1000 resultados para 332.55


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Mulheres de todo o país avaliam o projeto de Constituição, e consideram que ainda há muito que conquistar. Contudo, a Coordenadora da Comissão, Maria A. Schumaher destaca os avanços obtidos pelas mulheres como a licença-maternidade de 120 (cento e vinte) dias, creche para crianças de 0 a 6 anos, a livre decisão do casal do número de filhos, o direito de amamentar adquirido pelas presidiárias e a discriminação por sexo, considerada crime inafiançável. A Presidente do Conselho da Mulher, Jaqueline Pitanguy, espera que o Plenário acate a proposta de que a família no Brasil é constituída também pela união estável, e assegure a plena igualdade de direitos e deveres entre os cônjuges. A representante do Movimento Mulher/BA, Maria Lina Silva, solicita a todo cidadão que cobrem dos parlamentares a efetivação das conquistas alcançadas. Adiada a votação do substitutivo que muda o regimento da Constituinte. Os líderes tentam chegar a um acordo para evitar o confronto dos grupos no plenário. O Deputado José Maria Eymael (PDC-SP) afirma que o momento é de entendimento, que atenda aos anseios de toda sociedade representada na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). O Senador Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PMDB-SP) declara que após o Centrão atender ao seu pedido de adiamento da sessão, será realizado um trabalho de aprovação de medidas do regimento que viabilize uma votação mais célere e expresse realmente a vontade de todos. Segundo Roberto Cardoso Alves (PMDB-SP), o presidente Ulysses Guimarães, declarou ao conhecer alguns dos pontos críticos do Centrão, que muitos desses pontos também são considerados críticos pela esquerda, e isso facilitará um entendimento. O Deputado José Costa (PMDB-AL) considera fundamental a constatação que nenhum grupo tem 280(duzentos e oitenta) votos para decidir qualquer matéria Constitucional, então, será através da negociação que será elaborada a Constituição, equacionando temas como reforma agrária, reforma tributária e sistema de governo. A executiva do PFL se reuniu para traçar diretrizes. O vice-presidente do partido Eraldo Tinoco (PFL-BA) ficou encarregado de discutir com todos os parlamentares do PFL, para que o partido fixe posição sobre os pontos polêmicos do projeto de Constituição, como o sistema de governo. Discutiu-se também o substitutivo do Centrão que altera o regimento da Constituinte. O presidente do partido, o Senador Marco Maciel (PFL-PE) relata que assinou o documento do Centrão, mas não tinha conhecimento de outros objetivos do substitutivo além de mudar o regimento.


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The "Río de la Plata" River is one of the less studied systems of the basin with respect to its biological and ecological aspects. Twenty four and twenty seven surface stations were sample on September 22-23 and November 22-23, 1982, respectively. The section studied is part of the zone called inner "Río de la Plata" River. The discharge was 29.000 m3/s in September and 45.200 m3/s in November. Total phosphorus (PT), total organic nitrogen (NOT), chemical oxygen demad (COT) and total cholrophyll were measured. Dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity (TURB), pH and electrical conductivity (K20) were also measured at the surface with a HORIBA U7 sensor on November 1982. PT was 72-208 mg/m3 and 66-205 mg/m3 in September and November repectively; the higher values were near the Argentinian coast and the outer zone. NOT was 33-106 µM and 49-117 µM and CHL was 1.4-5.8 mg/m3 and 1.3-9.4 mg/m3. TURB was between 44 and 240 NTU in November; the maximun value were obseved in the central zone. Steep K20 gradients were found near both coast. The reduced organic carbon load into the lower and external part of the "Río de la Plata" River was estimated. (Document contains 40 pages.)


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V.I: VII, 514 p. y V.II: II, 332 p.


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This abstract summarises the 1953-1955 surveys of the distribution of benthos in the Rybinsk Reservoirs. It includes the mean biomass of benthos.


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By now a great deal of work is known concerning the methods of determining the production of bacteria or similar questions; among these the problems of a common terminology is discussed. The article discusses formulae of production of bacterial populations over time.


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A key to the larvae of the genera of the sub-family Orthocladiinae from Larvae and Pupae of midges of the sub-family Orthocladiinae. Parts of the key refer to the rest of the publication which is not included in this partial translation.


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High-performance InGaAs/InGaAlAs multiple-quantum-well vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) with lnGaAlAs/InP distributed Bragg reflectors are proposed for operation at the wavelength of 1.55 mum. The lasers have good heat diffusion characteristic, large index contrast in DBRs, and weak temperature sensitivity. They could be fabricated either by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) or by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth. The laser light-current characteristics indicate that a suitable reflectivity of the DBR on the light output side in a laser makes its output power increase greatly and its lasing threshold current reduce significantly, and that a small VCSEL could output the power around its maximum for the output mirror at the reflectivity varying in a broader range than a large VCSEL does. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We describe high-efficiency, high-dispersion reflection gratings fabricated in bulk fused Silica illuminated by incident lights in the C + L bands as (de)multiplexers for dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) application. Based on the phenomenon of total internal reflection, gratings with optimized profile parameters exhibit diffraction efficiencies of more than 90% under TM- and TE-polarized incident lights for 101-nm spectral bandwidths (1520-1620 nm) and can reach an efficiency of greater than 97% for both polarizations at a wavelength of 1550 nm. Without loss of metal absorption, without coating of dielectric film layers, and independent of tooth shape, this new kind of grating should be of great interest for DWDM application. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.