803 resultados para 2007-2012
Total Dik! is a collaborative project between the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and Queensland Theatre Company (QTC). Total Dik! explores transmedia storytelling in live performance from concept development to delivery and builds on works, By the Way, Meet Vera Stark, (Forrester2012), Hotel Modern’s Kamp (2005) and God’s Beard (2012) that use visual art, puppetry, music and film. The project’s first iteration enabled an interrogation of the integration of media-rich elements with live performers in a theatrical environment. Performative transmedia storytelling draws on the tenets of convergent media theory developed by Jenkins (2007, 2012), Dena (2010) and Philips (2012). This exploratory work, juxtaposing transmedia storytelling techniques with live performance, draws on Samuel Becket’s challenges to theatre orthodoxy, and touches on Brechtian notions of alienation through ‘sleight-of-hand’ or processual unpacking and deconstruction during performance. Total Dik! blends a convergence of technologies, models, green screen capture, and live dimensions of performance in one narrative allowing the work’s creators to test new combinations of transmedia storytelling techniques on a traditional performance platform.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between CEO salaries and firm performance in the banking sector. Design/methodology/approach: The data relating to a six year period (2007 - 2012) was gathered from databases and the websites of the major banks in Australia and Germany. The data was subjected to Regression and Pearson Correlation Analysis to test if there was a positive correlation between total salary including incentive bonuses against the variables indicating the performance of the firm. Findings: The tests indicate a weak relationship between the CEO salary package and the key indicators of a firm's performance in Australian banks but a strong relationship in the German banks. Research limitations/implications: This study was limited in that it only covers the major banks in Australia and Germany and may therefore not be relevant to different countries with different economic climates. Practical implications: This study provides additional evidence to support the continued debate regarding the need to have greater accountability for CEO salary packages linked to actual performance measures of firms. Originality/value: This paper adds to the literature in so far as it compares two different Countries of the banking sector in a global market
Lyngbya majuscula is a cyanobacterium (blue-green algae) occurring naturally in tropical and subtropical coastal areas worldwide. Deception Bay, in Northern Moreton Bay, Queensland, has a history of Lyngbya blooms, and forms a case study for this investigation. The South East Queensland (SEQ) Healthy Waterways Partnership, collaboration between government, industry, research and the community, was formed to address issues affecting the health of the river catchments and waterways of South East Queensland. The Partnership coordinated the Lyngbya Research and Management Program (2005-2007) which culminated in a Coastal Algal Blooms (CAB) Action Plan for harmful and nuisance algal blooms, such as Lyngbya majuscula. This first phase of the project was predominantly of a scientific nature and also facilitated the collection of additional data to better understand Lyngbya blooms. The second phase of this project, SEQ Healthy Waterways Strategy 2007-2012, is now underway to implement the CAB Action Plan and as such is more management focussed. As part of the first phase of the project, a Science model for the initiation of a Lyngbya bloom was built using Bayesian Networks (BN). The structure of the Science Bayesian Network was built by the Lyngbya Science Working Group (LSWG) which was drawn from diverse disciplines. The BN was then quantified with annual data and expert knowledge. Scenario testing confirmed the expected temporal nature of bloom initiation and it was recommended that the next version of the BN be extended to take this into account. Elicitation for this BN thus occurred at three levels: design, quantification and verification. The first level involved construction of the conceptual model itself, definition of the nodes within the model and identification of sources of information to quantify the nodes. The second level included elicitation of expert opinion and representation of this information in a form suitable for inclusion in the BN. The third and final level concerned the specification of scenarios used to verify the model. The second phase of the project provides the opportunity to update the network with the newly collected detailed data obtained during the previous phase of the project. Specifically the temporal nature of Lyngbya blooms is of interest. Management efforts need to be directed to the most vulnerable periods to bloom initiation in the Bay. To model the temporal aspects of Lyngbya we are using Object Oriented Bayesian networks (OOBN) to create ‘time slices’ for each of the periods of interest during the summer. OOBNs provide a framework to simplify knowledge representation and facilitate reuse of nodes and network fragments. An OOBN is more hierarchical than a traditional BN with any sub-network able to contain other sub-networks. Connectivity between OOBNs is an important feature and allows information flow between the time slices. This study demonstrates more sophisticated use of expert information within Bayesian networks, which combine expert knowledge with data (categorized using expert-defined thresholds) within an expert-defined model structure. Based on the results from the verification process the experts are able to target areas requiring greater precision and those exhibiting temporal behaviour. The time slices incorporate the data for that time period for each of the temporal nodes (instead of using the annual data from the previous static Science BN) and include lag effects to allow the effect from one time slice to flow to the next time slice. We demonstrate a concurrent steady increase in the probability of initiation of a Lyngbya bloom and conclude that the inclusion of temporal aspects in the BN model is consistent with the perceptions of Lyngbya behaviour held by the stakeholders. This extended model provides a more accurate representation of the increased risk of algal blooms in the summer months and show that the opinions elicited to inform a static BN can be readily extended to a dynamic OOBN, providing more comprehensive information for decision makers.
