994 resultados para 115-711A


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Pelagic sedimentation in the northwest Indian Ocean has been studied using sediments from Hole 711A (the section from 0 to 70.5 mbsf, 0-22 Ma), a deep site (4428 m) drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115. The clay fraction of the sediments represents poorly developed pelagic deposits with considerably lower contents of Mn, Ba, Cu, Ni, Cr, and Zn than is typical for well-oxidized pelagic sediments formed far from the continents (e.g., in the central Indian or Pacific oceans). Geochemical provenance models, representing conservative mixing models with terrigenous, exhalative-volcanic, and biogenous matter as the only inputs, explain most of the compositional variations in the sediments. The models show that terrigenous matter accounts for about 96%-100% of all SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, and Zr; about 73%-85% of all Fe2O3, V, and Ni; and about 40%-60% of the Cu and Zn abundances. Exhalative-volcanic matter delivers a large fra tion of Mn (78%-85%), some Fe (15%-219/o), and possibly some Cu (38%-51%). Biogenous deposition is generally of restricted significance; at most 6%-35% of all Cu and Zn may derive from biogenic matter. The exhalative-volcanic matter is slightly more abundant in the oldest deposits, reflecting a plate tectonic drift away from the volcanic Carlsberg Ridge. The Al/Ti ratio reveals that silicic crustal matter plays a somewhat larger role in the upper and lower part of the section studied, whereas the basaltic input is slightly higher in the intermediate levels (age 5-15 m.y.). The sediment abundances of Ba generally exceed those predicted by the models, an anomalous behavior also observed in equatorial Pacific sediments. This is possibly caused by poor knowledge of the input components. Several changes in accumulation rates seem to correlate with climatic changes (onset of monsoon-driven upwellings and sea-level regressions of about 50-100 m at 10, 15-16, and 20-21 Ma). A number of constituents show higher accumulation rates at or shortly after these regressions, suggesting an accelerated removal of fines from shallow oceanic areas. Furthermore, the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio shows a small increase in sediments younger than 10 Ma, implying an increase in biological productivity, particularly after the onset of monsoon-driven upwelling in the northwest Indian Ocean. This trend is paralleled by a general increase in the accumulation rates of Ba and CaCO3. However, these accumulation rates are generally significantly lower than under the biological high-productivity zone in the equatorial Pacific. The onset of these upwelling systems about 10 Ma is probably related to the closing of the gap between India and the main Asiatic continent, preventing free circulation around the Indian subcontinent.


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The occurrences of ten datum events for the Quaternary and top Pliocene nannofossils are identified at nine Leg 115 sites. A quantitative investigation of Paleogene nannofossils in 470 samples selected from 11 holes at 9 sites yielded 197 taxa, including one new species and 10 unidentified taxa that are likely to be new species. Regional differences in the timing of some biostratigraphically important events are recognized, and a set of datum events useful for biostratigra- phy in the tropical Indian Ocean is presented. Biogeographical differences are minor for Paleogene cores from the tropical sites (Sites 707-716); however, the Quaternary and late early Oligocene floras observed at the two subtropical sites (Sites 705 and 706) differ significantly from the corresponding floras of the tropical sites. Bathymetrically controlled dissolution is recognized by the reduction of species diversity in the Paleogene flora. Selective dissolution of nannofossils is also evidenced by the percentage reduction of three holococcolith taxa, Lanternithus minutus, Zygrhablithus bijugatus, and Holococcolith type A as well as by the increase of Coccolithus pelagicusand Cribrocentrum reticulatumin the deeper sites.


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An Eocene-Oligocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic framework for Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 748 in the southern Indian Ocean is established, which provides a foundation for this and future quantitative biogeographic studies. This biostratigraphic analysis, together with quantitative nannofossil data, enables a reinterpretation of the preliminary magnetostratigraphy and a new placement for magnetic Subchron CBN in the lowermost Oligocene. Calcareous nannofossil species diversity is low at Site 748 relative to lower latitude sites, with about 13 taxa in the middle Eocene, gradually decreasing to about 6 in the late Oligocene. There is, however, no apparent mass extinction at any stratigraphic level. Similarly, no mass extinctions were recorded at or near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary at Site 711 in the equatorial Indian Ocean. Species diversity at the equatorial site is significantly higher than at Site 748, with a maximum of 39 species in the middle Eocene and a minimum of 14 species in the late Oligocene. The abundance patterns of nannofossil taxa are also quite different at the two sites, with chiasmoliths, Isthmolithus recurvus, and Reticulofenestra daviesii abundant and restricted to the high-latitude site and Coccolithus formosus, discoasters, and sphenoliths abundant at the equatorial site but impoverished at the high-latitude site. This indicates a significant latitudinal biogeographic gradient between the equatorial site and the high-latitude site in the Indian Ocean for the middle Eocene-Oligocene interval. The abundance change of warm-water taxa is similar to that of species diversity at Site 711. There is a general trend of decreasing abundance of warm-water taxa from the middle Eocene through the early Oligocene at Site 711, suggesting a gradual cooling of the surface waters in the equatorial Indian Ocean. The abundance of warm-water taxa increased in the late Oligocene, in association with an increase in species diversity, and this may reflect a warming of the surface waters in the late Oligocene. An abrupt increase in the abundance of cool-water taxa (from ~20% to over 90%) occurred from 36.3 to 35.9 Ma at high-latitude Site 748. Coincident with this event was a ~1.0 per mil positive shift in the delta18O value of planktonic foraminifers and the occurrence of ice-rafted debris. This abrupt change in the nannofossil population is a useful biostratigraphic event for locating the bottom of magnetic Subchron C13N in the Southern Ocean. The sharp increase in cool-water taxa coeval with a large positive shift in delta18O values suggests that the high-latitude surface waters drastically cooled around 36.3-35.9 Ma. The temperature drop is estimated to be 4°C or more at Site 748 based on the nannofossil population change relative to the latitudinal biogeographic gradient established in the South Atlantic Ocean during previous studies. Consequently, much of the delta18O increase at Site 748 appears to be due to a temperature drop in the high latitudes rather than an ice-volume signal. The ~0.1 per mil delta18O increase not accounted for by the temperature drop is attributed to an ice-volume increase of 4.6 * 10**3 km**3, or 20% the size of the present Antarctic ice sheet.


