702 resultados para 1388


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Land surface temperature (LST) is an important variable in climate, hydrologic, ecological, biophysical and biochemical studies (Mildrexler et al., 2011). The most effective way to obtain LST measurements is through satellites. Presently, LST from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor is applied in various fields due to its high spatial and temporal availability over the globe, but quite difficult to provide observations in cloudy conditions. This study evolves of prediction of LST under clear and cloudy conditions using microwave vegetation indices (MVIs), elevation, latitude, longitude and Julian day as inputs employing an artificial neural network (ANN) model. MVIs can be obtained even under cloudy condition, since microwave radiation has an ability to penetrate through clouds. In this study LST and MVIs data of the year 2010 for the Cauvery basin on a daily basis were obtained from MODIS and advanced microwave scanning radiometer (AMSR-E) sensors of aqua satellite respectively. Separate ANN models were trained and tested for the grid cells for which both LST and MVI were available. The performance of the models was evaluated based on standard evaluation measures. The best performing model was used to predict LST where MVIs were available. Results revealed that predictions of LST using ANN are in good agreement with the observed values. The ANN approach presented in this study promises to be useful for predicting LST using satellite observations even in cloudy conditions. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this article, an abstract framework for the error analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods for control constrained optimal control problems is developed. The analysis establishes the best approximation result from a priori analysis point of view and delivers a reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimator. The results are applicable to a variety of problems just under the minimal regularity possessed by the well-posedness of the problem. Subsequently, the applications of C-0 interior penalty methods for a boundary control problem as well as a distributed control problem governed by the biharmonic equation subject to simply supported boundary conditions are discussed through the abstract analysis. Numerical experiments illustrate the theoretical findings.


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El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en 64 fincas seleccionadas al azar ubicadas en 15 comarcas con el objetivo de realizar una caracterización de los sistemas de producción bovina de doble prepósito en el municipio de San Pedro de Lóvago, Chontales. El estudio se desarrolló en cuatro fases: Realización de la encuesta a los productores, elaboración de la base de datos, el análisis estadístico y redacción de resultados utilizando los programas computarizados Excel, Access y Word. Se realizó una caracterización general de las fincas y se analizaron siete componentes obteniendo los siguientes resultados: Características generales de las fincas: El 85.93% de los productores poseen fincas con extensiones menores de 100mz, dedicadas más del 90% de su superficie a la actividad ganadera; el total de ganado perteneciente a los productores consultados es de 4775 cabezas lo que representa aproximadamente el 10% del total de cabezas de este municipio; el 81.75% poseen únicamente corrales de alambre de púas; el 62.5% de las fincas consultadas tienen principalmente ríos y quebradas como fuente de abastecimiento de agua para el ganado; sólo el 34.37% de las fincas se benefician de la asistencia técnica brindada a los productores por parte de las cooperativas; el 92% de los productores consultados obtienen el mayor ingreso de sus fincas a través de la venta de leche. Caracterización del manejo del ganado: el 58.81% de los productores consultados se dedican a la explotación de doble propósito; la producción de leche promedio por vaca/día es de 3.4l; el 65% de los productores llevan registros de su ganado aunque solo registran un tipo de evento, ya sea de nacimiento, pesaje de leche o reproductivo; el 85.94% de estos productores realizan trashumancia de todo el ganado, cuya actividad la desarrollan mayormente en el mes de enero. Caracterización del manejo de la sanidad animal: Ninguno de los productores consultados posee y cumplen con un calendario zoosanitario completo en sus fincas. Caracterización del manejo reproductivo: Se caracteriza por la poca atención reproductiva a las vacas, y en casos necesarios la realiza el mismo productor; los problemas reproductivos lo representan en su mayoría la retención de placenta con un 43.75%. Manejo genético y razas de interés para el mejoramiento: Las razas predominantes en los hatos son las de origen cebuino , las que representan el 57.81% del hato; entre los sementales utilizados el 56.26% pertenecen a las razas Pardo Suizo y Holstein; en la actualidad solamente el 4.68% de los productores están utilizan do la técnica de inseminación artificial, para llevar a cabo el mejoramiento genético del ganado. Caracterización del manejo de la alimentación del ganado: La alimentación del ganado es a base de pasturas en su mayoría naturales; el 51.56% de las fincas están divididas ente 6-10 potreros; El 75% de los productores suministran sales minerales a su ganado. Comercialización de la leche y carne: El 89.06% de los productores comercializan su leche a través de las cooperativas, la mayoría de los productores realizan sus transacciones comerciales de ganado en pie (novillos y vacas de descarte) a través de intermediarios.


