994 resultados para 148-896A
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812. Issue for July 12, 1813 includes an account of the capture of the Chesapeake, report of explosion of the schooner Eagle off New London, report Com. Hardy had detained a smack, was determined to destroy all smacks and other small craft he found, reports of recent events at Malden, Fort George, head of the Lake, Sacketts Harbour, two reports of attack on Hampton, report of British attack near point of Nansemond River/Craney Island, second report of battle on/near Craney Island, additional report of attack at Hampton, marine news from Baltimore, report that sickness rampant throughout Army, many deaths reported, report that British were fortifying Brownstown, but deserters from British believe Michigan could be retaken by 3000 troops, report Gen. Boyd remained at Fort George to supervise repair of fortifications, report British reinforced from Kingston in Niagara and in Malden, report Gen. Hampton arrived at Albany on way to Burlington, report Gen. Parker left Albany, headed to Burlington, report of 400 men marching from Greenbush to the frontier, report of battles at Stoney Creek, 40 Mile Creek, report that Gen. Boyd lost an action with British in which 8 to 10 hundred men killed and taken from Americans, reports British had captured stores at Black Rock, Sodus, and Oswego, report of British victory in a battle 5 miles from Queenston, troop strength under Dearborn in Niagara reported between 2 and 3 thousand, additional reports of Battle of Beaverdams, reports Dearborn had resumed command, after lengthy illness, Gen. Boyd remained at Fort George, reports natives had been sieging Fort Wayne.
from Thos. Bartlett's anthology
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes técnicas de redução de umidade sobre a composição química, digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) e degradação ruminal da matéria seca da silagem de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) cv. Taiwan A-148. Os tratamentos (A, Controle; B, 20,0; C, 30,0; D, 40,0% de sabugo de milho; E, emurchecimento por 12 horas; F, emurchecimento por 24 horas; e G, esmagamento + emurchecimento por 24 horas) foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições. Os tratamentos da silagem B e E não foram eficientes em reduzir a umidade excessiva da forragem. O emurchecimento por 24 horas aumentou o teor de MS, sem influir no teor de PB e na DIVMS. Os tratamentos C e D favoreceram o desenvolvimento da população de clostrídeos, aumentaram a concentração de N-NH3 e reduziram a concentração de ácido lático e a DIVMS das silagens. O tratamento G aumentou o teor de MS e reduziu a concentração de N-NH3 e DIVMS. A adiçao de sabugo de milho (tratamentos B, C e D) reduziu a degradação ruminal da MS das silagens. O sabugo de milho reduziu a umidade, mas apresentou efeitos negativos na qualidade da silagem, enquanto o esmagamento e/ou emurchecimento foram procedimentos que mostraram bons resultados em relação à conservação do material ensilado.
Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), was cut after nine weeks of regrowth and mixed with 10, 20, 30 and 40% of sugar cane bagasse (SCB) with the objective of reducing the moisture content of the ensiled mass. Willing of the grass for eight and twelve hours was used as a comparative treatment. Initial dry matter of the grass (13%) increased in the forage mass to 17, 23, 24 and 27% by the addition of 10, 20, 30 and 40% of the SCB respectively. Wilting for eight and twelve hours increased initial dry matter to 18 and 24% respectively. Buffering capacity of elephant grass was reduced by the addition of 40% of SCB. Clostridium spores in the ensiled mass tended to be lower due to the effect of the two pre-treatments. Initial dry matter and number of spores of Clostridium were negatively correlated although without statistic significance. The addition of SCB reduced (P < 0.0.5) soluble carbohydrates and crude protein percentages in the ensiled mass. It was concluded that wilting is more effective than the addition of SCB in the practice of ensiling elephant grass.