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Résolution 697(XXXVI) Résolution Horizons 2030 .-- Résolution 698(XXXVI) Calendrier de conférences de la CEPALC pour la période 2017-2018 .-- Résolution 699(XXXVI) Conférence régionale sur les femmes de l’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes .-- Resolution 700(XXXVI) Résolution de Mexico portant création du Forum des pays d’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes sur le développement durable .-- Résolution 701(XXXVI) Appui aux travaux de l’Institut latino-américain et des Caraïbes de planification économique et sociale (ILPES) .-- Résolution 702(XXXVI) Conférence statistique des Amériques de la Commission économique pour l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes .-- Résolution 703(XXXVI) Conférence régionale sur développement social de l’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes .-- Résolution 704(XXXVI) Programme de travail et priorités de la Commission économique pour l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes pour la période biennale 2018-2019 .-- Résolution 705(XXXVI) Comité de développement et de coopération des Caraïbes .-- Résolution 706(XXXVI) Application du Principe 10 de la Déclaration de Rio sur l’environnement et le développement en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes .-- Résolution 707(XXXVI) Conférence régionale sur la population et le développement de l’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes .-- Résolution 708(XXXVI) Conférence ministérielle sur la société de l’information en Amérique latine et des Caraïbes .-- Résolution 709(XXXVI) Comité de coopération Sud-Sud .-- Résolution 710(XXXVI) Conférence sur les sciences, l’innovation et les technologies de l’information et des communications de la Commission économique pour l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes .-- Résolution 711(XXXVI) Mise en oeuvre du Programme d’action de Vienne en faveur des pays en développement sans littoral pour la décennie 2014-2024 .-- Résolution 712(XXXVI) Intégration régionale de l’information statistique et géospatiale .-- Résolution 713(XXXVI) Suivi régional des résultats des conférences sur le financement du développement .-- Résolution 714(XXXVI) Lieu de la prochaine session.


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Resolução 697(XXXVI) Resolução Horizontes 2030 .-- Resolução 698(XXXVI) Calendário de conferências da CEPAL para o período 2017-2018 .-- Resolução 699(XXXVI) Conferência Regional sobre a Mulher da América Latina e do Caribe .-- Resolução 700(XXXVI) Resolução do México, que cria o Fórum dos Países da América Latina e do Caribe sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável .-- Resolução 701(XXXVI) Apoio ao trabalho do Instituto Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Planejamento Econômico e Social (ILPES) .-- Resolução 702(XXXVI) Conferência Estatística das Américas da Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe .-- Resolução 703(XXXVI) Conferência Regional sobre Desenvolvimento Social da América Latina e do Caribe .-- Resolução 704(XXXVI) Programa de trabalho e prioridades da Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe no biênio 2018-2019 .-- Resolução 705(XXXVI) Comitê de Desenvolvimento e Cooperação do Caribe .-- Resolução 706(XXXVI) Aplicação do Princípio 10 da Declaração do Rio sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento na América Latina e no Caribe .-- Resolução 707(XXXVI) Conferência Regional sobre População e Desenvolvimento da América Latina e do Caribe .-- Resolução 708(XXXVI) Conferência Ministerial sobre a Sociedade da Informação da América Latina e do Caribe .-- Resolução 709(XXXVI) Comitê de Cooperação Sul-Sul .-- Resolução 710(XXXVI) Conferência de Ciência, Inovação e Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação da Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe .-- Resolução 711(XXXVI) Implementação do Programa de Ação de Viena em Favor dos Países em Desenvolvimento sem Litoral para a Década 2014-2024 .-- Resolução 712(XXXVI) Integração regional da informação estatística e geoespacial .-- Resolução 713(XXXVI) Acompanhamento regional dos resultados das conferências sobre financiamento do desenvolvimento .-- Resolução 714(XXXVI) Lugar do próximo período de sessões.


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Resolución 1(II) [Reafirma los compromisos adquiridos en el Consenso de Montevideo sobre Población y Desarrollo y destaca su contribución al seguimiento del Programa de Acción de la Conferencia Internacional sobre la Población y el Desarrollo después de 2014 y a la implementación de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible - Creación de un Grupo de Trabajo] .-- Resolución 2(II) [Solicita a la CEPAL que, a través del Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía (CELADE)-División de Población de la CEPAL, siga facilitando el proceso de examen y evaluación de la aplicación del Plan de Acción Internacional de Madrid y de la Carta de San José sobre los Derechos de las Personas Mayores de América Latina y el Caribe - Acoge con beneplácito la generosa propuesta del Paraguay de ser anfitrión de la Cuarta Conferencia Regional Intergubernamental sobre Envejecimiento en América Latina y el Caribe, a celebrarse en 2017]


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The region of Latin America and the Caribbean can boast a successful track record in the process of eradicating hunger: it is the only region in the world that has halved both the proportion of people who suffer from hunger (the target set in the Millennium Development Goals) and their absolute number (the target set at the World Food Summit of 1996). This publication aims to provide the region’s countries with up-todate and timely information on the status of food and nutrition security; on the role in eradicating hunger played by the different areas such as agriculture, agrifood trade and natural resources management; and on the possibility of successfully addressing the twin burden of malnutrition, in a context where the effects of climate change could threaten the progress achieved in Latin America and the Caribbean thus far. The CELAC Plan for Food and Nutrition Security and the Eradication of Hunger 2025 is a cross-cutting tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; and it thus encourages the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to redouble their efforts to identify key policy areas that will make it possible to speed up and consolidate the process of eradicating hunger and tackle the twin burden of malnutrition in the region, in which overweight and obesity are increasingly adding to that scourge.


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Structured Abstract Purpose: this article systemizes the main historical milestones which led to the current concept of decent work and presents some implications for business. Approach: after presenting the scenario which gives a special meaning and importance to decent work, the historical landmarks are systematized until the definition of the Decent Work Agenda. Findings: Decent work is a concept that has evolved since the ILO Foundation in 1919 and had several important steps throughout its development: Philadelphia Declaration in 1944, ILO constitution update in 1946, Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, Human Development Report, first edition in 1990, World Summit for Social Development in 1995, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in 1998, World Economic Forum in 1999, Global Compact in 2000, United Nations Millennium Declaration in 2000, ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization in 2008, Global Jobs Compact in 2009, and inclusion in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Throughout this development we can witness the refinement and operationalization of the concept, its institutionalization and its spread at political level, at least as an intention. Practical implications: the business area is a privileged forum to turn policies into practices and some examples are provided. Value: although decent work emerged in a very different social and economic scenario from the present time, it is claimed to be even more topical and relevant for the development of business and society today.


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Includes a statement of condolences presented to the Government and People of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on the occasion of the passing of President Hugo Chavez