989 resultados para 364.1


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A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to determine vitellogenin (Vtg) in rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) based on the separation and purification of rare minnow Vtg (r-Vtg) as well as the production of polyclonal antibody against r-Vtg in rabbits. Three different ELISAs for measuring r-Vtg were then compared: (1) indirect ELISA with the antibody against carp (Cyprinus carpio) Vtg (c-Vtg) (IC-ELISA); (2) competitive ELISA with the antibody against c-Vtg, and using r-Vtg for coating the plates and preparing standard curve (CC-ELISA); (3) competitive ELISA with the antibody against r-Vtg, and using r-Vtg for coating the plates and preparing standard curve (CR-ELISA). The result showed that the homologous CR-ELISA was the most sensitive among the three assays for quantifying r-Vtg. The sensitivities to 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) Of rare minnow and zebrafish (Danio rerio) were compared upon the establishment of homologous competitive ELISA. The lowest observed effect concentrations (LOECs) to induce Vtg were found to be 0.8 ng EE2 l(-1) for rare minnow and 4 ng EE2 l(-1) for zebrafish respectively. Afterwards, CR-ELISA was applied to measure Vtg concentration in whole body homogenate (WBH) of juvenile rare minnow fed by three diets (tubifex from wastewater treatment plant, Artemia nauplii and commercial pellet food), and the agreements between bioassay and GC-MS analysis demonstrated that rare minnow was a sensitive fish model for assessing estrogenic effects of endocrine disrupting compounds in aquatic environment. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ground state binding energy and the average interparticle distances for a hydrogenic impurity in double quantum dots with Gaussian confinement potential are studied by the variational method. The probability density of the electron is calculated, too. The dependence of the binding energy on the impurity position is investigated for GaAs quantum dots. The result shows that the binding energy has a minimum as a function of the distance between the two quantum dots when the impurity is located at the center of one quantum dot or at the center of the edge of one quantum dot. When the impurity is located at the center of the two dots, the binding energy decreases monotonically. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Current based microscopic defect analysis methods such as current deep level transient spectroscopy (I-DLTS) and thermally stimulated current (TSC) have been further developed in accordance with the need for the defect analysis of highly irradiated (Phi(n) > 10(13) n/cm(2)) high resistivity silicon detectors. The new I-DLTS/TSC system has a temperature range of 8 K less than or equal to T less than or equal to 450 K and a high sensitivity that can detect a defect concentration of less than 10(10)/cm(3) (background noise as low as 10 fA). A new filling method using different wavelength laser illumination has been applied, which is more efficient and suitable than the traditional voltage pulse filling. It has been found that the filling of a defect level depends on such factors as the total concentration of free carriers generated or injected, the penetration length of the laser (laser wavelength), the temperature at which the filling is taking place, as well as the decay time after the filling (but before the measurement). The mechanism of the defect filling can be explained by the competition between trapping and detrapping of defect levels, possible capture cross section temperature dependence, and interaction among various defect levels in terms of charge transferring. Optimum defect filling conditions have been suggested for highly irradiated high resistivity silicon detectors.


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Photodissociation dynamics Of C2H5SH, i-C-3-H7SH and n-C3H7SH at 243.1 nm were investigated using velocity map ion-imaging method. H-atom photolysis products were detected by a (2 + 1) resonance enhanced ionization scheme. Both the angular distribution and translational energy distribution of the H-atom elimination processes were determined from the ion images of the H-atom products. The experimental results indicate that the H-atom eliminations from these molecules are mainly direct and fast dissociation processes from a repulsive potential energy state. And a more statistical dissociation process that likely occurs oil the ground state via internal conversion has also been observed. Dissociation energies of the S-H bonds are also derived from the H-atom product translational energy distributions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In situ electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (ECSTM) has been employed to follow the renewal process of a graphite electrode accompanied by flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) electrochemical reaction which involves adsorption of the reduced form (FADH(2)) and desorption of the oxidized form (FAD). The renewal process initiates from steps or kinks on the electrode surface, which provide high active sites for adsorption. This renewal depends on the working electrode potential, especially in the range near the FAD redox potential. Our experiment suggests that delamination of the graphite surface is caused by interaction between the substrate and adsorbed molecules. A simple model is proposed to explain this phenomenon.


