985 resultados para 355 Scienza militare (Classificare qui le forze e i servizi armati, le forze e i servizi terrestri)


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Scopo del presente lavoro è la presentazione del codice di calcolo semplificato adoperato nella sezione “Simulatore fotovoltaico” presente sul portale www.energia.cnr.it del progetto CNR ENERGY+. Utilizzando i valori reali di radiazione solare misurati dalle stazioni meteorologiche installate presso alcune sedi del CNR il codice, con appropriati algoritmi, generala scomposizione della radiazione sul piano orizzontale e su superfici inclinate e variamente orientate, in modo da pervenire alla potenza prodotta da un ipotetico impianto fotovoltaico posto sullo stesso sito di ubicazione della stazione.


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This book presents research in the field of Geophysics, particularly referring to principles, applications and emerging technologies. Table of Contents: Preface pp. i-xxi Environmental Geophysics: Techniques, advantages and limitations (Pantelis Soupios and Eleni Kokinou, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Dynamics of the Ocean Floor, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Geomar)pp i-xxi Application of Innovative Geophysical Techniques in Coastal Areas (V. Di Fiore, M. Punzo, D. Tarallo, and G. Cavuoto, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council, Naples)pp. i-xxi Marine Geophysics of the Naples Bay (Southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy): Principles, Applications and Emerging Technologies (Gemma Aiello and Ennio Marsella, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council, Naples)pp. i-xxi Oceanic Oscillation Phenomena: Relation to Synchronization and Stochastic Resonance (Shinya Shimokawa and Tomonori Matsuura, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Univ. of Toyama)pp. i-xxi Assessment of ocean variability in the Sicily Channel from a numerical three-dimensional model using EOFs decomposition (R. Sorgente, A. Olita, A.F. Drago, A. Ribotti, L. Fazioli, and C. Tedesco, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council, Oristano)pp. i-xxi Monitoring Test of Crack Opening in Volcanic Tuff (Coroglio Cliff. Italy) Using Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor (A. Minardo, A. Coscetta, M. Caccavale, G. Esposito, F. Matano, M. Sacchi, R. Somma, G. Zeni, and L. Zeni, Department of Industrial and Information Eng., Second University of Naples Aversa, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council Naples, National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology, Osservatorio Vesuviano Naples, Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment, National Research Council Naples)pp. i-xxi


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New morpho-bathymetric and tectono-stratigraphic data on Naples and Salerno Gulfs, derived from bathymetric and seismic data analysis and integrated geologic interpretation are here presented. The CUBE(Combined Uncertainty Bathymetric Estimator) method has been applied to complex morphologies, such as the Capri continental slope and the related geological structures occurring in the Salerno Gulf.The bathymetric data analysis has been carried out for marine geological maps of the whole Campania continental margin at scales ranging from 1:25.000 to 1:10.000, including focused examples in Naples and Salerno Gulfs, Naples harbour, Capri and Ischia Islands and Salerno Valley. Seismic data analysis has allowed for the correlation of main morpho-structural lineaments recognized at a regional scale through multichannel profiles with morphological features cropping out at the sea bottom, evident from bathymetry.Main fault systems in the area have been represented on a tectonic sketch map, including the master fault located northwards to the Salerno Valley half graben. Some normal faults parallel to the master fault have been interpreted from the slope map derived from bathymetric data. A complex system of antithetic faults bound two morpho-structural highs located 20km to the south of the Capri Island. Some hints of compressional reactivation of normal faults in an extensional setting involving the whole Campania continental margin have been shown from seismic interpretation.


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The interactions between Late Quaternary volcanic and sedimentary processes in the Naples Bay, Southern Tyrrhenian sea, are here discussed through the results of the marine geological survey at the scale 1:25.000. The example of the geological map n. 465 “Isola di Procida”, herein presented, has put in evidence the stratigraphy of marine Quaternary deposits and related volcanic seismic units. The volcanic deposits cropping out in the Procida island have been explained as the result of eruptions of local eruptive centres. The geological survey carried out onshore indicates the occurrence of several pyroclastic units linked to the eruptive activity of the Ischian and Phlegrean volcanic complexes, interstratified with the products erupted by local volcanic centres. The occurrence in the pyroclastic sequences of Ischia and Procida islands of several marker horizons and their stratigraphic correlations have allowed to reconstruct the volcanological evolution of the two islands and the interactions with sedimentary processes at the scale of the whole Tyrrhenian margin. Four geological maps at the scale 1:25.000 covering the whole Naples Bay have been reconstructed based on the interpretation of marine geological and geophysical data. The stratigraphic relationships between the seismic units and the eruptive deposits have testified the activity of several monogenetic volcanic centers, whose products are interstratified with marine and continental deposits of the Late Quaternary depositional sequence.