This paper will develop and illustrate a concept of institutional viscosity to balance the more agentive concept of motility with a theoretical account of structural conditions. The argument articulates with two bodies of work: Archer’s (2007, 2012) broad social theory of reflexivity as negotiating agency and social structures; and Urry’s (2007) sociology of mobility and mobility systems. It then illustrates the concept of viscosity as a variable (low to high viscosity) through two empirical studies conducted in the sociology of education that help demonstrate how degrees of viscosity interact with degrees of motility, and how this interaction can impact on motility over time. The first study explored how Australian Defence Force families cope with their children’s disrupted education given frequent forced relocations. The other study explored how middle class professionals relate to career and educational opportunities in rural and remote Queensland. These two life conditions have produced very different institutional practices to make relocations thinkable and doable, by variously constraining or enabling mobility. In turn, the degrees of viscosity mobile individuals meet with over time can erode or elevate their motility.
Traditionally, it is not easy to carry out tests to identify modal parameters from existing railway bridges because of the testing conditions and complicated nature of civil structures. A six year (2007-2012) research program was conducted to monitor a group of 25 railway bridges. One of the tasks was to devise guidelines for identifying their modal parameters. This paper presents the experience acquired from such identification. The modal analysis of four representative bridges of this group is reported, which include B5, B15, B20 and B58A, crossing the Carajás railway in northern Brazil using three different excitations sources: drop weight, free vibration after train passage, and ambient conditions. To extract the dynamic parameters from the recorded data, Stochastic Subspace Identification and Frequency Domain Decomposition methods were used. Finite-element models were constructed to facilitate the dynamic measurements. The results show good agreement between the measured and computed natural frequencies and mode shapes. The findings provide some guidelines on methods of excitation, record length of time, methods of modal analysis including the use of projected channel and harmonic detection, helping researchers and maintenance teams obtain good dynamic characteristics from measurement data.
Objetivo: Describir la evolución del VIH/SIDA transmitido por vía sexual y parenteral en las 11 de las CCAA que han notificado su situación epidemiológica desde el año 2007 y compararla con de la CAPV. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, basado en datos secundarios. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y se calcularon las tasas por 100.000 habitantes de los nuevos diagnósticos de VIH/SIDA según el sexo y el lugar de nacimiento. Resultados: Entre los años 2007-2012 se notificaron 16.581 nuevos casos de VIH, de los que 1.111 fueron en la CAPV y, la mayoría fueron en hombres (81,9%). Las relaciones sexuales no protegidas representan la principal vía de transmisión (92,2%), y casi la mitad en relaciones entre HSH y, con una tendencia ascendente. Se observó el mismo patrón en la CAPV. Los nuevos diagnósticos se produjeron mayoritariamente en las personas autóctonas, aunque las vías de transmisión fueron diferentes en las inmigrantes, con mayor frecuencia de transmisión heterosexual, especialmente entre las de África subsahariana. Casi la mitad de los nuevos diagnósticos de VIH/SIDA fueron tardíos, en todas las CCAA estudiadas y en la CAPV. Se comprueba la tendencia descendente tanto en el en el número de casos notificados de SIDA como en la mortalidad en todas las CCAA estudiadas. Conclusiones: El aumento de los casos de VIH/SIDA transmitidos sexualmente y de los DT, pone de manifiesto la necesidad de mejorar los aspectos preventivos de la infección, tanto dentro de los servicios de salud como en los programas centrados en la comunidad.
