992 resultados para 171-1049C


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Ocean anoxic events were periods of high carbon burial that led to drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide, lowering of bottom-water oxygen concentrations and, in many cases, significant biological extinction (Arthur et al., 1990; Erbacher et al., 1996, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1996)024<0499:EPORAO>2.3.CO;2; Kuypers et al., 1999, doi:10.1038/20659; Jenkyns, 1997; Hochuli et al., 1999, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1999)027<0657:EOHPAC>2.3.CO;2). Most ocean anoxic events are thought to be caused by high productivity and export of carbon from surface waters which is then preserved in organic-rich sediments, known as black shales. But the factors that triggered some of these events remain uncertain. Here we present stable isotope data from a mid-Cretaceous ocean anoxic event that occurred 112 Myr ago, and that point to increased thermohaline stratification as the probable cause. Ocean anoxic event 1b is associated with an increase in surface-water temperatures and runoff that led to decreased bottom-water formation and elevated carbon burial in the restricted basins of the western Tethys and North Atlantic. This event is in many ways similar to that which led to the more recent Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean sapropels, but the greater geographical extent and longer duration (~46 kyr) of ocean anoxic event 1b suggest that processes leading to such ocean anoxic events in the North Atlantic and western Tethys were able to act over a much larger region, and sequester far more carbon, than any of the Quaternary sapropels.


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Differences in regional responses to climate fluctuations are well documented on short time scales (e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation), but with the exception of latitudinal temperature gradients, regional patterns are seldom considered in discussions of ancient greenhouse climates. Contrary to the expectation of global warming or global cooling implicit in most treatments of climate evolution over millions of years, this paper shows that the North Atlantic warmed by as much as 6°C (1.5% decrease in d18O values of planktic foraminifera) during the Maastrichtian global cooling interval. We suggest that warming was the result of the importation of heat from the South Atlantic. Decreasing North Atlantic d18O values are also associated with increasing gradients in planktic d13C values, suggesting increasing surface-water stratification and a correlated strengthening of the North Atlantic Polar Front. If correct, this conclusion predicts arctic cooling during the late Maastrichtian. Beyond implications for the Maastrichtian, these data demonstrate that climate does not behave as if there is a simple global thermostat, even on geologic time scales.


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Sediments recovered at lower bathyal ODP Site 1049 on Blake Nose (Northwestern Atlantic) offer an opportunity to study environmental changes at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary relatively close to the Chicxulub impact structure on the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. In Hole 1049C, the boundary is located at the base of a 9-cm-thick layer with abundant spherules, considered to be impact ejecta. Uppermost Maastrichtian oozes below, and lowermost Danian pelagic oozes above the spherulebed contain well-preserved bathyal benthic foraminifera. The spherule-bed itself, in contrast, contains a mixture of shallow (neritic) and deeper (bathyal) species, and specimens vary strongly in preservation. This assemblage was probably formed by reworking and down-slope transport triggered by the K/P impact. Across the spherule-bed (i.e., the K/P boundary) only ~7% of benthic foraminiferal species became extinct, similar to the low extinction rates of benthic foraminifera worldwide. Quantitative analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and morphogroups in the >63-µm size fraction indicates a relatively eutrophic, stable environment during the latest Maastrichtian, interrupted by a sudden decrease in the food supply to the benthos at the K/P boundary and a decrease in diversity of the faunas, followed by a stepped recovery during the earliest Danian. The recovery was probably linked to the gradual recovery of surface-dwelling primary producers.


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Inorganic geochemistry and mineralogy of Core 171B-1049C-8X, containing a Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary section, was investigated by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The ages of samples analyzed stretched from the latest Maastrichtian into the Danian. XRD measurements were made using the peak height method. A reduction in low-magnesium calcite and an increase in quartz were found above the spherule layer. Substantial amounts of dolomite were noted just above the spherule layer. XRF analyses were performed using the RHSMALL program to measure the abundance of major and minor elements. Replicate analyses for each technique were performed to assess the precision of the results. The section above the spherule bed was found to be characterized by peaks in many elements, including Si, Al, Fe, and Mg, as well as the following elemental ratios: Fe/Al, Ni/Al, Zr/Rb, and Rb/Sr'. Above the spherule bed, there were significant reductions in Ca, Sr/Ca, Ti/Al, K/Al, Rb/Al, Cr/Al, Ba/Al, biogenic Ba, and excess P.


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A long-standing question in Paleogene climate concerns the frequency and mechanism of transient greenhouse gas-driven climate shifts (hyperthermals). The discovery of the greenhouse gas-driven Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ~55 Ma) has spawned a search for analogous events in other parts of the Paleogene record. On the basis of high-resolution bulk sediment and foraminiferal stable isotope analyses performed on three lower Danian sections of the Atlantic Ocean, we report the discovery of a possible greenhouse gas-driven climatic event in the earliest Paleogene. This event - that we term the Dan-C2 event - is characterized by a conspicuous double negative excursion in delta13C and delta18O, associated with a double spike in increased clay content and decreased carbonate content. This suggests a double period of transient greenhouse gas-driven warming and dissolution of carbonates on the seafloor analogous to the PETMin the early Paleocene at ~65.2 Ma. However, the shape of the two negative carbon isotope excursions that make up the Dan-C2 event is different from the PETM carbon isotope profile. In the Dan-C2 event, these excursions are fairly symmetrical and each persisted for about ~40 ky and are separated by a short plateau that brings the combined duration to ~100 ky, suggesting a possible orbital control on the event. Because of the absence of a long recovery phase, we interpret the Dan-C2 event to have been associated with a redistribution of carbon that was already in the biosphere. The Dan-C2 event and other early Paleogene hyperthermals such as the short-lived early Eocene ELMO eventmay reflect amplification of a regular cycle in the size and productivity of the marine biosphere and the balance between burial of organic and carbonate carbon.