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Polyelectrolytes are charged polymer species which electrostatically adsorb onto surfaces in a layer by layer fashion leading to the sequential assembly of multilayer structures. It is known that the morphology of weak polyelectrolyte structures is strongly influenced by environmental variables such as pH. We created a weak polyelectrolyte multilayer structure (similar to 100 nm thick) of cationic polymer poly-allylamine hydrochloride (PAH) and an anionic polymer poly-acrylic acid (PAA) on an etched clad fiber Bragg grating (EFBG) to study the pH induced conformational transitions in the polymer multilayers brought about by the variation in charge density of weak polyelectrolyte groups as a function of pH. The conformational changes of the polyelectrolyte multilayer structure lead to changes in optical density of the adsorbed film which reflects in the shift of the Bragg wavelength from the EFBG. Using the EFBG system we were able to probe reversible and irreversible pH induced transitions in the PAH/PAA weak polyelectrolyte system. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By using high-resolution observations of nearly co-temporal and co-spatial Solar Optical Telescope spectropolarimeter and X-Ray Telescope coronal X-ray data onboard Hinode, we revisit the problematic relationship between global magnetic quantities and coronal X-ray brightness. Co-aligned vector magnetogram and X-ray data were used for this study. The total X-ray brightness over active regions is well correlated with integrated magnetic quantities such as the total unsigned magnetic flux, the total unsigned vertical current, and the area-integrated square of the vertical and horizontal magnetic fields. On accounting for the inter-dependence of the magnetic quantities, we inferred that the total magnetic flux is the primary determinant of the observed integrated X-ray brightness. Our observations indicate that a stronger coronal X-ray flux is not related to a higher non-potentiality of active-region magnetic fields. The data even suggest a slightly negative correlation between X-ray brightness and a proxy of active-region non-potentiality. Although there are small numerical differences in the established correlations, the main conclusions are qualitatively consistent over two different X-ray filters, the Al-poly and Ti-poly filters, which confirms the strength of our conclusions and validate and extend earlier studies that used low-resolution data. We discuss the implications of our results and the constraints they set on theories of solar coronal heating.


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Bewsher, D., Innes, D.E., Parnell, C.E. and Brown, D.S., 2005, Comparison of blinkers and explosive events, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 432, 307. Sponsorship: PPARC


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Li, Xing, 'Transition region, coronal heating and the fast solar wind', Astronomy and Astrophysics (2003) 406 pp.345-356 RAE2008


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In stable solar systems, planets remain in nearly elliptical orbits around their stars. Over longer timescales, however, their orbital shapes and sizes change due to mutual gravitational perturbations. Orbits of satellites around a planet vary for the same reason. Because of their interactions, the orbits of planets and satellites today are different from what they were earlier. In order to determine their original orbits, which are critical constraints on formation theories, it is crucial to understand how orbits evolve over the age of the Solar System. Depending on their timescale, we classify orbital interactions as either short-term (orbital resonances) or long-term (secular evolution). My work involves examples of both interaction types. Resonant history of the small Neptunian satellites In satellite systems, tidal migration brings satellite orbits in and out of resonances. During a resonance passage, satellite orbits change dramatically in a very short period of time. We investigate the resonant history of the six small Neptunian moons. In this unique system, the exotic orbit of the large captured Triton (with a circular, retrograde, and highly tilted orbit) influences the resonances among the small satellites very strongly. We derive an analytical framework which can be applied to Neptune's satellites and to similar systems. Our numerical simulations explain the current orbital tilts of the small satellites as well as constrain key physical parameters of both Neptune and its moons. Secular orbital interactions during eccentricity damping Long-term periodic changes of orbital shape and orientation occur when two or more planets orbit the same star. The variations of orbital elements are superpositions of the same number of fundamental modes as the number of planets in the system. We investigate how this effect interacts with other perturbations imposed by external disturbances, such as the tides and relativistic effects. Through analytical studies of a system consisting of two planets, we find that an external perturbation exerted on one planet affects the other indirectly. We formulate a general theory for how both orbits evolve in response to an arbitrary externally-imposed slow change in eccentricity.