Tomando como referencia el horizonte temporal 2007-2012 se ha analizado la evolución de los presupuestos de la Administración General y Órganos Autónomos Consolidados del País Vasco. Para ello se ha procedido a realizar un estudio de la evolución de los gastos desde el punto de vista de su clasificación económica y funcional, así como de los ingresos desde su clasificación económica. Los datos revelan que la etapa 2007-2009 ha estado marcada por la expansión del gasto público y la reducción de los ingresos, mientras que el periodo 2009-2012 ha estado caracterizado por la contención del gasto público y el incremento de los ingresos, lo que ha derivado en una reducción del déficit público.
CASTELLANO. Análisis del mercado laboral andaluz, de forma estática y dinámica, comparando el cuarto trimestre de los años 2007, 2012 y 2013. Además también se comparan los datos del cuarto trimestre de 2013 de Andalucía y País Vasco.
据估计,到2012年世界农业缺硫量每年达1100万吨,而亚洲和美洲将成为全球最严重的缺硫地区[1]。许多研究表明,施硫肥能增加粮食产量,提高粮食品质和水分利用率等[2-4]。SO42-带负电荷,土壤粘粒和有机质对其吸附很少,主要存留在土壤溶液中随水运动,易于淋失[5]。Bardsley等发现,在粗质地近中性土壤上,大雨后易发生缺硫,主要是由于淋洗损失[6]。SO42-淋溶累积及影响因素国外已有报道[7-10];国内,樊军等[11]在北方旱地黑垆土上进行不同N、P配比与用量的长期定位,对试验土壤剖面有效硫的分布与累积进行了研究;南方水田土壤剖面中发生的硫的淋溶或累积也有报道[2]。本文利用长期定位试验,对黄土高原旱地不同施肥条件下土壤剖面中的有效硫累积进行研究,以期为深入了解旱地土壤硫素的循环规律和制定施肥方案提供参考。1材料与方法试验区位于黄土高原中南部陕西省长武县十里铺村无灌溉条件的塬面旱地上,多年平均气温9·1℃,无霜期171d;平均年降水量为584 mm,季节性分布不均,7~9月降水量占全年降水量的55%。供试土壤为黄盖黑垆土,1984年试验开始时耕层土壤有机C含量为6·50 g/kg、全N 0·80 ...
Sediment contaminants were monitored in Milford Haven Waterway (MHW) since 1978 (hydrocarbons) and 1982 (metals), with the aim of providing surveillance of environmental quality in one of the UK’s busiest oil and gas ports. This aim is particularly important during and after large-scale investment in liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities. However, methods inevitably have changed over the years, compounding the difficulties of coordinating sampling and analytical programmes. After a review by the MHW Environmental Surveillance Group (MHWESG), sediment hydrocarbon chemistry was investigated in detail in 2010. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) contributed their MHW data for 2007 and 2012, collected to assess the condition of the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) designated under the European Union Habitats Directive. Datasets during 2007-2012 have thus been more comparable. The results showed conclusively that a MHW-wide peak in concentrations of sediment polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), metals and other contaminants occurred in late 2007. This was corroborated by independent annual monitoring at one centrally-located station with peaks in early 2008 and 2011. The spatial and temporal patterns of recovery from the 2007 peak, shown by MHW-wide surveys in 2010 and 2012, indicate several probable causes of contaminant trends, as follows: atmospheric deposition, catchment runoff, sediment resuspension from dredging, and construction of two LNG terminals and a power station. Adverse biological effects predictable in 2007 using international sediment quality guidelines, were independently tested by data from monitoring schemes of more than a decade duration in MHW (starfish, limpets), and in the wider SAC (grey seals). Although not proving cause and effect, many of these potential biological receptors showed a simultaneous negative response to the elevated 2007 contamination following intense dredging activity in 2006. Wetland bird counts were typically at a peak in the winter of 2005-2006 previous to peak dredging. In the following winter 2006-2007, shelduck in Pembroke River showed their lowest winter count, and spring 2007 was the largest ever drop in numbers of broods across MHW between successive breeding seasons. Wigeon counts in Pembroke River were again low in late 2012 after further dredging nearby. These results are strongly supported by PAH data reported previously from invertebrate bioaccumulation studies in MHW 2007-2010, themselves closely reflecting sediment
Several authors have applied the concept of Welfare Regimens for studying social policy in Latin America (Esping-Andersen, 1993 and 2000). Among others, Martínez Franzoni (2007) develops a typology, with fi eld work is at the turn of the millennium, and establishes three categories: State-productivist regime, state-protectionist and family orientated. Most countries in the region are placed in the latter category. The hypothesis of this article argues that with the emergence of governments considered “left” or “progressive” in several countries of the region from the late ‘90s and, more decisively, in 2000’, the map of welfare regimes models could have mutated substantively. The nationally transformative experiences are different (various socio-economic realities and political action in which they are located exists) but they have several contact points that can be summarized in a greater state intervention in different areas previously closed to their operating and recovery of important functions of welfare and care of the population by the government. The paper discusses with an exploratory and descriptive approach the welfare schemes that would shape in three countries that have constitutionalized the change from the neoliberal paradigm: Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.
