928 resultados para 020503 Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy


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Silicon is known to be a very good material for the realization of high-Q, low-volume photonic cavities, but at the same it is usually considered as a poor material for nonlinear optical functionalities like second-harmonic generation, because its second-order nonlinear susceptibility vanishes in the dipole approximation. In this work we demonstrate that nonlinear optical effects in silicon nanocavities can be strongly enhanced and even become macroscopically observable. We employ photonic crystal nanocavities in silicon membranes that are optimized simultaneously for high quality factor and efficient coupling to an incoming beam in the far field. Using a low-power, continuous-wave laser at telecommunication wavelengths as a pump beam, we demonstrate simultaneous generation of second- and third harmonics in the visible region, which can be observed with a simple camera. The results are in good agreement with a theoretical model that treats third-harmonic generation as a bulk effect in the cavity region, and second-harmonic generation as a surface effect arising from the vertical hole sidewalls. Optical bistability is also observed in the silicon nanocavities and its physical mechanisms (optical, due to two-photon generation of free carriers, as well as thermal) are investigated. © 2011 IEEE.


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We investigate the effects of nonlinear couplings and external magnetic field on the thermal entanglement in a two-spin-qutrit system by applying the concept of negativity. It is found that the nonlinear couplings favor the thermal entanglement creating. Only when the nonlinear couplings vertical bar K vertical bar are larger than a certain critical value does the entanglement exist. The dependence of the thermal entanglement in this system on the magnetic field and temperature is also presented. The critical magnetic field increases with the increasing nonlinear couplings constant vertical bar K vertical bar. And for a fixed nonlinear couplings constant, the critical temperature is independent of the magnetic field B. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this thesis, a magneto-optical trap setup is used to laser cool and confine a cloud of 85Rb. The cloud typically contains 108 atoms in a 1 mm3 volume at a temperature in the region of the Doppler Limit (146 _K for 85Rb). To study the cold cloud, a subwavelength optical fibre - a nanofibre, or ONF - is positioned inside the cloud. The ONF can be used in two ways. Firstly, it is an efficient fluorescence collection tool for the cold atoms. Loading times, lifetimes and temperatures can be measured by coupling the atomic fluorescence to the evanescent region of the ONF. Secondly, the ONF is used as a probe beam delivery tool using the evanescent field properties of the device, allowing one to perform spectroscopy on few numbers of near-surface atoms. With improvements in optical density of the cloud, this system is an ideal candidate in which to generate electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light. A theoretical study of the van der Waals and Casimir-Polder interactions between an atom and a dielectric surface is also presented in this work in order to understand their effects in the spectroscopy of near-surface atoms.


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An effective ellipsometric technique to determine parameters that characterize second-harmonic optical and magneto-optical effects in centrosymmetric media within the electric-dipole approximation is proposed and outlined in detail. The parameters, which are ratios of components of the nonlinear-surface-susceptibility tensors, are obtained from experimental data related to the state of polarization of the second-harmonic-generated radiation as a function of the angle between the plane of incidence and the polarization plane of the incident, linearly polarized, fundamental radiation. Experimental details of the technique are described. A corresponding theoretical model is given as an example for a single isotropic surface assuming polycrystalline samples. The surfaces of air-Au and air-Ni (in magnetized and demagnetized states) have been investigated ex situ in ambient air, and the results are presented. A nonlinear, least-squares-minimization fitting procedure between experimental data and theoretical formulas has been shown to yield realistic, unambiguous results for the ratios corresponding to each of the above materials. Independent methods for verifying the validity of the fitting parameters are also presented. The influence of temporal variations at the surfaces on the state of polarization (due to adsorption, contamination, or oxidation) is also illustrated for the demagnetized air-Ni surface. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America


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Dual-beam transient thermal lens studies were carried out in aqueous solutions of rhodamine 6G using 532 nm pulses from a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser. The analysis of the observed data showed that the thermal lens method can effectively be utilized to study the nonlinear absorption and aggregation which are taking place in a dye medium.