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Late Cretaceous fish debris from Demerara Rise exhibits a dramatic positive excursion of 8 e-Nd units during ocean anoxic event 2 (OAE2) that is superimposed on extremely low e-Nd(t) values (-14 to -16.5) observed throughout the rest of the studied interval. The OAE2 e-Nd excursion is the largest yet documented in marine sediments, and the majority of the shift is estimated to have occurred over <20 k.y. Low background e-Nd values on Demerara Rise are explained as the Nd isotopic signature of the South American craton, whereas eruptions of the Caribbean large igneous province or enhanced mixing of intermediate waters in the North Atlantic could have caused the excursion.


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We measured carbonate concentrations in Pleistocene and Pliocene sediments deposited at Sites 709, 710, and 711. Carbonate concentrations exhibit low-amplitude, long-wave length (300-400 k.y. period) variations at the shallowest sites (709 and 710). Before 2.47 Ma, all three sites exhibit higher frequency (100 k.y. period) variations. The deepest site (711) exhibited low-amplitude variations and very low concentrations up to the Gauss/Matuyama magnetic reversal (2.47 Ma), then concentrations abruptly increased. After 2.47 Ma, carbonate concentrations at Site 711 exhibited the same periodic changes as at Site 709. Although a long wave-length periodicity (260-280 k.y.) occurs at these sites after 2.47 Ma, the 100 k.y. period is absent. The dominant periods observed in these data are those found in the eccentricity component of the earth's orbital geometry. Estimates of carbonate accumulation at Sites 709 and 710 document that surface-water productivity decreased near the Gauss/Matuyama magnetic reversal whereas accumulation at Site 711 increased. These results indicate that the rate of carbonate preservation in the deep Indian Ocean increased at that time. This increase in preservation may have re- sulted from a decrease in the production rate of carbonate in tropical oceans of the world. Carbonate accumulation esti- mated from sediments in shallow locations (~3000-3800 m) of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans also indicates that carbonate production decreased at this time. A consequence of lowered surface-water productivity is increased carbonate ion concentration of the deep ocean and better preservation of carbonate on the seafloor.


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From the equatorial Indian Ocean, carbonate-free portions of sediment samples of Paleocene to Miocene calcareous oozes and chalks from Sites 707, 709, and 711 were studied using X-ray diffraction measurements and the scanning electron microscope. Downhole variations in biogenic opal, quartz, barite, and clinoptilolite were investigated. The abundance patterns of these major mineral phases show several similarities and may be used for additional lithologic correlations. Variations in biogenic opal contents reflect biogenic silica productivity. Beside the general pattern, a succession in biogenic silica decrease through time is generally recorded since the Oligocene. This succession started earliest at northernmost Site 711 and latest at southernmost Site 707, including Site 709 within these two. Opal-A variations as well as the barite distribution may be influenced by the paleoposition of the sites in relation to the high-productivity zone, which today lies south of the equator. Authigenic clinoptilolite apparently formed in two different modes. In deeper sediment intervals, clinoptilolite was the last mineral phase formed associated with enhanced silica diagenesis. In late Oligocene to middle Miocene sediments, clinoptilolite was the only authigenic silica phase encountered where otherwise strong opal dissolution was observed. The sponge spicules showed special dissolution features probably related to microbiological activity. Silica concretions mainly composed of opal-CT and authigenic quartz occur in carbonate-rich environments and are formed during later diagenesis when burial depth causes the sediments to reach higher temperatures. Opal-CT concretions in carbonate-free siliceous oozes were found at Site 711 and are probably formed during an early stage of silica diagenesis.