855 resultados para 24-month-old Infants


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We examined the role of physiological regulation (heart rate, vagal tone, and salivary cortisol) in short-term memory in preterm and full-term 6-month-old infants. Using a deferred imitation task to evaluate social learning and memory recall, an experimenter modeled three novel behaviors (removing, shaking, and replacing a glove) on a puppet. Infants were tested immediately after being shown the behaviors as well as following a 10-min delay. We found that greater suppression of vagal tone was related to better memory recall in full-term infants tested immediately after the demonstration as well as in preterm infants tested later after a 10-min delay. We also found that preterm infants showed greater coordination of physiology (i.e., tighter coupling of vagal tone, heart rate, and cortisol) at rest and during retrieval than full-term infants. These findings provide new evidence of the important links between changes in autonomic activity and memory recall in infancy. They also raise the intriguing possibility that social learning, imitation behavior, and the formation of new memories are modulated by autonomic activity that is coordinated differently in preterm and full-term infants.


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A number of studies have recently investigated personality traits in non-human species, with the dog gaining popularity as a subject species for research in this area. Recent research has shown the consistency of personality traits across both context and time for adult dogs, both when using questionnaire based methods of investigation and behavioural analyses of the dogs' behaviour. However, only a few studies have assessed the correspondence between these two methods, with results varying considerably across studies. Furthermore, most studies have focused on adult dogs, despite the fact that an understanding of personality traits in young puppies may be important for research focusing on the genetic basis of personality traits. In the current study, we sought to evaluate the correspondence between a questionnaire based method and the in depth analyses of the behaviour of 2-month old puppies in an open-field test in which a number of both social and non-social stimuli were presented to the subjects. We further evaluated consistency of traits over time by re-testing a subset of puppies. The correspondence between methods was high and test-retest consistency (for the main trait) was also good using both evaluation methods. Results showed clear factors referring to the two main personality traits 'extroversion,' (i.e. the enthusiastic, exuberant approach to the stimuli) and 'neuroticism,' (i.e. the more cautious and fearful approach to the stimuli), potentially similar to the shyness-boldness dimension found in previous studies. Furthermore, both methods identified an 'amicability' dimension, expressing the positive interactions the pups directed at the humans stranger, and a 'reservedness' dimension which identified pups who largely chose not to interact with the stimuli, and were defined as quiet and not nosey in the questionnaire.


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The use of visual cues during the processing of audiovisual (AV) speech is known to be less efficient in children and adults with language difficulties and difficulties are known to be more prevalent in children from low-income populations. In the present study, we followed an economically diverse group of thirty-seven infants longitudinally from 6–9 months to 14–16 months of age. We used eye-tracking to examine whether individual differences in visual attention during AV processing of speech in 6–9 month old infants, particularly when processing congruent and incongruent auditory and visual speech cues, might be indicative of their later language development. Twenty-two of these 6–9 month old infants also participated in an event-related potential (ERP) AV task within the same experimental session. Language development was then followed-up at the age of 14–16 months, using two measures of language development, the Preschool Language Scale and the Oxford Communicative Development Inventory. The results show that those infants who were less efficient in auditory speech processing at the age of 6–9 months had lower receptive language scores at 14–16 months. A correlational analysis revealed that the pattern of face scanning and ERP responses to audiovisually incongruent stimuli at 6–9 months were both significantly associated with language development at 14–16 months. These findings add to the understanding of individual differences in neural signatures of AV processing and associated looking behavior in infants.


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Even in infancy children from low-SES backgrounds differ in frontal cortex functioning and, by the start of preschool, they frequently show poor performance on executive functions including attention control. These differences may causally mediate later difficulties in academic learning. Here, we present a study to assess the feasibility of using computerized paradigms to train attention control in infants, delivered weekly over five sessions in early intervention centres for low-SES families. Thirty-three 12-month-old infants were recruited, of whom 23 completed the training. Our results showed the feasibility of repeat-visit cognitive training within community settings. Training-related improvements were found, relative to active controls, on tasks assessing visual sustained attention, saccadic reaction time, and rule learning, whereas trend improvements were found on assessments of short-term memory. No significant improvements were found in task switching. These results warrant further investigation into the potential of this method for targeting ‘at-risk’ infants in community settings.