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The stratigraphic architecture of deep sea depositional systems has been discussed in detail. Some examples in Ischia and Stromboli volcanic islands (Southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy) are here shown and discussed. The submarine slope and base of slope depositional systems represent a major component of marine and lacustrine basin fills, constituting primary targets for hydrocarbon exploration and development. The slope systems are characterized by seven seismic facies building blocks, including the turbiditic channel fills, the turbidite lobes, the sheet turbidites, the slide, slump and debris flow sheets, lobes and tongues, the fine-grained turbidite fills and sheets, the contourite drifts and finally, the hemipelagic drapes and fills. Sparker profiles offshore Ischia are presented. New seismo-stratigraphic evidence on buried volcanic structures and overlying Quaternary deposits of the eastern offshore of the Ischia Island are here discussed to highlight the implications on marine geophysics and volcanology. Regional seismic sections in the Ischia offshore across buried volcanic structures and debris avalanche and debris flow deposits are here presented and discussed. Deep sea depositional systems in the Ischia Island are well developed in correspondence to the Southern Ischia canyon system. The canyon system engraves a narrow continental shelf from Punta Imperatore to Punta San Pancrazio, being limited southwestwards from the relict volcanic edifice of the Ischia bank. While the eastern boundary of the canyon system is controlled by extensional tectonics, being limited from a NE-SW trending (counter-Apenninic) normal fault, its western boundary is controlled by volcanism, due to the growth of the Ischia volcanic bank. Submarine gravitational instabilities also acted in relationships to the canyon system, allowing for the individuation of large scale creeping at the sea bottom and hummocky deposits already interpreted as debris avalanche deposits. High resolution seismic data (Subbottom Chirp) coupled to high resolution Multibeam bathymetry collected in the frame of the Stromboli geophysical experiment aimed at recording seismic active data and tomography of the Stromboli Island are here presented. A new detailed swath bathymetry of Stromboli Island is here shown and discussed to reconstruct an up-to-date morpho-bathymetry and marine geology of the area, compared to volcanologic setting of the Aeolian volcanic complex. The Stromboli DEM gives information about the submerged structure of the volcano, particularly about the volcano-tectonic and gravitational processes involving the submarine flanks of the edifice. Several seismic units have been identified around the volcanic edifice and interpreted as volcanic acoustic basement pertaining to the volcano and overlying slide chaotic bodies emplaced during its complex volcano-tectonic evolution. They are related to the eruptive activity of Stromboli, mainly poliphasic and to regional geological processes involving the geology of the Aeolian Arc.


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Introduction: Various agents can lead to an acquired methaemoglobinaemia (MHB) with potentially fatal consequences. There is a lack of literature on the formation of methaemoglobin (MH) in the blood after the intake of poppers (amyl nitrite). Poppers are a popular aphrodisiac agent. Case description: A 56-year-old diabetic called an ambulance after using poppers in a brothel with subsequent associated acrocyanosis, confusion and headache. The paramedics reported tachycardia and blood glucose of 3.8 mmol/l. The arterial blood gas analysis in the Emergency Department (ED) revealed a MHB of 23.1%. MH levels decreased rapidly without antidotal therapy. The patient was discharged the next day free of symptoms. Discussion: This case illustrates the potential risks of taking poppers. A wide spectrum of symptoms were present in our patient. For the differential diagnosis of acquired MHB, poppers should be considered.


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La presente relazione tecnica si propone di illustrare l’attività svolta dal Gruppo di Lavoro “Gestione e monitoraggio PON 2007/2013”, dalla data di costituzione (18 marzo 2013) alla data odierna rappresentando le esigenze che hanno portato alla sua costituzione, le criticità riscontrate e il rapporto analitico sulla gestione dei PON 7° PQ, concludendo con una proposta organizzativa per il DIITET, finalizzata al proseguimento delle attività di gestione dei progetti, che possa essere valida sia per la prosecuzione, a compimento, di tutte le fattispecie connesse al settimo Programma Quadro in chiusura, che per successivo Horizon 2020.


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Questa relazione tecnica viene redatta per la Giunta dei Direttori che si terrà il giorno 19/01/2010 su richiesta del Direttore, per riassumere lo stato di avanzamento dei progetti ammessi al finanziamento insieme alle criticità emerse in fase di avvio rendicontazione. La relazione si compone di una prima parte con riferimenti normativi e di riepilogo sui progetti totali presentati a livello nazionale, come CNR e come Dipartimento nelle tre Aree Tecnologiche di riferimento: Efficienza Energetica, Mobilità Sostenibile, Made in Italy. Una seconda parte riguarda la rendicontazione, la metodologia applicata e una descrizione delle criticità di due progetti PIACE - MILD. Verranno, inoltre, illustrate in riunione delle schede tecniche (v. all. 1 Ind.)riepilogative dei progetti presentati nelle aree Efficienza Energetica e Mobilità Sostenibile, realizzate in collaborazione della Sig.ra Silvia Presello.


