955 resultados para 050 Magazines, journals


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Kanadalainen kirjailija L. M. (Ludy Maud) Montgomery (1874-1942) tunnetaan parhaiten lasten ja nuorten kirjallisuudestaan, erityisesti Anne of Green Gables -romaanistaan (suom. Annan nuoruusvuodet). Graduni tutkii kuitenkin Montgomeryn vhemmn tunnettua omaelmkerrallista tuotantoa, hnen pivkirjojaan, jotka on julkaistu viidess osassa (1985-2004). Keskityn romanssin kuvaukseen Montgomeryn pivkirjojen ensimmisess osassa ja tutkin, millaisia tekstuaalisia persoonia (personas) kertoja luo autobiografisessa prosessissa. Thn narratiiviseen prosessiin vaikuttavat erityisesti pivkirjan yleis tai lukijat (audience), samoin kuin fiktiiviset esikuvat ja fiktiivisesti kirjoittaminen (fictionalisation) sek kysymys pivkirjan kertovasta ja kerrotusta minst (narrated and narrating I). Romanssi on posassa Montgomeryn pivkirjojen ensimmisess julkaistussa osassa, joka kuvaa hnen teini- ja varhaisaikuisuusvuosiaan. Vitn, ett vaikka pivkirjateksti saattaa vaikuttaa rehelliselt ja todenmukaiselta kuvaukselta elmst, varsinkin Montgomeryn tapauksessa kyseess on silti lpikotaisin editoitu ja muokattu teksti, jota pivkirjan tekij hallitsee rautaisella otteella ja joka kytt hyvkseen fiktiivisi keinoja. Aineistonani kytn sek Montgomeryn julkaistuja ett julkaisemattomia pivkirjoja, joita silytetn University of Guelphin arkistoissa, Kanadan Ontariossa. Pivkirjat ovat moneen kertaan sek Montgomeryn ett julkaistujen pivkirjojen editoijien muokkaamia, joten niiden tutkiminen lhilukemalla (close-reading) ja eri versioita vertaillen on erityisen trke. Teorian osalta keskityn lhinn Pohjois-Amerikassa kirjoitettuun autobiografia- ja (naisten) pivkirjatutkimukseen. Vitn gradussani, ett Montgomeryn kuvaus heteroseksuaalisesta romanssista vltt tarjoamasta lukijalle romanssijuonen tyypillist katharsista. Montgomeryn romanttiset persoonat ovat yllttvn epromanttisia ja ristiriidassa keskenn. Romantiikan traditiolle tyypillist kielt ja personifikaatiota kytetn joko korostetun liioitellusti tai humoristisesti ja parodioiden.


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Authors of scholarly papers to a large extent base the decision on where to submit their manuscripts on the prestige of journals, taking little account of other possible factors. Information concerning such factors is in fact often not available. This paper argues for the establishment of methods for benchmarking scientific journals, taking into account a wider range of journal performance parameters than is currently available. A model for how prospective authors determine the value of submitting to a particular journal is presented. The model includes eight factors that influence an authors decision and 21 other underlying factors. The model is a qualitative one. The method proposes to benchmark groups of journals by application of the factors. Initial testing of the method has been undertaken in one discipline.


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When authors of scholarly articles decide where to submit their manuscripts for peer review and eventual publication, they often base their choice of journals on very incomplete information abouthow well the journals serve the authors purposes of informing about their research and advancing their academic careers. The purpose of this study was to develop and test a new method for benchmarking scientific journals, providing more information to prospective authors. The method estimates a number of journal parameters, including readership, scientific prestige, time from submission to publication, acceptance rate and service provided by the journal during the review and publication process. Data directly obtainable from the web, data that can be calculated from such data, data obtained from publishers and editors, and data obtained using surveys with authors are used in the method, which has been tested on three different sets of journals, each from a different discipline. We found a number of problems with the different data acquisition methods, which limit the extent to which the method can be used. Publishers and editors are reluctant to disclose important information they have at hand (i.e. journal circulation, web downloads, acceptance rate). The calculation of some important parameters (for instance average time from submission to publication, regional spread of authorship) can be done but requires quite a lot of work. It can be difficult to get reasonable response rates to surveys with authors. All in all we believe that the method we propose, taking a service to authors perspective as a basis for benchmarking scientific journals, is useful and can provide information that is valuable to prospective authors in selected scientific disciplines.


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Red mud is a waste by-product generated during the processing of bauxite, the most common ore of aluminium. With the presence of ferric oxide, high surface area, resistance to poisoning and low cost, red mud made itself a good alternative to the existing commercial automobile catalyst. The cascading of dielectric barrier discharge plasma with red mud improved the NOX removal from diesel engine exhaust significantly. The DeNO(X) efficiency with discharge plasma was 74% and that with red mud was 31%. The efficiency increased to 92% when plasma was cascaded with red mud catalyst operating at a temperature of 400 degrees C. The NOX removal was dominated by NO2 removal. The studies were conducted at different temperatures and the results were discussed.


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Surface-potential-based compact charge models for symmetric double-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (SDG-MOSFETs) are based on the fundamental assumption of having equal oxide thicknesses for both gates. However, for practical devices, there will always be some amount of asymmetry between the gate oxide thicknesses due to process variations and uncertainties, which can affect device performance significantly. In this paper, we propose a simple surface-potential-based charge model, which is applicable for tied double-gate MOSFETs having same gate work function but could have any difference in gate oxide thickness. The proposed model utilizes the unique so-far-unexplored quasi-linear relationship between the surface potentials along the channel. In this model, the terminal charges could be computed by basic arithmetic operations from the surface potentials and applied biases, and thus, it could be implemented in any circuit simulator very easily and extendable to short-channel devices. We also propose a simple physics-based perturbation technique by which the surface potentials of an asymmetric device could be obtained just by solving the input voltage equation of SDG devices for small asymmetry cases. The proposed model, which shows excellent agreement with numerical and TCAD simulations, is implemented in a professional circuit simulator through the Verilog-A interface and demonstrated for a 101-stage ring oscillator simulation. It is also shown that the proposed model preserves the source/drain symmetry, which is essential for RF circuit design.


