948 resultados para 160202 Correctional Theory Offender Treatment and Rehabilitation


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Realistic estimates of short- and long-term (strategic) budgets for maintenance and rehabilitation of road assessment management should consider the stochastic characteristics of asset conditions of the road networks so that the overall variability of road asset data conditions is taken into account. The probability theory has been used for assessing life-cycle costs for bridge infrastructures by Kong and Frangopol (2003), Zayed et.al. (2002), Kong and Frangopol (2003), Liu and Frangopol (2004), Noortwijk and Frangopol (2004), Novick (1993). Salem 2003 cited the importance of the collection and analysis of existing data on total costs for all life-cycle phases of existing infrastructure, including bridges, road etc., and the use of realistic methods for calculating the probable useful life of these infrastructures (Salem et. al. 2003). Zayed et. al. (2002) reported conflicting results in life-cycle cost analysis using deterministic and stochastic methods. Frangopol et. al. 2001 suggested that additional research was required to develop better life-cycle models and tools to quantify risks, and benefits associated with infrastructures. It is evident from the review of the literature that there is very limited information on the methodology that uses the stochastic characteristics of asset condition data for assessing budgets/costs for road maintenance and rehabilitation (Abaza 2002, Salem et. al. 2003, Zhao, et. al. 2004). Due to this limited information in the research literature, this report will describe and summarise the methodologies presented by each publication and also suggest a methodology for the current research project funded under the Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation CRC CI project no 2003-029-C.


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This article examines Finnis' and Keown's claim that the intention/foresight distinction should be used as the basis for the lawfulness of withholding and withdrawing medical treatment, rather than the act/omission distinction which is currently used. I argue that whilst the intention/foresight distinction is sound and can apply to palliative pain relief hastening death, it cannot be applied to withholding and withdrawing medical treatment. Instead, the act/omission distinction remains the better basis for the lawfulness of withholding and withdrawal, and law reform is consequently unnecessary.


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Austroads called for responses to a tender to investigate options for rehabilitation in alcohol interlock programs. Following successful application by the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS‐Q), a program of work was developed. The project has four objectives: 1. Develop a matrix outlining existing policies in national and international jurisdictions with respect to treatment and rehabilitation programs and criteria for eligibility for interlock removal; 2. Critically review the available literature with a focus on evaluation outcomes regarding the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation programs; 3. Analyse and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the programs/approaches identified; and, 4. Outline options with an evidence base for consideration by licensing authorities...


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Aims: to study the gambling history and stories of participants, motivations, impact and helpseeking. Method: Details were advertised on websites and newspapers. 30 frequent gamblers were interviewed over the telephone for approximately one hour. Verbatim transcriptions were analysed using NVIVO and grounded theory. Results/conclusions: Not all women had gambled before. However, internet accessibility meant prolonged periods were spent gambling to the neglect of other life areas. Some were originally motivated by excitement but others gambled to escape from current difficulties. Depression, anxiety, panic attacks and suicide ideation were common. The women were ambivalent towards their gambling and receiving help.


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Service user forums have the potential for improving awareness of services, empowering service users and strengthening community partnerships within an inclusive treatment and rehabilitation framework. The research aimed to investigate perspectives about service user involvement in order to inform the development of effective service user forum(s) in west Ireland. A total of 30 interviews with key service providers and 12 interviews with service users were conducted, with interview questions focusing on: (1) awareness of the Service User Support Team and (2) barriers to service user involvement and the development of service user forums in the region. An integrated data collection and thematic analysis was undertaken. Current levels of service user involvement were low, restricted by one-way communication and appeared grounded in user-provider power differentials and stigma relating to drug dependency. Service providers queried the actual terms of reference, capacity and training that would be needed for service user forums to advocate and lobby for service users. The use of existing support groups, creation of internet user forums and rotation of rural meetings were recommended to promote engagement among service users. The research underscores the need for transparency, resources and a framework for good practice that reflects a participatory approach

Read More: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/09687637.2012.671860


