971 resultados para 1770-1840
Books Paths to Readers describes the history of the origins and consolidation of modern and open book stores in Finland 1740 1860. The thesis approaches the book trade as a part of a print culture. Instead of literary studies choice to concentrate on texts and writers, book history seeks to describe the print culture of a society and how the literary activities and societies interconnect. For book historians, printed works are creations of various individuals and groups: writers, printers, editors, book sellers, censors, critics and finally, readers. They all take part in the creation, delivery and interpretation of printed works. The study reveals the ways selling and distributing books have influenced the printed works and the literary and print culture. The research period 1740 1860 covers the so-called second revolution of the book, or the modernisation of the print culture. The thesis describes the history of 60 book stores and their 96 owners. The study concentrates on three themes: firstly, how the particular book trade network became a central institution for printed works distribution, secondly what were the relations between cosmopolitan European book markets and the national cultural sphere, and thirdly how book stores functioned as cultural institutions and business enterprises. Book stores that have a varied assortment and are targeted to all readers became the main institution for book trade in Finland during 1740 1860. It happened because of three features. First, the book binders monopoly on selling bound copies in Sweden was abolished in 1740s. As a consequence entrepreneurs could concentrate solely to trade activities and offer copies from various publishers at their stores. Secondly the common business model of bartering was replaced by selling copies for cash, first in the German book trade centre Leipzig in 1770s. The change intensified book markets activities and Finnish book stores foreign connections. Thirdly, after Finland was annexed to the Russian empire in 1809, the Grand duchy s administration steered foreign book trade to book stores (because of censorship demands). Up to 1830 s book stores were available only in Helsinki and Turku. During next ten years book stores opened in six regional centres. The early entrepreneurs ran usually vertical businesses consisting of printing, publishing and distribution activities. This strategy lowered costs, eased the delivery of printed works and helped to create elaborated centres for all book activities. These book stores main clientele consisted of the Swedish speaking gentry. During late 1840s various opinion leaders called for the development of a national Finnish print culture, and also book stores. As a result, during the five years before the beginning of the Crimean war (1853 1856) book stores were opened in almost all Finnish towns: at the beginning of the war 36 book stores operated in 21 towns. The later book sellers, mainly functioning in small towns among Finnish speaking people, settled usually strictly for selling activities. Book stores received most of their revenues from selling foreign titles. Swedish, German, French and Belgian (pirate editions of popular French novels) books were widely available for the multilingual gentry. Foreign titles and copies brought in most of the revenues. Censorship inspections or unfavourable custom fees would not limit the imports. Even if the local Finnish print production steadily rose, many copies, even titles, were never delivered via book stores. Only during the 1840 s and 1850 s the most advanced publishers would concentrate on creating publishing programmes and delivering their titles via book stores. Book sellers regulated commissions were small. They got even smaller because of large amounts of unsold copies, various and usual misunderstandings of consignments and accounts or plain accidents that destroyed shipments and warehouses. Also, the cultural aim of a creating large and assortments and the tendency of short selling periods demanded professional entrepreneurship, which many small town book sellers however lacked. In the midst of troublesome business efforts, co-operation and mutual concern of the book market s entrepreneurs were the key elements of the trade, although on local level book sellers would compete, sometimes even ferociously. The difficult circumstances (new censorship decree of 1850, Crimean war) and lack of entrepreneurship, experience and customers meant that half of the book stores opened in 1845 1860 was shut in less than five years. In 1858 the few leading publishers established The Finnish Book Publishers Association. Its first task was to create new business rules and manners for the book trade. The association s activities began to professionalise the whole network, but at the same time the earlier independence of regional publishing and selling enterprises diminished greatly. The consolidation of modern and open book store network in Finland is a history of a slow and complex development without clear signs of a beginning or an end. The ideal book store model was rarely accomplished in its all features. Nevertheless, book stores became the norm of the book trade. They managed to offer larger selections, reached larger clienteles and maintained constant activity better than any other book distribution model. In essential, the book stores methods have not changed up to present times.