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This paper examines the effect of inbreeding level of population on the magnitude of inbreeding depression expressed by comparing them between two cultured populations (A and B) in the hermaphroditic animal of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians irradians. Population A is expected to have less genetic variations and higher inbreeding level due to longer cultured history (20 generations) and less "ancestral" individuals (26 individuals) than population B due to shorter cultured history (4 generations) and more "ancestral" individuals (406 individuals). Two groups within each population were produced, one using self-fertilization and one using mass-mating within the same population. Selfed offspring (AS and BS) from two populations both had lower fitness components than their mass-mated counterparts (AM and BM) and exhibited inbreeding depression for all examined traits, e.g. lower hatching, less viability and slower growth, indicating that inbreeding depression is a common feature in this animal. Fitness components in all traits of offspring from population A significantly differed those from population B and the magnitude of inbreeding depression for all traits in population A with higher inbreeding level was significantly smaller than that in population B with lower inbreeding level, indicating that both fitness components and magnitude of inbreeding depression were significantly affected by inbreeding level of populations and genetic load harbored in population A may be partially purged through inbreeding. Moreover, the magnitude of inbreeding depression in the two populations both varied among traits and life history stages. The present results support the partial-dominance hypothesis of inbreeding depression. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Portugal apresenta uma actividade sísmica que resulta em grande parte da sua proximidade à fronteira entre as placas tectónicas Euro-asiática (EA) e Nubia (NU), numa faixa que se estende desde Gibraltar até ao arquipélago dos Açores. A fractura litosférica contida nessa faixa é habitualmente designada por Fractura Açores-Gibraltar. A forte interacção entre os dois blocos, manifesta-se por um aumento da sismicidade nesta faixa, fortemente influenciada pela interacção entre os dois blocos tectónicos. No prolongamento para Ocidente deste acidente atinge-se a Crista Média Atlântica (CMA) num ponto localizado a noroeste do arquipélago dos Açores, e que constitui a fronteira entre a placa Americana (AM) e as placas EA e NU. Este ponto também é conhecido por Junção Tripla dos Açores. A interacção entre os três limites de placas confere à região dos Açores a actividade sísmica que se lhe conhece, uma das mais significativas no contexto nacional. Toda esta zona, devido ao potencial e efectivo risco sísmico testemunhado pelos eventos sísmicos recentes e pelos grandes terremotos historicamente documentados, é alvo de um elevado esforço que nos últimos anos resultou, de forma integrada, em avanços como: 1) melhoria da capacidade de observação do fenómeno sísmico –a existência dos meios mínimos de monitorização sísmica é hoje uma realidade que reconhecemos, salientando contudo, o muito que há a fazer em domínios como: a instalação de estações sísmicas submarinas (OBS) capazes de suprir as lacunas verificadas; a compatibilização de dados e o livre acesso aos mesmos; a criação de uma rede de acelerómetros capaz de registar os movimentos fortes; 2) aumento da capacidade de investigação – o recrutamento de novos investigadores através de projectos multi-disciplinares em domínios como a sismicidade, fonte sísmica e mecanismos focais, geomagnetismo, gravimetria, geodesia e análise estrutural....


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LivingTV's flagship series, Most Haunted, has been haunting the satellite network since 2002. The set-up of the series is straightforward: a team of investigators, including a historian, a parapsychologist, and "spiritualist medium" Derek Acorah, "legend-trip," spending the night at some location within the United Kingdom that is reputed to be haunted, with the hopes of catching on video concrete proof of the existence of ghosts. However, unlike other reality television or true-life supernatural television shows, Most Haunted includes and addresses the audience less as a spectator and more as an active participant in the ghost hunt. Watching Most Haunted, we are directed not so much to accept or reject the evidence provided, as to engage in the debate over the evidence's veracity. Like legend-telling in its oral form, belief in or rejection of the truth-claims of the story are less central than the possibility of the narrative's truth - a position that invites debates about those truth-claims. This paper argues that Most Haunted, in its premise and structure, not only depicts or represents legend texts (here ghost stories), but engages the audience in the debates about the status of its truth-claims, thereby bringing this mass-mediated popular culture text closer to the folkloristic, legend-telling dynamic than other similar shows.


