998 resultados para 336.222
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el interés que me asiste de tratar de una manera amplia, no sólo limitada a la mera descripción de normas y a la citación de doctrina y jurisprudencia, las acciones revocatorias de la Ley 222 de 1995 y 550 de 1999. Si bien estas figuras jurídicas se nutren del régimen general del Derecho Civil, presentan unas peculiaridades que merecen ser estudiadas detenidamente ya que operan en marcos distintos. Partiendo de la base de que el tema de la manifestación de la voluntad se encuentra íntimamente ligado al de la confianza que debe regir el tráfico jurídico, cuando una persona natural o jurídica incursiona en el mundo del comercio adquiriendo la calidad de comerciante con los derechos y obligaciones que esto implica, sus actos no sólo afectan a las personas que directamente negocian con él, sino a la sociedad misma; así por ejemplo, las altas tasas de interés responden a elevados niveles de riesgo generados en parte por la desconfianza que tienen los prestamistas de recuperar su dinero. Las leyes 222 de 1995 y 550 de 1999 que forman parte del ordenamiento jurídico comercial colombiano, regulan lo tocante a la crisis económica de la empresa, vista ésta como una unidad de explotación económica que no sólo responde a sus propietarios sino a la sociedad donde se desenvuelve; de ahí la autonomía del Derecho Comercial en general y del concursal en particular. El empresario en concurso, quiebra o reestructuración económica sufre una limitación en su capacidad dispositiva ya que sus bienes están sometidos a distintos regímenes jurídicos hasta que terminen los procesos y se haya cumplido total o parcialmente con las obligaciones que tenía vigentes.
Revisión crítica de la ‘versión heredada’ sobre el resurgir del pragmatismo norteamericano. Aquí sostengo que ésta es una narrativa sobre la historia de la filosofía que puede ser usada para “reivindicar” la continuidad o para “añorar” la pérdida de esa tradición. Presento tres argumentos a favor de mi tesis sobre la versión heredada: i) es insuficiente para explicar el surgimiento del pragmatismo; ii) es un tipo de narrativa que hace plausible una imagen de la filosofía; iii) impide apreciar que la formación del canon obedece a los propósitos de los seguidores del movimiento.
Resumen de la revista
Incluye cuatro tipos de índices que facilitan la búsqueda de los artículos incluidos en los números 336 a 338 y en el número extraordinario del año 2005. Estos índices agrupan los artículos por las notaciones de la Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU) y por orden alfabético de autores, títulos y descriptores o materias.
The assembling of a system for field sampling and activity concentration measurement of radon dissolved in groundwater is described. Special attention is given in presenting the calibration procedure to obtain the radon activity concentration in groundwater from the raw counting rate registered in a portable scintillation detector and in establishing the precision of the activity concentration measurements. A field procedure was established and the system tested during one year of monthly observations of (222)Rn activity concentration in groundwater drawn from two wells drilled on metamorphic rocks exposed at Eastern Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The observed mean (222)Rn activity concentrations are 374 Bq/dm(3) in one well and about 1275 Bq/dm(3) in the other one. In both wells the (222)Rn activity concentrations showed a seasonal variation similar to variations previously reported in the literature for the same region. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Radon levels in two old mines in San Luis, Argentina, are reported and analyzed. The radiation dose and environmental health risk of (222)Rn concentrations to both guides and visitors were estimated. CR-39 nuclear track detectors were used for this purpose. The values for the (222)Rn concentration at each monitoring site ranged from 0.43 +/- 0.04 to 1.48 +/- 0.12 kBq m(-3) in the Los Cndores wolfram mine and from 1.8 +/- 0.1 to 6.0 +/- 0.5 kBq center dot m(-3) in the La Carolina gold mine, indicating that, in this mine, the radon levels exceed up to four times the action level of 1.5 kBq m(-3) recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The patterns of the radon transport process revealed that the La Carolina gold mine can be interpreted as a gas confined into a single tube with constant cross-section and air velocity. Patterns of radon activity, taking into account the chimney-effect winds, were used to detect tributary currents of air from shafts or larger fissures along the main adit of the Los Cndores mine, showing that radon can be used as an important tracer of tributary air currents stream out from fissures and smaller voids in the rock of the mine.