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El II Encuentro Nacional de Profesores e Investigadores de Historia de la Iglesia (Resistencia) / Rubn D. Garca -- Los guaranes. Panorama antropolgico / Susana Colazo -- Las fuentes de la informacin sobre las misiones jesuticas de los guaranes / Ernesto J. A. Maeder -- La evangelizacin a travs de la arquitectura y el arte en las misiones jesuticas de los guaranes / Ramn Gutierrez -- Los guaranes y los sacramentos. Conversin y malas interpretaciones (1537-1767) / Mnica Patricia Martini -- El Superior de Misiones segn la IV Congregacin de la Provincia Jesutica del Paraguay / Rafael Carbonell de Masy -- Movimientos shamnicos de liberacin entre los guaranes (1545-1660) / Daisy Rpodas Ardanaz -- Bibliografa sobre misiones jesuticas (1983-1986) / Alberto A. Rivera -- Crnica de la Facultad -- ndice del Tomo XXIV


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The smart grid is a highly complex system that is being formed from the traditional power grid, adding new and sophisticated communication and control devices. This will enable integrating new elements for distributed power generation and also achieving an increasingly automated operation so for actions of the utilities as for customers. In order to model such systems a bottom-up method is followed, using only a few basic elements which are structured into two layers: a physical layer for the electrical power transmission, and one logical layer for element communication. A simple case study is presented to analyse the possibilities of simulation. It shows a microgrid model with dynamic load management and an integrated approach that can process both electrical and communication flows.


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Alexandre Herculano foi uma figura muito importante na Histria de Portugal. Primeiramente como historiador, recolhendo materiais que continham a Histria da Nao e que serviu como estudo para a preservao e divulgao de um passado glorioso. Como intelectual, engajou-se na poltica e assuntos sociais em benefcio da nao portuguesa. Escrevendo e publicando artigos em importantes jornais e revistas da poca, ou seja, o sculo XIX, sua figura identifica-se com a de um intelectual. Como tal, denunciou e alertou o povo sobre seus principais direitos e deveres como cidados portugueses. Sua grande preocupao tambm era em relao educao porque, segundo ele, Portugal estava atrasado em relao a outros pases europeus. Descrever Herculano como intelectual de Portugal uma das propostas deste trabalho


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Goal, Scope and Background. In some cases, soil, water and food are heavily polluted by heavy metals in China. To use plants to remediate heavy metal pollution would be an effective technique in pollution control. The accumulation of heavy metals in plants and the role of plants in removing pollutants should be understood in order to implement phytoremediation, which makes use of plants to extract, transfer and stabilize heavy metals from soil and water. Methods. The information has been compiled from Chinese publications stemming mostly from the last decade, to show the research results on heavy metals in plants and the role of plants in controlling heavy metal pollution, and to provide a general outlook of phytoremediation in China. Related references from scientific journals and university journals are searched and summarized in sections concerning the accumulation of heavy metals in plants, plants for heavy metal purification and phytoremediation techniques. Results and Discussion. Plants can take up heavy metals by their roots, or even via their stems and leaves, and accumulate them in their organs. Plants take up elements selectively. Accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in the plant depends on the plant species, element species, chemical and bioavailiability, redox, pH, cation exchange capacity, dissolved oxygen, temperature and secretion of roots. Plants are employed in the decontamination of heavy metals from polluted water and have demonstrated high performances in treating mineral tailing water and industrial effluents. The purification capacity of heavy metals by plants are affected by several factors, such as the concentration of the heavy metals, species of elements, plant species, exposure duration, temperature and pH. Conclusions. Phytoremediation, which makes use of vegetation to remove, detoxify, or stabilize persistent pollutants, is a green and environmentally-friendly tool for cleaning polluted soil and water. The advantage of high biomass productive and easy disposal makes plants most useful to remediate heavy metals on site. Recommendations and Outlook. Based on knowledge of the heavy metal accumulation in plants, it is possible to select those species of crops and pasturage herbs, which accumulate fewer heavy metals, for food cultivation and fodder for animals; and to select those hyperaccumulation species for extracting heavy metals from soil and water. Studies on the mechanisms and application of hyperaccumulation are necessary in China for developing phytoremediation.


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Bonthron, Karen; Urquhart, Christine; Thomas, Rhian; Armstrong, Chris; Ellis, David; Everitt, Jean; Fenton, Roger; Lonsdale, Ray; McDermott, Elizabeth; Morris, Helen; Phillips, Rebecca; Spink, Sian, and Yeoman, Alison. (2003, June). Trends in use of electronic journals in higher education in the UK - views of academic staff and students. D-Lib Magazine, 9(6). Retrieved September 8, 2006 from http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june03/urquhart/06urquhart.html This item is freely available online at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june03/urquhart/06urquhart.html Sponsorship: JISC


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Tedd, L.A. (2006).Use of library and information science journals by Master?s students in their dissertations: experiences at the University of Wales Aberystwyth. Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 58(6), 570-581.


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Projeto de Ps-Graduao/Dissertao apresentado Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obteno do grau de Mestre em Cincias Farmacuticas