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Present thesis has discussed the design and synthesis of polymers suitable for nonlinear optics. Most of the molecules that were studied have shown good nonlinear optical activity. The second order nonlinear optical activity of the polymers was measured experimentally by Kurtz and Perry powder technique. The thesis comprises of eight chapters.The theory of NLO phenomenon and a review about the various nonlinear optical polymers has been discussed in chapter 1. The review has provided a survey of NLO active polymeric materials with a general introduction, which included the principles and the origin of nonlinear optics, and has given emphasis to polymeric materials for nonlinear optics, including guest-host systems, side chain polymers, main chain polymers, crosslinked polymers, chiral polymers etc.Chapter 2 has discussed the stability of the metal incorporated tetrapyrrole molecules, porphyrin, chlorin and bacteriochlorin.Chapter 3 has provided the NLO properties of certain organic molecules by computational tools. The chapter is divided into four parts. The first part has described the nonlinear optical properties of chromophore (D-n-A) and bichromophore (D-n-A-A-n-D) systems, which were separated by methylene spacer, by making use of DPT and semiempirical calculations.Chapter 4: A series of polyurethanes was prepared from cardanol, a renewable resource and a waste of the cashew industry by previously designed bifunctional and multifunctional polymers using quantum theoretical approach.Chapter 5: A series of chiral polyurethanes with main chain bis azo diol groups in the polymer backbone was designed and NLO activity was predicted by ZlNDO/ CV methods.In Chapter 7, polyurethanes were first designed by computational methods and the NLO properties were predicted by correction vector method. The designed bifunctional and multifunctional polyurethanes were synthesized by varying the chiral-achiral diol compositions