La obra publicada hacia fines del siglo XIX por el Comodoro Antonio Somellera (1812-1889) bajo el nombre Recuerdos de una víctima de la Mazorca, es un valiosísimo documento histórico para analizar los hechos e ideas que determinaron muchos de los aspectos de la vida política del momento al que se refiere, el gobierno de Juan Manuel de Rosas en Buenos Aires durante 1838-1840. Allí se expresa cabalmente uno de los elementos más controvertidos de la historia del país: la violencia política, tanto física como discursiva, a que estaban acostumbrados todos los hombres que dirigían, ya sea como gobierno o como oposición, los destinos de la Argentina. A través de un análisis contextualizado y profundo de estas Memorias, el presente trabajo buscará dilucidar algunos de los aspectos estructurales que caracterizaron la realidad política de esos años.
Feeding trial was conducted in static water to assess the growth of H. longifilis fingerlings fed different I inclusion levels of mucuna seed meal (MSM). Raw and boiled MSM were used in the diets at 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% inclusion levels and the performance of fish fed these diets was compared with fish fed a fishmeal-based diet which contained 40% protein. All diets were prepared to be isonitrogenous and isocaloric A two by five factorial experiment with three replicates using ten fish of average initial weight 1 .46g was carried out. Daily fish ration of five percent body weight was administered two times for eight weeks. The specific growth rate in diets 1 (control) and 6(10% boiled MSM) were similar and significantly (P<0.05) higher than the other dietary groups. The significantly lower growth performance of fish fed diets containing higher inclusion levels of both raw and boiled MSM might be due to incomplete elimination of the antinutritional factors present in MSM by boiling. Other methods of processing MSM to improve its nutritive value should be investigated. (7 page document)
Parte 1 - Leis
Hablar del papel de las colonias y del comercio en los siglos XVIII y XIX del País Vasco es un ciclo sobre Dirección y Administracion de empresas parece un tanto fuera de lugar. Problamenente muchos alumnos y sectores del profesorado no suelen tener muy claro para qué sirve una materia como la historia y más en concreto la historia económica. Sin embargo la Historia en general y la económia en particular cumplen o mejor, deberían cumplir un papel importante y sobre todo deberían ser tenidas en cuenta a la hora de tomar decisiones tanto a nivel micoeconómico como macroeconómico.
História cronológica do período da Minoridade, com detalhes sobre suas conspirações e lutas.
Diploid meiotic gynogenesis was induced in African catfish, Heterobranchus longifilis by injection of 0.5ml/kg ovaprim on the breeders, followed by application of UV light irradiation on the spermatozoa and temperature shocking of activated eggs. Diploidy was restored by shocking haploid activated eggs at 5 degree C for 40 minutes. The normal control spermatozoa did not receive any UV irradiation nor temperature shock, while the haploid control spermatozoa were irradiated, but did not receive cold shock. The percentage hatchability in the treated group was 25%, while in the control it was 53%. Less than 15 fingerlings had morphological aberrations. After two weeks of indoor rearing, the survival percentage of the treated group was 45% in the control experiment. Cytogenetic analysis of chromosomes revealed 25 chromosomes in the haploid embryo and 50 chromosomes each in diploid gynogenesis and normal diploid control
Studies on development of H. longifilis (Curvier and Valenciennes, 1840) were conducted at a temperature of 25EC ( 1Ec) in aquaria tanks continuous development were monitored with the use of wild Heerbrugy photomacroscope and length of yolk and larva were monitored using Stereo Olympus microscope with ocular micrometer. The division into animal and vegetal poles was observed 22 minutes after activation. The first cleavage occurred 65 minutes after activation while the second division which was perpendicular to the first line of division occurred 74 minutes after activation. This was quickly followed by the third and fourth cleavage at 80th and 82nd minutes after activation respectively. Morular stage was reached at 4 hours 20 minutes with formation of optic bud at 14 hours 35 minutes. (DBO) Developing embryo hatched after 27 hours of activation at a mean length of 6.63 and mean yolk length of 2.17. Yolk size decrease at an average rate of 38.5 % till the 5th day of total absorption. Growth of larvae proceeded faster in tail-anus region than in anus-snout portion of the body. The rate of yolk absorption and larva development (survival) as monitored in this work gives important information in Research and development programme for H. longifilis larva - an important aspect of Research development and implementation of appropriate technologies in small scale fisheries