Groundwater samples were analysed for Rn-222, Ra-226, and Ra-228 in Guarani aquifer spreading around I million kin 2 within four countries in South America, and it was found that their activity concentrations are lognormally distributed. Population-weighted average activity concentration for these radionuclides allowed to estimate a value: either slightly higher (0.13 mSv/year) than 0.1 mSv for the total effective dose or two times higher (0.21 mSv/year) than this limit, depending on the choice of the dose conversion factor. Such calculation adds useful information for the appropriate management of this transboundary aquifer that is socially and economically very important to about 15 million inhabitants living in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Laboratory time-scale experiments were conducted on Carboniferous Limestone gravels from the Mendip Hills area, England, with the purpose of evaluating the release of Rn-222 to the water phase. The specific surface areas of the samples were 4.14 and 1.69 cm g(-1), which provided, respectively, values of 50.6 and 12.7 pCi for the released Rn. These results allowed the calculation of the emanation coefficient of this rock matrix with respect to the release of Rn, where completely different values corresponding to 23% and 6% were found, suggesting that the extent to which grain boundaries or imperfections in aggregates of micro-crystals of calcite intersect the particle surface certainly affects the Rn release. They also permitted the evaluation of models for the generation of Rn in rocks and transfer to water, in order to interpret the radioactivity due to this gas in groundwaters from the karstic aquifer of the Mendip Hills area, where the calculated activities in groundwater based on the values of 23% and 6% for the emanation coefficient were about 51 and 15 times higher than actually measured in groundwater. Therefore, the emanation coefficient in nature is considerably smaller than in the lab experiment, and another factor k (0 < k < 1) may be introduced into the equations related to the modelling, with the aim of adjusting the theoretical-practical results. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Channel catfish ponds are treated with salt (sodium chloride) to increase chloride concentration and prevent nitrite toxicity in fish. A survey indicated that most farmers try to maintain chloride concentration of 50 to 100 mg/L in ponds by annual salt applications. Averages and standard deviations for selected water quality variables in salt-treated ponds were as follows: chloride, 87.2 ± 37.5 mg/L; total dissolved solids (TDS), 336 ± 96 mg/L; specific conductance, 512 ± 164 μmhos/cm. Maximum values were 189 mg/L for chloride, 481 mg/L for TDS, and 825 μmhos/cm for specific conductance. Good correlations between specific conductance values and both chloride and TDS concentrations suggest that specific conductance can be a rapid method for estimating concentrations of these two variables in surface water. The maximum limit for chloride concentration in Alabama streams allowed by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management is 230 mg/L. The usual recommended upper limit of TDS for protection of aquatic life in freshwater streams is 1,000 mg/L. Based on the observed relationship between TDS concentration and specific conductance in Alabama catfish ponds, 1,000 mg/L TDS corresponds to 1,733 μmhos/cm specific conductance. It is unlikely that effluents from salt-treated catfish ponds would violate the in-stream chloride standard of 230 mg/L or harm aquatic life in streams. Nevertheless, chloride concentrations in ponds should be measured before salt application as a safe guard against excessive salt application and chloride concentrations above the in-stream chloride standard.
Background: Paradoxical cases of psoriatic lesions induced or exacerbated by anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α therapy have been reported more frequently in recent years, but data related to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are rare. A systematic literature review was performed to provide information about this adverse effect in patients with IBD who receive anti-TNF therapy. Methods: Published studies were identified by a search of Medline, Embase, Cochrane, SciELO, and LILACS databases. Results: A total of 47 studies (222 patients) fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were selected for analysis. Clinical and therapeutic aspects varied considerably among these reports. Of the 222 patients, 78.38% were diagnosed with Crohn's disease, and 48.20% were female. The mean patient age was 26.50. years, and 70.72% of patients had no history of psoriasis. Patients developed psoriasiform lesions (55.86%) more often than other types of psoriatic lesions, and infliximab was the anti-TNF-α therapy that caused the cutaneous reaction in most patients (69.37%). Complete remission of cutaneous lesions was observed in 63.96% of the cases. Conclusions: We found that psoriatic lesions occurred predominantly in adult patients with Crohn's disease who received infliximab and had no previous history of psoriasis. Most patients can be managed conservatively without discontinuing anti-TNF-α therapy. © 2012 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation.