866 resultados para 2000-2009
This paper analyzes the relationship among research collaboration, number of documents and number of citations of computer science research activity. It analyzes the number of documents and citations and how they vary by number of authors. They are also analyzed (according to author set cardinality) under different circumstances, that is, when documents are written in different types of collaboration, when documents are published in different document types, when documents are published in different computer science subdisciplines, and, finally, when documents are published by journals with different impact factor quartiles. To investigate the above relationships, this paper analyzes the publications listed in the Web of Science and produced by active Spanish university professors between 2000 and 2009, working in the computer science field. Analyzing all documents, we show that the highest percentage of documents are published by three authors, whereas single-authored documents account for the lowest percentage. By number of citations, there is no positive association between the author cardinality and citation impact. Statistical tests show that documents written by two authors receive more citations per document and year than documents published by more authors. In contrast, results do not show statistically significant differences between documents published by two authors and one author. The research findings suggest that international collaboration results on average in publications with higher citation rates than national and institutional collaborations. We also find differences regarding citation rates between journals and conferences, across different computer science subdisciplines and journal quartiles as expected. Finally, our impression is that the collaborative level (number of authors per document) will increase in the coming years, and documents published by three or four authors will be the trend in computer science literature.
The continuous plankton recorder (CPR) survey is an upper layer plankton monitoring program that has regularly collected samples, at monthly intervals, in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas since 1946. Water from approximately 6 m depth enters the CPR through a small aperture at the front of the sampler and travels down a tunnel where it passes through a silk filtering mesh of 270 µm before exiting at the back of the CPR. The plankton filtered on the silk is analyzed in sections corresponding to 10 nautical miles (approx. 3 m**3 of seawater filtered) and the plankton microscopically identified (Richardson et al., 2006 and reference therein). In the present study we used the CPR data to investigate the current basin scale distribution of C. finmarchicus (C5-C6), C. helgolandicus (C5-C6), C. hyperboreus (C5-C6), Pseudocalanus spp. (C6), Oithona spp. (C1-C6), total Euphausiida, total Thecosomata and the presence/absence of Cnidaria and the Phytoplankton Colour Index (PCI). The PCI, which is a visual assessment of the greenness of the silk, is used as an indicator of the distribution of total phytoplankton biomass across the Atlantic basin (Batten et al., 2003). Monthly data collected between 2000 and 2009 were gridded using the inverse-distance interpolation method, in which the interpolated values were the nodes of a 2 degree by 2 degree grid. The resulting twelve monthly matrices were then averaged within the year and in the case of the zooplankton the data were log-transformed (i.e. log10 (x+1).
The scatterometer SeaWinds on QuikSCAT provided regular measurements at Ku-band from 1999 to 2009. Although it was designed for ocean applications, it has been frequently used for the assessment of seasonal snowmelt patterns aside from other terrestrial applications such as ice cap monitoring, phenology and urban mapping. This paper discusses general data characteristics of SeaWinds and reviews relevant change detection algorithms. Depending on the complexity of the method, parameters such as long-term noise and multiple event analyses were incorporated. Temporal averaging is a commonly accepted preprocessing step with consideration of diurnal, multi-day or seasonal averages.
El proceso de integración en Unión Europea se caracteriza por la incorporación de los asuntos de seguridad exterior y defensa, tras el Tratado de Lisboa se enmarcaron en la PCSD. Dicha política por un proceso de integración progresiva, Spillover, ha tenido periodos de reactivación y de letargos.
El objetivo del informe es proporcionar una visi??n de conjunto de la educaci??n en Espa??a, que no pretende ser exhaustiva en ninguno de los aspectos abordados, pero s?? describirlos con el detalle suficiente como para que la informaci??n proporcionada sea ??til. El libro est?? organizado en tres grandes bloques de contenidos. En primer lugar se presentan cinco cap??tulos que abordan el contexto y los aspectos globales del sistema educativo. El segundo bloque recoge las distintas ense??anzas, etapas y niveles que comprende el sistema Educativo. El tercer y ??ltimo bloque incluye los diferentes factores clave del sistema educativo.
La apertura del mercado de las telecomunicaciones en el Ecuador, se desarrolló a partir del año 1995, con la reforma al marco normativo del sector que buscaba en primera instancia privatizar los servicios de telecomunicaciones en manos del Estado. A partir del año 2000, en el país se prestan los servicios de telecomunicaciones en un régimen de libre competencia; teniendo desde ese momento la operación de varios concesionarios de los servicios fijo – móvil de telecomunicaciones, tanto públicos como privados. La Constitución de la República del Ecuador, es eminentemente garantista de los derechos ciudadanos, entre ellos el derecho al acceso universal a las tecnologías de la información y comunicación, así como el reconocimiento a las personas a disponer de bienes y servicios públicos de óptima calidad; y a elegirlos con libertad. La elegibilidad es fundamental para otorgar a la portabilidad numérica como el derecho de los usuarios de los servicios de telecomunicaciones para mantener sus números telefónicos aún cuando cambien de empresa operadora, servicio o ubicación geográfica. Estamos frente al reconocimiento de un derecho, que sin duda beneficia a los usuarios de los servicios de telecomunicaciones en el Ecuador, es por ello que es importante describir la legislación y normativa ecuatoriana, antes y después de la implementación de la portabilidad numérica. Así como las consideraciones por las que la Asamblea Constituyente del Ecuador, reunida en ciudad Alfaro, Montecristi, provincia de Manabí, mediante Mandato constituyente, resolvió implementar en el Ecuador, la Portabilidad Numérica en los servicios móviles. En el presente trabajo se analizan las incidencias del derecho de portabilidad, que tienen los usuarios de los servicios móviles de telecomunicaciones; así como la legislación comparada.