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From the early stages of the twentieth century, polyaniline (PANI), a well-known and extensively studied conducting polymer has captured the attention of scientific community owing to its interesting electrical and optical properties. Starting from its structural properties, to the currently pursued optical, electrical and electrochemical properties, extensive investigations on pure PANI and its composites are still much relevant to explore its potentialities to the maximum extent. The synthesis of highly crystalline PANI films with ordered structure and high electrical conductivity has not been pursued in depth yet. Recently, nanostructured PANI and the nanocomposites of PANI have attracted a great deal of research attention owing to the possibilities of applications in optical switching devices, optoelectronics and energy storage devices. The work presented in the thesis is centered around the realization of highly conducting and structurally ordered PANI and its composites for applications mainly in the areas of nonlinear optics and electrochemical energy storage. Out of the vast variety of application fields of PANI, these two areas are specifically selected for the present studies, because of the following observations. The non-linear optical properties and the energy storing properties of PANI depend quite sensitively on the extent of conjugation of the polymer structure, the type and concentration of the dopants added and the type and size of the nano particles selected for making the nanocomposites. The first phase of the work is devoted to the synthesis of highly ordered and conducting films of PANI doped with various dopants and the structural, morphological and electrical characterization followed by the synthesis of metal nanoparticles incorporated PANI samples and the detailed optical characterization in the linear and nonlinear regimes. The second phase of the work comprises the investigations on the prospects of PANI in realizing polymer based rechargeable lithium ion cells with the inherent structural flexibility of polymer systems and environmental safety and stability. Secondary battery systems have become an inevitable part of daily life. They can be found in most of the portable electronic gadgets and recently they have started powering automobiles, although the power generated is low. The efficient storage of electrical energy generated from solar cells is achieved by using suitable secondary battery systems. The development of rechargeable battery systems having excellent charge storage capacity, cyclability, environmental friendliness and flexibility has yet to be realized in practice. Rechargeable Li-ion cells employing cathode active materials like LiCoO2, LiMn2O4, LiFePO4 have got remarkable charge storage capacity with least charge leakage when not in use. However, material toxicity, chance of cell explosion and lack of effective cell recycling mechanism pose significant risk factors which are to be addressed seriously. These cells also lack flexibility in their design due to the structural characteristics of the electrode materials. Global research is directed towards identifying new class of electrode materials with less risk factors and better structural stability and flexibility. Polymer based electrode materials with inherent flexibility, stability and eco-friendliness can be a suitable choice. One of the prime drawbacks of polymer based cathode materials is the low electronic conductivity. Hence the real task with this class of materials is to get better electronic conductivity with good electrical storage capability. Electronic conductivity can be enhanced by using proper dopants. In the designing of rechargeable Li-ion cells with polymer based cathode active materials, the key issue is to identify the optimum lithiation of the polymer cathode which can ensure the highest electronic conductivity and specific charge capacity possible The development of conducting polymer based rechargeable Li-ion cells with high specific capacity and excellent cycling characteristics is a highly competitive area among research and development groups, worldwide. Polymer based rechargeable batteries are specifically attractive due to the environmentally benign nature and the possible constructional flexibility they offer. Among polymers having electrical transport properties suitable for rechargeable battery applications, polyaniline is the most favoured one due to its tunable electrical conducting properties and the availability of cost effective precursor materials for its synthesis. The performance of a battery depends significantly on the characteristics of its integral parts, the cathode, anode and the electrolyte, which in turn depend on the materials used. Many research groups are involved in developing new electrode and electrolyte materials to enhance the overall performance efficiency of the battery. Currently explored electrolytes for Li ion battery applications are in liquid or gel form, which makes well-defined sealing essential. The use of solid electrolytes eliminates the need for containment of liquid electrolytes, which will certainly simplify the cell design and improve the safety and durability. The other advantages of polymer electrolytes include dimensional stability, safety and the ability to prevent lithium dendrite formation. One of the ultimate aims of the present work is to realize all solid state, flexible and environment friendly Li-ion cells with high specific capacity and excellent cycling stability. Part of the present work is hence focused on identifying good polymer based solid electrolytes essential for realizing all solid state polymer based Li ion cells.The present work is an attempt to study the versatile roles of polyaniline in two different fields of technological applications like nonlinear optics and energy storage. Conducting form of doped PANI films with good extent of crystallinity have been realized using a level surface assisted casting method in addition to the generally employed technique of spin coating. Metal nanoparticles embedded PANI offers a rich source for nonlinear optical studies and hence gold and silver nanoparticles have been used for making the nanocomposites in bulk and thin film forms. These PANI nanocomposites are found to exhibit quite dominant third order optical non-linearity. The highlight of these studies is the observation of the interesting phenomenon of the switching between saturable absorption (SA) and reverse saturable absorption (RSA) in the films of Ag/PANI and Au/PANI nanocomposites, which offers prospects of applications in optical switching. The investigations on the energy storage prospects of PANI were carried out on Li enriched PANI which was used as the cathode active material for assembling rechargeable Li-ion cells. For Li enrichment or Li doping of PANI, n-Butyllithium (n-BuLi) in hexanes was used. The Li doping as well as the Li-ion cell assembling were carried out in an argon filled glove box. Coin cells were assembled with Li doped PANI with different doping concentrations, as the cathode, LiPF6 as the electrolyte and Li metal as the anode. These coin cells are found to show reasonably good specific capacity around 22mAh/g and excellent cycling stability and coulombic efficiency around 99%. To improve the specific capacity, composites of Li doped PANI with inorganic cathode active materials like LiFePO4 and LiMn2O4 were synthesized and coin cells were assembled as mentioned earlier to assess the electrochemical capability. The cells assembled using the composite cathodes are found to show significant enhancement in specific capacity to around 40mAh/g. One of the other interesting observations is the complete blocking of the adverse effects of Jahn-Teller distortion, when the composite cathode, PANI-LiMn2O4 is used for assembling the Li-ion cells. This distortion is generally observed, near room temperature, when LiMn2O4 is used as the cathode, which significantly reduces the cycling stability of the cells.