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Seventeen-month-old infants were presented with pairs of images, in silence or with the non-directive auditory stimulus 'look!'. The images had been chosen so that one image depicted an item whose name was known to the infant, and the other image depicted an image whose name was not known to the infant. Infants looked longer at images for which they had names than at images for which they did not have names, despite the absence of any referential input. The experiment controlled for the familiarity of the objects depicted: in each trial, image pairs presented to infants had previously been judged by caregivers to be of roughly equal familiarity. From a theoretical perspective, the results indicate that objects with names are of intrinsic interest to the infant. The possible causal direction for this linkage is discussed and it is concluded that the results are consistent with Whorfian linguistic determinism, although other construals are possible. From a methodological perspective, the results have implications for the use of preferential looking as an index of early word comprehension.


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OBJECTIVES: The study examined the early interaction between mothers and their infants with cleft lip, assessing the role of maternal affective state and expressiveness and differences in infant temperament. METHODS: Mother-infant interactions were assessed in 25 2-month-old infants with cleft lip and 25 age-matched healthy infants. Self-report and behavioral observations were used to assess maternal depressive symptoms and expressions. Mothers rated infant temperament. RESULTS: Infants with cleft lip were less engaged and their mothers showed more difficulty in interaction than control group dyads. Mothers of infants with cleft lip displayed more negative affectivity, but did not report more self-rated depressive symptoms than control group mothers. No group differences were found in infant temperament. CONCLUSIONS: In order to support the mother's experience and facilitate her ongoing parental role, findings highlight the importance of identifying maternal negative affectivity during early interactions, even when they seem have little awareness of their depressive symptoms.


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Escherichia coli O26:K60, with genetic attributes consistent with a potentially human enterohaemorrhagic E coli was isolated from the faeces of an eight-month-old heifer with dysentery. Attaching and effacing lesions were identified in the colon of a similarly affected heifer examined postmortem, and shown to be associated with E coli O26 by specific immunolabelling.


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Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 (STEC O157:H7) is associated with potentially fatal human disease, and a persistent reservoir of the organism is present in some farm animal species, especially cattle and sheep. The mechanisms of persistent colonisation of the ruminant intestine by STEC O157:H7 are poorly understood but may be associated with intimate adherence to eukaryotic cells. Intimate adherence, as evidenced by induction of attaching-effacing (AE) lesions by STEC O157, has been observed in 6-day-old conventional lambs after deliberate oral infection but not in older animals. Thus, the present study used a ligated intestinal loop technique to investigate whether STEC O157:H7 and other attaching-effacing E. coli may adhere intimately to the sheep large intestinal mucosa. To do this, four STEC O157:H7 strains, one STEC 026:K60:H11 and one Shiga toxin-negative E. coli O157:H7 strain, suspended in either phosphate-buffered saline or Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium, were inoculated into ligated spiral colon loops of each of two lambs. The loops were removed 6 h after inoculation, fixed and examined by light and electron microscopy. AE lesions on the intestinal mucosa were produced by all the inoculated strains. However, the lesions were sparse and small, typically comprising bacterial cells intimately adhered to a single enterocyte, or a few adjacent enterocytes. There was little correlation between the extent of intimate adherence in this model and the bacterial cell density, pre-inoculation growth conditions of the bacteria or the strain tested.