Recentemente, a temática ambiental tem sido caracterizada como um dos temas mais abrangentes, nesse sentido, o tema degradação ambiental tem se constituído em um problema tanto da geração que nos constituiu quanto da geração que nos sucederão. Podemos afirmar que o modelo de desenvolvimento econômico adotado em inúmeros paises, inclusive no Brasil, baseado no consumo e na exploração dos recursos naturais tem contribuído para a persistência dos problemas relacionados a degradação ambiental. Tendo em vista, esse contexto e a importância dos meios de comunicação em especial às revistas de divulgação científica. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo responder as seguintes questões norteadoras: Quais os problemas relacionados à temática ambiental, particularmente, os problemas relativos à degradação ambiental, são veiculados na Revista Ciência Hoje (CH)?Os temas e os problemas relativos à degradação ambiental são trabalhados de modo a contemplar as controvérsias socioambientais? Em caso positivo quais controvérsias socioambientais são veiculadas? Consistiram na investigação da abordagem da temática ambiental na Revista Ciência Hoje particularmente, os problemas relativos à degradação ambiental. A Ciência Hoje, criada em 1982, a partir do Projeto Ciência Hoje responsável pelas publicações de divulgação cientifica da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência (SBPC) entidade civil sem fins lucrativos e que tem como objetivo promover o desenvolvimento tecnológico no Brasil. Dessa forma realizou-se uma pesquisa documental, cujo corpus documental foi constituído por 161 exemplares da CH publicados nos anos de 1990-2005. A metodologia utilizada na analise dos artigos da Revista foi a “Análise de Conteúdo” proposta por Bardin (1991). A partir da analise dos artigos selecionados, foram identificados os seguintes problemas relativos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Lake ice change is one of the sensitive indicators of regional and global climate change. Different sources of data are used in monitoring lake ice phenology nowadays. Visible and Near Infrared bands of imagery (VNIR) are well suited for the observation of freshwater ice change, for example data from AVHRR and MODIS. Active and passive microwave data are also used for the observation of lake ice, e.g., from satellite altimetry and radiometry, backscattering coefficient from QuickSCAT, brightness temperature (Tb) from SSM/I, SMMR, and AMSR-E. Most of the studies are about lake ice cover phenology, while few studies focus on lake ice thickness. For example, Hall et al. using 5 GHz (6 cm) radiometer data showed a good relationship between Tb and ice thickness. Kang et al. found the seasonal evolution of Tb at 10.65 GHz and 18.7 GHz from AMSR-E to be strongly influenced by ice thickness. Many studies on lake ice phenology have been carried out since the 1970s in cold regions, especially in Canada, the USA, Europe, the Arctic, and Antarctica. However, on the Tibetan Plateau, very little research has focused on lake ice-cover change; only a small number of published papers on Qinghai Lake ice observations. The main goal of this study is to investigate the change in lake ice phenology at Nam Co on the Tibetan Plateau using MODIS and AMSR-E data (monitoring the date of freeze onset, the formation of stable ice cover, first appearance of water, and the complete disappearance of ice) during the period 2000-2009.
Pteropods are an important component of the zooplankton community and hence of the food web in the Fram Strait. They have a calcareous (aragonite) shell and are thus sensitive in particular to the effects of the increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and the associated changes of pH and temperature in the ocean. In the eastern Fram Strait, two species of thecosome pteropods occur, the cold water-adapted Limacina helicina and the subarctic boreal species Limacina retroversa. Both species were regularly observed in year-round moored sediment traps at ~ 200-300 m depth in the deep-sea long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN (79°N, 4°E). The flux of all pteropods found in the trap samples varied from < 20 to ~ 870 specimen/m**2/d in the years 2000-2009, being lower during the period 2000-2006. At the beginning of the time series, pteropods were dominated by the cold-water-adapted L. helicina, whereas the subarctic boreal L. retroversa was only occasionally found in large quantities (> 50/m**2/d). This picture completely changed after 2005/6 when L. retroversa became dominant and total pteropod numbers in the trap samples increased significantly. Concomitant to this shift in species composition, a warming event occurred in 2005/6 and persisted until the end of the study in 2009, despite a slight cooling in the upper water layer after 2007/8. Sedimentation of pteropods showed a strong seasonality, with elevated fluxes of L. helicina from August to November. Numbers of L. retroversa usually increased later, during September/October, with a maximum at the end of the season during December/January. In terms of carbonate export, aragonite shells of pteropods contributed with 11-77% to the annual total CaCO3 flux in Fram Strait. The highest share was found in the period 2007 to 2009, predominantly during sedimentation events at the end of the year. Results obtained by sediment traps occasionally installed on a benthic lander revealed that pteropods also arrive at the seafloor (~ 2550 m) almost simultaneous with their occurrence in the shallower traps. This indicates a rapid downward transport of calcareous shells, which provides food particles for the deep-sea benthos during winter when other production in the upper water column is shut down. The results of our study highlight the great importance of pteropods for the biological carbon pump as well as for the carbonate system in Fram Strait at present, and indicate modifications within the zooplankton community. The results further emphasize the importance of long-term investigation to disclose such changes.