977 resultados para 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucopyranose


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In order to study the action of herbicides - sodium salt, amine salt and ester of 2,4-D, TCA and 2,4,5-T a preliminary experiment for pre-emergence weed control was corried out, and the corresponding results are given in table I and II. The corn used in the experiments was of the flint type 1A 3531. The loam soil on which the experiment has been carried out is called "terra roxa". All treatments were highly significant when compared with the check plots, except the 2B one in the control of broad leaf weeds, and 4B in the control of grass weeds. Among these treatments there are no significant differences. But we note the following: (table I). a) treatments of higher concentrations were superior to lower ones. b) the treatments which gave the best control for broad leaf weeds were in the following decreasing order: 1A, 5A and 3A. For grass weeds, they were 5A, 1A and 3A. c) the amine 2,4-D (600 grs. per hectare) supplied very good control when we get into consideration that on the acid basis, it was in very low concentration. d) TCA in high concentration affected the germination, growth and yield, in the lower one it did not show good control of weeds, especially of grasses. It is not suitable for pre-emergence control in corn. e) 2,4,5-T was not better than the 2,4-D products. As it is much more expensive than the others, economically its use in pre-emergence weed control in corn is not praticable. f) all the products used controled grass weeds as well as broad leaf ones; this show the superiority of the pre-emergence treatment method over that of post-emergence. g) Even a dose as strong as the treatment 1A (3.400g. of 2,4-D acid per hectare) did not damage corn production (table II). h) the superiority noted in the production of all the treatments with the exception of 2A, which damaged the plants, we atribute to the lack of competion between corn and weeds; all chek-plots suffered this competition, because they were not Probably, there was, also, hormonial effect of 2,4-D on the corn plant. Not withstanding the fact that the present experiment has been successful, we think that new researches are necessary, especially with the purpose of studying factors as climate and soil which in other countries, interferred with the success of the pre-emergence weed control.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de 2,4-D na absorção de fósforo - pelo trigo (Triticum aestivum, L) no estado de 3 folhas e a sua distribuição na planta. Foram realizados quatro ensaios em vaso, conduzidos em casa de vegetação, com quatro repetições. As plantas foram cortadas 8 horas, 26 e 50 horas após a pulverização do herbicida. Em cada um dos ensaios foram aplicados 4 doses de 2,4-D: 0, 1000, 2000 e 4000 ppm e uma solução contendo 32p. Os dados obtidos mostraram que: - 0, 2,4-D afetou a absorção do fósforo e a distribuição deste na planta. - A tendência, nos quatro ensaios, foi de que as doses utilizadas estimularam a absorção do fósforo pelo trigo, a qual foi decrescendo com o decorrer do tempo. - A distribuição do fósforo foi, de modo geral, estimulada, decrescendo com o decorrer do tempo. No terceiro ensaio, quando as plantas foram pulverizadas com 2000 e 4000 ppm. de 24-D, a distribuição foi prejudicada, sendo maior naquelas plantas não tratadas com o herbicida.


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Donateur : Romanet Du Caillaud, Frédéric (18..-19..?)


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El morrut de les palmeres, R. ferrugineus, està actualment considerat com la plaga més perjudicial de les palmeres ja que la seva infestació produeix, de forma comuna, la seva mort. Des de la seva instal·lació en els països de la conca mediterrània, en els últims anys, són milers les palmeres que han mort degut a la plaga. La ràpida dispersió que s’ha produït de l’insecte així com la difícil detecció en els períodes primerencs de les infestacions fa que el R. ferrugineus posi en perill ecosistemes naturals de palmeres així com hàbitats rurals i urbans amb un ús ornamental d’aquestes plantes. És necessari desenvolupar estudis que permetin un millor coneixement del comportament d’aquest insecte així com, aquelles característiques intrínseques de la palmeres i variables externes que afavoreixen la instauració del coleòpter i, per tant, noves metodologies pel seu control.


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En aquest treball final de carrera estudiarem i implementarem un algoritme per determinar el subgrup de 2-Sylow d'una corba el·líptica sobre un cos de característica 2. També es donen exemples de com es distribueixen totes les possibles corbes segons el subgrup de 2-Sylow. Finalment, implementarem un mode de l'algoritme capaç de trobar amb corbes sobre cossos binaris graus amb subgrups de 2-Sylow grans.


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Ripglut1;glut2-/- mice have no endogenous glucose transporter type 2 (glut2) gene expression but rescue glucose-regulated insulin secretion. Control of glucagon plasma levels is, however, abnormal, with fed hyperglucagonemia and insensitivity to physiological hypo- or hyperglycemia, indicating that GLUT2-dependent sensors control glucagon secretion. Here, we evaluated whether these sensors were located centrally and whether GLUT2 was expressed in glial cells or in neurons. We showed that ripglut1;glut2-/- mice failed to increase plasma glucagon levels following glucoprivation induced either by i.p. or intracerebroventricular 2-deoxy-D-glucose injections. This was accompanied by failure of 2-deoxy-D-glucose injections to activate c-Fos-like immunoreactivity in the nucleus of the tractus solitarius and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. When glut2 was expressed by transgenesis in glial cells but not in neurons of ripglut1;glut2-/- mice, stimulated glucagon secretion was restored as was c-Fos-like immunoreactive labeling in the brainstem. When ripglut1;glut2-/- mice were backcrossed into the C57BL/6 genetic background, fed plasma glucagon levels were also elevated due to abnormal autonomic input to the alpha cells; glucagon secretion was, however, stimulated by hypoglycemic stimuli to levels similar to those in control mice. These studies identify the existence of central glucose sensors requiring glut2 expression in glial cells and therefore functional coupling between glial cells and neurons. These sensors may be activated at different glycemic levels depending on the genetic background.


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[Cent nouvelles nouvelles (français moyen). 1857-1858]