435 resultados para 1276


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The relationship between the structure and flammability of a number of polyphosphate esters has been examined. The conventional correlation of char residue with limiting oxygen index was found to be unproductive in these polymers, giving insight into the importance of gas-phase reactions in addition to condensed-phase reactions in determining their flammability. A novel approach was sought in understanding the structure-flammability relationships of these polymers relating thermal stability, phosphorus content and limiting oxygen index. An empirical relationship has been derived amongst these three parameters.


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Mechanical stirring of ammonia borane with CuCl2 in the solid state resulted in the release of hydrogen at room temperature through the intermediacy of [NH4](+)[BCl4](-).


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The structures of complexes of 1,3-diaminopropane With L- and DL-glutamic acid have been determined. L-Glutamic acid complex: C3H12N22+.2C5H8NO4-, M(r) = 368.4, orthorhombic. P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 5.199 (1), b = 16.832 (1). c = 20.076 (3) angstrom, V = 1756.6 (4) angstrom3, z = 4, D(x) = 1.39 g cm-3, lambda(Mo K-alpha) = 0.7107 angstrom, mu = 1.1 cm-1, F(000) = 792. T = 296 K, R = 0.044 for 1276 observed reflections. DL-Glutamic acid complex: C3H12N22+.2C5H8NO4-, M(r) = 368.4, orthorhombic, Pna2(1), a = 15.219(2), b = 5.169 (1), c 22.457 (4) angstrom, V = 1766.6 (5) angstrom3 Z = 4, D(x) = 1.38 g cm-3, lambda(Mo K-alpha) = 0.7107 angstrom, mu = 1.1 cm F(000) = 792, T = 296 K, R = 0.056 for 993 observed reflections. The conformation of diaminopropane is all-trans in the DL complex but trans-gauche in the L complex. The main packing feature in the L complex is the arrangement of diaminopropane around dimers of antiparallel L-glutamic acid molecules. The diaminopropane in the DL complex is sandwiched between two antiparallel glutamic acid molecules of the same chirality and this forms the basic packing unit. This might be the dominant form of interaction between L-glutamic acid and diaminopropane in solution. The structures reveal the adaptability of the polyamine backbone to different environments and the probable reasons for their choice as biological cations.


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Pyruvate conversion to acetyl-CoA by the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) multienzyme complex is known as a key node in affecting the metabolic fluxes of animal cell culture. However, its possible role in causing possible nonlinear dynamic behavior such as oscillations and multiplicity of animal cells has received little attention. In this work, the kinetic and dynamic behavior of PDH of eucaryotic cells has been analyzed by using both in vitro and simplified in vivo models. With the in vitro model the overall reaction rate (v(1)) of PDH is shown to be a nonlinear function of pyruvate concentration, leading to oscillations under certain conditions. All enzyme components affect v, and the nonlinearity of PDH significantly, the protein X and the core enzyme dihydrolipoamide acyltransferase (E2) being mostly predominant. By considering the synthesis rates of pyruvate and PDH components the in vitro model is expanded to emulate in vivo conditions. Analysis using the in vivo model reveals another interesting kinetic feature of the PDH system, namely, multiple steady states. Depending on the pyruvate and enzyme levels or the operation mode, either a steady state with high pyruvate decarboxylation rate or a steady state with significantly lower decarboxylation rate can be achieved under otherwise identical conditions. In general, the more efficient steady state is associated with a lower pyruvate concentration. A possible time delay in the substrate supply and enzyme synthesis can also affect the steady state to be achieved and lead's to oscillations under certain conditions. Overall, the predictions of multiplicity for the PDH system agree qualitatively well with recent experimental observations in animal cell cultures. The model analysis gives some hints for improving pyruavte metabolism in animal cell culture.


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Three new solution processable quinoxaline based donor-acceptor-donor (D-A-D) type molecules have been synthesized for application in field effect transistors. These molecules were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, thermal gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and cyclic voltammetry. DFT calculation gives deeper insight into the electronic structure of these molecules. The crystallinity and morphology features of thin film were investigated using X-ray diffraction. These molecules show liquid crystalline phase confirmed by DSC and optical polarizing microscopy. Investigation of their field effect transistor performance indicated that these molecules exhibited p-type mobility up to 9.7 x 10 (4) cm(2) V (1) s (1) and on/off ratio of 10(4). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Structural adhesive bonding is widely used to execute assemblies in automobile and aerospace structures. The quality and reliability of these bonded joints must be ensured during service. In this context non destructive evaluation of these bonded structures play an important role. Evaluation of adhesively bonded composite single lap shear joints has been attempted through experimental approach. Series of tests, non-destructive as well as destructive were performed on different sets of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite lap joint specimens with varied bond quality. Details of the experimental investigations carried out and the outcome are presented in this paper.


