1000 resultados para 362.87
Des Moines River Plat Maps.
Des Moines River Plat Maps.
Des Moines River Plat Maps.
Anti-strip agents can effect the temperature susceptibility of asphalt cement. This concern was expressed at the 33rd Annual Bituminous Conference in St. Paul, Minnesota by Mr. David Gendell, Director of Highway Operations. This study compares viscosity-temperature relationships of asphalt cement with and without anti-strip agent addition.
Based on results of an evaluation performed during the winter of 1985-86, six Troxler 3241-B Asphalt Content Gauges were purchased for District use in monitoring project asphalt contents. Use of these gauges will help reduce the need for chemical based extractions. Effective use of the gauges depends on the accurate preparation and transfer of project mix calibrations from the Central Lab to the Districts. The objective of this project was to evaluate the precision and accuracy of a gauge in determining asphalt contents and to develop a mix calibration transfer procedure for implementation during the 1987 construction. The first part of the study was accomplished by preparing mix calibrations in the Central Lab gauge and taking multiple measurements of a sample with known asphalt content. The second part was accomplished by preparing transfer pans, obtaining count data on the pans using each gauge, and transferring calibrations from one gauge to another through the use of calibration transfer equations. The transferred calibrations were tested by measuring samples with a known asphalt content. The study established that the Troxler 3241-B Asphalt Content Gauge yields results of acceptable accuracy and precision as evidenced by a standard deviation of 0.04% asphalt content on multiple measurements of the same sample. The calibration transfer procedure proved feasible and resulted in the calibration transfer portion of Materials I.M. 335 - Method of Test For Determining the Asphalt Content of Bituminous Mixtures by the Nuclear Method.
Fast track concrete has proven to be successful in obtaining high early strengths. This benefit does not come without cost. Type III cement and insulation blankets to accelerate the cure add to its expense when compared to conventional paving. This research was intended to determine the increase in time required to obtain opening strength when a fast track mix utilized conventional Type I cement and also used a conventional cure. Standard concrete mixes also were tested to determine the acceleration of strength gain when cured with insulation blankets. The goal was to determine mixes and procedures which would result in a range of opening times. This would allow the most economical design for a particular project and tailor it to that projects time restraint. Three mixes were tested: Class F, Class C, and Class B. Each mix was tested with one section being cured with insulation blankets and another section without. All used Type I cement. Iowa Department of Transportation specifications required 500 psi of flexural strength before a pavement can be opened to traffic. The Class F mix with Type I cement and using insulation blankets reached that strength in approximately 36 hours, the Class C mix using the blankets in approximately 48 hours, and the Class F mix without covers in about 60 hours. (Note: Class F concrete pavement is opened at 400 psi minimum and Class F bonded overlay pavement at 350 psi.) The results showed a significant improvement in early strength gain by the use of insulation blankets. The Type I cement could be used in mixes intended for early opening with sacrifices in time when compared to fast track but are still much sooner than conventional pavement. It appears a range of design alternatives is possible using Type I cement both with and without insulating blankets.
[Table des matières] Technology assessment in health care in the United States: an historical review / S. Perry. - The aims and methods of technology assessment / JH Glasser. - Evaluation des technologies de la santé / A. Griffiths. - Les données nécessaires pour l'évaluation des technologies médicales / R. Chrzanowski, F. Gutzwiller, F. Paccaud. - Economic issues in technology assessment/DR Lairson, JM Swint. - Two decades of experience in technology assessment: evaluating the safety, performance, and cost effectiveness of medical equipment / JJ Nobel. - Demography and technology assessment / H. Hansluwka. - Méthodes expérimentale et non expérimentale pour l'évaluation des innovations technologiques / R. Chrzanowski, F. Paccaud. - Skull radiography in head trauma: a successful case of technology assessment / NT Racoveanu. - Complications associées à l'anesthésie: une étude prospective en France / L. Tiret et al. - Impact de l'information publique sur les taux opératoires: le cas de l'hystérectomie / G. Domenighetti, P. Luraschi, A. Casabianca. - The clinical effectiveness of acupuncture for the relief of chronic pain / MS Patel, F. Gutzwiller, F. Paccaud, A. Marazzi. - Soins à domicile et hébergement à long terme: à la recherche d'un développement optimum / G. Tinturier. - Economic evaluation of six scenarios for the treatment of stones in the kidney and ureter by surgery or ESWL / MS Patel et al. - Technology assessment and medical practice / F. Gutzwiller. - Technology assessment and health policy / SJ Reiser. - Global programme on appropriate technology for health, its role and place within WHO / K. Staehr Johansen.
