design: Using a randomized, controlled, single-blind, parallel group dietary intervention, 195 men and women aged 21-60 y with moderate CVD risk (≥50% above the population mean) from the United Kingdom followed one of three 16-wk isoenergetic diets (%TE target compositions, total fat:SFA:MUFA:n-6 PUFA): SFA-rich (36:17:11:4, n = 65), MUFA-rich (36:9:19:4, n = 64) or n-6 PUFA-rich (36:9:13:10, n = 66). The primary outcome measure was flow-mediated dilatation (%FMD); secondary outcome measures included fasting serum lipids, microvascular reactivity, arterial stiffness, ambulatory blood pressure, and markers of insulin resistance, inflammation and endothelial activation. Results: Replacing SFA with MUFA or n-6 PUFA did not significantly impact on %FMD (primary endpoint) or other measures of vascular reactivity. Of the secondary outcome measures, substitution of SFA with MUFA attenuated the increase in night systolic blood pressure (-4.9 mm Hg, P = 0.019) and reduced E-selectin (-7.8%, P = 0.012). Replacement with MUFA or n-6 PUFA lowered fasting serum total cholesterol (TC; -8.4% and -9.2%, respectively), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-11.3% and -13.6%) and TC to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio (-5.6% and -8.5%) (P ≤ 0.001). These changes in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol equate to an estimated 17-20% reduction in CVD mortality. Conclusions: Substitution of 9.5-9.6%TE dietary SFA with either MUFA or n-6 PUFA did not impact significantly on %FMD or other measures of vascular function. However, the beneficial effects on serum lipid biomarkers, blood pressure and E-selectin offer a potential public health strategy for CVD risk reduction.