1000 resultados para 112-681B


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Detailed petrographical and bulk geochemical investigations of organic matter (OM) have been performed on sediments deposited below or close to upwelling areas offshore Peru (ODP-Leg 112; Sites 679, 681, 688) and Oman (ODP-Leg 117; Sites 720, 723, 724) in order to obtain a quantitative understanding of its accumulation and degradation. Microscopical as well as nanoscopical investigations reveal that the OM in sediments affected by upwelling mechanisms mainly (up to 98%) consists of unstructured (amorphous) organic aggregates without any apparent biological structures. In sediments which are not or to a lesser extent affected by upwelling (Site 720) terrestrial OM predominates. Organic carbon (TOC) contents are highly variable and range between 9.8% in sediments deposited below upwelling cells and 0.2% in sediments outside the upwelling zone. The TOC/sulphur ratios of the sediments scatter widely. The samples from the deep-water locations (Sites 688 and 720), show C/S-ratios of "normal" marine sediments, whereas at the other locations no correlation or even a negative correlation between sulphur and TOC concentration exists. In most of the upwelling-influenced sediments OM contains a significant amount of sulphur. The incorporation of sulphur into the OM followed microbial sulphate reduction and occurred in the upper meters of the sedimentary column. Below, OM is still present in vast amounts and relatively hydrogen-rich, but is nevertheless non-metabolizable and becomes the limiting factor for bacterial sulphate reduction. According to mass balance calculations 90-99% of the OM produced in the photic zone was remineralized and 1-3% was consumed by microbial sulphate reduction. The aerobic and anaerobic processes have greatly affected degradation and conservation of OM.


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Hydrocarbon gases (methane, ethane, propane, isobutane, n-butane, ethene, and propene) are present in Tertiary and Quaternary shelf, upper-slope, and lower-slope deposits of the Peruvian continental margin. Methane dominates the composition of the hydrocarbon gas at all 10 sites examined during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 112. Generation of methane is regulated by the amount of sulfate in pore water. Wherever sulfate concentrations approach or equal zero, methane concentrations increase rapidly, reaching values near 100,000 µL/L of wet sediment at eight of the 10 sites. Methane at all 10 sites results from methanogenesis, which is inhibited where sulfate is present and microbial reduction of sulfate occurs. Hydrocarbon gases heavier than methane also are present, but at much lower concentrations than methane. These hydrocarbons are thought to result from early thermal and microbial diagenesis, based on relative gas compositions and trends of concentrations with depth. With few exceptions, the results obtained in the shipboard and shore-based laboratories are comparable for methane and ethane in sediments of Leg 112. Reanalyses of canned sediments from ODP Leg 104 and from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Legs 76 and 84 show that gas samples can be stored for as long as 8 yr, but the amounts of individual hydrocarbon gases retained vary. Nevertheless, the trends of the data sets with depth are similar for fresh and stored samples.


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Planktonic foraminifers were studied from 213 samples collected during Leg 112 at 10 sites located on the continental shelf and slope off Peru. Because planktonic foraminifers occur discontinuously downcore, detailed biostratigraphic zonation was not defined. However, it was possible to distinguish early and middle Eocene, early and late Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene sediments on the basis of the planktonic foraminifers. The oldest sediments of Zone P6 of early Eocene age were obtained from the basal part of Hole 688E, which was penetrated to 779.0 m below seafloor (bsf). A biosiliceous facies of the area predominates above the N6-N7 zonal interval of early Miocene age. All sites are within the present coastal upwelling area off Peru, and many of the late Pliocene and Pleistocene assemblages are similar to those that are characteristic of modern upwelling areas. The core samples differ, however, by having a predominance of cold-water elements, such as Neogloboquadrina incompta and N. pachyderma. Warm-water species are prevalent at some horizons in the cores, suggesting shifts of the coastal upwelling centers or warmer climatic events.


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Contenido: Le príncipe d’idetité chez Saint Thomas / R. Verneaux – Unidad de ser y analogía en Santo Tomás de Aquino / Cesáreo López Salgado – St. Thomas’ solution of the problema of faith and reason / A. G. M. Van Melsen – Necesidad de la directa confrontación de textos / Carlos A. Iturralde Colombres – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Os constituintes evangélicos discutem o novo projeto constitucional e querem suas propostas aprovadas na nova Carta. Manoel Moreira (PMDB-SP) almeja uma Constituição que respeite os direitos dos brasileiros e que acabe com a impunidade generalizada no país. As questões que mais preocupam esse grupo são: família, aborto, o casamento e a liberdade de culto. Salatiel Carvalho (PFL-PE) não concorda com alguns pontos aprovados na Comissão das Garantias tais como os direitos e garantias aos homossexuais e a questão do aborto. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadão pede atenção para a saúde do nordestino. Inocêncio Oliveira (PFL-PE) responde que a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) precisa definir uma lei que proporcione o acesso de todos a rede pública de saúde e melhore a distribuição de renda. A Comissão de Sistematização prevê que os recursos públicos serão destinados para escolas públicas, comunitárias, filantrópicas e confessionais. Agripino Lima (PFL-SP) considera que as verbas públicas devem ser destinadas as escolas públicas, voltadas ao ensino fundamental. Ubiratan Aguiar (PMDB-CE) diz que os recursos são insuficientes e que a educação pública não pode dispersar suas verbas para as escolas particulares. Átila Lira (PFL-PI) acredita no avanço da educação pública e de melhores condições de trabalho para o professor.


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Apresenta a Lei n. 8112, de dezembro de 1990, que dispõe sobre o regime jurídico dos servidores públicos civis da União, das autarquias e das fundações públicas federais.


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Este árticulo explica que el derecho de la información es uno de los denominados derechos individuales del accionista o socio, que se deriva de la titularidad de acciones o participaciones, derecho fundamental e inherente a la condición de socio, e inderogable, que se ostenta por normas imperativas que reconocen dicho derecho. Contribuye a un mayor control y participación del socio en la marcha de la sociedad ya que trata de facilitar a los socios un conocimiento directo sobre la situación y gestión social constituyendo, por tanto, uno de los más importantes derechos del mismo.