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We report on a quantum dot sensitized solar cell (QDSSC) based on ZnO nanorod coated vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTs). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy shows that the electron lifetime for the device based on VACNT/ZnO/CdSe is longer than that for a device based on ZnO/CdSe, indicating that the charge recombination at the interface is reduced by the presence of the VACNTs. Due to the increased surface area and longer electron lifetime, a power conversion efficiency of 1.46% is achieved for the VACNT/ZnO/CdSe devices under an illumination of one Sun (AM 1.5G, 100 mW/cm2). © 2010 Elsevier B.V.


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采用有机/无机混合溶胶-凝胶法制作条形光波导,并将条波导接入光纤Sagnac 环中,测量了输出光功率随环境气氛中乙醇蒸气体积分数变化的特性,表明在实验研究的范围内,输出信号与乙醇蒸气体积分数呈正弦变化。根据Sagnac环结构输出特性的基本关系,反映了溶胶-凝胶条波导在乙醇蒸气气氛下产生了双折射效应。观察到双折射相移与乙醇体积分数的亚线性关系。对实验数据拟合,计算了偏振相移的线性项和二次项系数,得到所制备的条波导的双折射对乙醇体积分数的响应为Δn≈4.4×10-2。测量了信号变化的时间演变特性,典型的上升和


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Este trabajo estudia los orígenes y el desarrollo de la política de inclusión activa a través del empleo como estrategia de lucha contra la pobreza y la exclusión social. Se indican las otras políticas que, en el marco de la Unión Europea, dificultan o impiden la consecución de los objetivos de la política de inclusión, entre ellas la versión puramente flexibilizadora de la flexiseguridad y las ambigüedades y varias alternativas que plantean las políticas de activación. Se expone la relación de la política de inclusión con las prestaciones económicas de garantía de rentas, con especial detalle al caso de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco y a las nuevas condiciones provenientes de las políticas de recorte del gasto público social impulsadas por las instituciones estatales, comunitarias e internacionales.


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This research investigates the quality of sonbolrood river by using Hylsenhof HFBI indicators and identified Macroinvertebrates invertebrates community in the family level. This study took place during 1388-1389 with four sampling season in four stations respectively in the forests of Kalyj kheyl village in Savadkuh (first station), industrial area of Islamabad (second Station), earth dam of Sonbolrood (third station) and the Place crosses Sonbolrood with Babolrood river (fourth Station). Macroinvertebrates invertebrates collected by quantitative sampler of Sorbr and they were isolated in laboratory by loop and they were identified in the family level. Generally, Macroinvertebrates of Sonbolrood river were formed three branches: Arthropods and flat worms and mollusks, including 3 tiers, 6 orders and 14 families that showed the maximum diversity and density in autumn and the least diversity and density in summer at all stations, also the third and fourth stations respectively were highest and lowest diversity and density. The water quality of Sonbolrood river based on the water quality Guide(Hylsenhof) is evaluated with excellent condition for all stations except third station. Sonbolrood river with having high slope, rocky and sandy bed, with self-refining act, completely is a proper ecosystem for aquatic organisms, but it is done due to increased organic matter and sewage factory located in industrial zone in the third station and then the increased water pollution caused by nurturing the water warm fish in the earth dam of Sonbolrood. (because of this, the water quality at third station based on the water quality Guide(Hylsenhof) are evaluated in a fairly good condition) and adding domestic sewages of adjacent villages like Seyedkola village and Shirdarkola caused increased pollution and increased trophy of Macroinvertebrates that are resistant to pollution and affect upon Macroinvertebrates community.


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Two separate experiments using the Differential Decay Curve Method have been performed to extract mean lifetimes of excited states in 106Cd. The medium-spin states of interest were populated by the 98Mo( 12C, 4n) 106Cd reaction performed at the Wright Nuclear Structure Lab., Yale University. From this experiment, two isomeric state mean lifetimes have been deduced. The low-lying states were populated by the 96Mo(13C, 3n)106Cd reaction performed at the Institut für Kernphysik, Universität zu Köln. The mean lifetime of the Iπ = 21 + state was deduced, tentatively, as 16.4(9) ps. This value differs from the previously accepted literature value from Coulomb excitation of 10.43(9) ps.


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采用PCR扩增的方法对9株鱼源嗜水气单胞菌AEROM ONAS HYDROPHILA中的气溶素基因(AERA)、溶血素基因(HLYA)和丝氨酸蛋白酶基因(AHPA)进行了扩增。结果表明,6/9的A.HYDROPHILA中存在AERA基因,8/9的A.HYDROPHILA中存在HLYA基因,而在7/9的A.HYDROPHILA中检测到AHPA基因。通过比较基因检测的结果与嗜水气单胞菌对鲫鱼的致病性,发现AHPA阴性菌株是无毒株,强毒株都呈AERA+HLYA+AHPA+基因型。AERA+HLYA+AHPA+基