315 resultados para 1246


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Infrared spectra of trichloroacetates of Cu, Ca, Sr and Ba were studied in order to investigate the effect of coordination on the vibration spectra of the ligand. The shifts of the antisymmetric and symmetric COO- stretching frequencies are explained on the basis of the type of co-ordination of the COO- group to the metal ion. From the spectra it is established that the coordination of the COO- group to metal is different for trichloroacetates and monochloroacetates.


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A solid solution of the type Ba5x/2Bi(1-x)5/3Nb5O15 has been identified in the BaO-Bi2O3-Nb2O5 system for the first time. The limits of the solid solution are within the range 0.52 <= x <= 0.80. The compositions x = 0.52, 0.60, 0.72, 0.77, 0.78, and 0.80 were synthesized by the solid-state technique from the starting materials in stoichiometric quantities. The powder X-ray patterns of all the phases in the domain indicate a structural similarity to tetragonal tungsten bronzes (TTBs). The compositions below x = 0.52 and those above x = 0.80 exhibit barium niobate and bismuth niobate impurities, respectively. Single crystals of the composition x = 0.77 were obtained by the melt cooling technique. The crystal structure of Ba3.85/2Bi1.15/3Nb5O15 (x = 0.77) was solved in the tetragonal space group P4bm (No. 100) with a = 12.4938 (14) angstrom, c = 3.9519 (2) A, V = 616.87 (10) angstrom(3), and Z = 2 and was refined to an R index of 0.034. Dielectric measurements on all the phases indicate a typical relaxor behavior with a broad phase transition at T-m approximate to 300 K.


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Tutkimus käsittelee keskiajan suurinta harhaoppia katarismia Toulousin hiippakunnassa 1200-luvun ensimmäisellä puoliskolla. Tarkempi tutkimusalue on Lauragaisin maaseutu Toulousin ja Carcassonnen välissä. Alue oli Etelä-Ranskan katarismin sydänaluetta. Tutkimus käy läpi katarismin historian vuosina 1200 1245. Tuolloin se muuttui julkisesti siedetystä uskosta salassa harjoitettavaksi harhaopiksi. Erityisessä tarkkailussa ovat Lauragaisin kylät ja niiden asukkaiden suhde katarismiin. Tutkimus selvittää miten kiellettyihin kataarien tapaamisiin osallistuttiin Lauragaisissa ja kuinka suuri osa alueen väestöstä uskoi katarismiin. Tutkimus pohjautuu pitkälti Bernard de Caux n vuosien 1245 1246 inkvisition kuulustelujen rekisteriin, joka sisältää 5 471 lauragaisilaisen inkvisitiotunnustusen. Tarkempaan tarkasteluun on valittu seitsemän kylää ja niiden 1 069 inkvisitiotunnustusta. Niiden sisältämät tiedot on syötetty tutkimuksen apuna toimivaan relaatiotietokantaan. Kylien asukkaiden kuulusteluja on verrattu keskenään tietokannan avulla. Kuulustelujen perusteella on rekonstruoitu kataarien tapaamisia vuosina 1195 1245. Lisäksi tutkitaan tarkemmin katarismin toiminnan kannalta tärkeitä mekanismeja Saint-Martin-Lalanden kylässä. Tutkimuksen mukaan katarismi vetosi kaikkiin yhteiskuntaluokkiin kuuluneisiin ihmisiin. Sukusiteillä ja Lauragaisin kylien asukkaiden keskinäisellä solidaarisuudella oli suuri merkitys katarismin säilymisessä, kun harhaoppi yritettiin tukahduttaa. Inkvisitiot onnistuivat murtamaan kylien sisäisen solidaarisuuden 1240-luvulla. Tutkimuksen keskeisin tulos on arvion esittäminen katarismiin uskoneiden maallikoiden lukumäärästä. Noin kymmenesosa Lauragaisin aikuisväestöstä oli aktiivisia kataariuskovia. Jopa kaksi viidesosaa alueen asukkaista oli jossain elämänsä vaiheessa osallistunut kataarien kiellettyihin uskonnollisiin tilaisuuksiin. Katarismiin uskoneiden ja siihen kosketuksissa olleiden ihmisten määrä on keskeinen tieto, kun arvioidaan katolisen kirkon harhaopin vastaisia toimia. Katarismin tuhoamiseksi julistettiin 20 vuotta kestänyt ristiretki. Inkvisitiolta kului sen jälkeen vielä 90 vuotta katarismin tuhoamiseen. Katarismi oli merkittävä harhaoppi, koska se vetosi kiellettynäkin huomattavaan osaan Lauragaisin väestöstä.


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In this paper, sliding-mode-control-based guidance laws to intercept stationary, constant-velocity, and maneuvering targets at a desired impact angle are proposed. The desired impact angle, which is defined in terms of a desired line-of-sight angle, is achieved in finite time by selecting the missile's lateral acceleration to enforce terminal sliding mode on a switching surface designed using nonlinear engagement dynamics. The conditions for capturability are also presented. In addition, by considering a three-degree-of-freedom linear-interceptor dynamic model and by following the procedure used to design a dynamic sliding-mode controller, the interceptor autopilot is designed as a simple static controller to track the lateral acceleration generated by the guidance law. Numerical simulation results are presented to validate the proposed guidance laws and the autopilot design for different initial engagement geometries and impact angles.