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L’arthrite est l’une des causes principales de douleur et d’incapacité auprès de la population canadienne. Les gens atteints d’arthrite rhumatoïde (AR) devraient être évalués par un rhumatologue moins de trois mois suivant l’apparition des premiers symptômes et ce afin de débuter un traitement médical approprié qui leur sera bénéfique. La physiothérapie et l’ergothérapie s’avèrent bénéfiques pour les patients atteints d’ostéoarthrite (OA) et d’AR, et aident à réduire l’incapacité. Notre étude a pour but d’évaluer les délais d’attente afin d’obtenir un rendez-vous pour une consultation en rhumatologie et en réadaptation dans le système de santé public québécois, et d’explorer les facteurs associés. Notre étude est de type observationnel et transversal et s’intéresse à la province de Québec. Un comité d’experts a élaboré trois scénarios pour les consultations en rhumatologie : AR présumée, AR possible, et OA présumée ; ainsi que deux scénarios pour les consultations en réadaptation : AR diagnostiquée, OA diagnostiquée. Les délais d’attente ont été mesurés entre le moment de la requête initiale et la date de rendez-vous fixée. L’analyse statistique consiste en une analyse descriptive de même qu’une analyse déductive, à l’aide de régression logistique et de comparaison bivariée. Parmi les 71 bureaux de rhumatologie contactés, et pour tous les scénarios combinés, 34% ont donné un rendez-vous en moins de trois mois, 32% avaient une attente de plus de trois mois et 34% ont refusé de fixer un rendez-vous. La probabilité d’obtenir une évaluation en rhumatologie en moins de trois mois est 13 fois plus grande pour les cas d’AR présumée par rapport aux cas d’OA présumée (OR=13; 95% Cl [1.70;99.38]). Cependant, 59% des cas d’AR présumés n’ont pas obtenu rendez-vous en moins de trois mois. Cent centres offrant des services publics en réadaptation ont été contactés. Pour tous les scénarios combinés, 13% des centres ont donné un rendez-vous en moins de 6 mois, 13% entre 6 et 12 mois, 24% avaient une attente de plus de 12 mois et 22% ont refusé de fixer un rendez-vous. Les autres 28% restant requéraient les détails d’une évaluation relative à l’état fonctionnel du patient avant de donner un rendez-vous. Par rapport aux services de réadaptation, il n’y avait aucune différence entre les délais d’attente pour les cas d’AR ou d’OA. L’AR est priorisée par rapport à l’OA lorsque vient le temps d’obtenir un rendez-vous chez un rhumatologue. Cependant, la majorité des gens atteints d’AR ne reçoivent pas les services de rhumatologie ou de réadaptation, soit physiothérapie ou ergothérapie, dans les délais prescrits. De meilleures méthodes de triage et davantage de ressources sont nécessaires.


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Low engagement and non-completion of therapeutic interventions are important issues in the treatment and rehabilitation of offenders and mentally disordered offenders. Such factors influence a range of outcomes, including the reduction of clinical and criminogenic needs. In this paper it is proposed that low engagement and non-completion are usefully viewed as a consequence of low readiness for treatment. The dimensions of readiness are summarized (from the Multifactor Offender Readiness Model) and applied to high risk offenders with severe personality disorders. A readiness analysis has implications for the assessment and treatment of this patient/offender population and is useful in identifying future research and clinical priorities.


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In this article we draw from desistance research and a strength-based rehabilitation theory, the Good Lives Model (GLM), to present a richer way of intervening with sex offenders. First, we define the concept of desistance and outline some of the major research findings concerning the factors that help offenders to cease offending. Second we briefly describe current best practice sex offender treatment and discuss its efficacy. Third, we explore the relationship between desistance research and the GLM, arguing that the GLM provides a useful conduit for desistance ideas into sex offender treatment programs. Fourth, we briefly consider the treatment implications of an integrated desistance-GLM approach.


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This thesis regards the study and the development of new cognitive assessment and rehabilitation techniques of subjects with traumatic brain injury (TBI). In particular, this thesis i) provides an overview about the state of art of this new assessment and rehabilitation technologies, ii) suggests new methods for the assessment and rehabilitation and iii) contributes to the explanation of the neurophysiological mechanism that is involved in a rehabilitation treatment. Some chapters provide useful information to contextualize TBI and its outcome; they describe the methods used for its assessment/rehabilitation. The other chapters illustrate a series of experimental studies conducted in healthy subjects and TBI patients that suggest new approaches to assessment and rehabilitation. The new proposed approaches have in common the use of electroencefalografy (EEG). EEG was used in all the experimental studies with a different purpose, such as diagnostic tool, signal to command a BCI-system, outcome measure to evaluate the effects of a treatment, etc. The main achieved results are about: i) the study and the development of a system for the communication with patients with disorders of consciousness. It was possible to identify a paradigm of reliable activation during two imagery task using EEG signal or EEG and NIRS signal; ii) the study of the effects of a neuromodulation technique (tDCS) on EEG pattern. This topic is of great importance and interest. The emerged founding showed that the tDCS can manipulate the cortical network activity and through the research of optimal stimulation parameters, it is possible move the working point of a neural network and bring it in a condition of maximum learning. In this way could be possible improved the performance of a BCI system or to improve the efficacy of a rehabilitation treatment, like neurofeedback.


