985 resultados para (EC beta( )) decay


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The control of radioactive backgrounds will be key in the search for neutrinoless double beta decay at the SNO+ experiment. Several aspects of the SNO+ back- grounds have been studied. The SNO+ tellurium purification process may require ultra low background ethanol as a reagent. A low background assay technique for ethanol was developed and used to identify a source of ethanol with measured 238U and 232Th concentrations below 2.8 10^-13 g/g and 10^-14 g/g respectively. It was also determined that at least 99:997% of the ethanol can be removed from the purified tellurium using forced air ow in order to reduce 14C contamination. In addition, a quality-control technique using an oxygen sensor was studied to monitor 222Rn contamination due to air leaking into the SNO+ scintillator during transport. The expected sensitivity of the technique is 0.1mBq/L or better depending on the oxygen sensor used. Finally, the dependence of SNO+ neutrinoless double beta decay sensitivity on internal background levels was studied using Monte Carlo simulation. The half-life limit to neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te after 3 years of operation was found to be 4.8 1025 years under default conditions.


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The control of radioactive backgrounds will be key in the search for neutrinoless double beta decay at the SNO+ experiment. Several aspects of the SNO+ back- grounds have been studied. The SNO+ tellurium purification process may require ultra low background ethanol as a reagent. A low background assay technique for ethanol was developed and used to identify a source of ethanol with measured 238U and 232Th concentrations below 2.8 10^-13 g/g and 10^-14 g/g respectively. It was also determined that at least 99:997% of the ethanol can be removed from the purified tellurium using forced air ow in order to reduce 14C contamination. In addition, a quality-control technique using an oxygen sensor was studied to monitor 222Rn contamination due to air leaking into the SNO+ scintillator during transport. The expected sensitivity of the technique is 0.1mBq/L or better depending on the oxygen sensor used. Finally, the dependence of SNO+ neutrinoless double beta decay sensitivity on internal background levels was studied using Monte Carlo simulation. The half-life limit to neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te after 3 years of operation was found to be 4.8 1025 years under default conditions.


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The first spectroscopic study for the beta decay of N-21 is carried out based on beta-n, beta-gamma, and beta-n-gamma coincidence measurements. The neutron-rich N-21 nuclei are produced by the fragmentation of the E/A=68.8 MeV Mg-26 primary beam on a thick Be-9 target and are implanted into a thin plastic scintillator that also plays the role of beta detector. The time of flight of the emitted neutrons following the beta decay are measured by the surrounding neutron sphere and neutron wall arrays. In addition, four clover germanium detectors are used to detect the beta-delayed gamma rays. Thirteen new beta-delayed neutron groups are observed with a total branching ratio of 90.5 +/- 4.2%. The half-life for the beta decay of N-21 is determined to be 82.9 +/- 7.5 ms. The level scheme of O-21 is deduced up to about 9 MeV excitation energy. The experimental results for the beta decay of N-21 are compared to the shell-model calculations.


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The beta-delayed neutron and gamma spectra of neutron-rich nucleus N-21 using beta-gamma and beta-n coincidence measurements were presented in this paper. Thirteen new neutron groups ranging from 0.28 MeV to 4.98 MeV and with a total branching ratio 88.7 +/- 4.2% were observed. One gamma transition among the excited states of O-21 and foury transitions among the excited states of O-20 were identified in the beta decay chain of N-21. The ungated half-life of 83.8 +/- 2.1 ms was also determined for N-21.


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本论文在 166MeV 的束流能量下,利用重离子熔合蒸发反应 142 Nd(32 S, 1p3nγ )170 Re 布居了 170 Re 的高自旋激发态,用 12 套带 BGO反康普顿抑制的高 纯锗探测器阵列进行了在束 X-γ 和γ γ − 符合测量。在 210MeV 的束流能量下, 利用重离子熔合蒸发反应 146 Nd(35 Cl,5nγ )176 Ir 产生具有 β+ / EC 衰变性质的 核素 176 Ir, 由氦喷嘴快速带传输系统将反应产物送到低本底区,用一台小平面探 测器、一台轴对称型高纯锗探测器和一台 CLOVER 探测器进行了γ γ − 符合和 t γ − 单谱测量。基于这些测量结果,研究了 170 Re 的高自旋态和 176 Ir 的 β+ / EC 衰变性质。 本工作基于γ−γ符合关系及周围邻近核已知信息的综合分析,首次建立了包 括 16 个能级 26 条γ 跃迁的双奇核 170 Re 的转动带能级纲图,并利用推转壳模型、 粒子转子模型等对其进行了分析和讨论。根据实验提取出的准粒子顺排、 Routhian、旋称劈裂等结构信息和邻近双奇核带结构系统学知识的比较分析,指 出该带的两准粒子组态是 11/213/2 hi π ν ⊗ ,并且该带在低自旋出现旋称反转。 基于对 176 Ir 核 β+ / EC衰变实验数据的离线处理分析,对早先发表的 176 Ir 衰 变γ 跃迁进行确认的同时又发现了 4 个新能级和 13 条新的γ 射线,丰富了 176 Os 核的低位激发态能级纲图。根据典型γ 射线的衰变时间谱建议了 176 Ir核的一个长 寿命低自旋同核异能态,同时通过两准粒子耦合的半经验计算建议了其组态。