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We report a simple method to enhance the piezoresistive sensitivity of a gold film by more than 30 times and demonstrate it using a microcantilever resonator. Our method depends on controlled electromigration that we use to tune the resistance and sensitivity of the piezoresistive sensor. We attribute the enhancement in strain sensitivity to the creation of an inhomogeneous conduction medium at a predefined location by directed and controlled electromigration. We understand this phenomenon with tunneling-percolation model, which was originally hypothesized to explain nonuniversal percolation behavior of composite materials. 2012-0174]


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Gadolinium oxide, cerium oxide, and 10 mol% gadolinia doped ceria ceramic powders have been synthesized using combustion technique. Though the cubic gadolinia phase is stable at room temperature, single phase monoclinic gadolinia was obtained as a result of combustion synthesis using fuel lean and stoichiometric precursor compositions. This powder was subjected to calcination treatment and ceria doping to study the stability of phases and the rate of phase transformation from monoclinic to cubic gadolinia. It was found that monoclinic gadolinia transforms to cubic gadolinia upon calcination at temperatures less than 1200 degrees C. It was also found that rate of phase transformation is more for powder produced using fuel lean compositions; and the rate is enhanced upon ceria doping. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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En el presente trabajo se realizó la caracterización de los niveles tecnológicos en explotaciones bovinas del municipio de La Libertad Departamento de Chontales. Haciendo uso del muestreo aleatorio estratificado sobre un universo de 375 productores, se seleccionó una muestra de 71 productores. La estratificación se hizo en relación con la tenencia de la tierra en pequeños, medianos y grandes productores. Se utilizó como fuente primaria de información un diagnóstico estático basado en encuestas individuales de una sola visita, que dio lugar a que el estudio se dividiera en dos partes: La primera parte descriptiva abarca las variables cualitativas de los componentes nutrición, reproducción, sanidad y manejo y variables cuantitativas que permitieron detectar algunos índices productivos y reproductivos por nivel tecnológico y por municipio (carga animal, tasa de parición, edad al destete, peso al destete, edad al primer parto, etc.). El municipio presentó los siguientes parámetros promedios: Tamaño de finca 167.7 Mz., Tamaño del Hato 110.98 Cbzs, Producción de Leche/vaca/Día 3 Lts, Carga Animal 0.89 U.A./Mz., Edad al Destete 10.62 Meses, Peso al Destete 117 Kg, Tasa de Parición 61.68 %, Intervalo Entre Partos 19.45 Meses, Edad al Primer Parto 37.5 Meses, Peso al Primer Parto 328.12 Kg. La Segunda Parte se refiere a un análisis inferencial basado en el método de varianza mínima de Ward, con el propósito de detectar dentro de la muestra seleccionada con base en todas sus cualidades (variables cualitativas y cuantitativas relevantes en la clasificación), grupos de productores con características similares dentro de ellas pero con marcada diferencia entre ellas; para así poder realizar una caracterización más precisa de sus niveles tecnológicos. Como resultado de este análisis se presentaron tres "clusters" grupos o niveles tecnológicos (NT); a los que se analizó su correspondiente descripción, fundamentadas en las variables estudiadas así como sus limitantes. Como resultado se obtuvieron el nivel tecnológico uno, con el 90% de la "n" muestral; el nivel tecnológico dos, con el 4.22%; y el nivel tecnológico tres, con el 5.63%. Además de acuerdo al mayor porcentaje de participación de cada grupo se definió la descripción del nivel tecnológico típico de La Libertad con el 90% de la "n" muestral. Este nivel tecnológico típico se caracteriza por presentar una alimentación basada en forrajes y suplementos en épocas de sequía, amamantamiento restringido sin intervención del productor al destete, monta directa con selección de cruces, hato basado en grupos raciales con genotipo indefinido y algunas definidas, empadre definido con selección, ejercen algunas prácticas de manejo y no llevan registros productivos y reproductivos de sus animales. Este nivel se ubicó dentro de un sistema de producción doble propósito tradicional, destinado a la crianza con ordeño y desarrollo, en el cual se agrupan pequeños, medianos y grandes productores.


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This paper describes a curve-fitting approach for the design of capacity approaching coded modulation for orthogonal signal sets with non-coherent detection. In particular, bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding is considered. Decoder metrics are developed that do not require knowledge of the signal-to-noise ratio, yet still offer very good performance. © 2007 IEEE.


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Unlike Africa and Asia, where a large part of the population are heavily dependent upon fishing for their livelihoods, fishing for a living in the interior of Central and South America (CSA) remains a marginal occupation for all but the most isolated of families. As such, the economics and management of fisheries on the continent have received little attention from within the continent and the rest of the world. This study shows that while a number of studies have been carried out on fishing in the region, they tend to be limited in their geographical focus and time scale. Although fishing of freshwater species may appear to be comparatively insignificant in the region, the rivers of CSA are very important. This report attempts to analyze the literature available on CSA river fisheries and attempts to draw out an economic value of these fisheries. It is divided into a number of sections. First, the authors describe the major river basins on the continent, characterize their fisheries, and place freshwater fisheries in CSA into a global context. Second, the authors provide a review of valuation techniques for fisheries and use this analytical framework to review the principal literature on freshwater fisheries in the region. Then they turn their attention to the economic impact of dams and water abstraction schemes, reviewing the available literature to ascertain how/if economic values are computed for the impact on fisheries. Finally, they offer some conclusions and recommendations on the direction for future studies of freshwater fisheries in CSA.


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We have developed a two-stage Ti:sapphire amplifier system which can produce 17-TW/23-fs pulses at a repetition rate 10 MHz. A birefringent plate is used in the regenerative amplifier to alleviate gain narrowing, while an all-reflective cylindrical-mirror-based pulse stretcher and an acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter (AOPDF) are used to compensate for the higher order dispersion of the system.


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