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Quadro normativo di riferimento, monitoraggio, presentazione della documentazione dei progetti del Dipartimento. Stato dell’arte dei progetti approvati.


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Objectives: Primary adrenal insufficiency AI is regarded as a progressive disease needing lifelong replacement therapy, but this may not always be the case. Material and methods: A non-acute presentation of AI following a hypotensive episode caused by blood loss was investigated. Results: Adrenal function fully recovered without treatment. Conclusions: There should be a high index of suspicion and a low threshold for performing tests of adrenal function in survivors of critical illness and severe hypotensive episodes.


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La progettualilegata ai Bandi PON costituisce una parte consistente delle attività del Dipartimento. Attualmente sono 53 i progetti, legati al VII Programma Quadro, gestiti dal Dipartimento.


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Magnetic theory and application to a complex volcanic area located in Southern Italy are here discussed showing the example of the Gulf of Naples, located at Southern Italy Tyrrhenian margin. A magnetic anomaly map of the Gulf of Naples has been constructed aimed at highlighting new knowledge on geophysics and volcanology of this area of the Eastern Tyrrhenian margin, characterized by a complex geophysical setting, strongly depending on sea bottom topography. The theoretical aspects of marine magnetometry and multibeam bathymetry have been discussed. Magnetic data processing included the correction of the data for the diurnal variation, the correction of the data for the offset and the leveling of the data as a function of the correction at the cross-points of the navigation lines. Multibeam and single-beam bathymetric data processing has been considered. Magnetic anomaly fields in the Naples Bay have been discussed through a detailed geological interpretation and correlated with main morpho-structural features recognized through morphobathymetric interpretation. Details of magnetic anomalies have been selected, represented and correlated with significant seismic profiles, recorded on the same navigation lines of magnetometry. They include the continental shelf offshore the Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex, the outer shelf of the Gulf of Pozzuoli offshore the Phlegrean Fields volcanic complex, the relict volcanic banks of Pentapalummo, Nisida and Miseno, the Gaia volcanic bank on the Naples slope, the western slope of the Dohrn canyon, the Magnaghi canyon’s head and the magnetic anomalies among the Ischia and Procida islands.


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The book analyzes the history of Japanese Architecture between Nara Period (710-784) and Meiji Period (1867-1912). The book is organized in two part: "The History" and "The Cultural Heritage" with a reflexion about the restoration of the Temples and Shrines. The book is the result of an international research work at the Kyoto University.


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All’interno di separazioni altamente conflittuali, non è infrequente che si presentino situazioni in cui un figlio rifiuta, in maniera ingiustificata, un genitore. Esclusi i casi in cui sono presenti abusi, trascuratezza o condizioni reali di paura per cui il rifiuto è motivato, come mai un figlio può arrivare a rifiutare in maniera totale e permanente di incontrare un genitore? Può capitare che durante la separazione tra i coniugi siano presenti e persistano conflitti esasperanti, che in alcuni casi evolvono in dinamiche relazionali disfunzionali. Capita anche che a volte, all’interno di queste dinamiche, un genitore metta in atto una sorta di “alienazione” nei confronti dell’altro genitore, a cui corrisponde un rifiuto da parte del figlio del genitore cosiddetto “alienato”. Il minore, coinvolto in maniera attiva in queste dinamiche, si trova quindi in una condizione di rischio. Al di là del “dibattito” scientifico in merito alla definizione del fenomeno, ciò che risulta fondamentale è non disconoscerlo.


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Un fenomeno poco indagato in Italia, ma che ha catturato l’attenzione e anche la preoccupazione delle ricerche in diverse parti del mondo, sono i comportamenti aggressivi che possono avvenire nelle prime relazioni sentimentali, tra adolescenti. La ricerca si è concentrata principalmente sulla violenza nelle coppie adulte, sulla violenza domestica, trascurando quelle condotte aggressive che avvengono nelle prime relazioni intime, in quanto ritenute poco stabili e fugaci. Diverse ricerche dimostrano che non è così e che anzi, spesso gli adolescentiinvestono” molto in queste prime esperienze. Tra i principali motivi che spingono gli studiosi ad indagare questo fenomeno, vi è la considerazione della gravità delle stime di prevalenza, le conseguenze per il benessere psico-fisico, ed il valore predittivo che tali comportamenti potrebbero assumere rispetto al fenomeno della violenza nelle coppie adulte.