349 resultados para 1299
The frequency characteristics of a VCSEL with a quarter-wave plate (QWP) and an external reflector are investigated with the translation matrix of the vectorial field. Two series of eigenmode with a shift of half the free spectrum range are linearly polarized, respectively, along the neutral axes of QWP. We also numerically explore the polarization self-modulation phenomenon by using a vectorial laser equation and considering the inhomogeneous broadening of the gain medium. If the external cavity is so short that the shift is bigger than the homogeneous broadening, two stable longitudinal modes oscillate, respectively, on the neutral axes of QWP because they consume different carriers. With a long external cavity, the competition of the modes for the common carriers causes the intensity fluctuation of the modes with a period of one round-trip time of the external cavity.
El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en la Empresa Agrosilvopecuaria González, S.A., ubicada a la altura del Km. 49 Carretera hacia Masachapa, desviándose unos 11 Km. hacia el Oeste. La propiedad se localiza a 11° 54" 24" Latitud Norte y 86° 36" 48" Longitud Oeste a 20 m.s.n.m. Municipio de Villa el Carmen, Departamento de Managua, Nicaragua. La zona presenta un clima Tropical seco. Se realizó con el 1 objetivo de Determinar la prevalencia e intensidad de invasión de parásitos gastrointestinales en las distintas épocas del año en la raza Pelibuey. Se muestrearon en total, 100 animales Distribuyendo 50 animales en la época de lluvia y 50 animales en la época de seca, haciéndose dos muestreo por cada época. De los 100 animales examinados en las dos épocas del año se identificaron un total de 4 especies de helmintos gastrointestinales; de los cuales 1 es de la Clase Protozoo y 3 de la Clase Nemátoda. Los parásitos gastrointestinales encontrados en la época de lluvia fueron de nemátodes: Strongyloides, el protozoario Coccidia. En la época de seca se repiten los Strongyloides y Coccidíos y se presentan los Trichostrongylus y Strongylatas. La prevalencia de los parásitos gastrointestinales encontrados fueron los siguientes: para la época de lluvia y seca, los nematodos Strongyloides (25 % época de lluvia y 20 % época de seca), Strongylata (0% época de lluvia y 4.17% época de seca) y Trichostrongylus (0% época de lluvia y 50% época de seca). Para el protozoario Coccidia (33.33% época de lluvia y 37.50% época de seca). Se encontró diferencia altamente significativa para (p<0.05) para el nematodo Trichostrongylus (0% época de lluvia y 50% época de seca), siendo la época seca la de mayor presentación, no sucediendo para los otros parásitos gastrointestinales. En el conteo de los helmintos según su clasificación taxonómica, se encontró en la época de lluvia una media por animal de 19.8, en la época de seca una media de 114.87 presentándose las enfermedades parasitarias más frecuentes en la época de seca. Se encontró diferencia significativa para t- student (p<0.05) para Coccidia 89.9 y para Trychostrongilus 316.7 siendo la época seca la de mayor presentación de estos parásitos.
In virtue of reference Cartesian coordinates, geometrical relations of spatial curved structure are presented in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. Dynamic equations for helical girder are derived by Hamilton principle. These equations indicate that four generalized displacements are coupled with each other. When spatial structure degenerates into planar curvilinear structure, two generalized displacements in two perpendicular planes are coupled with each other. Dynamic equations for arbitrary curvilinear structure may be obtained by the method used in this paper.
The statistical-mechanics theory of the passive scalar field convected by turbulence, developed in an earlier paper [Phys. Fluids 28, 1299 (1985)], is extended to the case of a small molecular Prandtl number. The set of governing integral equations is solved by the equation-error method. The resultant scalar-variance spectrum for the inertial range is F(k)~x−5/3/[1+1.21x1.67(1+0.353x2.32)], where x is the wavenumber scaled by Corrsin's dissipation wavenumber. This result reduces to the − (5)/(3) law in the inertial-convective range. It also approximately reduces to the − (17)/(3) law in the inertial-diffusive range, but the proportionality constant differs from Batchelor's by a factor of 3.6.
Classical statistical mechanics is applied to the study of a passive scalar field convected by isotropic turbulence. A complete set of independent real parameters and dynamic equations are worked out to describe the dynamic state of the passive scalar field. The corresponding Liouville equation is solved by a perturbation method based upon a Langevin–Fokker–Planck model. The closure problem is treated by a variational approach reported in earlier papers. Two integral equations are obtained for two unknown functions: the scalar variance spectrum F(k) and the effective damping coefficient (k). The appearance of the energy spectrum of the velocity field in the two integral equations represents the coupling of the scalar field with the velocity field. As an application of the theory, the two integral equations are solved to derive the inertial-convective-range spectrum, obtaining F(k)=0.61 −1/3 k−5/3. Here is the dissipation rate of the scalar variance and is the dissipation rate of the energy of the velocity field. This theoretical value of the scalar Kolmogorov constant, 0.61, is in good agreement with experiments.