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1. Hace 25 años, en 1985, un hombre exigió que cesara el fuego. El llamado fue desoído. Esa vida fue acallada en medio de una pira fatal a la vista de todos los colombianos, atónitos y silenciosos. El gesto de Alfonso Reyes Echandía mal podría ser visto como el acto por demás comprensible y humano de una víctima sacudida por el miedo; es, en realidad, una demanda ética cuya grandeza aún debe ser valorada y ponderada por nuestro país. 2. “Que cese el fuego” no es simplemente el pedido de detener una desproporcionada operación militar desatada en respuesta al demencial ataque de un movimiento guerrillero que provocó el Holocausto del Palacio de Justicia, sino la exigencia de pensar una forma distinta de resolver los desacuerdos entre colombianos; un llamado al rechazo a la violencia; una exhortación al diálogo y al respeto irrestricto de la vida humana por sobre consideraciones estratégicas. Sabemos que el llamado de Reyes Echandía no recibió ni siquiera el mínimo reconocimiento de una respuesta. 3. El 6 y el 7 de noviembre de 1985, Colombia renunció a la palabra y dejó que las armas, en su feroz e irracional intercambio, reemplazaran el Estado de derecho y los valores ciudadanos esenciales. 4. Como ayer, Colombia sigue hoy debatiéndose entre el pedido moral de cesar el fuego y la lógica implacable de las armas, en una dicotomía que los clásicos padres del derecho ya habían identificado con sobriedad. ¿Es cierto que cuando habla la espada, la ley calla? ¿Estamos forzados a ignorar la voz de nuestros hermanos que exigen diálogo, inteligencia y compasión? ¿La ley y nuestro derecho a vivir en paz no son más que rehenes de la violencia? 5. Las secuelas de la violencia en el Palacio de Justicia persisten un cuarto de siglo después de su ocurrencia, y muchos de los interrogantes surgidos durante esas 28 trágicas horas aún subsisten. Colombia se debate entre quienes consideran que éste es un capítulo cerrado de la historia del país, quienes no aceptan una reflexión acerca de las dimensiones y responsabilidades de lo ocurrido entonces, quienes desconocen lo sucedido y quienes aún esperan una respuesta de la justicia frente a lo acaecido. 6. Simultánea y paradójicamente, ningún hecho como la toma armada y sangrienta del Palacio de Justicia por parte del Movimiento 19 de Abril (M-19) y la exorbitante operación de respuesta de las Fuerzas Armadas del Estado colombiano ha generado y sigue generando tan profundas divisiones en el país, actitudes beligerantes de negación de lo sucedido, evasivas, unilaterales; verdades a medias que no admiten espacio para la discusión civilizada. Hoy al igual que en 1985, cuando el llamado a que cesara el fuego hecho por el entonces Presidente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia fue sistemáticamente desatendido, se hacen imperiosos el diálogo, la reconciliación y el perdón.


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We document the existence of a Crime Kuznets Curve in US states since the 1970s. As income levels have risen, crime has followed an inverted U-shaped pattern, first increasing and then dropping. The Crime Kuznets Curve is not explained by income inequality. In fact, we show that during the sample period inequality has risen monotonically with income, ruling out the traditional Kuznets Curve. Our finding is robust to adding a large set of controls that are used in the literature to explain the incidence of crime, as well as to controlling for state and year fixed effects. The Curve is also revealed in nonparametric specifications. The Crime Kuznets Curve exists for property crime and for some categories of violent crime.


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Sustained hypoxia alters the expression of numerous proteins and predisposes individuals to Alzheimer's disease (AD). We have previously shown that hypoxia in vitro alters Ca2+ homeostasis in astrocytes and promotes increased production of amyloid beta peptides (Abeta) of AD. Indeed, alteration of Ca2+ homeostasis requires amyloid formation. Here, we show that electrogenic glutamate uptake by astrocytes is suppressed by hypoxia (1% O2, 24h) in a manner that is independent of amyloid beta peptide formation. Thus, hypoxic suppression of glutamate uptake and expression levels of glutamate transporter proteins EAAT1 and EAAT2 were not mimicked by exogenous application of amyloid beta peptide, or by prevention of endogenous amyloid peptide formation (using inhibitors of either beta or gamma secretase). Thus, dysfunction in glutamate homeostasis in hypoxic conditions is independent of Abeta production, but will likely contribute to neuronal damage and death associated with AD following hypoxic events.


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Estimators of home-range size require a large number of observations for estimation and sparse data typical of tropical studies often prohibit the use of such estimators. An alternative may be use of distance metrics as indexes of home range. However, tests of correlation between distance metrics and home-range estimators only exist for North American rodents. We evaluated the suitability of 3 distance metrics (mean distance between successive captures [SD], observed range length [ORL], and mean distance between all capture points [AD]) as indexes for home range for 2 Brazilian Atlantic forest rodents, Akodon montensis (montane grass mouse) and Delomys sublineatus (pallid Atlantic forest rat). Further, we investigated the robustness of distance metrics to low numbers of individuals and captures per individual. We observed a strong correlation between distance metrics and the home-range estimator. None of the metrics was influenced by the number of individuals. ORL presented a strong dependence on the number of captures per individual. Accuracy of SD and AD was not dependent on number of captures per individual, but precision of both metrics was low with numbers of captures below 10. We recommend the use of SD and AD instead of ORL and use of caution in interpretation of results based on trapping data with low captures per individual.