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We have made self-consistent models of the density and temperature profiles of the gas and dust surrounding embedded luminous objects using a detailed radiative transfer model together with observations of the spectral energy distribution of hot molecular cores. Using these profiles we have investigated the hot core chemistry which results when grain mantles are evaporated, taking into account the different binding energies of the mantle molecules, as well a model in which we assume that all molecules are embedded in water ice and have a common binding energy. We find that most of the resulting column densities are consistent with those observed toward the hot core G34.3+0.15 at a time around 10^4 years after central luminous star formation. We have also investigated the dependence of the chemical structure on the density profile which suggests an observational possibility of constraining density profiles from determination of the source sizes of line emission from desorbed molecules.


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New R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in Ca XV are used to derive theoretical electron density diagnostic emission line intensity ratios involving 2s(2)2p(2)- 2s2p(3) transitions, specifically R-1 = I(208.70 Angstrom)/I(200.98 Angstrom), R-2 = I(181.91 Angstrom)/I(200.98 Angstrom), and R-3 = I(215.38 Angstrom)/I(200.98 Angstrom), for a range of electron temperatures (T-e = 10(6.4)-10(6.8) K) and densities (Ne = 10(9)-10(13) cm(-3)) appropriate to solar coronal plasmas. Electron densities deduced from the observed values of R-1, R-2, and R-3 for several solar flares, measured from spectra obtained with the Naval Research Laboratory's S082A spectrograph on board Skylab, are found to be consistent. In addition, the derived electron densities are in excellent agreement with those determined from line ratios in Ca XVI, which is formed at a similar electron temperature to Ca XV. These results provide some experimental verification for the accuracy of the line ratio calculations, and hence the atomic data on which they are based. A set of eight theoretical Ca XV line ratios involving 2s(2)2p(2)-2s2p(3) transitions in the wavelength range similar to140-216 Angstrom are also found to be in good agreement with those measured from spectra of the TEXT tokamak plasma, for which the electron temperature and density have been independently determined. This provides additional support for the accuracy of the theoretical line ratios and atomic data.


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High-resolution UCLES/AAT spectra are presented for nine B-type supergiants in the SMC, chosen on the basis that they may show varying amounts of nuclear-synthetically processed material mixed to their surface. These spectra have been analysed using a new grid of approximately 12 000 non-LTE line blanketed tlusty model atmospheres to estimate atmospheric parameters and chemical composition. The abundance estimates for O, Mg and Si are in excellent agreement with those deduced from other studies, whilst the low estimate for C may reflect the use of the C II doublet at 4267 Å. The N estimates are approximately an order of magnitude greater than those found in unevolved B-type stars or H II regions but are consistent with the other estimates in AB-type supergiants. These results have been combined with results from a unified model atmosphere analysis of UVES/VLT spectra of B-type supergiants (Trundle et al. 2004, A&A, 417, 217) to discuss the evolutionary status of these objects. For two stars that are in common with those discussed by Trundle et al., we have undertaken a careful comparison in order to try to understand the relative importance of the different uncertainties present in such analyses, including observational errors and the use of static or unified models. We find that even for these relatively luminous supergiants, tlusty models yield atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions similar to those deduced from the unified code fastwind.


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We introduce a new survey of massive stars in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds using the Fibre Large Array Multi- Element Spectrograph ( FLAMES) instrument at the Very Large Telescope ( VLT). Here we present observations of 269 Galactic stars with the FLAMES- Giraffe Spectrograph ( R similar or equal to 25 000), in fields centered on the open clusters NGC3293, NGC4755 and NGC6611. These data are supplemented by a further 50 targets observed with the Fibre- Fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph ( FEROS, R = 48 000). Following a description of our scientific motivations and target selection criteria, the data reduction methods are described; of critical importance the FLAMES reduction pipeline is found to yield spectra that are in excellent agreement with less automated methods. Spectral classifications and radial velocity measurements are presented for each star, with particular attention paid to morphological peculiarities and evidence of binarity. These observations represent a significant increase in the known spectral content of NGC3293 and NGC4755, and will serve as standards against which our subsequent FLAMES observations in the Magellanic Clouds will be compared.