995 resultados para 204-1251B


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This report describes the results of semiquantitative analysis of clay mineral composition by X-ray diffraction. The samples consist of hemipelagic mud and mudstone cored from Hydrate Ridge during Leg 204 of the Ocean Drilling Program. We analyzed oriented aggregates of the clay-sized fractions (<2 µm) to estimate relative percentages of smectite, illite, and chlorite (+ kaolinite). For the most part, stratigraphic variations in clay mineral composition are modest and there are no significant differences among the seven sites that were included in the study. On average, early Pleistocene to Holocene trench slope and slope basin deposits contain 29% smectite, 31% illite, and 40% chlorite (+ kaolinite). Late Pliocene to early Pleistocene strata from the underlying accretionary prism contain moderately larger proportions of smectite with average values of 38% smectite, 27% illite, and 35% chlorite (+ kaolinite). There is no evidence of clay mineral diagenesis at the depths sampled. The expandability of smectite is, on average, equal to 64%, and there are no systematic variations in expandability as a function of burial depth or depositional age. The absence of clay mineral diagenesis is consistent with the relatively shallow sample depths and corresponding maximum temperatures of only 24°-33°C.


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Sites 1251 (44°34.213'N, 125°4.440'W; 1211 m water depth) and 1252 (44°35.167'N, 125°5.569'W; 1039 m water depth) were drilled on the eastern flank of the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge off Oregon in the northeast Pacific Ocean, where well-stratified sediments were deposited at a rapid rate. Unconformities and debris flow layers of middle Pleistocene age were found at both sites. Their ages are of great importance in constructing the geohistory of Hydrate Ridge. Detailed diatom biostratigraphy of the middle to late Pleistocene of Sites 1251 and 1252 was carried out for this purpose.


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In this paper, we present a rock magnetic data set produced for sediments from Hydrate Ridge recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204. Our data set is based on several artificially induced magnetic properties that can be used as a diagnostic for the presence of magnetic iron sulfides. The occurrence of magnetic iron sulfides within the gas hydrate stability zone in locations where gas hydrates are present seems to confirm previous interpretations linking formation of such minerals with generation of gas hydrate. Magnetic iron sulfides are also found at positions deeper than the gas hydrate stability zone. We suggest that these positions, which include intervals located just below the bottom-simulating reflector and also at deeper positions, may mark the former presence of gas hydrates that have been later dissociated as the gas hydrate stability zone moved upward through time. Detailed characterization of the magnetic iron sulfide mineralogy and comparison with sedimentological and geochemical data will be attempted for better determining the significance of magnetic iron sulfides in Hydrate Ridge sediments and their possible applications in the study of gas hydrates.


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We report dissolved sulfide sulfur concentrations and the sulfur isotopic composition of dissolved sulfate and sulfide in pore waters from sediments collected during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204. Porewater sulfate is depleted rapidly as the depth to the sulfate/methane interface (SMI) occurs between 4.5 and 11 meters below seafloor at flank and basin locations. Dissolved sulfide concentration reaches values as high as 11.3 mM in Hole 1251E. Otherwise, peak sulfide concentrations lie between 3.2 and 6.1 mM and occur immediately above the SMI. The sulfur isotopic composition of interstitial sulfate generally becomes enriched in 34S with increasing sediment depth. Peak d34S-SO4 values occur just above the SMI and reach up to 53.1 per mil Vienna Canyon Diablo Troilite (VCDT) in Hole 1247B. d34S-Sigma HS values generally parallel the trend of d34S-SO4 values but are more depleted in 34S relative to sulfate, with values from -12.7 per mil to 19.3 per mil VCDT. Curvilinear sulfate profiles and carbon isotopic composition of total dissolved carbon dioxide at flank and basin sites strongly suggest that sulfate depletion is controlled by oxidation of sedimentary organic matter, despite the presence of methane gas hydrates in underlying sediments. Preliminary data from sulfur species are consistent with this interpretation for Leg 204 sediments at sites not located on or near the crest of Hydrate Ridge.


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ODP Leg 204, which drilled at Hydrate Ridge, provides unique insights into the fluid regime of an accretionary complex and delineates specific sub-seafloor pathways for fluid transport. Compaction and dewatering due to smectite-illite transition increase with distance from the toe of the accretionary prism and bring up fluids from deep within the accretionary complex to sampled depths (<= 600 mbsf). These fluids have a distinctly non-radiogenic strontium isotope signature indicating reaction with the oceanic basement. Boron isotopes are also consistent with a deep fluid source that has been modified by desorption of heavy boron as clay minerals change from smectite to illite. One of three major horizons serves as conduit for the transport of mainly fluid. Our results enable us to evaluate fluid migration pathways that play important roles on massive gas hydrate accumulations and seepage of methane-rich fluids on southern Hydrate Ridge.


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Hydrate Ridge off the coast of Oregon, USA, is a prime example for gas hydrate occurrences in active margin settings. It is part of the Cascadia Margin and was the focus of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 204, which successfully recovered fluids from nine sites from the southern part of the ridge. Iodide concentrations in pore fluids associated with gas hydrates are strongly enhanced, by factors up to 5000 compared to seawater, which allows the use of this biophilic element as tracer for organic source regions. We applied the cosmogenic isotope 129I (T1/2=15.7 Ma) system to determine the age of the organic source formation responsible for the iodide enrichment. In all sites at ODP Leg 204, 129I/I ratios were found to decrease with depth to values around 250x10**-15, corresponding to minimum ages of 40 Ma, but in several sites, maxima in the 129I/I ratios point to the local addition of young iodide. The results indicate that a large amount of iodide was derived from deep accreted sediments of Eocene age, and that additional source regions provide iodide of Late Miocene age. The presence of old iodide in the pore waters suggests that fluid pathways are open to allow transport over large distances into the gas hydrate fields. The strong correlation between iodide and methane in hydrate fields coupled with the similarity in transport parameters in aqueous solutions suggests that a large fraction of methane in gas hydrates also has old sources and is transported into the present locations from source regions of Eocene age.