Dónde, con quién y de qué vivir son cuestiones clave a la hora de explicar las estrategias familiares, y también los ejes de este libro. Tras explicitar sus premisas teóricas y plantear las líneas generales en la evolución de la ciudad, Iruñea-Pamplona, el libro se estructura en tres capítulos que analizan cada una de las estas preguntas. Por un lado, el autor constata la importancia de la inmigración y analiza las lógicas familiares que guían estos movimientos, así como su influencia en la realidad lingüística urbana. En segundo lugar estudia las diferencias sociales en la formación de los hogares, apreciando un fortalecimiento de la familia obrera en los inicios de la industrialización. Por último se centra en la participación de los diferentes miembros de la familia en el mercado laboral, prestando especial atención al empleo femenino, los valores de género subyacentes y la feminización de la pobreza. Se trata de una investigación sobre estrategias familiares, que también pretende reflexionar sobre el papel de los valores familiares en el mantenimiento del orden social.
Biological tests were carried out using static bioassay systems to determine the median lethal concentration of total sulfide (H2S, HS, S2) for African catfish (Heterobranchus longifilis, Valenciennes, 1840) at fry and juvenile stages.
O presente trabalho procura analisar os discursos de Francisco de Salles Torres Homem, produzidos na imprensa entre 1840 e 1849, momento em que fez parte da facção política liberal. No Período Regencial iniciou a sua atuação no jornalismo, e nos primeiros anos do Segundo Reinado, já aparecia como um importante redator de jornais, panfletário e político. Durante a Revolução Liberal de 1842, participou ativamente do conflito, e no período da Revolução Praieira em 1848, e escreveu o seu mais inflamado e comentado panfleto O Libelo do Povo, onde fez duras críticas ao governo, recebendo grande repercussão na imprensa da época. Esta foi considerada pelos seus biógrafos como a sua fase mais revolucionária, seus discursos foram produzidos em momentos específicos de grande debate de ideias, e expressavam as concepções políticas e ideológicas dos liberais. Naquela época, Salles Torres Homem utilizou à palavra impressa, para defender os interesses dos liberais ao poder.
O processo de formação da malha urbana da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, entre outros, foi permeado pelo sentimento religioso de seus habitantes, que em muitos casos reuniam-se em associações religiosas que exerceram um importante papel social, político e econômico na sociedade carioca no período de 1763 a 1840. O presente estudo tem por objetivo apontar as Ordens Leigas - Ordens Terceiras e Irmandades - que no exercício de sua territorialidade, despontaram como um dos agentes de formação da malha urbana do centro da cidade para fora dos limites estabelecidos até o final do século XVIII. Para tanto, buscou-se desvendar as ações estratégicas dessas associações que com suas práticas devocionais como procissões, festas e peregrinações, teriam se apropriado do território do centro da cidade. Igualmente foi investigado, se a partir dessa ocupação, foram executados melhoramentos na região de entorno, seja por parte da administração da cidade, seja por parte de seus próprios integrantes. Foram procedidas análises da arquitetura das igrejas das Ordens Terceiras e Irmandades inseridas na região a fim de verificar quais as influências do sentimento religioso e das disposições eclesiásticas no projeto desses exemplares e identificar na tipologia das formas simbólicas da construção a presença ou não de padronização entre elas.
Williams, Howard, G.W.F.Hegel (1770-1831): Cyfundrefn, Ysbryd a Hanes (University of Wales Press, 2005), pp.30-48