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This thesis reports on the experimental realization, characterization and application of a novel microresonator design. The so-called “bottle microresonator” sustains whispering-gallery modes in which light fields are confined near the surface of the micron-sized silica structure by continuous total internal reflection. While whispering-gallery mode resonators in general exhibit outstanding properties in terms of both temporal and spatial confinement of light fields, their monolithic design makes tuning of their resonance frequency difficult. This impedes their use, e.g., in cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) experiments, which investigate the interaction of single quantum mechanical emitters of predetermined resonance frequency with a cavity mode. In contrast, the highly prolate shape of the bottle microresonators gives rise to a customizable mode structure, enabling full tunability. The thesis is organized as follows: In chapter I, I give a brief overview of different types of optical microresonators. Important quantities, such as the quality factor Q and the mode volume V, which characterize the temporal and spatial confinement of the light field are introduced. In chapter II, a wave equation calculation of the modes of a bottle microresonator is presented. The intensity distribution of different bottle modes is derived and their mode volume is calculated. A brief description of light propagation in ultra-thin optical fibers, which are used to couple light into and out of bottle modes, is given as well. The chapter concludes with a presentation of the fabrication techniques of both structures. Chapter III presents experimental results on highly efficient, nearly lossless coupling of light into bottle modes as well as their spatial and spectral characterization. Ultra-high intrinsic quality factors exceeding 360 million as well as full tunability are demonstrated. In chapter IV, the bottle microresonator in add-drop configuration, i.e., with two ultra-thin fibers coupled to one bottle mode, is discussed. The highly efficient, nearly lossless coupling characteristics of each fiber combined with the resonator's high intrinsic quality factor, enable resonant power transfers between both fibers with efficiencies exceeding 90%. Moreover, the favorable ratio of absorption and the nonlinear refractive index of silica yields optical Kerr bistability at record low powers on the order of 50 µW. Combined with the add-drop configuration, this allows one to route optical signals between the outputs of both ultra-thin fibers, simply by varying the input power, thereby enabling applications in all-optical signal processing. Finally, in chapter V, I discuss the potential of the bottle microresonator for CQED experiments with single atoms. Its Q/V-ratio, which determines the ratio of the atom-cavity coupling rate to the dissipative rates of the subsystems, aligns with the values obtained for state-of-the-art CQED microresonators. In combination with its full tunability and the possibility of highly efficient light transfer to and from the bottle mode, this makes the bottle microresonator a unique tool for quantum optics applications.


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This paper will review the current understanding of the so called nonlinear Shannon limit, and will speculate on methods to approach the limit through new system configurations, and increase the limit using new optical fibres. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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We present the essential features of the dissipative parametric instability, in the universal complex Ginzburg- Landau equation. Dissipative parametric instability is excited through a parametric modulation of frequency dependent losses in a zig-zag fashion in the spectral domain. Such damping is introduced respectively for spectral components in the +ΔF and in the -ΔF region in alternating fashion, where F can represent wavenumber or temporal frequency depending on the applications. Such a spectral modulation can destabilize the homogeneous stationary solution of the system leading to growth of spectral sidebands and to the consequent pattern formation: both stable and unstable patterns in one- and in two-dimensional systems can be excited. The dissipative parametric instability provides an useful and interesting tool for the control of pattern formation in nonlinear optical systems with potentially interesting applications in technological applications, like the design of mode- locked lasers emitting pulse trains with tunable repetition rate; but it could also find realizations in nanophotonics circuits or in dissipative polaritonic Bose-Einstein condensates.


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Exclusion processes on a regular lattice are used to model many biological and physical systems at a discrete level. The average properties of an exclusion process may be described by a continuum model given by a partial differential equation. We combine a general class of contact interactions with an exclusion process. We determine that many different types of contact interactions at the agent-level always give rise to a nonlinear diffusion equation, with a vast variety of diffusion functions D(C). We find that these functions may be dependent on the chosen lattice and the defined neighborhood of the contact interactions. Mild to moderate contact interaction strength generally results in good agreement between discrete and continuum models, while strong interactions often show discrepancies between the two, particularly when D(C) takes on negative values. We present a measure to predict the goodness of fit between the discrete and continuous model, and thus the validity of the continuum description of a motile, contact-interacting population of agents. This work has implications for modeling cell motility and interpreting cell motility assays, giving the ability to incorporate biologically realistic cell-cell interactions and develop global measures of discrete microscopic data.


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Autonomous guidance of agricultural vehiclesis vital as mechanized farming production becomes more prevalent. It is crucial that tractor-trailers are guided with accuracy in both lateral and longitudinal directions, whilst being affected by large disturbance forces, or slips, owing to uncertain and undulating terrain. Successful research has been concentrated on trajectory control which can provide longitudinal and lateral accuracy if the vehicle moves without sliding, and the trailer is passive. In this paper, the problem of robust trajectory tracking along straight and circular paths of a tractor-steerable trailer is addressed. By utilizing a robust combination of backstepping and nonlinear PI control, a robust, nonlinear controller is proposed. For vehicles subjected to sliding, the proposed controller makes the lateral deviations and the orientation errors of the tractor and trailer converge to a neighborhood near the origin. Simulation results are presented to illustrate that the suggested controller ensures precise trajectory tracking in the presence of slip.