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General circulation models (GCMs) use transient climate simulations to predict climate conditions in the future. Coarse-grid resolutions and process uncertainties necessitate the use of downscaling models to simulate precipitation. However, in the downscaling models, with multiple GCMs now available, selecting an atmospheric variable from a particular model which is representative of the ensemble mean becomes an important consideration. The variable convergence score (VCS) provides a simple yet meaningful approach to address this issue, providing a mechanism to evaluate variables against each other with respect to the stability they exhibit in future climate simulations. In this study, VCS methodology is applied to 10 atmospheric variables of particular interest in downscaling precipitation over India and also on a regional basis. The nested bias-correction methodology is used to remove the systematic biases in the GCMs simulations, and a single VCS curve is developed for the entire country. The generated VCS curve is expected to assist in quantifying the variable performance across different GCMs, thus reducing the uncertainty in climate impact-assessment studies. The results indicate higher consistency across GCMs for pressure and temperature, and lower consistency for precipitation and related variables. Regional assessments, while broadly consistent with the overall results, indicate low convergence in atmospheric attributes for the Northeastern parts of India.


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El presente trabajo preliminar tuvo como objetivo evaluar, el efecto de tres densidades de siembra, sobre la producción de biomasa forrajera en base a materia seca de Clitoria spp. bajo riego en época seca y su valor económico. El estudio se llevó a cabo en la Hacienda "Santa Rosa", ubicada al norte de la comunidad de Sabana Grande, Municipio de Managua. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar (BCA), en un arreglo sencillo de tres densidades de siembra, con 42, 63 y 84 kg/ha. Se realizaron dos cortes; el primero, a los 57 días después de su establecimiento y, el segundo, 57 días después de realizado el primer corte. Los resultados mostraron que, las densidades de siembra sobre la producción de biomasa en base a materia seca total por hectárea (PBMSTH}, para cada momento de corte realizado, reflejó su mayor valor en la densidad de 84 kg/ha, con 3.153 y 4.433 ton/MS/há para el 1 10 y 2do corte, sin embargo, estos no tuvieron diferencias significativas (P>0.05) sobre las demás densidades (42 y 63 kg/ha), respectivamente. Por otra parte, las variables altura (ALT) y cobertura (COB) mostraron su mayor valor para la densidad (84 kg/ha), con 59.87 cm y 93.33 o/o respectivamente, pero estos no presentaron diferencias significativas (P>0.05) sobre las demás densidades. La prueba de rangos múltiples de Tukey, para los efectos de densidad de siembra sobre la PBMSTH, ALT y COB, no presentaron diferencias significativas. (P> 0.05; P> 0.01). De todas las densidades evaluadas, los menores costos de producción de forraje fueron para la densidad 42 kg/ha con C$ 4127.00.


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Companies aiming to be 'sustainability leaders' in their sector and governments wanting to support their ambitions need a means to assess the changes required to make a significant difference in the impact of their whole sector. Previous work on scenario analysis/scenario planning demonstrates extensive developments and applications, but as yet few attempts to integrate the 'triple bottom line' concerns of sustainability into scenario planning exercises. This paper, therefore, presents a methodology for scenario analysis of large change to an entire sector. The approach includes calculation of a 'triple bottom line graphic equaliser' to allow exploration and evaluation of the trade-offs between economic, environmental and social impacts. The methodology is applied to the UK's clothing and textiles sector, and results from the study of the sector are summarised. In reflecting on the specific study, some suggestions are made about future application of a similar methodology, including a template of candidate solutions that may lead to significant reduction in impacts. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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Em aparte a pronunciamento em que o Deputado Heitor de Alencar Furtado discute a PEC 2/79, sustenta que a falta de uma representação política que fiscalize os atos do Governo do Distrito Federal enseja ocorrências como a do emprego de vultosos recursos na construção de um parque recreativo, apesar da carência total nos setores de saúde e educação. Observa que a Comissão do Distrito Federal do Senado, o único órgão fiscalizador dos atos do Governo do Distrito Federal, não é composta de representantes eleitos pelos habitantes da Capital da República.


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Management options for the Silver Springs free-ranging rhesus macaque population range from removal to active maintenance of the population in situ. Selection of a management option is dependent upon which issues are perceived to be true problems. Management options are presented along with their effectiveness in dealing with issues previously described.(31 page document)


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The surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) technique was developed to synthesize a nanocrystalline (NC) layer on the surface of metallic materials for upgrading their overall properties and performance. In this paper, by means of SMAT to a pure zirconium plate at the room temperature, repetitive multidirectional peening of steel shots (composition (wt%): 1C, 1.5Cr, base Fe) severely deformed the surface layer. A NC surface layer consisting of the intermetallic compound FeCr was fabricated on the surface of the zirconium. The microstructure characterization of the surface layer was performed by using X-ray diffraction analysis, optical microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy observations. The NC surface layer was about 25 mu m thick and consisted of the intermetallic compound FeCr with an average grain size of 25 +/- 10 nm. The deformation-induced fast diffusion of Fe and Cr from the steel shots into Zr occurred during SMAT, leading to the formation of intermetallic compound. In addition, the NC surface layer exhibited an ultrahigh nanohardness of 10.2 GPa.