Leonard Carpenter Panama Canal Collection. Photographs: Views of Panama and the Canal. [Box 1] from the Special Collections & Area Studies Department, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida. Booklet dedication: Published under the direction of a committee appointed by Brigadier General Clarence S. Ridley, Governor of The Panama Canal, to arrange suitable ceremonies, as authorized in Public Resolution No.5, 76th Congress, approved March 28, 1939, to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the Panama Canal to commerce. Prepared by Rufus Hardy, Executive Department, The Panama Canal. (120 page document)
Under the circumstance of a Gaussian control field, the cold atomic medium with electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) turns out to be the special medium with the quadratic index distribution which is controllable online. In our study, the optical system occupies a portion of the EIT medium which acts as an imaging device. With the help of the Collins formula, the analytic expression for the spatial distribution of the probe field in the cold atomic medium is obtained as well as the location of the imaging. The methods for improving the visibility of the imaging are proposed in this paper. Moreover, we also show that the shapes of the images on the output are strongly influenced by the intensity of the control field, which provides a potential optical processing method.
We described a highly efficient polarizing beam splitter (PBS) of a deep-etched binary-phase fused-silica grating, where TE- and TM-polarized waves are mainly diffracted in the -1st and 0th orders, respectively. Tb achieve a high extinction ratio and diffraction efficiency, the grating depth and period are optimized by using rigorous coupled-wave analysis, which can be well explained based on the modal method with effective indices of the modes for TE/TM polarization. Holographic recording technology and inductively coupled plasma etching are employed to fabricate the fused-silica PBS grating. Experimental results of diffraction efficiencies approaching 80% for a TE-polarized wave in the -1st order and more than 85% for a TM-polarized wave in the 0th order were obtained at a wavelength of 1550 nm. Because of its compact structure and simple fabrication process, which is suitable for mass reproduction, a deep-etched fused-silica grating as a PBS should be a useful device for practical applications. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America
Age, growth, and reproductive data were obtained from dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus, size range: 89 to 1451 mm fork length [FL]) collected between May 2002 and May 2004 off North Carolina. Annual increments from scales (n=541) and daily increments from sagittal otoliths (n=107) were examined; estimated von Bertalanffy parameters were L∞ (asymptotic length)=1299 mm FL and k (growth coefficient)=1.08/yr. Daily growth increments reduced much of the residual error in length-at-age estimates for age-0 dolphinfish; the estimated average growth rate was 3.78 mm/day during the first six months. Size at 50% maturity was slightly smaller for female (460 mm FL) than male (475 mm FL) dolphinfish. Based on monthly length-adjusted gonad weights, peak spawning occurs from April through July off North Carolina; back-calculated hatching dates from age-0 dolphinfish and prior reproductive studies on the east coast of Florida indicate that dolphinfish spawning occurs year round off the U.S. east coast and highest levels range from January through June. No major changes in length-at-age or size-at-maturity have occurred since the early 1960s, even after substantial increases in fishery landings.
毛乌素沙地与浑善达克沙地为我国著名的沙地。本文以毛乌素沙地荒漠化防治中常用的飞播植被恢复技术为突破口,研究飞播采用的主要植物种种子萌发与幼苗出土对沙埋与水分的响应,以改善植被飞播恢复技术。近年来浑善达克沙地快速发展的荒漠化进程引起了人们的极大关注,本文应用统计方法对浑善达克沙地荒漠化成因进行了系统研究。 羊柴(Hedysarum leave Maxim.)、柠条(Caragana korshinskii Kom.)、籽蒿(Artimisia sphaerocephala Krasch)与油蒿(Artimisia ordosica Krasch.)为鄂尔多斯高原广泛分布的植物种,也是该地区飞播选用的主要植物种。通过温室实验,对四种植物萌发特性及出苗与水分和沙埋深度的关系进行研究,阐明了种子萌发的最适水分条件和沙埋深度。四种植物种子萌发与出苗最适宜的供水量都接近于当地生长季的平均降水量 (50mm/month);最适宜的沙埋深度为0.5cm-1cm, 羊柴、柠条、籽蒿和油蒿的沙埋深度分别为:0.5、1.0、0.5和0.5cm。过多的水分和过深的沙埋显著降低种子萌发与出苗,反映了四种植物对沙区环境的生态适应。基于实验结果及当地气候特点,建议将鄂尔多斯地区的飞播时间由6月初提前至5月中下旬,以提高飞播植物的出苗率。 近年来浑善达克沙地荒漠化的发展呈现加剧的趋势。通过对位于浑善达克沙地中心区正蓝旗的自然和社会因子变化趋势的研究寻求该区荒漠化发生发展的原因,应用数理统计方法对正蓝旗一些重要的气候及经济因子在近40年的变化过程进行了系统分析,发现过度放牧及人口的急剧增加是导致正蓝旗乃至浑善达克地区荒漠化加剧的主要原因。同时,温室效应造成的全球增温也是重要的诱因之一。基于上述分析,对浑善达克沙地的荒漠化防治工作提出了一些具体的建议和措施。