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Streamciphers are common cryptographic algorithms used to protect the confidentiality of frame-based communications like mobile phone conversations and Internet traffic. Streamciphers are ideal cryptographic algorithms to encrypt these types of traffic as they have the potential to encrypt them quickly and securely, and have low error propagation. The main objective of this thesis is to determine whether structural features of keystream generators affect the security provided by stream ciphers.These structural features pertain to the state-update and output functions used in keystream generators. Using linear sequences as keystream to encrypt messages is known to be insecure. Modern keystream generators use nonlinear sequences as keystream.The nonlinearity can be introduced through a keystream generator's state-update function, output function, or both. The first contribution of this thesis relates to nonlinear sequences produced by the well-known Trivium stream cipher. Trivium is one of the stream ciphers selected in a final portfolio resulting from a multi-year project in Europe called the ecrypt project. Trivium's structural simplicity makes it a popular cipher to cryptanalyse, but to date, there are no attacks in the public literature which are faster than exhaustive keysearch. Algebraic analyses are performed on the Trivium stream cipher, which uses a nonlinear state-update and linear output function to produce keystream. Two algebraic investigations are performed: an examination of the sliding property in the initialisation process and algebraic analyses of Trivium-like streamciphers using a combination of the algebraic techniques previously applied separately by Berbain et al. and Raddum. For certain iterations of Trivium's state-update function, we examine the sets of slid pairs, looking particularly to form chains of slid pairs. No chains exist for a small number of iterations.This has implications for the period of keystreams produced by Trivium. Secondly, using our combination of the methods of Berbain et al. and Raddum, we analysed Trivium-like ciphers and improved on previous on previous analysis with regards to forming systems of equations on these ciphers. Using these new systems of equations, we were able to successfully recover the initial state of Bivium-A.The attack complexity for Bivium-B and Trivium were, however, worse than exhaustive keysearch. We also show that the selection of stages which are used as input to the output function and the size of registers which are used in the construction of the system of equations affect the success of the attack. The second contribution of this thesis is the examination of state convergence. State convergence is an undesirable characteristic in keystream generators for stream ciphers, as it implies that the effective session key size of the stream cipher is smaller than the designers intended. We identify methods which can be used to detect state convergence. As a case study, theMixer streamcipher, which uses nonlinear state-update and output functions to produce keystream, is analysed. Mixer is found to suffer from state convergence as the state-update function used in its initialisation process is not one-to-one. A discussion of several other streamciphers which are known to suffer from state convergence is given. From our analysis of these stream ciphers, three mechanisms which can cause state convergence are identified.The effect state convergence can have on stream cipher cryptanalysis is examined. We show that state convergence can have a positive effect if the goal of the attacker is to recover the initial state of the keystream generator. The third contribution of this thesis is the examination of the distributions of bit patterns in the sequences produced by nonlinear filter generators (NLFGs) and linearly filtered nonlinear feedback shift registers. We show that the selection of stages used as input to a keystream generator's output function can affect the distribution of bit patterns in sequences produced by these keystreamgenerators, and that the effect differs for nonlinear filter generators and linearly filtered nonlinear feedback shift registers. In the case of NLFGs, the keystream sequences produced when the output functions take inputs from consecutive register stages are less uniform than sequences produced by NLFGs whose output functions take inputs from unevenly spaced register stages. The opposite is true for keystream sequences produced by linearly filtered nonlinear feedback shift registers.


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This paper addresses of the advanced computational technique of steel structures for both simulation capacities simultaneously; specifically, they are the higher-order element formulation with element load effect (geometric nonlinearities) as well as the refined plastic hinge method (material nonlinearities). This advanced computational technique can capture the real behaviour of a whole second-order inelastic structure, which in turn ensures the structural safety and adequacy of the structure. Therefore, the emphasis of this paper is to advocate that the advanced computational technique can replace the traditional empirical design approach. In the meantime, the practitioner should be educated how to make use of the advanced computational technique on the second-order inelastic design of a structure, as this approach is the future structural engineering design. It means the future engineer should understand the computational technique clearly; realize the behaviour of a structure with respect to the numerical analysis thoroughly; justify the numerical result correctly; especially the fool-proof ultimate finite element is yet to come, of which is competent in modelling behaviour, user-friendly in numerical modelling and versatile for all structural forms and various materials. Hence the high-quality engineer is required, who can confidently manipulate the advanced computational technique for the design of a complex structure but not vice versa.