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Objetivos – Descrever as características clínicas de crianças entre 1 e 12 meses hospitalizadas com diagnóstico de bronquiolite viral aguda (BVA), nos primeiros dias de internação, e verificar se o tempo de dessaturação de oxigênio (TD) tem valor prognóstico nesses pacientes. Metodologia – Estudo de coorte realizado de maio a outubro de 2001 com 111 pacientes entre 1 e 12 meses de idade internados no Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio, de Porto Alegre (RS), com diagnóstico de BVA na admissão, com saturação transcutânea de oxigênio da hemoglobina (SatHb) menor que 95% e em oxigenoterapia por cateter extranasal há menos de 24 horas. A gravidade foi verificada através do tempo de internação, tempo de oxigenoterapia e tempo para saturar 95% em ar ambiente (desfechos). Foram realizadas avaliações clínicas duas vezes ao dia (manhã e tarde), durante o período em que o paciente necessitou de oxigênio suplementar (até atingir saturação transcutânea de oxigênio de 95% em ar ambiente), com limite de dez avaliações. Os pacientes tiveram o oxigênio adicional retirado. Foi verificado, então, o tempo necessário para a saturação decrescer até 90% (TD90) e 85% (TD85), limitando-se a medida em no máximo cinco minutos. Foi constituído um escore de gravidade com os sinais clínicos anotados. Utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fischer para comparar entre si os grupos de variáveis categóricas e o teste t ou MannWhitney para variáveis numéricas. Foi utilizada a correlação de Spearman para avaliar associações entre variáveis contínuas de distribuição assimétrica (escore de gravidade, tempo de internação, tempo de oxigenoterapia total e tempo para saturar acima ou igual a 95% em ar ambiente). Considerou-se alfa crítico de 5% em todas as comparações, exceto nas correlações em que foi utilizada a correção de Bonferroni para comparações múltiplas (30 correlações: p= 0,002; 10 correlações: p= 0,005). Os dados relativos ao peso e estatura para a idade foram digitados e analisados no programa específico do EpiInfo que utiliza o padrão NCHS (EpiNut). Resultados – Houve leve predomínio do sexo masculino (54%), predominância de idade inferior a quatro meses (61,3%), prevalência maior nos meses de junho e julho, freqüência elevada de história de prematuridade (23%) e de baixo peso de nascimento (14%). As manifestações clínicas prévias à hospitalização (falta de ar, chiado no peito, febre e parar de respirar) ocorreram, na sua maioria, nos três dias anteriores. Da população estudada, 45% tinha história de sibilância prévia, a maioria com um ou dois episódios relatados (31,5%). Esses pacientes foram analisados separadamente e tiveram resultados semelhantes ao grupo com BVA. A freqüência de desnutrição moderada e grave, excluídos os pacientes com história de prematuridade, foi de 26 pacientes (23%). Todos os pacientes utilizaram broncodilatador inalatório; 20% do grupo com BVA receberam corticosteróides sistêmicos e 47% de toda população, antibióticos. A mediana do uso de oxigênio em pacientes com BVA foi de 4,4 dias (IIQ 70,2-165,2) e o tempo de oxigenoterapia até saturar 95% em ar ambiente foi de 3,4 dias (IIQ 55-128). A mediana do tempo de internação hospitalar foi de 7 dias (IIQ 5-10,5) entre os pacientes com BVA; neste aspecto, apresentou diferença (p = 0,041) em relação ao grupo com sibilância prévia, que teve um tempo de internação mais longo (9 dias, IIQ 5-12). Observou-se pouca variabilidade clínica no período estudado, através da aplicação do escore clínico. Não se encontraram correlações estatisticamente significativas entre os escores clínicos e os TDs com os desfechos. Conclusões – Os TDs como elementos auxiliares na avaliação de pacientes em oxigenoterapia não foram clinicamente úteis neste estudo. É possível, no entanto, que, avaliando pacientes com maiores diferenças clínicas entre si, essas aferições possam mostrar-se importantes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This case report documents the trauma and follow-up care of lateral luxation associated with extrusion of the lower central incisors in an 8-month-old patient. The teeth were repositioned by digital pressure and stabilized using proximal sutures. Clinical and radiographic follow-up 40 months after the injury showed alterations in both incisors, but both remained functional and free of pathology.


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The present report describes the occurrence of mucocele in the lower lip of an 11 month-old baby. The treatment instituted was the excision of the lesion. Microscopic examination confirmed the diagnosis of mucocele. Three months after surgery, no sign of recurrence was observed.