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwölf Q(beta)-Werte von beta-instabilen Pd, Ru, Rh und Tc-Isotopen gemessen. Der betrachtete Massenbereich A=110 bis A=117 liegt am Rande des bekannten Gebiets der Nuklidkarte und umfasst sehr neutronenreiche kurzlebige Isotope dieser Elemente, die sich durch geringe Spalthäufigkeit auszeichnen. Durch die geringen (Spalt-)Häufigkeiten dieser Nuklide liegen kaum Daten vor, teilweise auch nicht über die Niveauschemata. Es ist daher notwendig, eine protoneninduzierte Spaltungsreaktion zur Darstellung dieser Isotope zu verwenden und die Spaltprodukte innerhalb kürzester Zeit für die Messung nach Massen aufzutrennen, wie dies am IGISOL in Jyväskylä/Finnland geschieht. Die aufgebaute Apparatur zur beta,gamma,X-Koinzidenz erlaubt es, während ein und desselben Experiments neben der Messung der Q(beta)-Werte gleichzeitig gamma,X-Koinzidenzen auszuwerten, die die benötigten Grundinformationen für die Q(beta)-Bestimmung über die beta,gamma-Koinzidenzen liefern. Es können somit nicht nur Q(beta)-Werte von Nukliden mit bereits bekannten Niveauschemata ermittelt, sondern auch erfolgreich Nuklide mit unvollständigen Niveauschemata einer ersten Messung unterzogen werden. Umgekehrt können beta,gamma-Koinzidenzdaten weitere Informationen zum Aufbau neuer Niveauschemata liefern. Mit Hilfe der beschriebenen Koinzidenzmessung konnten zwölf Q(beta)-Werte von sehr neutronenreichen Pd- bis Tc-Isotopen gemessen und daraus die Kernmassen, Massenüberschüsse und Neutronen-Separationsenergien bestimmt werden. Von diesen wurden acht Werte erstmalig bestimmt, ein weiterer Wert konnte bestätigt sowie die Fehler von drei weiteren Werten um den Faktor Zehn verringert werden. Die gewonnenen Daten sind von Interesse für die Beurteilung von Kernmassenmodellen und gehen ebenso in Modellrechnungen der nuklearen Astrophysik ein.


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The beta-decay of free neutrons is a strongly over-determined process in the Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics and is described by a multitude of observables. Some of those observables are sensitive to physics beyond the SM. For example, the correlation coefficients of the involved particles belong to them. The spectrometer aSPECT was designed to measure precisely the shape of the proton energy spectrum and to extract from it the electron anti-neutrino angular correlation coefficient "a". A first test period (2005/ 2006) showed the “proof-of-principles”. The limiting influence of uncontrollable background conditions in the spectrometer made it impossible to extract a reliable value for the coefficient "a" (publication: Baessler et al., 2008, Europhys. Journ. A, 38, p.17-26). A second measurement cycle (2007/ 2008) aimed to under-run the relative accuracy of previous experiments (Stratowa et al. (1978), Byrne et al. (2002)) da/a =5%. I performed the analysis of the data taken there which is the emphasis of this doctoral thesis. A central point are background studies. The systematic impact of background on a was reduced to da/a(syst.)=0.61 %. The statistical accuracy of the analyzed measurements is da/a(stat.)=1.4 %. Besides, saturation effects of the detector electronics were investigated which were initially observed. These turned out not to be correctable on a sufficient level. An applicable idea how to avoid the saturation effects will be discussed in the last chapter.


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In the present talk, we will discuss a six dimensional mass generation for the neutrinos. The SM neutrinos live on a 3-brane and interact via a brane localised mass term with a Weyl singlet neutrino residing in all the six dimensions. We present the physical neutrino mass spectrum and show that the active neutrino mass and the KK masses have a logarithmic cut-off dependence at the tree level. This translates in to a renormalisation group running of n -masses above the KK compactification scale coming from classical effects without any SM particles in the spectrum.This could have effects in neutrinoless double beta decay experiments.


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The Daya Bay Reactor Antineutrino Experiment observed the disappearance of reactor $\bar{\nu}_e$ from six $2.9~GW_{th}$ reactor cores in Daya Bay, China. The Experiment consists of six functionally identical $\bar{\nu}_e$ detectors, which detect $\bar{\nu}_e$ by inverse beta decay using a total of about 120 metric tons of Gd-loaded liquid scintillator as the target volume. These $\bar{\nu}_e$ detectors were installed in three underground experimental halls, two near halls and one far hall, under the mountains near Daya Bay, with overburdens of 250 m.w.e, 265 m.w.e and 860 m.w.e. and flux-weighted baselines of 470 m, 576 m and 1648 m. A total of 90179 $\bar{\nu}_e$ candidates were observed in the six detectors over a period of 55 days, 57549 at the Daya Bay near site, 22169 at the Ling Ao near site and 10461 at the far site. By performing a rate-only analysis, the value of $sin^2 2\theta_{13}$ was determined to be $0.092 \pm 0.017$.


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