986 resultados para 2001: A Space Odyssey
Acordo Aeroespacial Teuto-Brasileiro (1969-1989; 1990-2001 e 2002-2011): uma cooperação complementar
Este projeto de dissertação se propõe a analisar a cooperação aeroespacial entre o Brasil e a Alemanha de 1969 a 2011 em três recortes temporais: 1969 a 1989, 1990 a 2001 e 2002 a 2011. Seguindo as bases teóricas de classificação da CID (Cooperação Internacional para o Desenvolvimento), e apoiada em pesquisa de campo conduzida em ambos os países, este trabalho apresenta um novo conceito de cooperação que, até onde a pesquisa bibliográfica aqui conduzida avaliou, constitui uma contribuição original deste trabalho: a Cooperação Complementar. A cooperação aeroespacial teuto-brasileira é pouco conhecida e divulgada, embora tenha completado vigorosas quatro décadas de exitosa existência. A conclusão de êxito desta cooperação encontrou lastro em pesquisa de campo conduzida pela autora no Brasil (IAE Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço) e na Alemanha (DLR Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt), consubstanciada por quatro entrevistas (SILVA, 2011a), (SILVA, 2011c), (SILVA, 2011d) e (SILVA, 2011e) realizadas junto a importantes representantes destes dois centros. Os conhecimentos extraídos por meio destas entrevistas agregaram, no entender desta autora, importantes informações à bibliografia específica e relativamente escassa disponível em ambos os países.O êxito defendido nesta dissertação fundamenta-se não apenas na longevidade advinda dos 40 anos de existência desta Cooperação, na sua capacidade de renovação e na complementaridade atingida, mas sobretudo pela consecução dos diversos objetivos técnico-científicos integrantes do escopo do referido Tratado, muitos dos quais responsáveis por importantes desdobramentos de tecnologias em outras áreas do saber, tais como o projeto DEBRA 25 (SCHUSTER, 2011), de energia eólica, e o projeto VLS (Veículo Lançador de Satélites), que utiliza como seus motores os foguetes desenvolvidos no escopo desta Cooperação.
A free space optical wireless communication system with 3 degree angular coverage and 1.25 GHz modulation bandwidth is reported, in which relatively narrow laser beam of a simultaneous high power, high modulation speed and ultra high modulation efficiency directly modulated two-electrode tapered laser diode is steered using a nematic phase-only Liquid-Crystal On Silicon Spatial Light Modulator (LCOS SLM) by displaying reconfigurable 256 phase level gratings. © 1983-2012 IEEE.
Semi-insulating gallium arsenide single crystal grown in space has been used in fabricating low noise field effect transistors and analog switch integrated circuits by the direct ion-implantation technique. All key electrical properties of these transistors and integrated circuits have surpassed those made from conventional earth-grown gallium arsenide. This result shows that device-grade space-grown semiconducting single crystal has surpassed the best terrestrial counterparts. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
The ability of the Evpatoria RT-70 radar complex to perform research on space debris was investigated in four trial experiments during 2001-2003. The echo-signals of 25 objects at geostationary, highly elliptical and medium-altitude orbits were recorded on magnetic tapes at radio telescopes in Russia, Italy, China and Poland. The multi-antenna system configuration gives potential to supplement the classic radar data with precise angular observations using the technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry. The first stage of such processing was fulfilled by the correlator in N. Novgorod, Russia. The cross-correlation of transmitted and received signals was obtained for the 11 objects on the Evpatoria-Bear Lakes, Evpatoria-Urumqi and Evpatoria-Noto baselines. This activity also promoted developing the optical observations of geostationary objects, conducted for the improvement of the radar target ephemerides. (C) 2004 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Toivonen, H., Srinivasan, A., King, R. D., Kramer, S. and Helma, C. (2003) Statistical Evaluation of the Predictive Toxicology Challenge 2000-2001. Bioinformatics 19: 1183-1193
This article discusses how the notion of performance provides impetus for the design of interactive digital environments. These environments can ultimately be regarded as user-spaces; a condition which replaces the "fixed" art-object with a configuration of interactions. Our understanding of space, as suggested by Lefevbre (2001), defines the "inhabitant" as a full participant, a user, a performer of space. What is at play when the installation artist designs environments that invite performative exploration? The issue of improvised performance in the inhabiting of installation spaces is exposed. Two interactive installations by the author and works by others in the field provide a context for discussion for discussion and analysis.