Aquest mapa de vegetació comprèn el territori administrat per la Generalitat de Catalunya inclòs en el full 362 (Calaf). S'han seguit els mateixos criteris de representació que en els fulls apareguts fins ara de la sèrie 1:50 000 del Mapa de Vegetació de Catalunya. La informació que hi donem permet una lectura a diferents nivells, segons els interessos de l'usuari. Així, pel que fa a la interpretació del paisatge, hom hi aplica tres graus d’aproximació distints: la fisiognomia de la vegetació, les unitats de vegetació actual i els dominis potencials. La versió del mapa en format shapefile està georeferenciada segons el datum ETRS89.
Soitinnus: viulu, orkesteri.
RESUMO Em nosso artigo, faremos uma breve exposição sobre o capítulo XXIV ("Exame das Quatro Nobres Verdades") dos Mūlamadhyamakakārikā ("Versos fundamentais sobre o caminho do meio"), de Nāgārjuna, e buscaremos oferecer uma defesa de nossa própria interpretação de sua filosofia, comparando-a com as interpretações semântica e pedagógica propostas, respectivamente, por Garfield e Siderits, por um lado, e Ferraro, por outro. Na nossa exposição, discutiremos a relação entre vazio, cooriginação dependente e verdade, apontando a íntima ligação entre esses termos no interior da filosofia de Nāgārjuna e buscando indicar em que sentido as quatro nobres verdades do budismo, de acordo com o filósofo, só podem ser verdadeiras se elas forem vazias. A partir dessa análise, esperamos poder estabelecer uma relação entre verdade convencional e verdade suprema, tal como abordada nesse capítulo, segundo a qual tanto a verdade convencional quanto a suprema são vazias, sendo que a diferença entre ambas consistiria em que a primeira diz respeito à existência convencional das coisas, enquanto a segunda diz respeito à ausência de essência delas. Nesse sentido, tratar-se-á de analisar como seria possível, para Nāgārjuna, uma compreensão acerca da verdade que nos parece tão contraintuitiva, a saber, a de que a verdade só é possível se for relativa (no sentido de se inserir na cooriginação dependente de todas as coisas e ser vazia de essência ou natureza própria). Esperamos, assim, fazer uma pequena contribuição para a discussão de alguns dos conceitos mais relevantes do pensamento desse importante filósofo budista, sobretudo no que diz respeito à relação da verdade suprema com o vazio.
RESUMO Este artigo apresenta e discute alguns resultados de uma pesquisa sobre um manuscrito sânscrito budista contendo o Guṇakāraṇḍavyūhasūtra, que foi investigado por meio de uma abordagem interdisciplinar com vistas a compreender as estratégias sociorreligiosas que permearam sua gênese narrativa em um novo milieu. Os resultados apontam para uma monumentalização narrativa do texto Mahāyāna original indiano - o Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra - durante sua transposição para o contexto do budismo esotérico no Nepal. Por meio de um número crescente de molduras concêntricas, a retórica cronológica e soteriológica do sūtra adquiriu uma transcendência discursiva que o transformou num maṇḍala textual, i.e., ele possui uma dimensão estrutural diretamente associada aos cosmogramas sagrados que permeiam os diferentes contextos dessa região.