We report the discovery of a transiting planet orbiting the star TYC 6446-326-1. The star, WASP-22, is a moderately bright (V = 12.0) solar-type star (Teff = 6000 ± 100 K, [Fe/H] = -0.05 ± 0.08). The light curve of the star obtained with the WASP-South instrument shows periodic transit-like features with a depth of about 1% and a duration of 0.14 days. The presence of a transit-like feature in the light curve is confirmed using z-band photometry obtained with Faulkes Telescope South. High-resolution spectroscopy obtained with the CORALIE and HARPS spectrographs confirms the presence of a planetary mass companion with an orbital period of 3.533 days in a near-circular orbit. From a combined analysis of the spectroscopic and photometric data assuming that the star is a typical main-sequence star we estimate that the planet has a mass M p = 0.56 ± 0.02M Jup and a radius R p = 1.12 ± 0.04R Jup. In addition, there is a linear trend of 40 m s-1 yr-1 in the radial velocities measured over 16 months, from which we infer the presence of a third body with a long-period orbit in this system. The companion may be a low mass M-dwarf, a white dwarf, or a second planet.
We present a novel device-free stationary person detection and ranging method, that is applicable to ultra-wide bandwidth (UWB) networks. The method utilizes a fixed UWB infrastructure and does not require a training database of template waveforms. Instead, the method capitalizes on the fact that a human presence induces small low-frequency variations that stand out against the background signal, which is mainly affected by wideband noise. We analyze the detection probability, and validate our findings with numerical simulations and experiments with off-the-shelf UWB transceivers in an indoor environment. © 2007-2012 IEEE.
O Despacho n.º 40/2011, de 20 de maio, ponto 3., da Universidade de Évora, prevê a possibilidade de elaboração de um relatório sobre a atividade profissional para aquisição do grau académico de mestre. Essa foi a minha opção. Este relatório reporta-se aos anos letivos de 2007/2012, correspondentes aos últimos cinco anos de trabalho. É uma reflexão sobre as medidas desenvolvidas no Agrupamento de Escolas de Alvalade, com vista a melhorar os níveis de sucesso escolar e a importância do projeto educativo para alcançar tal objetivo, apresentando ainda dados sobre o sucesso/insucesso. Enquanto diretora de um agrupamento de escolas cuja taxa de insucesso à data da tomada de posse rondava os 18%, abracei como objetivo principal, mobilizar toda a comunidade educativa, para reverter essa situação calamitosa. Após várias medidas implementadas, os resultados melhoraram para 5,98%, em 2011/2012. Muito trabalho foi feito e muitos projetos foram adotados; ABSTRACT: The University Dispatch n. º 40/2011 of may 20th, paragraph 3., University of Évora, provides for the possibility of drafting a report about my professional activity in order to acquire a master's degree. That was my choice. This report refers to the work that I have been developing in the last academic years of 2007/2012. It is a reflection on action in the Alvalade Group of Schools, about the measures that were implemented to improve levels of educational attainment and educational importance of the project to achieve this goal, presenting, nevertheless, data on the success/failure. When I became director of a group of schools, which failure rate at the date of inauguration was around 18%, I decided to delineate as my main goal, to mobilize the entire educational community, to reverse this calamitous situation. After several measures implemented, the students’ failure decreased up to 5,98% in 2011/2012. Much work has been done and many projects were adopted.