1000 resultados para 10061630 CTD-030


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This series of research vignettes is aimed at sharing current and interesting research findings from our team of international Entrepreneurship researchers. This vignette, written by Professor Per Davidsson, reports on a paper which synthesizes available research on the effects of VC funding on the performance of the funded firm.


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In [8] the authors developed a logical system based on the definition of a new non-classical connective ⊗ capturing the notion of reparative obligation. The system proved to be appropriate for handling well-known contrary-to-duty paradoxes but no model-theoretic semantics was presented. In this paper we fill the gap and define a suitable possible-world semantics for the system for which we can prove soundness and completeness. The semantics is a preference-based non-normal one extending and generalizing semantics for classical modal logics.


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En torno a la “Evangelii Nuntiandi”. Apuntes para una teología de la evangelización / Eduardo Briancesco -- Un catecismo indiano: La “Breve y muy sumaria instrucción” de Fr. Dionisio de Sanctis, O.P. (¿1576?) / Guillermo Durán – Rubén García -- Misión y diálogo en las relaciones judeo-católicas / Luis H. Rivas -- Índice volumen XIV


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A Subcomissão do Poder Executivo da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) ouve Franco Montoro, ex-governador de São Paulo, que defende a descentralização dos poderes da União e a participação popular no governo. O Senador José Fogaça (PMDB-RS), relator da Subcomissão, disse que a missão mais importante é criar formas democráticas de participação popular com a descentralização do poder. Na Subcomissão da Nacionalidade, da Soberania e das Relações Internacionais, Jacó Dolinger, professor de Direito Internacional, propôs algumas sugestões e alterações na atual legislação com relação a litígios com Estados estrangeiros, filhos de brasileiros nascidos no exterior, perda de nacionalidade de estrangeiros e extensão dos direitos políticos aos cidadãos naturalizados. Na Subcomissão dos Direitos dos Trabalhadores e Servidores Públicos, Aloísio Alves, Ministro da Administração, disse que o governo federal melhorou o salário do funcionalismo público. O Deputado Mário Lima (PMDB-BA), relator da Subcomissão, disse que 238 propostas foram recebidas sobre diversos assuntos e que antes do fim do prazo relatório final estará pronto.


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The Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity (NECOP) Program is a component of NOAA's Coastal Ocean Program. The central hypothesis of this research is: Anthropogenic nutrient inputs have enhanced coastal ocean productivity with subsequent impacts on coastal ocean water quality, living resource yields, and the global marine carbon cycle. The initial study area for this program is the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Outflow and adjacent Louisiana shelf region.


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Documento de catorce fotografías, trece a color y una en blanco y negro, de diferentes grados de resolución y dimensiones diversas.


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BRCA1 has been implicated in numerous DNA repair pathways that maintain genome integrity, however the function responsible for its tumor suppressor activity in breast cancer remains obscure. To identify the most highly conserved of the many BRCA1 functions, we screened the evolutionarily distant eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae for mutants that suppressed the G1 checkpoint arrest and lethality induced following heterologous BRCA1 expression. A genome-wide screen in the diploid deletion collection combined with a screen of ionizing radiation sensitive gene deletions identified mutants that permit growth in the presence of BRCA1. These genes delineate a metabolic mRNA pathway that temporally links transcription elongation (SPT4, SPT5, CTK1, DEF1) to nucleopore-mediated mRNA export (ASM4, MLP1, MLP2, NUP2, NUP53, NUP120, NUP133, NUP170, NUP188, POM34) and cytoplasmic mRNA decay at P-bodies (CCR4, DHH1). Strikingly, BRCA1 interacted with the phosphorylated RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) carboxy terminal domain (P-CTD), phosphorylated in the pattern specified by the CTDK-I kinase, to induce DEF1-dependent cleavage and accumulation of a RNAPII fragment containing the P-CTD. Significantly, breast cancer associated BRCT domain defects in BRCA1 that suppressed P-CTD cleavage and lethality in yeast also suppressed the physical interaction of BRCA1 with human SPT5 in breast epithelial cells, thus confirming SPT5 as a relevant target of BRCA1 interaction. Furthermore, enhanced P-CTD cleavage was observed in both yeast and human breast cells following UV-irradiation indicating a conserved eukaryotic damage response. Moreover, P-CTD cleavage in breast epithelial cells was BRCA1-dependent since damage-induced P-CTD cleavage was only observed in the mutant BRCA1 cell line HCC1937 following ectopic expression of wild type BRCA1. Finally, BRCA1, SPT5 and hyperphosphorylated RPB1 form a complex that was rapidly degraded following MMS treatment in wild type but not BRCA1 mutant breast cells. These results extend the mechanistic links between BRCA1 and transcriptional consequences in response to DNA damage and suggest an important role for RNAPII P-CTD cleavage in BRCA1-mediated cancer suppression.