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Patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) often show dysfunctional coping patterns, low self-efficacy, and external control beliefs that are considered to be risk factors for the development of psychosis. Therefore, these factors should already be present in patients at-risk for psychosis (AR). We compared frequencies of deficits in coping strategies (Stress-Coping-Questionnaires, SVF-120/SVF-KJ), self-efficacy, and control beliefs (Competence and Control Beliefs Questionnaire, FKK) between AR (n=21) and FEP (n=22) patients using a cross-sectional design. Correlations among coping, self-efficacy, and control beliefs were assessed in both groups. The majority of AR and FEP patients demonstrated deficits in coping skills, self-efficacy, and control beliefs. However, AR patients more frequently reported a lack of positive coping strategies, low self-efficacy, and a fatalistic externalizing bias. In contrast, FEP patients were characterized by being overly self-confident. These findings suggest that dysfunctional coping, self-efficacy, and control beliefs are already evident in AR patients, though different from those in FEP patients. The pattern of deficits in AR patients closely resembles that of depressive patients, which may reflect high levels of depressiveness in AR patients. Apart from being worthwhile treatment targets, these coping and belief patterns are promising candidates for predicting outcome in AR patients, including the conversion to psychosis
CONTENTS. 1. Did life begin with catalytic RNA?–2. Self-splicing and self-cleaving RNAs–2.1 Self-splicing of group I introns – 2.2 Self-splicing of group II introns – 2.3 Self-cleaving RNAs–3. Splicing mediated by trans-acting factors–3.1 Group III introns – 3.2 Splicing of nuclear pre-mRNAs – 3.3 Trans-splicing – 3.4 Is nuclear pre-mRNA splicing evolutionarily related to group I and group II self-splicing?– 3.5 Non-RNA mediated splicing of tRNAs–4. Processing of ribosomal precursor RNAs–5. Processing of pre-mRNA 3′ ends–5.1 Polyadenylation – 5.2 Histone pre-mRNA 3′ processing–6. Other RNPs involved in metabolic mechanisms–6.1 5′ end processing of pre-tRNAs by RNase P – 6.2 The signal recognition particle – 6.3 Telomerase – 6.4 RNA editing in trypanosomatid mitochondria–7. Why RNA?
u.a. Krankheit;
u.a. Krankheit; Umzug nach Italien;
Primary Objectives - Describe and quantify the present strength and variability of the circulation and oceanic processes of the Nordic Seas regions using primarily observations of the long term spread of a tracer purposefully released into the Greenland Sea Gyre in 1996. - Improve our understanding of ocean processes critical to the thermaholine circulation in the Nordic Seas regions so as to be able to predict how this region may respond to climate change. - Assess the role of mixing and ageing of water masses on the carbon transport and the role of the thermohaline circulation in carbon storage using water transports and mixing coefficients derived from the tracer distribution. Specific Objectives Perform annual hydrographic, chemical and SF6 tracer surveys into the Nordic regions in order to: - Measure lateral and diapycnal mixing rates in the Greenland Sea Gyre and in the surrounding regions. - Document the depth and rates of convective mixing in the Greenland Sea using the SF6 and the water masses characteristics. - Measure the transit time and transport of water from the Greenland Sea to surrounding seas and outflows. Document processes of water mass transformation and entrainment occurring to water emanating from the central Greenland Sea. - Measure diapycnal mixing rates in the bottom and margins of the Greenland Sea basin using the SF6 signal observed there. Quantify the potential role of bottom boundary-layer mixing in the ventilation of the Greenland Sea Deep Water in absence of deep convection. Monitor the variability of the entrainment of water from the Greenland Sea using time series auto-sampler moorings at strategic positions i.e., sill of the Denmark Strait, Labrador Sea, Jan Mayen fracture zone and Fram Strait. Relate the observed variability of the tracer signal in the outflows to convection events in the Greenland Sea and local wind stress events. Obtain a better description of deepwater overflow and entrainment processes in the Denmark Strait and Faeroe Bank Channel overflows and use these to improve modelling of deepwater overflows. Monitor the tracer invasion into the North Atlantic using opportunistic SF6 measurements from other cruises: we anticipate that a number of oceanographic cruises will take place in the north-east Atlantic and the Labrador Sea. It should be possible to get samples from some cruises for SF6 measurements. Use process models to describe the spread of the tracer to achieve better parameterisation for three-dimensional models. One reason that these are so resistant to prediction is that our best ocean models are as yet some distance from being good enough, to predict climate and climate change.
Data from sections across the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean occupied by the German Research Vessel Polarstern in 1987 and by the Swedish icebreaker Oden in 1991 are used to derive information on the freshwater balance of the Arctic Ocean halocline and on the sources of the deep waters of the Nansen, Amundsen and Makarov basins. Salinity, d18O and mass balances allow separation of the river-runoff and the sea-ice meltwater fractions contained in the Arctic halocline. This provides the basis for tracking the river-runoff signal from the shelf seas across the central Arctic Ocean to Fram Strait. The halocline has to be divided into at least three lateral regimes: the southern Nansen Basin with net sea-ice melting, the northern Nansen Basin and Amundsen Basin with net sea-ice formation and increasing river-runoff fractions, and the Canadian Basin with minimum sea-ice meltwater and maximum river-runoff fractions and water of Pacific origin. In the Canadian Basin, silicate is used as a tracer to identify Pacific water entering through Bering Strait and an attempt is made to quantify its influence on the halocline waters of the Canadian Basin. For this purpose literature data from the CESAR and LOREX ice camps are used. Based on mass balances and depending on the value of precipitation over the area of the Arctic Ocean the average mean residence time of the river-runoff fraction contained in the Arctic Ocean halocline is determined to be about 14 or 11 years. Water column inventories of river-runoff and sea-ice meltwater are calculated for a section just north of Fram Strait and implications for the ice export rate through Fram Strait are discussed. Salinity, tritium, 3He and the d18O ratio of halocline waters sampled during the 1987 Polarstern cruise to the Nansen Basin are used to estimate the mean residence time of the river-runoff component in the halocline and on the shelves of the Arctic Ocean. These estimates are done by comparing ages of the halocline waters based on a combination of tracers yielding different time information: the tritium 'vintage' age which records the time that has passed since the river-runoff entered the shelf and the tritium/3He age which reflects the time since the shelf waters left the shelf. The difference between the ages determined by these two methods is about 3 to 6 years. Correction for the initial tritium/3He age of the shelf waters (about 0.5 to 1.5 years) yields a mean residence time of the river-runoff on the shelves of about 3.5 ± 2 years. Comparison of the 18O/16O ratios of shelf water, Atlantic water and the deep waters of the Arctic Ocean indicate that the sources of the deep and bottom waters of the Eurasian Basin are located in the Barents and Kara seas.