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Shoulder complaints and functional impairment are common sequelae of neck dissection. This is often attributed to injury of the spinal accessory nerve by dissection or direct trauma. Nevertheless, shoulder morbidity may also occur in cases in which the spinal accessory nerve has been preserved. In this article, the physiology and pathophysiology of the shoulder are discussed, followed by a consideration of the impact of neck dissection on shoulder complaints, functional impairment, and quality of life. Finally, rehabilitation will be considered. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck, 2010.


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In this chapter we present our experience with treatment of zone 2 flexor tendon repair using a six-strand repair technique combined with postoperative place-and-hold exercise. The six-strand Lim/Tsai repair technique combined with place-and-hold exercises demonstrated better digital function compared to a two-strand repair without place-and-hold exercises. Range of motion in the Lim/Tsai repair group appeared to be increased without a higher rate of ruptures but with a shorter rehabilitation period. The fact that the two groups differed in both suture techniques and rehabilitation programs made it impossible to know whether the better results in the group of Lim/Tsai were due to the six-strand repair or the place-and-hold exercises or both. Despite the obvious benefit of early active mobilization, an active motion protocol may not always be possible to apply in a substantial number of patients due to concomitant injuries, the quality of the surgical repair or patient factors (swelling, pain, limited compliance). Since August 2006 a staged rehabilitation program (“stop and go”) was introduced within our unit using early active controlled flexion (green), place-and-hold (yellow), or passive flexion exercises (red) introduced by Kleinert-Duran. Our experience using the six-strand suture repair technique and “stop and go” is outlined.


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The purpose of this study, based on secondary data from attendees at a substance abuse clinic for the Kickapoo Healing Grounds in Eagle Pass, Texas, is two fold: (1) to elucidate neuro-behavioral performance of volatile substance abusers in the Kickapoo tribe and (2) to determine factors associated with their treatment completion and rehabilitation as measured by their employment at follow-up. Volatile substance abuse (VSA) is associated with a host of neurological manifestations, and secondary prevention or clinical treatment and rehabilitation remains the mainstay of control efforts. Very little is known about VSA in general, and especially among Native American populations. It is anticipated that the results will help determine and assist other tribes and non-tribal substance abuse centers with treatment planning for volatile substance abusers among Native American populations. ^


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This qualitative investigation primarily employing a phenomenological perspective and psychoanalytic interview approach intends to provide contextual understanding of group dynamics in sex offender treatment involving individuals with strong features of personality disorders or Axis II psychopathology according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (4 ed., text rev.; DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Of note, this study particularly focuses on the cluster B type (Narcissistic, Borderline, Histrionic, and Antisocial Personality Disorders), based on the assumption that this type is more interpersonally operational in its nature. The present study is based on semi-structured interviews of three clinicians who arecurrently providing group treatment for sex offenders. The interview was designed to elicit the participants' clinical observations of group dynamics involving group members with features of the Axis II, Cluster B type. In this study, 11 therapeutic factors postulated by Yalom (2005) were utilized to qualitatively investigate group dynamics. Analyses of qualitative data highlighted how group members with features of the Axis II, Cluster B type may distinctively affect group dynamics. Based on the results, group members with Axis II diagnoses, as reported bythe therapists who responded to this study, were observed to present with altruistic behaviors in group. In addition, motivation appeared to be one of the most influential factors in promoting and maintaining therapeutic group behaviors. Group members with antisocial features appeared to present with low motivation for treatment, and individualswith a pervasive history of criminal institutionalization seemed more prone to disengagement in group. Individuals with borderline and histrionic traits seemed to be interpersonally oriented and affectively engaged in group process. Persons with a narcissistic tendency also appeared to be interpersonally invested and showed altruistic behaviors, yet the importance of confirming their superiority seemed to outweigh the need for acceptance or approval from other group members. As briefly discussed above, the qualitative analyses of the current data showed that individuals with Axis II disorders, Cluster B type uniquely affect group dynamics, which suggest clinical considerations foreffective treatment planning, maintenance, and outcomes.